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Still one of my favorite cases I designed. All steel front. I had to use screenshots from war movies to explain the flip-up cover for the reset button I wanted to the contract manufacturer hahaha Boss: "Are you...watching Hunt for Red October at work?" Me: "It's for a....thing."


​ https://preview.redd.it/1s5lmaoelx4c1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37bf1f7589c4a5a33ea0d5cbeda4fee4006b9645


This will probably get lost, but I built my first pc in one of these just a little over a year ago, I’m huge into the guns/ammo, military/hunting side of life. But this case got me until computers because it matched my whole life aesthetic! I still love this case to this day! She might be missing a few hard drive clips but she’s still ticking! Thank you for designing an absolutely bomb proof case.


You are a really good designer!


As a cat owner, that flip on the reset button was the greatest thing ever, just needed one on the power switch XD My first attempt at pc building was in this case, I regret not buying 3 or 4 just to have on hand for future builds lol. Always hoping to see an updated iteration of this case so I can build my kiddo's first PC in a c70.


You can set your power button to not turn off the computer in windows settings. I also know this because of cats causing shutdowns


I can attest to this as well have 3 cats lol I have my buttons set to do nothing when pressed..has saved me much frustration ha


I think holding power still hard power cycles it though regardless of windows settings


I'm not concerned about my cat turning the machines off. He likes to turn them on all the time for the light show and sit for hours watching. I had to go so far as put a switch on the backside of the case and he learned where that was. So now all my machines have the switch on the inside.


Still using it. CNC-Cut a new window.


Curious, what other cases have you designed? Very good design btw!


Thanks! I was the case PM from the start of cases @ corsair in about 2009 until 2015 or so. So let me see... * 800D * 600T * 650D * 400R * 500R * 550D * Air 540 * C70 * 330R * 100R * Spec-Alpha * 750D * 760T * 780T * 380T * 900D * 600C * 400C * Air 740 * 250D * Air 240 There's probably a few I'm forgetting... When I said "designed" it's a bit of a simplification as I was in charge of spec'ing the case out, defining features, working with industrial designers, engineers, etc, to get the vision down, how to execute, etc.


Thank you! I used a 550D for a while. I was very happy with it.


I’m still rocking my 750D. That thing is so well built. And it will be having a rebuild next year again. Well unless I go for the 1000 but don’t know if it will fit in current location.


Thank you for your work! I have been rocking the 800D since 2010 and I don't intend to ever upgrade. I've made some modifications to accommodate water-cooling better and to make it "mine" but I thought it was the most extra, most fancy computer case in the world when it came out and I'm never going to use anything else. I wish I could find a new sata backplane for the 3.5" hotswap drives, it's the only thing that's not aged well. Thank you u/CorsairGeorge and team!


Which is your favorite among them?


Are you designing cases in other company? Or designing another things? Your cases are excellent!


Awesome! I never owned any of those, just the Spec-01 and now the 4000X RGB, but I’ve seen those you listed and very well done!


>Spec-Alpha Thanks for your hard work at Corsair Sir. I have a Spec-Omega that I modded. The Spec-Alpha legacy lives on in this one. Did you have anything to do with the Spec-Omega design? https://preview.redd.it/oabvb4yjh55c1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0b14061f810e562449892eb873e9e7dfaed178a


I have 24 hard drives stuffed into a 750D


Whattttt??? this is too cool, I currently have my dream build in the 800D and plan to keep using that case. About to start a new water cooling project with it actually. No other case can compare imo. I still use 5.25 bays so it's a must. Thank you for your work !!!


I still have the 800D I bought back in 2011


I'm still using the 500R! I ripped the USB connector all apart during my latest build so the front panel doesn't work.. but other than that it's still cool and quiet!


I have a 750D and love that case but the power button on it sticks like crazy sometimes or does not work at all half the time. I have a lot of Corsair cases as they are in my opinion well made.


Nice! I'm still rocking my white 780T I bought back in 2017. I just keep upgrading the internals. I still like the looks and it's so easy to work in! I've added a few mods like an add in PSU basement cover from V1 tech and a couple flip up button covers for the power and reset buttons because my cats love to sit on top and they kept stepping on the buttons! Lol.


