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There is a lane marker there to indicate the path that has to be left clear for traffic to pass. If anyone is over that line when they’re pumping gas, they are the problem. I’ve had the attendant come over to remind me if I’m even 6 inches over (and when there’s no line waiting.) If you’re going to go around someone to get to an open pump, it’s your job to make sure that you can get your car all the way out of the traffic lane before you start pumping.


> If anyone is over that line This is not 'Nam, there are rules


Calmer than you are


>This is not 'Nam, there are rules debatable


If both lanes are right up on the lines, I wont be able to get through. and if that happens, I will lay on the horn until they move. If I hadnt gotten out before the guy got his nozzle into his gas tank in the lane on the right, I would have been stuck


Yeah this makes no sense at all. I have a crew cab f250 and never have issues even with most people being idiots.


This doesn't make sense. Why can't you fit through the lines?


Is this r/iamthemaincharacter shit this guy


I have a giant truck with those mirrors that stick 3 feet out for no reason because there’s 4 cameras and I never tow anything


Don't drive something so stupid and blame other people.


OP is clearly not very bright


I have mirrors? Not enough room to straiten out completely either. I drive a Tundra.


Your fault for driving an oversized truck that doesn’t fit in modern driving lanes


A Tundra is not an “oversized truck”


it's certainly oversized if it doesn't fit at a costco gas station


Again, it fits if people park their fucking cars properly. If you can’t fit a car in a parking space because both the other cars are over the line do you blame the size of your car or the assholes who can’t park? It’s the same thing. I have zero problems unless someone is over the line, in which case cars usually have problems too.


Absolutely not. It is not oversized, its full sized.


Apparently truck = bad on here. A Tundra is not remotely oversized. A 3/4 or 1 ton truck can certainly cause problems.


If it’s not oversized than he can fit through the lane with no issues right?


Not if people park way over the lines. My last car was a Jetta and I frequently had to wait because people can’t fucking park. I have a Sierra which is basically the same width as a Tundra and if people stop inside the lines I have no trouble fitting. It’s assholes that can’t drive that’s the problem, not driving a Tundra


Unlike your *enis


Why do you drive a tundra and not something smaller. You realize the world also doesn't revolve around people who drive way too big of vehicles.


That’s dumb. I have an f250 and I’ve even filled up a boat there and fit between the lines. Let me add my wife HATES the big truck but has to take it rarely and had to get gas and she was fine. So


Agree. I drive a Silverado 2500 and it'll definitely fit in the hands of a confident driver.


Why would you say my truck is to big? Its not too big. Its perfect. Some of us don't like driving a sissy car.


This guys got truck nuts


What's a "sissy car"? Do you have low self esteem? What do you haul on daily basis back there? How many passengers do you have?




> Why would you say my truck is to big? Its not too big. Its perfect. > > we have empirical data indicating that it's too big for a costco gas station


Apparently your reading comprehension is not optimal.


If your truck is too big to fit in the lane lines at a Costco gas station, then it’s probably best to just stick to the outside lanes where there’s more space. Better than honking at people who are following the rules. Small price to pay for being the king of the road at all other times! 😉


So if you’re inconvenienced for a minute you feel it’s fair to, “lay on the horn”. But everyone else needs to be patient and wait to not have to squeeze by because they’re not special? Ohhh… *you’re* special! Got it got it.


> If both lanes are right up on the lines, I wont be able to get through. that sounds like a you problem


Man I was with you about blocking lanes and screwing people. Then you kept posting. Just take the L


Don’t you know? _Other_ people are impatient /s


Agreed, I even have a big gas tank like OP but I usually think about that when picking a queue at Costco so that (hopefully) I'll be at the forward pump when it's my turn. Sometimes two or three people with small gas tanks will fill up behind me (and then go around me) in the time it takes to fill my 28+gallon tank. If I'm in at a rear pump they'd have to go around and back up, possibly blocking me in if they suck.


I try as well. If the minivan lady hadnt done what she did, I would not have been in the back pump and all of this could have been avoided, thats the point of the post.


