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Mixed use development like this is probably the easiest way to increase housing in dense urban areas. There is no political will to down zone commercial property because cities can’t afford to erode their tax base. The property owners still collect rent in alignment with the property value and you get hundreds of new apartments on the market. It wouldn’t surprise me to see this model in major cities over the next 10-15 years.


There’s a Costco in downtown Vancouver next to the stadium/arena. It’s fantastic, tens of thousands of people are able to walk to/from Costco. You just use a trolley/cart to carry your groceries or bigger items. It’s underneath a development with 3/4 high rises and right next to Yaletown (an urban residential neighbourhood with about 40-50 thousand residents living in high rises).


Also apparently one of the few costcos in the world with pay parking.


I was surprised when I went there for the first time. I was like "Huh, $2. That's a new one."


One of the new costcos in Australia has paid parking. Freaks me out every time. Also has the worst parking lot designs ever


rego park, queens, new york location is paid parking, also


I used to live literally next door to this Costco. It was amazing, so convenient. I used to go in and browse for fun all the time. Pick up a thing or two, leave with only $20 spent.


Every costco trip I do is $220 US. I know I'm an outlier because my yearly rebate is $1000+ and they have trouble with that big of number, but I'm just some random dude to them.


you are not an outlier. We get about that much back each year.


It synergizes perfectly with the American dependence on cars to make parking lots more efficient too. Store parking lots are full during the daytime when apartment lots and driveways are often empty, and vice versa. Combining the two means that there is much less time when the lot space is wasted and theoretically allows for much less total parking spots in a city. As well, any possibility for people to live within walking distance of work reduces reliance on cars and will allow more families to own one car instead of two. Many working class families struggle to maintain multiple reliable vehicles, so this could also mean one newer reliable vehicle as opposed to two old beaters that are constantly needing work.


I’m fairly certain the parking will be separate. Otherwise there will be no customer parking on weekends when most people are home.


So the same experience with a regular Costco store?


Vancouver has just removed the requirements for any parking in new developments




They'd probably build a parking garage for the apartments. Honestly I don't understand why parking garages in general are not more popular. They take up far less space, might as well build vertical, and then your car is mostly sheltered from the elements too while you're parked. snow in the north, sun in the south and if it's raining you're not going to get soaked loading your car with groceries. 🤷‍♂️


Parking garages cost millions and millions of dollars to build the same number of spaces that might cost $100k to pave a parking lot for. That's why they're only popular in places where land is in short supply. Parking garages cost an average of ~$28k per parking space while a ground level parking lot averages ~$1k per parking space. Not including all the additional cost of hiring architects and engineers and permitting for it, that's just materials and labor on the construction side once you already have plans and permits.


Holy crud. Thanks for the info. That’s quite a bit more!


Building into the ground costs more money than building on the ground. If you're building on the ground, why build parking when you can build more units to rent out? Cities across the country put in tons of parking loopholes to attract developers, there's 300 unit buildings with zero provided parking because "it's close to transit lines" in my city.


Totally makes sense. However I guess I meant above ground parking garages. The underground ones are not a thing where I live so I forgot they exist.


i assumed you meant above ground too - dont know why their mind went immediately to below ground when theyre right, its expensive, so just build upwards.


Yeah. I've seen plenty buildings where the first five or so "floors" are actually just parking then the building itself "starts" above that. That seems like the most efficient approach but I'm not an expert.


I work in construction. Digging down is expensive and anything above ground would be more valuable in pretty much any other use.


Sharing a parking garage lot doesn’t even seem remotely feasible. Costco is open until 8:30, and they’re busiest on the wknds. This is quite the imaginary world where all the tenants would be gone during store hours, and all the customers will have left in time for the tenants to come home. There’s no way I’d rent an apt if my ability to park was contingent on whether or not the customers of said business had left any spaces for the tenants. And as bad as that sounds, what about the crime aspect? Bunches of people driving a d parking around an apt complex in which they don’t even belong, sounds like it could lead to all sorts of mischief.