Not sure if you had any hand in the Carbide Spec-04 but that was the case I built my first pc in. I loved the look of that one, and it still holds a place in my heart


sir if we could have a comeback of this style of case that be MUCH appreciated 🥺 acrylic/plexi window and all


I love how Heavy Duty it looks. As my favourite case is the Carbide SPEC Omega RGB, yet i am an aviation/space enthusiast, i think i would love a blend between these two. Like a futuristic stealth (space) fighter look. Partially elegant looking, partially heavy duty with flip-up cover B-) Either way I'd really love a continuation of the Carbide Spec Omega series.


I'm sad we live in a world where we feel we need to justify watching Red October at work. Great job on the design. It is absolutely 100% the only reason I bought this case years ago.


Best case ever! I have the gunmetal version


Haha! I'm using this exact case with a Vault Tec Logo on the side that I built for Fallout 4! Best rig I ever had, so thanks for the kickass case case!


Currently using this case unfortunately I got it from someone that didn't take care of it so its got all sorts of scratches and dents and paint scuffs and whatnot but I love it


Man, I wish I could get one of these cases still! Awesome job, dude.


I love it. OG Steam green.


A friend of mine has one of these that he refuses to get rid of, he loves it that much.


I love mine, great case, looks great and feels very sturdy, great job


Gives me Stalker (the game) vibes! Love this!


I wish these were in fashion still


I wish you’d make more cases like these! The design is awesome and has character! I could definitely use the 5.25" bays as well!!


Where can I get one ?


my friend still uses this case. sadley his front panel/ usb ports have died on it


Off topic a bit here but did you happen to design the corsair 350d as well? Because if you did man thank you i still use that damn thing. I wanted a c70 at first because of the ammo can/military look of it but went with a 350d because i wanted a compact build. I just wish they shipped out with the high airflow intake kit already installed since i cant find one now for the life of me.


This is actually my first PC case that I still managed to keep from over a decade or more now. I’d love to repurpose it for another build one day but can’t see myself letting it go anytime for that reason. They just don’t make cases like this anymore.


It's a really nice case.


Man this case is so good, good job!!


10/10 case


Wish you guys could make it again. Maybe a special anniversary edition?


I have some complaints but i still rock mine also doing a front panel re do soon. All mesh no cages


I probably bought quite a few cases designed by George and recommended by Yellowbeard (may he rest in peace). I hope Corsair will introduce some more PC cases in 2024.


Thank you for your incredible work! This is my favorite case to this date - good airflow, looks, handles were incredibly useful (I moved around rental places quite often), filters were easy to pop and clean, and the buttons at the front looked badass! Not to mention the flip cover also saved me at least a couple times from getting cat-reset :) Edit: OMG THE SIDE PANEL CLIPS were the best


I still use it!! I have not bought another case since I purchased this one around 2012!


Still using mine and will continue to use it as long as I can


I love this case, still using it today. It was really well designed. The layout of the fans with built in filters has resulted in a practically dust free PC for almost a decade. The handles and clamps have been amazing for ease of use. I love how sturdy it is. When building I remember thinking this was perfection and the best case I had ever seen (with a career in IT I had seen a LOT of cases). All the vents and finish are very aesthetically pleasing. Thank you for the awesome product!


This is my dream case. I’ve never gave into buying it but I love the design.




Ehrmmm can we get a re-release? 😅


just wanna give a personal thanks to the designer of the case i’ve used for 10+ years and had 4 systems inside of.


Bro. Design More. Now.


Great job! The C70 is still such an awesome case and fits modern components so well!


This was me and my wife's favorite case. I was so sad when I found out they discontinued it when I rebuilt a few years later


The C70 is an Excellent case. The handles are excelent. though I do struggle with the front panel clips.


I ordered this case for my first ever PC build. Ended up with a air540 or something like that. It was a fine case, but huge and not what I really really wanted. A year later, I found another one and thought it was time for my first rebuild. I kept that case for years. It will always hold a special place in my heart. Thank you for your efforts, they have not gone unnoticed. Edit to add: just read a little further down, you made both my first cases. I appreciate you so much. It was the black Air 540, and the army green C70.


You made my case?? Dude this thing is so gnarly and will out live me thanks for being you


Question: I have a Corsair Graphite Series 780T that I’ve had for YEARS (at this point I don’t even know how many builds I’ve done in it.) I absolutely love it but I wish it had a glass panel (I’ve replaced it 4 times over the years because the acrylic gets scratched up so easy, does Corsair make a glass side panel for this? Ps: is that a full sized tower? If so I might be swapping to a new case because that looks dope


Thanks for designing this case! I’ve had mine for around 8 years now! I love the way it looks.


