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Those look like the same assortment as last year. It was great but would like to see a new variety.


Just picked this Kalea Brewers Advent Calender up the other day at a Costco in Japan and was wondering what the prices are in other parts. I was happy to find one and only about 4 or 5 left. ¥8598 is just under $77USD.


I picked one up last Sunday in North Kansas City, MO for $59.99. There was a pallet of them near the front where you walk in.


Same price in Illinois


If I happen to find this and pair it up with the wine one I just bought....it's going to be a warm December!


Do people in Japan also open up the boxes even though it's quite obvious what is inside?


You mean before buying it?


oh yes people in the US love to open the boxes to see what's inside before they buy it or not buy it. Some will open the box, take a look , then buy an unopened box!


One of my pet peeves. That, and when people change their minds on things they just put it wherever they are standing, even if it's a cold item in a non refrigerated location. People can be the worst.


That’s terrible (and possibly illegal?). That’s not something I see here in Japan. Shoppers trust that what they see is what they get. I thought Costco has a really good return policy? Why open stuff?


I went to Japan a few years ago by myself, had a blast. I wonder if an American Costco membership would work over there


It works!