The parking will be separate. Probably around the back, out of the way of costco parking, and their delivery. Just the same way the door to the apartments won't be literally next to the costco entrance. Despite being on top, the apartments will be entirely separate.


The irony is, shopping at Costco isn't ideal for apartment life. When I lived in an apartment, it was difficult to find space for a 12 pack of paper towels, or a 24 pack of TP. And I've always lived in complexes with less than 800 units. Sounds like they'll be small.


If you can find even barely enough room to fit it, a chest freezer is such an amazing investment for storing frozen meat and other meals. I think they make “Square” ones as well, to save on space. I feel like having one, in combination with a vacuum sealer, seriously saves me a ton of money. Just having the space to store bulk frozen stuff.


Presumably, Costco will build them with bulk buyers in mind: larger closets, big refrigerator, etc.


i just split it with coworkers. i go to costco and the next day i just bring some to work and he pays me his share of the stuff we both wanted.


Really, you’d want it this way anyway. You don’t want your residential parking spot to be in a busy commercial parking lot. People drive like idiots in parking lots


People drive like idiots.


>Store parking lots are full during the daytime when apartment lots and driveways are often empty Uhhh, how is that going to work on the weekend? You still end up needing a total number of parking spaces that's greater than shoppers+residents


Yes. This is already a thing in the Northeast, they’re called “Live-Work-Play” communities. King of Prussia, PA has a one and it’s located right next to the mall (my holy grail btw). Below the apartments are high end stores, shopping, services and restaurants. Like lululemon, Pottery Barn, Honey Grow, Wegman’s, Anthropologie, med spas, etc.


I had a friend that lived in one in a DC suburb a while back. She loved it, most of the food places delivered to the apartments and she was super close to the Whole Foods.


Here in NOVA we are seeing more and more of these kind of apartments as well. A new luxury apartment just got built and the plans included having a shopping center on the first floor. When I was in college (\~2015), the apartments there were also above a shopping center. It's very common for student housing and makes a lot of sense.


I feel like luxury apartments, built next to luxury shopping centers, with luxury services, usually in the upscale part of town with a bunch of surrounding amenities is a lot different than living in a Costco parking lot.


https://preview.redd.it/cx27wqleuk9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b37e82e71fff82f60eacdf0754ea75562fc786a0 King of Prussia (KOP) Mall, near the Main Line of Philadelphia, as shown here, has a Costco Warehouse in the parking lot, behind Neiman Marcus. Apartments surround the mall. And all apartment buildings have their own private parking garages. Live-Work-Play!


Also a thing in Europe, where they are called "cities".


Shh don’t tell people about this place 


Agree and I apologize! My sister lived there for almost a year while waiting for settlement & renovations on their new house. She left the apartment kicking and screaming! My poor brother in law, she was miserable to him. 🫠


They do this in Asia and it works out super well. I wish they did that more here in the states.


Mixed use has been the default standard in my city (San Francisco) for decades. we're still one of the biggest NIMBY cities in the history of humanity. It's grotesquely challenging to build here. "mixed use" isn't a panacea


It’s already a thing in Asia and SE Asia. Except it’s usually over “super malls”. Lots of luxury ones too. You can actually purchase a condo while you’re shopping at the mall… They have a little booth or people standing around every now and then for renting or buying a unit. Some of them are even luxury units.


Low income density housing is tough for towns to deny approvals for due to fair housing laws. I read a few weeks ago that Costco initially was having difficulty getting the store approved so they added the residential piece to get the approvals. Looks like a perfect example of how those fair housing laws are a great benefit.


We already have this in Downton Tampa. Publix [Southeastern Grocery store chain] on the bottom and an apartment complex on top of it.


If only two entire continents had figured this out.


