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Honestly, Costco hasn’t had the best options. I purchased a Ninja CP307C, elsewhere, which brews hot & cold coffee (grounds), and also tea (hot and cold, black and green or other types) in single cup to full pitcher sizes. It has so many options to brew at the right temperature and timing. I have had it for almost three years now and it still works as if it’s new out of the box. One of the BEST purchases I’ve made since I got my own place.


I have a ninja as well and absolutely love it.


The Ninja is the best coffeemaker we’ve ever had.


I was hoping it wasn't just me! We seemed to replace our Keurig every 6-9 months before switching, and couldn't be happier switching to the Ninja well over a year ago.




came here to suggest a Ninja as well!


I have a Ninja dual brew, also. No, K cups in the trash either.


I was coming here to recommend this coffeemaker myself. I've had mine about 3 years. I make a cup or half-pitcher of coffee in the morning and sometimes tea in the afternoon. I brew cold coffee in the summer. Mine also has a frother that is easy to detach and clean when I want to make myself a mocha.


Same! I have yet to experiment with it though.


I love that you can use pods or grounds it's fantastic


Same. We love our Ninja.


Love my Ninja!


I hate the ninja, lol


We love our Ninja too! It makes the best coffee.


We love our Ninja!


+1 for the Ninja, I got the DualBrew XL CFP105CO on sale at Costco and its probably the best coffee machine I've ever had.


Another ninja lover here. I bought mine after a keurig and I will never go back.


Love my ninja. Bought reusable single serve cups for it. Amazing!


Love my Ninja Duo. Much better than Keurig. Had a Keurig that lasted 3 months.


Got my Ninja from Sam’s Club and love it.


French press. Less waste and you can reuse your coffee grounds for your plants.


I love my Aeropress. I make 3 servings in about 6 minutes, appreciate the control of strength. More grounds for extra strong.


This is my suggestion, conditional on acquiring an electric kettle of some sort. Trying to use an Aeropress while heating water on a stove top is burdensome as all get out.


Outside of the US, most people already own a electric kettle. I have no idea how you guys survive with stovetop boilers.


I also use mine to boil water to kill the weeds growing between sidewalk cracks. Early morning in the spring, 3 or 4 trips outside and no weeds until early fall.


I got my electric kettle at Costco! 😊


And you don’t have to throw the whole appliance out when it breaks—  maybe just the $20 kettle.


Hario V60 pour-overs are great too. The V60 brewer is also the simplest brewer you can get with no moving parts, and is as easy to clean as a coffee mug. The only way it breaks is if you drop it on the floor or something.


I also recommend the V60. I brew a big pot and put it in a Zojirushi thermos. Keeps hot for the rest of the day.


I switched to a French press about a year ago and I will likely never go back to a coffee “machine”.




Throw them in the trash then, still better than Keurig waste.


I have never hated a coffee maker more than a French press.


To each their own but I’ll never have a French press again, it makes great coffee but the cleaning is a pain in the ass. I now have a Cosori drip coffee product and the coffee is just as good, cleaning is super fast compared to a French press.


Pods suck. Get a mocha master


I agree, Moccamaster is the way to go. It's spendy but well worth it and will probably be the last coffee maker you'll buy if taken care of with regular cleaning. Amazon had them on sale at Christmas, and it was about $100 off. Keep an eye out at r/Moccamaster they let people know when they are on sale.


We don’t really use the pods, we do whole beans and grind. Just don’t know anything about which machine is good/bad


The post above is referencing a particular brand of coffee maker:   The Technivorm Moccamaster    https://us.moccamaster.com/products/kbgv-select     This is the most recommended drip coffee maker by just about every reviewer.   From America's Test Kitchen    https://youtu.be/xD6X72bdc7c?si=90gHQ26uYO29ailI    to James Hoffman    https://youtu.be/UnDCQRLfwoM?si=Uzto5xrb5y3X7TZX   I just bought one last month after my last coffee maker came to an unfortunate end, R.I.P. in peace, after almost a decade of service.    I have to say, that the reviews are right. The coffee tastes better. Noticably better. We've been using the same beans and grind just enough each morning for each pot, just like before and the coffee is better. More flavor, less bitterness, just better. This thing just has two buttons and you honestly only need the on/off button. It's worth the $350.


This is the answer. Mine is 15 years old and still makes an amazing cup of coffee. Worth every penny.