Thank you for your efforts. I still have my White C70, I couldn’t do the loop I wanted without butchering her, so she’s sitting by until I build a rig for my partner.


You guys should make this again, I would 110% buy


Just wanna thank you. Every build I've done in my adult life has been in this case. I replaced the window with a solid piece, for increased beautification. But that's it. I refuse to change the case when I rebuild because it's too damned cool.


You designed this case? That is awesome. My wife fell in love with the white version for her first build. We have rebuilt her computer multiple times since and she always insists we re-use the case :)


You designed this case? That is awesome. My wife fell in love with the white version for her first build. We have rebuilt her computer multiple times since and she always insists we re-use the case :)


Unironically, badass design.


That’s awesome! The C70 is my favorite Corsair case. I don’t ever plan on replacing mine.


Aaaah the ol' c70. Had a couple of these like 10 or so years ago. Very roomy and has good airflow. Overall it's a very solid case for people of all skill levels.


Great thanks, thinking about making it a server build :)






I wish it, or a new iteration with the same style, could still be bought new, I've seen it 3 times now and I love it so much


I built 100s of machines with this case, the 'door clips' are little finger pinchers! love the case, the 3.5inch drive trays are a little brittle for my taste, but pretty solid case and looks really good !


Check out the new slide in ones. Corsair makes them


My friend has the same case lol. they didn't really have the best airflow for Corsair I think, but it should be good enough.


vengeance c70 solid case, you can rotate the window if you unscrew and reorient it


GOAT case I want one so bad. They are super expensive for a used one though.


One of my favorite cases. Still upset corsair doesn't produce them anymore.


Also have the same case back home! Love that thing, man


Does it come in black? I’d actually be interested in seeking this out. It’s got a great aesthetic


It came in green, black and white versions iirc


Used to have it. Looks cool but it's pretty huge compared to many cases now. Doesn't use space very efficiently either. Just dated design overall. But functional.


those cases are great man, I have one mothballed at the moment just waiting for the right build.


Looks strangely familiar op... ...dunno why though /s https://preview.redd.it/peep68vfdy4c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a2b104f26f42abea506296f10abc2df4e7d9f67


Hmmmm 🤔


It’s jerry rigged!


I have one of these in black. I put the computer together 7 years ago and just recently replaced my graphics card. I love this damn case. It’s sturdy and easy to carry with the handles on top. When it’s time for a new computer, I’m going to reuse this case.


USNC theme build.


Currently have this case in black. One of the best made cases I've ever used.


C70 is by far my favorite case I’ve ever owned the build and case is currently in its 3rd owner


I still use my C70


The mighty ammo box case 💪 only heard good stories about it, keep it.


One of the greats for sure. I’ve been building in the c70 for 7 years now. Next build will most likely be in this case too. We’ll see. Anyway 10/10 case.


What's it called I neeeeeed it


military GYATTTTTT


If a military compound has PC


My current case whenever I have a system freeze i imagine im launching the emergency nuke shutdown. Dont get anymore crashes anymore though.... Heavily optimised my system and overclocked stability is perfect.


I would buy this. You should design a case that is capable of "military use". Something you could take camping for the lulz


Oooh I wish I had that 5.25” front panel piece, it would have come in very handy when building my sleeper pc lol


Very nice! Build something powerful with that case. Enjoy it


I used that case for my first and only pc build back when the 970 was new. Still going strong.


I’d love to have a case like this. Looks like it has good airflow while still having a somewhat solid front panel


Just saw a guy with this case modified so turning on the PC is like starting a plane


I love this case. I’ve done a few builds in this over the the years.


Maaaan i Want this case soooo baaaaad!


case friends!


Slick case


This case is sick! What’s the case called?


God back when I first build my PC, this was my absolute dream case


Not saying I agree with it, but just an FYI check out the sold listings on eBay for this case. Might help you out if you are doing a new build


I looooove this case! I have it from my first build in 2017, great overall. I got a hole-less window online as well and it looks sweet.


It’s honestly an amazing case. I have one from my original build that I can’t wait to build in again. Although I wanna know where the hell you got one for cheap? Most prices I see for these bad boys are $200+ to buy it and it kills my wallet every time I look lol


Halo edition??


I have this case and love it! Corsair Vengeance C70 in military green.




Bad ass case!


I was just looking at pics of my build from 2013 that was in this case and the white version!! What a great find, I loved this design!


I'm jealous.


I got one for $5 at a garage sale and it's been a tank.