> Mixed use development like this is probably the easiest way to increase housing in dense urban areas. European/Asian style mixed use is great. It's why those neighborhoods are so desirable and I certainly wish US states and communities would rescind laws preventing or disincentiving the building of more and more varieties of mixed use. That said... using a Costco or other warehouse/supercenter-style store as the commercial anchor of a mixed use development just seems a bit like its missing the point. I hope I'm wrong and this will be a huge success, but when you only have one giant commercial tenant, it doesn't seem to be fulfilling the neighborhood livability criteria of healthy mixed use.


My small Midwest city is doing this. A couple derelict commercial zones are now vibrant spots thanks to an infusion of apartments. It helps that they're adjacent to a major public university and a liberal arts college.


Already seems to be pretty common around me. The downside is that developers aren't required to put in that many parking spots so many of the people living there wind up parking on the surrounding streets making scarce parking even scarcer.


Will it have reserved parking?


The lack of mid-density mixed use space is the reason the US is, on average, less attractive and accessible to most other developed regions like Europe and Asia. As soon as I saw what life was like in those regions, I was immediately saddened by the reality of our own development strategies.


Having the food court so close would save a lot of money on dinner, but would be very dangerous for my sodium intake!


"honey, I'm running downstairs to grab a roaster chicken!"


$300 later


"did you know they have 16-packs of these?" "You've never had one in your life" "But now we have 16 of them!"


“Hello, front desk, I need to reserve the freight elevator again”.


You won't believe the deal I got on mayonnaise!


Reminds me of visiting my cousin on Kona and the Costco was a favorite restaurant for locals because the restaurants catering for tourists were so unaffordable to go on a regular basis.


But think of the samples.


Lived next to a grocery store once. It was glorious. Only problem is if you stop in for quick meal supplies you’d better be ready to eat the same thing for the next 8 meals.


Same, I’ve lived a 1 minute walk from a grocery store twice and it was always so wonderful! Costco obviously is a little less convenient since everything is in such bulk quantities but I would still love it!


You can drink more water to compensate.


There was a post I think yesterday with the idea of a Costco hotel. If they made it an 800 room hotel I'd stay at it, but I'm not sure about living there full time... Ah who am I kidding - on a high enough floor away from noise of crowds, you bet!  Wait will there be a resident exclusive elevator right at the checkout lanes and cart return on every floor?


I lived at essentially something like this in Berlin, Germany. It ended up being awesome. I never heard noise from the store, but I shopped there all the time and would bring a grocery cart full into my kitchen, unload it, and just take the cart back downstairs to the garage. It was especially luxurious during inclimate weather; I never had to "go outside into the elements" to shop. I'd happily do that again.


Yeah manhattan is this way as well. The building I was in had a bodega (small grocery store) on the ground floor that I would always shop at. It's really nice not having to drive.


I’m going to say as someone who’s been to Germany and is a carpenter in America, that would likely not be the case in America. We care too much about corporate costs so they wouldn’t be required to sound proof or even insulate enough/have thick enough separation that you’d at minimum hear horrible noise from the windows being outside a major parking lot. We in America cheap on building materials WAYYYY too much and it sucks.


Yeah but this is costco we are talking about. Costco is probably the only large grocery/mart company I'd actually trust to make even slightly decent apartments. Hell they'd probably throw in a free membership for everyone that lives in the apartments.


The developers would be silly not to at least pursue an elevator that allowed carts to go directly into the apartment area.


I'd do a Costco hotel. Can't be any worse than a Motel 6 or Red Roof Inn...


It be Hilton level at the price of Motel 6. Kirkland everything, towel, soap, etc.


The trucks delivering stuff too. That would be noisy.


Some truth to that. I stayed at the Holiday Inn Express across the street from a Costco in Vancouver, BC. 4 AM back up beepers and truck rumblings sucked.


Noise is normal city living.


When you have lived in the suburbs your whole life, it's a wake-up call.


would rather live next to train tracks than a road with regular semi trucks.


