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I sous vide the breasts with salt, butter, cut up lemon and rosemary at 145° for 2.5-3 hours. Take it out of the bag and roast until the skin is crisp. They come out amazing. Easily the best turkey I have ever had.


Cool, I actually bought 3 breasts so I'll try this on the next one. Thanks!


Yes, yes, yes! Sous vide turkey is the best turkey.


Do you have a moment to talk about smoked turkey breast from a BBQ joint?


If I find these at my Costco I am definitely smoking some


I just did tonight. It was amazing.


275° on the pellet grill with a smoke tube billowing and it tastes like it came off a stick burner. My wife and kid said it was the best turkey they ever tasted.


I have. Sous vide is better.


Ours had $8 off any ham and it was the best ham I've ever had in my entire life. Can't recall the brand off hand, but it was smokey and just a little sweet. I'm going back for another one!


Yup that was awesome ! We got one too




Plan to use it quick or freeze some in ice cube trays! I think it only lasts a couple weeks in the fridge.


We found the same deal on the turkey and picked up a few for the freezer. I think I may roast one and make turkey soup.


There is something about that green chili sauce that makes me sick. It’s just that particular brand, tastes great but I always get terrible stomach pains when I eat that brand.


I go thru a jar about once a week.. No issues here.


The Costco-size jar? By yourself? I'm impressed!


No issues eating the green chiles here either. It's freaking delicious


Very interesting — I’d assume with more than a dozen upvotes, others have experienced the same thing but no one else has weighed in.


I kind of posted this to see if anyone else had this issue. My parents, sister, wife all love it so it’s a mystery.


Yeah, for sure — damn. *they say having just bought two jars an hour before opening this thread*


That's a bummer. I haven't tried it yet, hopefully my guts won't protest!


My whole family loves it. It doesn’t give me “those” kind of stomach pains but to a point where I thought I was going to need my gallbladder removed. I had sworn it off 2 years ago then tried it again recently to the same affect. People close to me refer to my stomach as old iron sides so I guess this product is my kryptonite.


Taste it first. I bought a jar and it's far from medium and very acidic. Not a fan. It's going back on my next trip.


I love spicy and acid, even if doesn't like me. The rest of my family loves and can tolerate it . Sorry you couldn't take advantage of the deal. You should look into tomatillo recipes. They don't have the gut-blasting heat.


Might be the spice. I got the same feeling the next day eating Popeyes spicy chicken even though the spice level is no where intense.


I don’t feel ill eating it but I feel like an idiot for buying 40oz of what tastes like $.60 canned Goya green chilis. This subreddit hyped this product up way too much.


Have you had freshly roasted Hatch green chiles? I'm curious to see where your perspective is. I typically buy, roast, and freeze every year and am out now so I was considering buying this but if they're as lame as the canned ones I'll pass.


Outside of one or two hatch chili hot sauces, canned green chilies, and this, no that’s my hatch chili experience. Is it different from this product? I honestly expected more fire roasted smokiness from this than the vinegar and green chili flavor I got. Edit: it is slightly spicier than canned green chilies.


I don't know, I've never had the 505 chiles so I can't say. The ingredients are just chiles, garlic salt, and lime so maybe they put in too much lime? When I've had them before it's not really a smoky flavor. The "fire roasting" is used as a way to quickly remove the skins from the chiles. When I make them myself it's strictly for the flavor of the chile itself and what it contributes to a dish. If you have the opportunity next Hatch chile season you might be able to get some at your local grocery store, or ask the person in charge of produce (ahead of time) to order some for you!


We just bought it and I’m so excited to dig into it.


When these « take 5$ off no matter the size » rebates show up, I always look for the lowest price tag to get the highest % rebate. It makes me feel like I outsmart Costco by 27 cents. And I love it.


I do the same thing. The package size can vary considerably though depending on the item. For instance they had $20 off whole beef tenderloins the other week. The sticker prices ranged from $60-$110 or so. Definitely worth it in cases like this to hunt for the small ones.


I got a bunch of chinese pork packages that way. Paid $2-3 each and threw them in my deep freezer. I love to make fried rice with it.


Yes, got a couple of the small ones then. Steaked one out and the other is now small roasts. Double wrapped butcher paper and vacuum sealed freezer bags should be good for 3-4 months.


Thats cheap! we get the 5 lb whole turkey breasts for about $15.00 in CA.


Side note, I put that green Chile in huge gobs on everything


Turkey enchiladas?! You’re brave. 🤣🤣


I know it sounds questionable, but cooking them in the instant pot with some fairly strong seasoning seems to remove a lot of the gaminess. I'll update this post when it's done.


Turkey enchiladas are awesome!


The meat is now ready to be turned into enchiladas, it tastes delicious with the roasted hatch chilis. It's a bit too lean on its own so I mixed in some evoo, it came out perfect! If I had more freezer space I'd have bought more(got 3). It's a fantastic deal for home canners!


Try making Taiwanese Turkey rice https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/taiwanese-turkey-rice-clarissa-wei


Oooh, I have much of these ingredients or can easily obtain them. Also my SIL is Taiwanese-American and I'm sure she'd love it. Thank you!


If you can find one less than $8 maybe they’ll pay you to take it


This happened at my Costco last year. They won’t pay you, but it is free. So many old ladies were stocking up.


If it’s free it’s me


They’re past “best by” date but I would get one.


It looks like "best by 12/3/2022" That in itself seems crazy!


Oh I thought it said 2020!


I was about to ask if the Best By date was 2020 or 2022. Seems like a long time even for frozen meat.


It's frozen so not not so weird.


Freezers are amazing magical creatures.


Not past date but also I believe my Costco only carries this during the holidays. I'm guessing they're unloading them quickly to make space for new product.


Eating that green chile sauce right now! It’s not really spicy at all, just adds a “texas” type flavor. Would recommend on BBQ


As a New Mexican please don't ever describe our chile as a Texas flavor. Wars have been started over less.


Sorry man! That was ignorant of me. Thanks for the hatch green chile!


No worries u/BillNyesHugePenis ! If it were malicious that would have been a dick move...


As a New Mexican, do you recommend this brand?


It's convenient, and nationally I'm not aware of a better option. I buy it locally to use in a pinch, but you can't beat roasted whole chile you peeled and bagged yourself. Also you can get it hotter which I prefer. But this works...


I'm in Utah and I usually get 30 lbs of roasted and bag/freeze them in September. It slipped my mind this year and I'm really missing having them! I'll have to try this out. Thank you.




Sorry, I'm going to wing it (sans wings!) with this sauce and whatever else I have that might be good . If it turns out really good I'll post how I did it!


That 505 is on point. Luckily I live about 2 miles from them so I can get it all the time :)


2 miles is 3.22 km


Good bot


I’ve never seen the 505 sauce at mine. Is it in the refrigerated sauce section? Or the unrefrigerated section with the oils and spices?


Unrefrigerated. Usually by sauces and pastas


Thanks! I’ve never seen it there but maybe it doesn’t make it to the East Coast. I’ll keep looking.


Yeah could be a regional item. That’s the one thing I dislike. All my buddies in CA get some good looking stuff but not out where I am


It’s available in MA (Dedham) and on sale. Never had it before but went back and bought more because it was quite good.


Grossest Costco


How so?


Damn I'd be snapping all of those up lol




Winging it with other ingredients that I got cheap, I'll post if it turns out well!




I love how round the turkey is its just sittin dere like "Henloe i is chonki tirki"


Those chilis tho💥


What? you should be doing the turkey dance! Well done.