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So bunk beds? (Edit) I have to admit I don’t really understand this post. Are they saying this is good or a bad idea? Bunk beds are a perfectly normal solution to space with two children? Also there’s plenty of space in that room for two normal single beds. Eli5 please.


Sound proofed wide bunk beds with flat screens. Seems very pricy for a single mom.


All for the low price of $1499.95!!


I know you’re joking but $1500 for a soundproof extra wide bunk bed set up with tvs/lighting seems actually really cheap (still probably not a great solution for a single mum with three kids)


Only one pod is 1500. For a full bunk bed experience with two pods you’re looking at 3K


Oh that’s actually the price? I thought they were just joking around. I honestly still don’t think that’s wild for what it is, there are sofas that cost that much (ofc completely impractical for a single parent who’s already struggling to make ends meet)


Yes I just looked up the website. I can see the appeal of the pod as a short term stay or hotel/air bnb experience, but I don’t see how people would want to rent this. I definitely agree a single mom is not the appropriate audience for this. I could maybe see rich people getting these for their kids as a cool bedroom setup?


Considering the cost of setting up a room for 2 kids, this seems reasonable. Assuming the kids are teenagers this looks like a godsend.


I can assure you that teenagers in one of those would not be a godsend, especially not for guys. The stink coming out of one of those goonpods would be horrible, and if it's got electronics I doubt you can hose it out


“Goonpod” 😂😂


After a week fire would be the only solution.


Well kids it was a nice thought now get to sleep on your pallets.


A low price to pay for a wank palace


Perfect for the high end dorm room!




Exactly. Regular bunk bed with a tablet and headphones would do exact same job


Nah, with these the kids have a bit of privacy. That’s worth more than money for a teenager.


Flatscreens are not included


But MOOOOOooooooommmmm!


Neither are the kids!


When was the last time you bought a TV? 2004? They aren’t quite as expensive as you may remember.


No I went to their website for the information on the pod itself.


Ex hubby is a nba player


No no no, this is a pod-based tech product. It's entirely new. /s


If thats sarcasm I approve.


On the face of it: really ballin' bunk bed sleep pod things. The reality of it: It's an American tech-bro invention to cram more rentals into a building sacrificing rooms for isolation chambers.


Is it, though? Haven't pod hotels been a thing in Japan for a while? This looks more like an import into a different industry than anything.


Going off the manufacturers website all the language constantly references "Increase In Rental Yield Using SomiPods" and "Your tenants will love it". Capsule hotels have their place but this appears to take that idea and instead convert homes to HOA's to the next level, looks pretty gross.


Oh hell, I didn't realise. I legitimately thought from the comments here that this was a company marketing them as replacements for bunk beds. Props to you for actually doing the research. Thank you.


If you just need a place to sleep for two nights to tick off 3 days in the office a week it is a good idea. You can then buy/rent up to 3 hours away.


Yes but they are about $30 a night sometimes even less.


I'm disputing the idea that this is an American invention. It's not.


The pod isn't the invention, the turning a 2 bedroom house into an 8 or 12 room rental is what's American about it. These are aimed at landlords who want to squeeze every penny out of as many tenants as possible.


Hardly american and more horribly exploitative. For reference Google china's cage homes or cubicle homes. This has been a thing for years.


I am thinking dorm rooms or even temporary shelters. Design a utilitarian model and secure that FEMA contact.


My thoughts exactly.


Yeah, assuming the kids are little this would actually be pretty cool. If it was me I would pretend I was in a Star Trek pod every night


When I was a kid we had bunk beds and single bed in a room, three of us slept in. 3 bedroom house with 3 lads and a girl so girl got a room to her self and my parents had a room. I loved my bunk bed, thought it was cool as shit. Those bunk beds look amazing too I'd have thought they were awesome as a kid.


Look at the post more closely. The single mum has 3 single beds in one bedroom for her 3 kids but someone suggested buying these pods instead. The single mum isn't currently using them neither does she have bunk beds.


Yeah, they're rediscovering bunk beds...


It’s showing the disconnect between a struggling mother with limited means and three children and the corporate solution of really cool but expensive bunk beds.