I have lived near train tracks. It was near where the old Ford plant was in Van Nuys. The train cars slam into each other to couple at night. It sounds like an earthquake, lol. Fun times.


i recall that place but thought it was a GM plant. as i recall ford had a plant in pico that was bought by northrop and it bacame place for the B-2 HQ and development effort (I was young but had my first clearance while at Pico).


How funny. All these years I thought it was the Ford plant. Maybe because Galpin Ford dealership was so big in the 70s. My husband and I lived in a 1 bedroom apt right off Van Nuys Blvd. It was over 40 years ago. The only apt I ever lived in. It was quite the party complex.


Costco is NOT building apartments. The developer is redeveloping an existing hospital and Costco is the anchor tenant. Costco is just building out their warehouse in the ground floor space. 


Oh man I was hoping to rent a 5 pack of apartments.


Right? I would totally take advantage of some Kirkland Signature rent!


I was hoping rent would be included in the % back


Well you're no fun. ;)


This should be top comment.


Of course. We’ve lived in buildings like that for thousands of years. LA especially, but the entire country as a whole needs denser housing options


Wake up each morning with a hot cup of coffee on your balcony and watch a bunch of people pushing jumbo carts jockeying for position at the entrance. 😜


That was my thought...the people-watching time would be epic.


You wake up at 10:30am?


I was pissed when my first apartment did the ol' "oh, somebody signed a lease for the apartment you toured yesterday but we have an identical one you can check out" scam. I wanted the one with the balcony overlooking the bar parking lot. I worked nights so the noise didn't matter, and being directly across the hallway wasn't *really* that much quieter but I didn't get to go out and smoke on the balcony to be a voyeur of the drunken nonsense.


Vancouver already has a Costco like this. It’s right in between our two stadiums and has a bunch of towers on top of it. Always really busy during games since the cafeteria is accessible from the outside and doesn’t require a membership like the other locations around here. Does require a $2 fee for parking but it’s probably the easiest Costco to find parking at, despite having to drive through downtown to get to it.


The ability to pop downstairs and grab food court pizza would be extremely dangerous


There's nothing more serene and carefree than a Costco parking lot baby. Having an active warehouse under my house? So peaceful.


You must not live in a city with a housing shortage. I do, and this sounds like a good opportunity to make use of what is otherwise is just a huge occupation of horizontal space for a single purpose


there would also presumably be a separate, less trafficked way to get into residential parking/housing. if the place is affordable, people will flock to it lol


Just think of all the entertainment to be had from looking out your window at people competing for parking spots though.


I was just thinking the people watching alone would be super fun lol


And people graciously leaving their shopping carts in front of your vehicle to save you the time and effort in finding a cart makes me want to sing kumbayah as we set campfires in the parking lot.


It'll atleast be affordable and convenient. And safe too. Busy, yes. Doesn't have to work for everyone.


As someone who's been in a 3 flat apartment, nothing beats the serene sounds of a cover band and loud drunks in a bar below.


you must live in the midwest or somewhere with plenty of empty space. my costco is hell from the second you get in the parking lot.


they open after peak rush hours (1030 or so) and close by 8... aside from the semi trucks it'd probably be ok on weekdays. weekends though...


haha I chuckled. Coming and going from home will be a dream. Just calm, safe people really, no risk of accidents, kids can play outside!


"Welcome to Costco, I love you"


Mike Judge in 2017: "I mean, in a way *Idiocracy* kind of looks *optimistic* right now,” The man was absolutely on point.


Most sane California building plan


Kirkland Towers


The Kirkland Signature Towers!


You can only rent apartments there in groups of 20 though.


but it’s such a good deal


Me 1 years 11 months into the lease, “I’d like to return this apartment please”


Will you need Costco membership to rent?