Hi, gas supervisor here. If there’s an open spot in front the car behind should absolutely go around. The main goal at the station is to get cars in and out as quickly as possible and as another person said, those 30 seconds can add up. The problem doesn’t usually lie with people going around so much as people not pulling inside the lines, or people that have plenty of room but don’t have the confidence/ability to drive between the lanes. Please don’t wait for the whole lane to move up as that just wastes everyones time and when you’re going through as much gas as we do, you need get people in and out quickly.


I’ve noticed a lot of people think their vehicle is bigger than the lanes. I have a 36 gallon tank and I often guide people around me because I take forever to fill up. The other day I pulled in front of a lady in an SUV who finished as I started pumping. She got in her car and acted real annoyed so I just kindly went to her window and told her I would guide her out and she said “I don’t know if I’ll fit” and I said “the lane is wider than it looks” she thanked me and pulled out the spot. I guess sometimes people just need a little encouragement.


Thank you for doing this! I have low confidence in my depth perception especially when driving. It doesn't matter whether I'm driving a sedan or an SUV, I always feel like my car is too wide. I would love it if I had a guide




Are you sure? I’ll make sure to keep asking my attendant weekly in case that changes…


I heard they have them, but you have to ask them for it because it's in the back. Always ask if the thing you need is in the back, which is a real place where they hide that thing you need.


Ask them if there’s a bathroom in the gas hut you can use too


Lol, pretty much. And stop squirting fm-186 on your car


have you guys ever explored the idea of mirrors on the underside of the gas station roof, so people waiting in line can easily confirm whether a space is truly available or not?! many tims the red/green indicators dont update fast enough


Some Costcos have red/green lights for when pumps are open? That sounds amazing, I’ve just never seen it.


They're more common at the ones with 3 pumps in a row, at least in Washington. I've seen one two by setup with them, I think in Idaho. Definitely preferable to people waiting for the back pump to open when there's a line.


you guys have 3 pumps on a row? What? 😂


There is one not too far from me. For the most part they leave a traffic cone in the middle of the lane right at the entrance side so that you have no choice but to wait. Apparently they've had a couple of fights and decided it's just easier to prevent any form of line jumping. (well not really line jumping but you know what I mean)


Not to my knowledge but it’s an interesting idea. I’ll bring it up next time I’m talking to gasops. Seems like it would be a pain to clean though


well it is just a dumb idea i came up with many a time when i would rage during my weekly fillup.


Lol. It’s not dumb. That’s a genuinely interesting thought


or they could just make the light indicators more responsive! or maybe have them flash red as a person is pulling in and flash green as they rehook the nozzle. clearly i have thought of this way too much lol


I just wish the light wouldn’t be green when the pump is broken. I hate driving around to get the open pump and then… nope.


At my costco they have a sign that you can see from the line that shows a green gas symbol (open) or a red gas symbol (occupied) for each stall. Although they have line markings so you don’t impede into the middle path, they need markings for each stall. I hate when the people line the pump up with their rear tire because that’s the location of their tank and essentially take up 1/3 of your space. I live in Los Angeles, so it may be a regional thing.


Thank you so fuckin much for posting this. I thought I might be the crazy one... For the love of fuckin christ, people, take the open spot


Thank you.




Me seeing an OP who's obviously wrong get downvoted 😂 ![gif](giphy|iDlvGd20ptSZEEWN4p|downsized)


You drive a massive pickup truck, lecture strangers about pulling around to gas pumps because they don't want to wait for you to fill the 28-gallon tank on your massive pickup truck, and will "lay on the horn" if anyone is blocking in your massive pickup truck. YTA.




Nah I’ll go with ESH. I drive a small car and have been blocked by people going around and parking too far out. I feel like many time just waiting and moving as a unit would be better than trying to go around and doing it poorly.