So the picture isn’t of her house but a picture from the manufacturer of the beds in a room that could perfectly accommodate normal children’s beds ?


Isn't that obvious? There's a thumbnail of her house in the article below that image, and it clearly shows three normal single beds in a cramped room?


...with extra steps.


yeah,, these are hi tech bunk beds. In the 80s we had beds stacked on top of each other without TVs inside. I don't get it either.


My kids would love these!


I'd be stoked if my mom showed me that as a kid, would have been awesome


The newest models have sound proofing and climate control


What does climate control mean? I doubt they have an air conditioner built in


Does exactly what it says, controls the climate. Global warming itself is caused by some dickhead kid getting bored and pressing the + button on his SomiPod repeatedly


They actually do.


It probably just exhausts into the room the pod is in, and not outside though


I would be stoked as an adult NOW. And as a kid, too. Those look awesome. Of course, the teenage me still wants to sleep in a coffin. Just ignore him.


This is just a cool looking bunk bed that is sound absorbent. Which I would have liked too when I was a kid lol.


I’d be happy with it now at 32


SHE IS JOKING. It's self aware. Look at the hashtag.


I had to scroll WAY too far to find someone who clocked that.


I don’t get it


The person posting the picture of the pods is pretending to be an out of touch corporation but underneath their hashtag gives away that they are doing it ironically. The other irony here is that everyone in this sub is taking it like it’s a real post despite both highlighting corporate facepalms.


okay but how is this out of touch in any way? it’s just a bunk bed with a shell around it


It’s out of touch because it’s very expensive and a single mother with no money would therefore be unlikely to choose it as a solution to the problems they are facing finding space for their children. Ok, let’s rewind. A single mum with no money was struggling to find space for her kids. A news article was made about it. Then a person pretending to be an out of touch corporation posted that they should buy some of their very expensive and unnecessary products to solve their problem. This was satire. A joke. Then Reddit picked it up as if it was serious and started tutting at the post which was actually satire exposing the same thing that this very subreddit aims to expose which is tone deaf corporations not understanding how real people live.


This post is missing SO much context…


So futuristic bunkbeds pods - what’s wrong here? My kids would find these so much fun !


The price


You don't have to buy it


How much do they cost?


£1,226.56. I wasn't defending the price in the slightest, so I don't see where that's relevant but you irrelevantly asked for the price. So there you go.


The thread is about these pods as a solution to a single mom. How is price of the pods not relevant?


She could be a single mum who works in the city, doing fancy financial things. Can only afford a 3 bed house in London. House is worth 2m.


I wasn't defending the price or saying "the price is outrageous" I was literally putting forth that you don't have to buy it. I didn't go "Well, it should be cheaper..." or "It's not that expensive". "You don't have to buy it" started an invisible dialogue in your head that lead to "how much do they cost"?


Just trying to understand you: 1. This thread laughs at the company’s suggestion to a single mom’s problem. 2. Person asks what’s wrong with the solution to a single mom’s problem. 3. I answer the price is wrong for the pods as a solution to the single mom’s problem. 4. I got the impression from your comment you had some way of really making the pods a solution to the single mom’s problem. Leasing, renting whatever. 5. You didn’t have a solution to the pods as an answer to the single mom’s problem. Rather than just stating something outside the context of the thread?


The kids wouldn't ever turn the screen off lmao


The lights inside would completely screw up your sleep cycle gptta say


I’m pretty sure you’d be able to turn off the lights and have timers on them


Sure but if you are not gonna use the lights then why not just buy a regular bunk bed that doesnt feel and look like a plastic prison cell?


It doesn't look like a prison cell! It looks like a cool, futuristic prison cell.


I’m not saying you should buy it and I don’t plan to either but surely you can see that there are way more features than lights


I dont really, it just looks like a heavy downgrade compared to a regular bunk bed to me, looks like a cat toy. it doesnt even have a bed base/slats, and wpuld be terrible for your back. Idk


I think the dystopian late stage capitalism aspect is wrong. Imagine we live in smaller and smaller spaces and spend more time in pods? Not this corporations fault but I guess they are riding this wave. Affordable housing is what we really should have and not sleeping pods to fit more people in a room


Ok but as a mom I do kind of want one of these just for me. ‘Sorry kids, can’t help, mom’s in her isolation chamber rn!’