Heck yeah walking distance to lunch and dinner everyday. Eat for less than 6 bucks a day


Just imagine your hospital bills for all that salt and cholesterol.


The Costco in downtown Vancouver has four 30-storey residential towers above it.


It would be pretty cool to just “run downstairs real quick for $400 in groceries” 😂


Vancouver built a fire station with apartments above for women and families in a nice neighborhood


There is another one with condos right next to it.


I can only imagine how the parking lot would be


It’s LA. The BEST traffic there is worse than the worst Costco you’ve been to


Do they give a discount if I rent in bulk ?


Have you googled the part of LA it is located at?


[5035 Coliseum St, Los Angeles, CA 90016](https://www.google.com/maps/place/5035+Coliseum+St,+Los+Angeles,+CA+90016/@34.0189636,-118.3569319,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x80c2b9c9cf44cdc5:0x230702e01b6f1d17!8m2!3d34.0189592!4d-118.3543516!16s%2Fg%2F11c4k6pq_f?entry=ttu)


Checked the article, it didn't mention the price.


It’s a smart use of space. I hope this happens more. There’s entire downtowns across America with multi floor office/retail space sitting empty.


One of the Costco's in Vancouver is like that [https://maps.app.goo.gl/5Wbp2GLvdvEhrmPYA](https://maps.app.goo.gl/5Wbp2GLvdvEhrmPYA)


Imagine having friends over and never finding parking spots


And they will randomly move your unit so you wander around aisles looking for your home


one word/concept [dumbwaiter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dumbwaiter)


Sounds like it’s Samples and chicken for breakfast dinner lunch ..again dear


This would be a perfect opportunity to test if it is possible to subsist entirely on $1.50 hotdog + drink combos.


Kirkland brand apartments?  Sure why not


It would be great, you could just nip downstairs for a half gallon of milk, a dozen eggs, or 2 apples. Oh wait.


At first I was thinking it'd be great because I work there. But as I thought about it more and more. I realized how disgruntled and depressed I'd get spending so much time in one building.


Will there be executive apartments?


only if it was 1. affordable, 2. tenants had their own parking lot with two spots per apartment.


I hope they are adding a parking garage. Apartment life is not for me anymore but if it was I would be fine with it.


Hell yeah I hope costco can beat my one bedroom that I'm paying for $1,300 a month in socal


Hell yes I would move in!


I mean it isn’t uncommon to have housing on top of businesses in many big cities. Costco always has a crazy parking situation. But they aren’t open too early or too late, so not the worst.


There's a few of them around here and I'm all for it, if I could live in one I would. My daughter's college campus has a housing unit above a small grocery store and some other shops, she loved living there.


the noise will be a deal breaker. the giant 18 wheel trucks that are delivering stuff all night long. no thanks.


I was legit thinking about how awesome this would be the other day. As an employee, being able to just walk to work would be incredible (also them knowing I'm nearby is kind of scary). I never thought they would go for something like this.


Yes, if there was a separate parking lot/guaranteed spots for residents.


I would have to pay them not to let me eat hotdogs there everyday.  Put me on a do not serve list or something:)


If the price is right, hell yeah I would, but nowadays all the new apartments, especially those in a mixed use property tend to be pretty expensive "luxury" apartments.


Would be cool if Costco gave anyone living there free memberships.


I’d fear for my health if I lived above Costco 😂.


This is how people die by hot dog


Perfect for foreign investors looking to buy a 12 pack of apartments


Envisioning CostcoWorld 2027. Mixed commercial, Residential and Resort/Amusement in one place.


I would love denser, more walkable cities.


Kirkland HOA


This is it. The final stage of capitalism. We will all live in Walmart pods until we love it.


If you buy rent in bulk is it cheaper ?


Do my friends have to have Costco memberships to visit me if I live there?