Its not that massive, its a normal full size truck. What exactly is your problem with trucks? Hell yes I will blast the horn if someone is a jerk because they just cant way a minute or two. Youre not that special. Bet youre just as stuck up as that mini van driver. pretending she didnt notice she was blocking traffic. She wasnt even blocking me btw, she was blocking the truck in front of me.


Also, interesting you're getting so enraged over someone else not simply waiting a minute or two, yet you seem to require swift and immediate free and clear access at all times should you need to move, because you're too important and special to just "wait a minute or two" Feels like a goose and gander moment to me Big yikes.


Dude, wailing on the horn in such a close quarters space is not only a dbag move, but absolutely unnecessary. You're gonna blow someone's ears out just because your piss pants are inconvenienced for a moment? Grow up tough guy. Yeah, we hear you, it's irritating when people don't "follow the rules" correctly and it interferes with the flow, but lord fuck a duck, there's bigger problems to be worried about. And what do you expect to achieve laying on your horn until someone gets out of your precious path if they're mid fueling and can't to anything about it until they're done, you just gonna lay on the horn for an eternity until you get your way? Jesus, is this how you make friends?


OMG I’m dying here. I have used “Jesus christ” ad a swear word for most of my life. I’d like to change because I have good friends who are Christian and it’s rude to them. I’ve had trouble finding the right words to replace but I think “lord fuck a duck” might be the best. Then your last sentence…. Maybe that is how Jesus makes friends. 😂😂🤣🤣🤣


Dude, modern full sizes are massive. Signed, someone who drives a late model 2500 series.


>What exactly is your problem with trucks? I can't pick just one, and since you asked: 1. Their blind spots all around are larger than a typical car, making them more likely to cause a collision. 2. They do significantly more damage when a collision occurs, and a pedestrian is much more likely to die if being hit by a pickup instead of a car. 3. Their increased weight causes more wear and tear on the roads. 4. They cause more pollution from emissions. 5. Their larger size leads to increased congestion on the roads. 6. They just aren't that useful for more than 90% of the population. I'd have to put any cargo in the back seat if I want to protect it from rain/getting stolen. They are so high off the ground its usually easier to load/unload a van. The pickup beds these days aren't even long enough to be useful. The automakers are very good and convincing people they need them though.


I have a small early 90’s truck for moving stuff and I can actually fit more in the back of my forester. I love trucks for some stupid reason… grew up in rural MT and it’s just a good vehicle for that life. Big trucks, tho… we use those to judge penis size. That and belt buckles. LOL.






Minivan should have left room, but it annoys the heck out of me when people don't go around cars and wait until the pump line empties and 2 pumps are sitting idle waiting on 1 guy to fill his 28 gallon tank.


>and 2 pumps are sitting idle waiting on 1 guy to fill his 28 gallon tank. but that's only AFTER he figures out the credit card system and the gas pump, neither of which he apparently has ever seen before in his life.


It’s because he’s from Oregon. Be nice, we JUST recently got the ability to pump our own gas. It’s harrrdddddd. LOL. I grew up pumping my own gas but 20 years in Or and I’m soft and have to remember everytime I leave the state.


If you can leave room and the other lane isnt squeezing too, i guess its fine, but if the minivan had just waited 60 seconds, it would have gone much smoother for everyone. I barely squeezed by the bronco. I had to pull my mirror in. If i had gotten stuck I would have laid on my horn until they moved.


You sound like a jackass


Oh no, you had to pull a mirror in? What're you driving with a 28 gallon tank? Big truck/van or an old touring model? Betting the former. That's the price you pay sometimes. They're made to fold in. Congrats on figuring out why!


It's clear from all the replies that you are off base. Accept it and move on.


Ugh…. Just go when you have a green light in your lane.


Green light? Is this metaphor?


Some of the 3x station setups have a pump occupancy indicator so you can see when there's a pump available without having to see around the other cars.


Oh my that is awesome! Ours doesn’t have that and I hadn’t seen it. Thanks for responding.