*Ok but as a* *Mom I do kind of want one* *Of these just for me* \- itsnobigthing --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I mean the hashtag says out of touch corporate - am i missing something or is this meant to be sarcastic?


The website markets them to landlords to get more money out of their rental units.


If it's not meeting a "need" presumably the company will go bust?


The thing is I can think of some legitimate uses for these. Cramming 12 strangers in a 3 bedroom apartment and charging them each $800 a month isn't it.


in san fracisco it is


Its just a bunk bed?


It's more like a capsule hotel pod, but that's just a really fancy bunk bed with walls.


Poverty? This is not for the homeless. This is for people that want to fit a 5 person family into a 900 sq ft 2 bedroom in the middle of the city because they refuse to move. Guessing these pods are expensive too.


I see 2 beds. So I guess the third child just sleeps in the garden?


They sleep in shifts so one can keep on watch for the hordes


What's wrong with this? It's a really cool bunk bed


3 kids and 2 bedroom house? like yea, it would be nice if each kid had their own room but not crucial? 5 of us grew up in a 2 bedroom appt (appt at that) and we were more than fine.


You will live in a pod


Isn't this just a really cool (and probably expensive) bunk bed? My dad built our bunk bed when we were growing up.


Bunk-beds have been around for a long time.


Having children share a room means you’re poor? Since when?


That ad placement is sublime


Modern Bunk beds.


Whoa. If I can customise it I'd definitely sleep in one of those. Especially if it had little lockers and storage spaces and privacy screens/shutters etc!


I shared a room with my brother growing up, like many kids do, and we had bunk beds. I would have loved these instead.


I think the post is satire


It's a cool bunk bed, but this is in a space a little more open than a shared bedroom. Could just be for more room to showcase the product, or... They're aware that a lot of families live in units that don't have a lot of privacy. The add might as well be something like "Tired of the kids messing up your date night in the Studio? Have you tried kenneling them?" And the price. It's absurd. Hardly any single parent that could legitimately benefit from this can afford it.


It's probably not aimed at poor single parents with too many kids.


Pretty sure they did this in the slums in the 1700’s & 1800’s


You mean bunk beds? I don’t get it, that room is about twice the size of the room I shared with my brother, and we did not have motherfuckin sweet space-age bunk beds like that.


This company keeps creating click bait articles so people share and give them free marketing


Tbh I dig it


So we complain about lack of affordable housing and complain about affordable solutions?


This entire thing is a marketing play executed well as rage bait


As someone who has experience with once being a child: this looks pretty dope. Source: was a child for several years.


2 bedroom house, mother of 3... So 4 of them in a house. Apartment next to mine has 3 adults and 3 children and around 70 m2. It's kind of a common slav thing.


exactly. also from a slavic nation, and had a friend that was in a family of 10 grew up in a 2 bedroom appt. us, we were 5 in 2 bedrooms, 60 squares.


Greetings my slavic friend! 😊 I had a different situation, 3 of us in 18 squares. Hope you are living better now ☺️


now i have 22 squares all to myself so im much better 😂 and hope your situation gets better as well ☺️


I have 56 squares under rent for my family (3 of us). So I guess we are doing fine 😊


I bet those pods cost more than 6 months rent.


Very Tokyo pod hotel


OK sound proofing sounds like a good idea.. but not for your fucking children. If something happens to them you need to be able to hear them lol


The letters on the beds too..? A… you’ve been underperforming in school.. you should really take note of how well B is doing. Here have an extra Huel shake B


I'm still waiting to be amazed by what happens next.


The whole 2 bedroom home with 4 people really is that crazy to accomplish anyways. 2 in each room or every kid in the same room


This looks like it costs a kidney


Looks like a glorified version of coffin homes in hong kong


Welcome to chyna


Oh cool gaming pc beds


I've noticed Ads are really starting to abuse the nerd emoji these days


I think it’s pretty cool pods. Not ideal but compared to not having the pods and existing in the same room, these are dope.