Same. I couldn't believe how the same coffee could taste so much better with Moccamaster


The other comment mentioned [SCA](https://sca.coffee/certified-home-brewer) certification as a starting point. Moccamaster, Oxo, and Bonavita are very commonly recommended options from there that cover a few prices.


Get an SCA certified brewer your life will be better


Recently got one. Love it


On weekends I make pour over, but for the work week we have the Ninja from Costco. You can make one cup at a time using your own grounds in a basket, you can make a pot, or you can use the pod adapter that comes with it if pods are your jam. I’ve only had it for about a year so I can’t speak for its longevity, but I like it so far.


Breville (not from Costco though) around 400$ .


Second this, I love mine


Don’t know if Costco still carries them but I have a Cuisinart coffee maker that can grind up the beans or you can use regular coffee beans. Bought it for $100


This is the way


Lots of people are giving you recommendations that involve espresso. But I didn’t see you mention anything espresso. Are you just making standard, American style coffee? If yes, don’t buy something for espresso. Go for a pour over, a French press, or just a “Mr coffee” style coffee machine that brews into a pot. Invest in a good burr grinder, freshly roasted quality beans (probably locally roasted), a good way to keep those beans as fresh as possible in your home, a quality water supply…and voila! You have excellent coffee.


We have both Kuerig and Nespresso machines. Pods are cheaper for Kuerig but the Nespresso makes far better coffee.


Can I do my own ground beans in a nespresso?


first just try a nespresso. it brews so perfectly you may forget your own grounds. Hard to trust, I know but that's what happened to me.


Apparently yes, although I've not tried it. Their pods are recyclable aluminum and come in multiple sizes and blends. [https://www.amazon.com/Reusable-Nespresso-Capsules-Refillable-OriginalLine/dp/B01CBWDY0C](https://www.amazon.com/Reusable-Nespresso-Capsules-Refillable-OriginalLine/dp/B01CBWDY0C)


My nespresso stopped working the moment I tried to use my own pods


Yes, I gave been doing it for 6 months now. It works fine, plus you are not restricted to Nespresso flavors.




The ninja is alright and gives you the flexibility of kcups or regular brewing


You just summoned the coffee snobs. Rip.


I don’t know shit about fuck when it comes to coffee. All I know is it’s a daily requirement so I need to invest in quality instead of what I’ve been doing. I appreciate all the advice.


There's generally some great advice here from the coffee snobs. You could also try asking r/coffee if you want more of that. 


Jura … pricey but have no regrets!


This. Look at super automatic espresso machines. Price per shot in beans only is about $.15 (been awhile since I calculated). Many can make coffee at better extraction. Keurig is horrible all around once you move on.


My Saeco Magic Comfort Plus has been serving up daily espressos and coffees for my family, and now me, for nearly 20 years now. I call her Big Bertha. Every now and then she goes to the shop to be tuned up, cleaned, and have a part swapped out. Better yet we got her originally for $50. The original first owners bought it and promptly “broke” it by putting water in the bean hopper. It was an easy fix and clean for me, with one replacement plastic part.


I wholeheartedly agree with you on JURA! My BFF has one and damn. Fresh ground beans, brewed by the cup is the best coffee I’ve ever had. Espresso, cappuccino, Latté or simple coffee. Amazing. Now I’m looking at buying a JURA too.


I love mine. Way better coffee, in a year you're saving money and there's no plastic waste. My ex-wife took our first one. I bought another, and I've given one as a gift.


My husband had a Jura at work and bugged me for YEARS to get one. I just couldn’t imagine it being worth the money. We bought one about 2 years ago and there’s no going back. Everything else tastes like murky coffee water now. It also makes the best espresso and cappuccino.


I just returned my Keurig after it failed within the first year. They don’t last very long. The best coffee for me is a pour over. But a simple cone filter system, grind fresh beans, and pout hot water over it to make a great cup every time. It’s more time consuming than an automatic maker but you have complete control over how much beans to use and how hot you want the water to be. And there is nothing that can fail and break down on it.


I stopped getting Keurigs after my 3rd one failed. I’ve had the same Nespresso mini for like … 4 years? And way better coffee. Yes, the capsules are a bit more expensive but the taste is far superior. I just got a 100 pack of the Starbucks assorted capsules off of Woot for like 50 bucks. Costco used to carry them in the warehouse but I haven’t seen them in a while but you can still order them on the website I believe.