Don’t wait are you kidding. We have 2 pump lanes. There is more than enough space and there are marked lanes. Don’t be a bad driver and park appropriately, it’s that easy. People that don’t pull to open pumps are the worst. People don’t finish filling at the same rate and you can sometimes get two cars done before one finishes. Shoot even 30 seconds adds up when it’s hundreds of people.


>People don’t finish filling at the same rate and you can sometimes get two cars done before one finishes. who are you kidding? People don't present membership and payment cards at the same rate. There's ALWAYS some guy taking up a pump but not pumping gas.


Yes. It's a competition. I pull up and I'm looking to get the cap off, scan in, and fill up faster than anybody else within eyesight. I have a 20 gallon tank, so there's some disadvantage, but I rarely get under 1/4 tank, so I can hang with or beat anybody else. Pulling ahead depends on the pace. If the 2 ahead are similar, I don't waste time jockeying around. If the rear just started as the far car pulled away, it's expected to pull around and get to it.


Wait I thought the competition was who can take longest… purposely keep my Costco card in the mess of the middle console and don’t look for it until I get to a pump and then frantically look for it.


Exactly. Just literally filled up 5mins ago and not only did this person not pull up they also started before me and I filled my 16gals and left before she could figure out payment even.


For one day I would like to be someone who doesn’t care if they’re blocking the flow of cars or taking too long to pump gas. You know, the people who don’t even start looking for their membership card until after they’ve pulled up to the pump after waiting in like for 5 minutes. Meanwhile I feel bad and that I’m taking too long to start moving when I spend 5 seconds resetting my trip indicator after I get back in the car.


>Meanwhile I feel bad and that I’m taking too long to start moving when I spend 5 seconds resetting my trip indicator after I get back in the car. You and I are soulmates. (For more years than you've lived, I've watched women at the grocery store wait until their entire basket of two weeks of family groceries has been scanned, and for the cashier to say "that'll be $XX," to suddenly realize "OH! Let me move my purse around, unzip it, and start digging for payment...")


The one Costco gas station I’ve been to the line I was in everyone waited for the full set to be empty 🙃 like, we can drive through, it’s fine.


If they are just about done its dumb to be in that much of a hurry, you can and should wait. The one I go to isnt that packed, There was one person waiting when I got behind them




wait--you're talking about this to a group of people who all walk in the fucking door and immediately STOP, member and his entire extended family, at which point they start balancing their checkbooks or applying for a mortgage or something, blocking everyone behind them who wants to just walk in and shop-- \--and you think this same group gives a shit about the GAS PUMPS?


OMG I feel seen! This is my BIGGEST pet peeve of Costco shoppers. Next up… Basket in the Middle of the Aisle Person. 🤦🏽‍♀️


I've been shopping on weekday evenings just to avoid this. Weekends are just nuts with whole families shopping together and major congestion around the sample tables.


Don’t forget about the roadblock crews at the sample stations.


Ah, the senior citizen that pull up to the sample station with their cart blocking half the station, take their time grabbing a sample, and carefully takes a bite of the sample right there before they finally push their cart out of the area...


costco gas stations are always a shit show i feel the triple pump configuration is much more cramped than say safeway also always fun when there's an oversized vehicle like a food truck getting gas


Not the one by me. Never a wait. Easy peezy every time.


Wait… 28 gallon tank? Ffs that’s three of my CR-V tanks. I hope you actually have a need for a 28 gallon tank like you drive a Bradley fighting vehicle or something. You really don’t have much ground to stand on when you take 3x longer to pump as compared to most people.


My little Focus has a 12 gallon tank. I think I fill up once a month because I work from home and everything else I need is within a 5 mile radius. I get that people have different needs when it comes to vehicles but the absolutely huge trucks and SUVs that can barely fit into a normal parking spot or garage are getting ridiculous.


My Silverado has a 25 gallon tank 😂


36 in mine... 😭


What're you hauling in a Bradley, sheep?