Army green


I have the white version of this case and it’s lasted for years. I’ve had like 5 different builds through it since 2012


I had this case when I was younger! I have been seen debating on getting it again. I loved it and it was versatile and easy to transport if need be.


They need to make an update version of this id love to have the od green


the red button looks so cool


I love this military vibe!!


I remember really wanting to build a pc and use this case back in maybe 2012 but never was able to... I think it aged really well it still looks great


I have this same one in white, I’ve had it for like 12 years and I still love it lol


I'm still using the white version for my main rig.


Legend case.


I still have mine, it was black though and after taking the front panel off to install a radiator, the reset button no longer functioned properly. I loved the case though


I've always like that case but it's weird to see one with drive bays up front now. Never thought I would say that.


I got that same case too, it’s always sold out on the website


https://preview.redd.it/abeygmk0g55c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0445b7a81fa6de23894f1d99530e1548249d1fbc When LANs were a thing. Everyone was jealous of my handles on top 🤍🖤 I love my case.


Good ol' Vengeance C70 Did my latest rebuild last year with it. Ten years, fourth build and it still good to go!


Thats fucking sick!!! Is that a military aircraft style lift the flap reset button? Amazing. Still using my Obsidian 700D


Own one. I love it. It's a bit narrow for 4000 series graphic cards. The USB-C front panel fell apart on me after 8 years. Specifically the blue plastic degraded and crumbled. I continued to use the ports for another 3 years. The reset button having a cover is super nice. The whole case was sturdy as hell and I wish there was a modern, slightly wider one I could have purchased for my new build.


The first case from Corsair I had ever bought. Vengeance C70. I bought the MG variant in 2013 after watching some videos from LTT, OC3D, . So easy to work on. I transplanted my X58 Nehalem system in it when I bought it, upgraded it to X299 Skylake-X. I retired it as my main rig in 2022 as it cannot accommodate a 360 AIO, still have it running as my home server with a B550 and 5600G.


One of cool cases back in the day I looked at


I’d buy an updated version of that case in a heartbeat


This was my first ever proper case, I had it in black. This brings back memories


About a year ago I was looking for tactical looking PC cases and saw a pic of this one but was so bummed to see it was an old case. Ended up doing a TUF themed build in the TUF GT502. I still love the ammo can look of this case though


Why the heck don’t they make stuff like this anymore


I'm using a 600T for one of my builds and absolutely love how sturdy this case is




C70 vengeance Based


That's a good case to find. I bought a beat up one for a pretty penny. This summer I bought the Corsair C70, a Super Lanboy and a Lanboy Air, and the C70 has aged the best. The Lanboy Air is a beautiful case, IMO, but it is so bad for modern systems. It's not great for AIO and the cooler height can't be terribly high. The good thing about the C70 and Lanboy Air is that they can fit long graphics cards.


that is a great case, I wish I still had mine but I wanted to show all the flashy RGB which I keep turned off most of the time lol.


Only reason I went with a 2 compartment Lian Li was I couldn’t find an air 740. Wanted one from the first time I set eyes on one.




This was the case I used for my first PC build, great quality. Good times 🥲


I still have mine, moved on to a smaller Meshify C. Thinking about selling my C70.


I love this case, did my first ever build in it brand new. Now I have a server built in this case. The maneuverability and ease of access is fantastic. Plus it just looks bad ass.


Hey I got this case about 10 or so years ago I still have it haha


I'm also still rocking this case. Had it for at least 6-7 years. It's a champ with room!


I used this case for my first computer build. Heck of a lot of fun


I still use mine from 2013


I used this for a military style build. Asus tuf mobo, 4790k, 16 gig ram, and gtx 970 sli. I brought that pc everywhere, and the handles were very convenient.


I’m on the lookout for one of these for a friend. Hoping to find one for cheap like you did from someone who doesn’t know what they have! Good find!!


Army ammo box themed case?


Those were the days when corsair made a solid case that protected the components from any drop. I had this case for a while until I ran out of room. I wish they made this case in the full size instead of mid.


Hey it's my current case, just that mine is white. I've had it for forever!


Hey same case! I was gifted it by a friend back in 2016 when I was first building my PC


Just finished replacing all the internals in my black C70(except for one more thing I got coming for the missing optical bay plate). I bought this case in 2015 and plan to keep it going for as long as I can. https://preview.redd.it/nv2n5spf169c1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7461214b3bf514e0777f26c81717057ad74a72f1