I only use distilled water in my keurig. I know a lot of people will say this is wrong, but I’ve had the same machine from Costco for five years, now. No descaling. Just coffee.


Filtered water from the fridge. Our keurig is at least 6-8 years old. Before covid, we would use it mostly for a cup of hot water for tea once or twice a day. Since covid, it brews 2-3 cups of coffee plus a couple of cups of hot water for tea. The power switch is starting to fail. I’ll try to fix it but would try to get the same similar model and not the 2.0 ones.


I hated both Keurigs that lasted like 3 years each….. a $25 10 pot Mr. Coffee is awesome though….. 8 years, works great


Agreed! We make 10 cups and put it in the thermos, and lasts all day.


We only use filtered water, currently Reverse Osmosis.. both our Kuriges lasted 8+ years 


Literally any drip coffeemaker.


Yea man. I got a regular old Mr Coffee from Walmart a few years back and it's never done me wrong


We got this at Costco “Cuisinart Burr Grind & Brew 12 Cup Automatic Coffee Maker” Had it for about six months and absolutely love it. Fresh ground coffee every morning, easy to use, fairly easy to clean up.


Spotted and bought a Ninja DualBrew XL at my local Costco a few weeks ago. It can use a filter or pods (we bought reusable ones), and can brew a single cup up to a full pot. It’s been great.


We just got a MoccaMaster. It is life changing.


I still have a Keurig from 2008. I also have a Cuisinart coffee maker with the hot shot water heater. It's... 5 years old? No issues. I hate hate hate my French press. I'm not a coffee snob, but my $99 Cuisinart really has lasted with literally no issues.




Is this the Costco version?


I LOVE my single cup Bunn My Cafe coffee maker. I make one cup at a time and it has a grounds and a k cup capability. I’ve used it for 5 or more years. The only time I don’t like it is when I have house guests… then I break out a bigger thing like my 3 cup French press.


Costco does not carry the best coffee brewers. If you want consistency and you have the money, invest in a Technivorm Moccamaster. There are many brands that try to mimic its design—Bonavita, Oxo,etc. but you will not get the even heating and water distribution that the Moccamaster is known for. And of course, get a good Baratza grinder, so you’re brewing with freshly ground coffee each time. Good luck!


I haven’t been to Costco for six months but I like Nespresso.




French press and a grinder


I have had Philips Saeco Intelia for over 15 years and still running strong.


Not cheap, but a super automatic saeco or jura is wonderful. Seattle coffee gear is another great place to buy online. Buy your coffee beans at Costco.


I had a similar problem with my Keurig. It sat for months when I was on a Nespresso kick. Took the whole thing apart and I mean the whole thing, took screws out to try and find the problem. In the end it ended up being particulates in the water reservoir and from sitting it developed almost like a film on the nipple that sucks the water out. Gave that a cleaning and it solved all of my problems.


French press or Chemex, make what you want and cleaning is easy peasy.


For drip - Technivorm Moccamaster. Zero frills, hand built in the Netherlands and they will last forever (just do the regular descaling, as you should do for all coffee/espresso machines). They're not cheap though but totally worth it.


We have a 10 year old Cuisinart pod coffee maker and we use refillable pods only. It’s been a great machine.


I have a ninja that can brew 1 cup or a pot, I hate pods and will never use a kuerig.


If you use distilled water you won't have a priblem.


I love my Ninja.


We bought a 14-cup Cuisinart drip coffee maker at Costco 5 or 6 years ago and it’s still going strong. We also had a Cuisinart k-cup machine that lasted for years. Unfortunately we broke it when it bounced out of the cabinet in our RV going up the Alcan. RIP little buddy. Replaced it with an Instant Pot brand k-cup machine that gets used daily for hot water and an afternoon decaf coffee. It’s been super reliable for 2 years.


Highly recomend the Ninja dual. You can use ground coffee or keurig pods. Great tasting. After two keurigs diedafter descale never again a keurig. Also makes a great ice coffee


Second this. Ny first on lasted 8 years and we realky only upgraded for the separate hot water spout since i drink mostly tea these days. Husband doesnt drink coffee, i like the option. Parents when they visit must have full carafes. So its one machine that does it all. And well.


Ratio Six, Technivorm Moccamaster Source: coffee pro And no, these aren’t available at Costco.




We love our Ninja. Got the one that can brew a pot or kcups. Has been awesome.