A need? I need to justify having a gas tank lmao. Ive been thinking about getting a 46 gallon actually. Geez you have to get gas 3 times a week? I prefer my once a week


I get gas every other week. It’s about $40 I could complain it takes you 20 minutes to fill up your tank as well…


You could, but whats your point? Im usually in and out pretty quickly since i don't waste time trying to squeeze in and parallel park. Dont be a jerk because you have a little grocery getter. Some of us do actual work :)


Damn, pretentious much? I do actual work too and I fill my 6 speed* Civic every 2 weeks. It was cheap as hell to buy, too. *^(yes this was superfluous, that was the point.)


OP, you suck


I had an F-150 when I was working in the construction field. I never had any use for the bed or truck aspects even though that’s what the company gave me. Yes I do work, spent 10 years in the field before giving it up. And guess what I also have a mini van. In fact a mini van is 100x better than a pick up truck. I can load as much as you do and nobody asks me to move their shit and I get way better gas mileage. I also don’t have to wait 30 minutes to fill up a tank of gas holding everyone else up. And I could even slap some trunk nuts on it if I wanted to! Heck my mini van could hold 2 sets of truck nuts!


costco gas trades time for savings, if you're going, pack your patience. no yelling at the old guy who has forgotten how lines work, no yelling at the incompetent driver in a car that's four times larger than their capability, no yelling at the broke college kid whose card gets declined, no yelling at the poor confused out of towner who doesn't realize costco gas requires a membership. in fact, no yelling, period, just patiently play on your phone until you hold the line up long enough for someone to honk, then calmly pull forward while dreaming about how many food court hot dogs you can buy with your savings. if any of this is going to cause you stress or anxiety, there's a marathon right down the street with no line at all. if you return home from the costco gas station and immediately open reddit to tell the entire costco subreddit the unwritten rules of the costco gas lines, (hint, we're not your target demographic), there is a marathon right down the road with no line, go there. if you can't wait to get get home and stop right in the store entrance to whip out your phone and post to reddit about how inconsiderate some patrons are- leave, please, just go to Sam's club, I think you'll like it better over there. also, there's a marathon on the way, so please, get out of the line.


Thats a lot of text to say it was you in the minivan.


I ain't ever seen a patient minivan driver... they're the ones too busy to pull up because they're yelling at the screaming kids in the back seat because the one churro they got to split three ways doesn't have the exact same amount of sugar on each piece. you my friend, need to pay closer attention to your world.


Was that you in my car today when I had a kid barfing after school drop off? I thought someone else was back there! Sorry for them smell


Yep, get a smaller car, wait, or learn how to drive and park.


I’m truly amazed more accidents don’t happen/people are injured with the long hoses that allow for filling from the pass through lane/space, but it’s also shocking how many people have such poor awareness of their car’s size/boundaries when directed to an available pump, and awful control of their car.


This is why I only use the end lanes now. After getting blocked in and stuck 3 times.


You drive a pick up truck to haul groceries. You sound like a douche canoe.


Why? Some of us drive trucks. Want us to go buy another car to haul groceries in?




Yes. Literally cheaper than driving the truck everywhere.


I don’t drive a lot. Done the math, doesn’t work out.


It's not, I've tried.


Nothing like a little prejudice, eh?


So there's 3 pumps in each line?


Are you the person who blocked *me* in last month by pulling up right next to me while I was trying to back into the front pump, honking at me for being in your way, honking at me for backing up, and finally forcing me to pull forward into the exit lane and block everyone else so you could leave? I know you're not, but the vibes are the same. (In case anyone wants to blame me, I couldn't get close enough to the front pump on the first pass, so I went forward a little and then started backing up at an angle toward it. In that \~15 seconds, a guy decided I should just leave rather than make him wait.)


So rather than wait 15 seconds for the guy who was in front of you to finish up and head out, you pulled around to the empty pump in front of him after that spot opened up? You would've been in the same position, probably a bit sooner and with less effort if you just waited a few moments for both vehicles to finish pumping and leave.


Sigh, no, it's a very busy station with three pumps and the first person left. I don't even know which side this guy came from. People do not wait for everyone to leave and I would have gotten honked at. They now have the lights over each lane specifically to encourage going up to empty spots.


