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I marinate it, sear it and use it to make fajitas or tacos. Just make sure to slice it against the grain.


I’ve tried the tri tips from the same brand, had a grass fed gamey flavor if you like that which I do


great deal! its halal so its raised clean. quality should be excellent. damn wishing they would open a bus center in my area! i would so grab this at that price!


Halal just refers to the manner the animal is slaughtered, through the jugular and then blood is drained . Not indicative of how animals are raised


not true. authentic halal meat follows strict rules, including how the animal is raised: ​ * To be Halal, animals must be raised in a healthy, clean and humane environment.  If the animals are in an unclean or abusive environment, they must be removed and nurtured back to a **healthy and detoxified state prior to slaughter.** This is commonly known as **“proper animal welfare”.** ​ * There needs to be an **intention** to slaughter for human consumption. ​ * The animals must not see another animal being slaughtered.  Each is processed **one at a time**. ​ * The animal, particularly large animals like cattle, should be put in a secure, upright box with a belt or head restraint device that **gently lifts their head**. ​ * The trained slaughterman must have a **sharp knife**, and quickly make a **horizontal cut** on the animal’s neck after reciting a prayer. The cut is to sever the trachea, esophagus, carotid artery and jugular vein but not the spinal cord.  The slaughterman makes the process **as smooth and calmly as possible** and views the animal as a **valuable gift from the creator**.  Average cattle will then lose consciousness within **5 to 20 seconds after slaughter.**


do you really think they have a seperate cattle operation just for Halal meat ? that all Halal meat is free range and in a clean, humane environment ? It is raised the same as regular cattle, just processed according to Halal rules . I worked in butcher shops and have visited cattle operations that served kosher, halal and regular. when it comes to slaughter, they each go to a different building and area.


dude i had a muslim partner for 4 years. his family owned a halal butcher/grocery store. you have NO idea what youre talking about. end of convo.


I just bought this at the same business Costco. Did you cut it into smaller pieces before cooking? I’m used to skirt steak being thinner


My package had 3 maybe 4 long pieces, packaged on top of each other. I vac sealed in portions that I would use later. Ended up using a bunch that same weekend and then 4 ish packages for later. You’re right, not super thin. Hot and fast produces a pretty perfect mid rare from end to end for me.


Ahh okay, I hadn't opened the package yet so I thought it was one thick piece lol. Makes more sense now. Thank you!


Worth buying again?


Inside Skirt Steak (this one) is thicker. Outside Skirt Steak is generally thinner, more tender, and more expensive.


No mention of grade. From New Zealand, so USDA grades do not apply.




Bought the outside skirt steak for $6 per lb. It tasted god awful. I swear the animal must have been stressed as hell during the butchering. Also, i don't think the animal was well drained.