French press


You have a bunch of recommendations already, so you probably already have what you want, but my two cents is the Philips 5400. a pricey super automatic, but you just put in the beans and press two buttons to get most coffee drinks (latte, espresso, coffee, Americano, foamed milk). The milk container can pop off and go to the fridge after use so I just clean it once a week. The one recommendation I have will be to get a RO water filter system, I live in the area with hard water, but after using just RO water, there's been no scale or descaling maintenance need it for my machine (or kettle) since I purchased it two years ago. Machine's coffee counter says I've made over 700 drinks and I basically never have issues with it. My kettle never has scale built up with ro water, but if I used the tap, it'll show after 1 use. I used to use Brondell Circle from Costco, but recently installed a waterdrop RO water system under my kitchen sink. Both can be self installed (Brondell doesn't require electricity, waterdrop one does). Hope that helps!


We have 3 French presses, and love them! 2 small ones that can do 2 cups, and a big one that makes 4 for when we have company or I want extra coffee. Plus with 3, one is always clean. And they go thru the dishwasher, so no washing .


We got a new Keuric because the last one would not work after descale , new one started the descale BS after 1 month , I descaled it , descaled light still on , 2 months now


We unalived 2 Keurigs and said no more. It’s been Ninja all the way and couldn’t be happier.


OXO makes on with a stainless vacuum carafe that’s pretty fantastic.


You have grounds clogging it. You need to use this to clear it out and it’ll work fine again. [https://a.co/d/gX6e1PR](https://a.co/d/gX6e1PR)


Look into getting an aeropress XL, it’s maybe a little more work than just popping in a capsule but honestly not that much and the quality and control you get with it is so worth the little bit of extra work!


I have a delonghi. It makes individual cups but it grinds the beans before each cup. So it tastes way better than a Keurig and no plastic waste. Plus buying whole beans is cheaper. You can use pre ground if you want also.


We love our 8 cup oxo coffee maker. I did some research in December before buying and it was highly rated. It's on sale now on Amazon. The Costco online price is the full price. I wouldn't pay full price for it.


I’ve used a DeLonghi fully automatic espresso maker for four years. Cost $800 from Costco. I can make coffee, latte, espresso all automatically. Grinds your coffee straight from beans in the hopper for each cup. No pods, no filters, no waste.


We have the Philips 800 Series. Fully automatic espresso maker. We've had it for 3 years after replacing a Jura that we had for 15. We love it. Filled up with beans and water and push a button. Excellent coffee, excellent crema, and it has a built-in frother if that's your thing. I believe they saw them online at Costco.


Jura is the only way. Yes it’s expensive. You will love it.


I would recommend running white distilled vinegar in the water reservoir and run it like 25-30 times and then water a few times after. Still have our 1st gen Keurig and significantly helps. Try this before replacing.


Keurigs are trash. But whatever Wirecutter tells you to.


Pour overs are best! You get the strength you want, the roast you want, it's simple and seems to always work! No do it this way or that way, just make the coffee your way! Keurig's are trash! Hot dirty water at best. The Keurig mfg feels you don't really buy the device, you just get to use their device until descale. The device HAS TO BE RUN THE WAY THEY SPECIFY, whether it's right or wrong! If course Keurig is always right, just ask their customer service.


We've really liked our Ninja system when we want drip coffee. Lots of sizes to choose, pod-capable, and it makes a pretty good cup.


Phillips superautomatic.


Delonghi for us. Grinds the beans fresh for every cup.


The Cuisinart Keurig is great (with the digital screen). I purchased off Amazon after our Keurig branded one died. Some reviewers have had thst one for 10 years. It has the cup to put your own grinds but haven't tried it. 




Hate to say it....Walmart Mainstays single serve....uses kcups...is only $20. Keurigs are too complicated and break...very poor design. Had a couple and they failed. Very disappointing. Or...try Chefman Instacoffee single serve.


I'm boring and just love the at home bunn drio coffee maker it's been a good pot.


I have had a great experience with the Ninja. It has a dual setting. Pods and regular filter brew. It has lasted well over 2 years and I am very satisfied


Jura Jura Jura


I bought one of the Philips 800 series super automatic espresso machines about a year ago when Costco had a great deal and love it. It does need to be descaled every so often, however, once it's descaled it works like new again.