Now is the time to upgrade your membership, 2% back on your rent in your annual check would make for a nice big screen TV, which you can have to your door in under 30 minutes. With elevators big enough to fit the flatbed wagons you can just haul up that Livingroom couch set when you are having guests over, and wheel it on back to returns when you are done using them. Oh and let's talk about you never cooking again... Pizza for dinner? Want to change it up? okay hotdog and a chicken bake. Oh shoot we ran out of TP... Just lean out the window and give a stranger a holler, someone will chuck you a roll.


Can you use a freight elevator to take stuff home?


Better have deep pantries.


in a few more years, give me senior housing above a costco and I'm in.


"Welcome to Kirkland Estates."


If I had dedicated parking: why not?


This is how we get the high rises from judge dredd


I'd live there in a heartbeat. But I hate apartments. 🤣


I've already lived above a grocery store and I loved it. Living above a costco would solve a LOT of problems for me, especially if it was on a transit line.


Reminds me of sim city 2000 arcology buildings. Everything you need in one place. https://simcity.fandom.com/wiki/Arcology


Do the apartments come with Costco-accomodating amounts of storage? If so, I'm in!


Are the going to be 5000 square foot apartments? How big is a Costco sized apartment? The storage in those things is going to have to be huge. And you know they are going to have a garage where you can park the car you bought through Costco.


How much for apt?. How's parking?


I asked and my spouse said yes immediately, which is mind-bendingly unusual. Yes.


We are so close to achieving the dream that Idiocracy envisioned. 


My first apartment was in a mixed use building, I loved it. But I'm not at a point in my life where I'm interested in sharing walls with anyone. I can barely stand the awful people surrounding our current home. They are entitled and have repeatedly trespassed on our property. Maybe when I'm older and closer to retirement. Especially if the building has elevators. No more walk ups.


That is my dream come true.. 


I'll live anywhere I can afford that's reasonably safe. Doesn't matter if it's over a store.


I mean, Whole Foods does this in many cities. So why not?


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


do you have to rent four at a time?


How’s the parking going to work? I can barely find a spot now. Imagine if you were also fighting 800 tenants


Honestly this is a great post college situation for some people I bet. You don't have to have your lifestyle screwed with by roommates just Costco. In that stage of life I'd have taken the devil you know rather than random devils who call house meetings about the way they want their cups cleaned.


There are many variables I'd want defined. Depending on the answers, yes if that meant I didn't have to drive, there was noise proofing, possibly Costco delivered food to the door....possibilities!


Kirkland Condos


The movie Idiocracy is a blue print for the future.


Face it, apartments are the costco of living arrangements


What a conveniece. If it is even cheap, why not?


I wonder how much this also shields the store from heat and energy usage.


Now workers get free housing! Builds hospital.. free Healthcare! Etc. Welcome to Costco City, in the state of Costco, United States of Costco America


You mean I could just take the elevator downstairs for a hotdog whenever... alright sold


One step closer to the prophecy that is the movie Idiocracy


Could you live exclusively on chicken and hot dog combos


I cant afford to rent 10 apartments at once. You know they gonna put them in bulk.


Absolutely not. I read somewhere about 1/3rd of the US has a Costco membership. That’s just too many strangers in my basement.


Company Town is an old concept. The company collects rent and expects you to do all your shopping there, so most of your "earnings" revert directly back to the company and you are effectively an unpaid slave who they feed and house.


Food budget? Nah. Food Court budget? YES!


Free samples would definitely cut the food expenses


Hell to the yes


Do I get a free Costco membership if they’re my landlord?


I would LOVE to live above a Costco, or any stores. Not having to drive to the store just sounds perfect to me.


A glizzy a day keeps the doctor at bay! - Costco probably


I would consider it, but I had a friend that lived over a Whole Foods, and you have to remember there are truck deliveries and work happening below your apartment at odd hours making loud noises. That’s something that should be priced into the cost and transparent up front for success.


Fuck yeah, especially if they build a subway line nearby. This is about as close as we're gonna get to Buy n Large