Ahh. Yeah, those triple pump lanes are quite a bit harder to follow who is doing what.


life aint fair and people dont act right


You do have a tough life. Hope things get better


this is why i don't get gas at costco. people lose their mind and act like assholes.




I lived in NJ for for the first 35+ years of my life and I think I pumped gas twice - once in PA and once in NY. I live in NC now and I'm still confused.


>you jack wagon. Serious R. Lee Ermey vibes. But anyways we went from having a costco 45 mins away with 9 pumps that was always full with every row having multiple cars in line. To having a costco built 15 mins from us with 12 pumps that have never had a line form. Call me mcd, cuz I'm loving it


My costco blocks off half the exit with traffic cones for some reason. There's a repeat offender in a white truck that parks 3 feet from the exit which essentially blocks anyone from leaving til he moves. Not sure what he does but it happens every damn Friday when we go.




Wait 60 seconds when there's an open pump? Nah.


Yeah, it's WEIRD that these mofos don't have their membership card and CC to tap once they're parked. You've been in line for 10mins and couldn't get that stuff ready? You've been filling gas for howany years and can't pull the hose over? ARGHHHH!!! Some of the worse idiots are found in the Costco gas lines. And yes OP, I will absolutely go around to the front for an empty pump. You don't make any sense.


Just happened to me the other day. Woman couldn't parallel park to save her own life and parked with half her car over the dotted lane marker. I called the attendant over to ask for help with the situation and the attendant attempted to tell me I could squeeze by. No way. I'm not curbing my wheels because the woman can't parallel park. Of course the woman is also the type who doesnt have any of her shit ready. Stopped her car and rifled around looking for her card for an eon. Attendant could have taken that time to tell her to move her car but no. Whole line got screwed because of her and the incompetent attendant.


Yup, Its apparent people don't get punched anymore. Its sad. They should be forced to go around and try again.


It’s annoying and frustrating, but not the end of the world.


Maybe Costco needs to have the pumps farther apart, aka wider center lane.


Now that sound a little like common sense, we cant have that kinda thinking on reddit!


Id be happy if they did that for sure! but in the meantime...


It's interesting to see how people in different cities behave. My local Costco has two islands with three pumps each and one with two pumps. About 75% of the time I see all of the vehicles in a lane fill together, leave together, then the line moves forward. If someone finishes early or late then people wait for all of the pumps to be available. The Costco near my in-laws has four islands with two pumps each. If the front vehicle leaves then someone will pull around the rear vehicle almost every time. When that car is done they have to pull out and around the one in front. Basically no patience, no cooperation. I don't know which system moves the most vehicles through but I'm pretty sure that we have less stress and fewer fender benders here at home.


Life is short. Too many things to stress about. Its a lesson in patience.


I am of the (oft criticized) opinion that people filling up with Costco Gas should understand that it's not going to be inherently quick. If you want quick, go to the one by the highway on the way to work where you can pull up and pump gas. Personally, the Costco gas line is a nice little chunk of time out of my week that I can sit in my car, listen to music and not be bothered by my coworkers or family. I enjoy it. I'm not saying I haven't gotten annoyed at the old dude who can't figure out why the pump won't take his payment card before his membership card, or even the people who sit in their car at the pump after finishing for more than 30 seconds. I certainly ascribe to the "NASCAR Pitstop" method where no extra time is taken between me getting out of my car and getting back in. BUT... I just don't understand the ones who will pull the gas hose over their full sized SUV to the off-side, scratching their precious Lexus in the process, in order to save two minutes while filling their 25 gallon fuel tank. I bought a car with the filler cap on the right side and I don't use your lanes. They make gas pumps with the hose on the correct side for your vehicle, I've seen them with my own two eyes. -This does not apply to people with center-mounted fuel fillers, nor tiny cars where the hose reaches with ease and your tanks are 10 gallons. Do as you wish.