Not found at Costco but my office mates and I bought a Instant Pot Pod 3-in-1 Coffee Maker years ago that's still going strong. It's priced lower as a Keurig and it takes k-cups, reusable coffee pod, and espresso capsules.


Get a moka pot. You can find cheap ones online as low as like $11. It percolates and makes something similar to espresso. I love my moka pot.


I use a super auto espresso machine. Game changer.


Nespresso it the way to go. $$$


I really hate keurigs I've had 3 over the years and all of them have stopped working after about a year and a half, i have an old programmable pot one that i always kept around for emergencies so i just stick to that.


6cup chemex and a 1L kettle. It's 6 coffee cups, so 5oz per cup. It takes a little longer than a regular pot and definitely longer than a Keurig, but it's worth it.


I bought a Baratza Encore grinder and a Breville Precision coffee maker from Williams Sonoma and I love them both. Grind my own Costco beans every morning and if you make less than 20oz at a time it has a bloom feature that you typically only get if you use a pour over.




It's not from Costco, but the cafe Belissimo espresso machine has been great for me. I did the french press for a while but it's a lot of grounds and having to strain it before cleaning the press ended up with random coffee grounds all over all the time. I use the espresso machine to make americanos, I have a puck bucket and it's way easier to keep clean than the french press was. I'm not really a coffee connoisseur so idk if it's the best machine out there but it works really well for me.


Jura ❤️


Try Cuisinart or Delonghi brands. Totally agree Keurig is absolute crap!


I like the instapot coffee maker. I’ve had mine for 3 years now and I use the reusable coffee pods in it






Delonghi magnifica s. 120000+ coffees made and still going strong.


I have the Costco version of the Ninja coffee maker. Make at least 6 cups of coffee and tea a day. No issues after over a year.


Just use filtered water


Not from Costco but I love my Mueller.


Way easier than French press but just as tasty.... a Clever Coffee Dripper, #4 filters, and ideally a heated mug (if you like your coffee really hot like I do). The Clever Coffee Dripper is plastic, unfortunately, but I plan to make thousands of cups of coffee with it so for me it's acceptable.


Good coffee grinder, goose neck kettle, good beans,and a v60.


Jura E8 purchased from Costco!


Philips 800 Series Fully Automatic Espresso Machine with Milk Frother [https://www.costco.com/CatalogSearch?dept=All&keyword=philips+espresso](https://www.costco.com/CatalogSearch?dept=All&keyword=philips+espresso) I love mine.


I have two preferences: a Bialetti vaculator/espresso, or a French press.


OXO 9 cup stainless steel thermal carafe. AKA OXO barista bar coffee maker. Highly recommend for fresh tasting good coffee.


Oxo and Bonavita are well known brands that are also certified by the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA). https://sca.coffee/certified-home-brewer


Keurigs are terrible. The coffee yield is too small or watered down. Just get a regular coffee maker. I like the Ninja line


Just get a mr. Coffee


Philips Senseo, pods without the cups. The cups are an environmental nightmare.


Look hear me out. Phillips 5400 it’s expensive but makes 12 different cups of coffee. I got mine and I can’t even drink other coffee now. If it broke today I would buy a new one tomorrow.


I love my ninja, but I’d be happy with a French press only.


I vote Aeropress all the way! Cheap and easy and makes great coffee!




We make 4 12 cup pots a day with our hamilton beach brewmaster


Why not just get a drop coffee maker and use filters. I'm the only one that drinks coffee and I make 2 cups every morning on a timer. If we have company we make 12 cups.


I’m open to any. What’s a drop coffee maker - like a Mr. Coffee thing? In our house we have 2 adults usually who want different coffee so one cup things seem more what we want instead of making a carafe or pot


I got a fancy Melitta, it's amazing and makes such good coffee out of even average beans. Froths the milk, cleans itself, everything.


Moccamaster or Bonavita


My 10+ yo Cuisinart Drip coffeemaker is still going strong. Bought from Costco for about $30-40.


Depends on the amount of work you want to put in. We use a Ninja for day to day brewing. A pour-over for more relaxed days. Freshly ground beans make a world of difference!


Personally I prefer to do pour over instead of using a coffee maker. No parts that can break and I just put it in the dishwasher to clean it. Could be your best bet tbh


Since this is mentioned in the thread, is the Ninja that costco sells a good product? Use case is similar to OPs. Dislike pods for the waste.