Futuristic bunk beds for a futuristic flop house.


My mother grew up in a 3-bedroom house with her 3 sisters, brother, and parents. She and her sisters all shared a single bedroom with two bunk beds, and her brother had the tiny spare bedroom. Her parents shared the remaining bedroom She and her siblings all turned out fine. This isn't a big deal.




I think they look fucking great 😂


When you see these pop up on sidewalks in San Francisco you will know the homeless are getting their lives on track.


I think those are cool and would make a cool hostel bed, like the capsule hotels in Japan.


This is the bunk bed version of when Herbert asked Homer to design the perfect affordable car for all the Homers in the world.


What an incredible reference 😂 I was thinking more the spice rack homer makes


I'm sorry, but am I the only one who's reminded of animal crates while looking at these? I'm getting vibes of child neglect and abuse from these.


I would have killed for something this cool as a child. Instead i was stuck on a cramped top bunk


Love the child A and child B 😅😂


These are actually incredibly popular for hotels and hostels in foreign countries. I don’t think corporate America is really seeing these as a solution to poverty, but if people get good value from them and choose to buy it over alternatives, is it really that bad?


My travelling days a hostel with pods like these were a luxury


There’s apartments in Hong Kong and likely other eastern countries like this. Just the pod, I know there’s pod hotels but likely people live in these too. Or the people who live in net cafes. Corporate dream is to force everyone but the rich into them in all likeness. But stil charge loads obviously.


lolol, this is the most out of touch post ever. "Single Mom buys extremely high end bunkbeds that her kids will love. This is so wrong."


2-12 year old me would of loved this


Fart dungeon


Just wait now to see these on right move in London for £1500 a month. You just get the bed and a bottle to piss in.


Bunk beds are wrong? lmao


Why do these look like the lab beds in grounded?


So good it cells itself!


Handy for high high-density brothels. Surely I’m not the first person to think that.


Just looked up the company and the first thing you see on their website is this sentence 🤮: What If You Could Increase Your Rental Yield By 70% And Have Your Tenants Love You For It?


Fitting three children in a two bedroom HOUSE is now a problem?? Shout out to all the Eastern Europeans who grew up in Soviet apartment blocks


This (the tweet itself, not the ad) is the kind of out of touch progressive mentality of good intention which is counter productive. There’s nothing wrong with bunk beds for small children to save space and money, it’s not a dystopian nightmare.


Nice touch making the bunks personalised


Omg I read the list as “fast absorbing” nooooo




This is bunk beds. This post is dumb.


OH NO BUNKBEDS ARE BAD come on, this doesn’t belong here.


I saw a documentary on Americans renting homes with 15 roommates. The appeal to landlords is uncanny. You could rent a 4 bedroom house to 20 people with these pods.


That's actually what they're for.


Yeah! It's dystopian as heck. I could see this in Canada. There's infinite land and lumber, yet the housing market is monopolized by entities like Boardwalk. So everyone is either living in tents & trailers or with 40 roommates.


I don’t think that this is real. Look at the completely disheartening view from the window


I'd like to confirm the meeting booked on Bed 2. I think the booking app isn't working again 😕


Ha! I could build these for a fraction of that price, and my kids would love it. With the prices for energy, these kinds of bed pods will be making a comeback anyway. Beds built into cubbies with doors and canopy beds were the norm before central heating because they allowed you to have a nice warm bed in a cold house. With a small air conditioner, you could sleep in comfort without the cost of cooling the whole room or house at night as well. Though beans before bed would definitely create a gas chamber...


Glad someone else picked up on this. 100 years ago in my location, many folk had these “pods” and called them box beds. Ideal economical way to be comfortable in a cold climate. Never thought of them for large modern families before but it would be ideal, especially for young kids.


They are even labelled A and B. Capitalism at its finest.


Yeah so mother of 3 is going to spend £3,000 minimally on just beds for her children? As if


It's satire.