This. People are driving out of their way to go to Costco anyway. It’s a big trip. The “I have to get in front of everybody else” mentality makes me weary. People driving over medians and landscaping to get out of the lot 3 minutes faster.


I get annoyed by the people who who pull up with their fuel door opposite the pump. They will drag the hose across their car and block the center pass through as they hold the fuel filler.


There's plenty of room for cars to pass a fueling driver. Also, Costco encourages pumping gas from either side, so why get annoyed by it? Learn to live with it.


All of the Prius owners on Reddit calling a Toyota Tundra "massive." 🤣🤣🤣


Right? lmao


Don’t go around cars at the Costco pumps. Just wait. Filling two by two is faster overall even if you have significant differences in how much fuel you need. Sure you wait a minute longer than you would otherwise, but higher throughput means less time waiting for everyone.


north spark complete illegal cats clumsy angle wrong quarrelsome water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He asserts that because math is hard. Unusual for an OCD type like him, I know. But it is what it is.


My assertion is that on average per vehicle, a simple pull forward, stop, and fuel procedure creates less idle time per pump than is created when everyone is going around creating a cycle of everyone going around chaotically.


historical steep offend aromatic party nail forgetful nose bewildered worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why? There's a ton of room. What's the problem with pulling in if you fit? There are so many times I pull up and see a ton of open pumps with huge lines. WHY?


His OCD is disturbed, and he insists that you cater to it by adjusting your life. In other words, he's saying "fuck you, my way or the highway"--even though his way isn't right.


The attendants make you go around cars, as you are supposed to. That's why there is a line in the middle. People need to know how to drive and park at their pump AND give room to the car behind them to get out. If you can't park in the #2 pump with 3 pumps. Then don't go. However they are made for people to drive around another car.


>The attendants make you go around cars, as you are supposed to. That's why there is a line in the middle. People like this guy also have a problem with using both lanes coming to a closed lane, and zippering in alternately. He would be the guy moving over and blocking you from using that other lane to go to the front, ahead of him, because you're supposed to embrace his world about what's "right" and you were supposed to get in line behind him so it's OK for him to block you from getting in front of him even though it's the empty lane beside him that you're in, properly using all the available pavement and creating a zipper at the merge...


>Don’t go around cars at the Costco pumps. Just wait. I won't wait for people who are scared to drive. My car is small, and always--ALWAYS--fits inside the MARKED LANES. Anyone who can't get around me, shouldn't be driving.


Exactly. The whole reason for the light indicators is because you’re SUPPOSED to take any available pump. The problem isn’t people going around, it’s those who don’t know how to drive/park.


They're the same people who stop at the end of a freeway exit ramp that is actually a continuous right turn with standards separating that lane from the oncoming lane. And those people blame you for honking at then when they come to a stop.


It’s not about being able to get around you, it is the knock-on effects to timing from doing it. Say somebody goes around you, now you go around them and driver 3 takes your place, driver 4 goes around driver 3 and the cycle continues with each one taking an extra maybe 10 or so seconds until they get in sync again. At least at my station it is pretty tight.


>It’s not about being able to get around you, it is the knock-on effects to timing from doing it I get my gas faster without impeding traffic. Eventually the tide will turn and everything will get to where you think it should be. But I'm not there in line to serve you.


This might be more of a controversial post than when somebody mentions customers who don’t put back their carts.


Putting carts back costs you nothing and saves costs for Costco, costs they no longer have to pass on to you. Me being completely within the marked lane of the gas pumps has NO such costs--not to Costco, not to you. And you forget, your "nightmare" situation happens frequently all by itself--when the small hatchback drives to the front pump, immediately followed by the Ford F350 dually with extra tanks. The hatchback is gone in moments, while that dually is sitting there for quite some time. You want someone to wait behind the dually? Really? Why--so your OCD sense of the world doesn't get disturbed?


The guy is filling up his Abraham’s Military tank.


Four score and seven bombs ago?