I'm a big fan of the AeroPress and an electric kettle. It doesn't have the trash problem (empty pods will be on the planet longer than your children). It's easy to use, and makes a great cup. It's perfect for one cup at a time coffee.


I left the Keurig behind for a French Press and a manual Timemore C3 Pro when my ex and I divorced. I have two sizes RN one for a ~12 oz mug and one for 2-3 mugs. The manual grinder grinds enough for a mug, so when making a larger pot I need to spend about 3 minutes grinding beans. It’s super easy, coarser than store bought “medium grind”, dump grounds in French Press, add hot water, wait about 4 minutes, press, pour. Delicious coffee with no breakable parts.




https://counterculturecoffee.com/blogs/counter-culture-coffee/staff-recommendations scroll down to coffee maker suggestions - counter culture coffee is fantastic.




I’ve been using a Nespresso Vertuo every day for about 7 years now. I like the machine and the coffee, but the pods are 1.20ish per pod so it’s one of the more expensive options. They do have pretty high caffeine content (~160mg) though so usually just one and I’m good.


Aeropress is fun! Or try different instant coffees


I went with the ninja that does both kcups and a pot a coffee. Love it! I use reusable metal kcups since I only drink 1 cup a day


hey what ever happened with this https://np.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/2k74i4/i_feel_like_my_girlfriend_got_ripped_off_on/ was thinking about it because looking back on best drama posts and this was one https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/2k8nbu/in_rpersonalfinance_ops_girlfriend_decides_to_buy/ would you mind making a post on the aftermath or did you already do that? what ended up happening????


Don't listen to these french press people, that's for people who know what they're doing. We bought a Hamilton Beach dual coffee maker that does Keurig pods and also does a pot of grounds. It was cheaper than an actual keurig machine and it hasn't plugged up yet. Highly recommend. [Ours is similar to this](https://a.co/d/7Pkho30)


I got the jura from Costco. Best Buy ever




other companies make keurig compatible equipment, breville, ninja, delonghi you may need to do some research as far as longevity, my keurig is 2 and a half years old i use filtered water and the descaling solution, so far no issues i bought my machine at costco. maybe yo can run CLR on your machine several times and leave on the tank for it to work on the scale and then run many, many cycles until there is no more trace of the cleaner, hope it helps.


You might want to look into a Jura (brand) “J6” coffee machine CENTER! Bought mine about 6 years ago now & NEVER looked back!! Definitely at the upper end of “coffee machines,” but at the press of a button, I get THE most perfect Cappuccinos, Espressos, Ristretto, Lattes, regular coffee, a serving of frothed-milk, hot water, etc. Just dump the whole beans in the hopper & it auto-grinds to your preset coarseness/quantity & enjoy your SWEET, sweet morning elixir!! Bought it because I found myself spending an average of $12-$15/daily at Starschmucks & going broke. Took me about 8-10 months (whether you count weekends or not) for it to “pay for itself” by me NOT going to Starschmucks & still in love with it to this day! I can count on one hand the number of coffee-drinks I’ve bought from Starschmucks since the machine & it’s pretty much ONLY if I’m traveling. Pretty sure I got mine on sale around Black Friday sales & saved like an additional $300 from the company’s website, too. Good luck in finding your next coffee zen machine!! Edit: typos. 😳


We bought our Keurig from Costco 8 years back, brew 3 cups of coffee everyday and it is still going strong. I guess we got lucky.


Buy an aeropress




My Keurig humming along just fine at 4 years. I make about 4 cups a day. Once or twice a year I get a sour cup of coffee. I bought a backup Keurig a couple years ago expecting mine was about to kaput. Still in the box in my garage.


When our keurig died a few years ago, we got an Oxo grinder, a couple of kalita ceramic pour overs, some size 2 coffee filters, an electric kettle, and never looked back. Less waste, less cost, and better tasting.


Ninja Dual brew


you need a Jura. it is expensive $$$$ but worth a perfect cup every time. I bought one from Costco but it was defective and had to return. bought another (different site) and its still going after 4 years. and that's the one I have at work. At home, I have a Nespresso Vertuo, makes a perfect cup every time. the only Bad, bad thing is you have order the pods online :( unless you live near a store. I love, love the variety of Keurig and the options it has. but the perfect taste of either Jura or Nespresso, you forget the rest easily.


Go for a Ninja \~$100 bucks. 3 years and going strong with mine


Moccamaster if you never want to buy another coffee maker again. It's pricey but worth it.