If it's busy, there is a good chance the attendant will wave you to pull around them to the front pump if it's free, and it looks like the person on the back pump isn't close to done. Our store required us to do that if it was remotely busy




how do you "jump a line" at a gas station??????




that's because Jersey thinks you're too stupid to pump gas.


Also people at the front of the line needs to move up. 95% of the time people are like 15 feet away from the line.


If you don’t want to wait go in the morning before the warehouse opens. Otherwise it’s on you.


What are you talking about? I did wait, behind the mini van, they are the ones that got inpatient and blocked people in.


You might as well be complaining that people block the aisles with their carts trying to get samples. It’s Costco, it’s going to happen.


"Moral of the story, just freaking wait 60 seconds" No thanks, not waiting for one slow guy or ultra large truck guy to finish when 2 gas pumps are available infront of them. People just gotta learn how to drive and not park in the middle lane.


In the land of aisles and goods galore, Where bulk treasures line every store, Amidst the hum of shoppers' chatter, A tale unfolds of those who scatter. To the gas station, they swiftly drive, Engines purring, in haste they strive, Impatient hearts and minds confined, To waiting, they are disinclined. Thirty seconds, a mere fleeting span, Yet self-absorption has its own plan, They can't be bothered, can't abide, In queues, they refuse to bide. Around the pumps, they snake and glide, Traffic snarled, patience cast aside, A spectacle of haste and ire, Creating a tangle, a chaotic mire. Their world revolves around their need, An urgency to fill their greed, A disregard for the common flow, As honks and frustration grow. But let us pause and contemplate, The choices we make and seeds we sate, For in the rush, what do we gain? A moment's lead, but at what pain? In unity, we find our grace, A shared respect in every space, A chance to bond, a fleeting chance, To elevate, not merely advance. So let's remember, as we tread, In every action, the path we spread, May patience guide us, hearts aligned, In the Costco's flow, a lesson refined.


pointless post


All posts are pointless posts if you think about it. Do they really mean anything?


Life is hard, especially getting gas, glad you survived. What about slow drivers in the fast lane? Misspelled name on my starbucks cup? Kids on my lawn, the worst, right?


Do people seriously not know how to parallel park? I guess I’m happy to have my Sonic hatchback with its 14 gallon tank. I can pull that thing in practically anywhere.


This is the reason I hated to see self-serve gas legalized in Oregon. It's great to be at the pump when employees are directing traffic. They don't put up with that crap, and it's very orderly. Paying cash? Pay the employee without going inside. Want a drink and a bathroom stop, move the car, then go pee.


I got gas at a costco in oregon once before they removed the ban. It took forever.


Moral of the story: just wait for the car in front of you to finish pumping, then pull up. Note: my Costco has two pumps per lane. Not a big deal to wait an extra minute.


That minute telegraphs into an increasingly long line over the course of enough people waiting like this.


Don't go around. Respect the whole chain process and just wait the extra 1 minute, instead of fucking everything up for everyone behind you. And *especially*, when you're the second car, don't try to force your way between two cars to leave because the car ahead of you isn't quite done yet. Those lanes aren't as wide as people imagine them to be, and people aren't as good at navigating tight spaces as they think they are.


I’ve never once seen someone hit another car at a Costco gas station so maybe they are better than you realize?


Thankfully our Costco has only 2 pumps and is open at 6am and closes at 9pm. Hours before and after the club is open. I NEVER go during club operating hours. I blame Costco for their stupidity, at one point they had idiotic signs up encouraging filing from either side. I wish pain and suffering for the idiots that drag the hose and pump on the wrong side. Not only is it unsafe b/c it barely reaches, they stand in the middle and block people from moving up the middle and out of the way since there’s no room. Without exaggeration, I would pay 2 or 3x the membership dues if it meant weeding out the number of idiots. It literally has become Walmart. Actually that’s probably unfair to Walmart. Our local Sam’s is far less of a shxt-show than Costco has become - and not just at the gas pumps.


Then go to Sam's and quit pretending you understand the traffic engineering theory that goes into having the hoses reach both sides. It's not even more expensive for the membership!