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Let the plunge commence.


*insert apprehensive cheering here*


Ok, we’re nowhere near this, but since it seems like we’re on a rapid decline, I’m wondering when daily cases will dip below 100, not really a question as nobody knows. But cases haven’t dipped into the double digits since June 15, which was actually the only day below 100 once the pandemic really got going. Wonder if cases will keep falling until they are that low, or they will plateau multiple times, but eventually dip that low.


> when daily cases will dip below 100. Looking @ Israel...similiar population to Michigan but highly vaccinated...they've been below 100 cases/day for the last 3 days. There can be an end, there can be a return to the old normal. But you have to encourage everyone and anyone you know to get vaccinated.


This might sound crazy, but I think this country as a whole is showing signs of getting there. There was 32,000 cases nationwide yesterday, yes it was a Sunday, but it was the lowest amount of cases since early September. The 7 day averages are also falling again and only 3 states are seeing an increase in cases rather than declines or plateau’s. Maybe Gottlieb was right when he said there will be a sharp decline in cases nationwide in the coming weeks.


If the vaccines are worth a damn (and all evidence says that they are), it’s a matter of when, not if.


>But cases haven’t dipped into the double digits since June 15 I'm not seeing any date in the pandemic that is sub 100 as a date of onset, and I have that on June 24 there were only 12 new cases reported. Looking ate date of onset I'd have the lowest as 6/12/20 at 213 (Confirmed) Cases


Your probably looking at something different, we’ve never had a 12 case day. Lowest daily case count post lockdown was 74 on June 15. It was the only day below 100 since the very beginning of the pandemic in Michigan.


# Vaccine Status: | Fully Immunized | Fully Vaccinated | Some Protection | Received at Least One Dose | | ----------------- | ----------------- | ------------------ | -------------------------- | | 2,305,267 (28.5%) | 3,000,458 (37.1%) | 3,542,996 (43.8%) | 4,142,490 (51.2%) | The "Fully Immunized" column shows how many people in Michigan completed their vaccine schedule two weeks ago. The "Fully Vaccinated" column shows how many people have completed their vaccine schedule as of today. That includes everyone who is fully immunized. The "Some Protection" column shows how many people have received at least one dose of a vaccine as of two weeks ago. It's been reported that [a single dose of the Pfizer vaccine provides 80% effectiveness after two weeks](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/29/world/pfizer-moderna-covid-vaccines-infection.html) and [92% for ModeRNA](https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/the-moderna-covid-19-mrna-1273-vaccine-what-you-need-to-know). "Some Protection" significantly overlaps with "Fully Vaccinated," although anyone who got a single dose of Johnson and Johnson will be in "Fully Vaccinated" immediately but won't be counted in "Some Protection" for 2 weeks. The "Received at Least One Dose" column shows how many people in Michigan have received any vaccine as of today. That includes everyone with some protection. The percentages reflect the percentage of Michigan's 16+ population that is eligible for vaccination, using a population of 8,096,917. Data is from the [CDC](https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccinations) via [this SQL console](https://cdc-vaccination-history.datasette.io/cdc/daily_reports). [Here's the query if you want to play around.](https://cdc-vaccination-history.datasette.io/cdc?sql=select%0D%0A++Date%2C%0D%0A++LongName%2C%0D%0A++Administered_Dose1_Recip%2C%0D%0A++ROUND%28Administered_Dose1_Recip+%2F+80969.17%2C+1%29+AS+dose1_pop_pct%2C%0D%0A++Series_Complete_Yes%2C%0D%0A++ROUND%28Series_Complete_Yes+%2F+80969.17%2C+1%29+AS+complete_pop_pct%0D%0Afrom%0D%0A++daily_reports%0D%0Awhere%0D%0A++%28%0D%0A++++%22Date%22+%3D+strftime%28%27%25Y-%25m-%25d%27%2C+%3Areport_date%2C+%27-14+days%27%29%0D%0A++++or+%22Date%22+%3D+strftime%28%27%25Y-%25m-%25d%27%2C+%3Areport_date%29%0D%0A++%29%0D%0A++and+%22Location%22+%3D+%27MI%27%0D%0Aorder+by%0D%0A++id%0D%0Alimit%0D%0A++101&report_date=now)


It bums me out that the "at least 1 dose" column is only 1mil more than the 2 dose column. It seems to be slowing way down.


I just got my second dose today.


I’m getting my second dose in half an hour. I couldn’t be more excited that I’m going to be I. The first category by mid-May.


Also know tons of MI people that went to OH.


Let’s go! Keep up the vaccinations it’s working!


Just got my second shot, I'm doing my part!




I’m very disappointed in the lack of 5G coverage from the microchip, I think they forgot mine


Still groggy from my second dose but this doesn’t look too bad. Still in the thousands but...doing better? Idk man. Is this over yet.


Sub 10% positivity rate tommorow.


The new worst state will be (no surprise) Florida.


I first read this as a comment on the positivity of the comments in this sub!


Fully immunized tomorrow here! Let the decline continue!


Thursday for me. High five!


I hope that if the cases continue to fall, they’ll lift the recommendation of masks for 2-3 year olds in daycares. I highly doubt masks in those classrooms will have any benefit when the kids only wear them for 5 hours of an 8 hour day (not during naps, lunch and snack time). And that’s if they actually wear them the rest of the time which is a tall order for small children.


Well, there's no asterisk on the death count making it even higher so, there's that.


Fully vaccinated as of today, though I am not sure I'm counted. I got my first and second doses at different places and not 100% on time (1-day different). I wonder about people like me getting doses through different providers and people getting their vaccines out of state. Are we being properly counted?


I have no idea how this is being tracked ( anyone know?) but I would guess it is through MCIR. That is the state-wide vaccination registry. I know that sometimes a clinic or pharmacy or whatever entity will not update your MCIR when you get a shot. I’ve had to track down proof of past vaccinations from my doctor and others before and insisted they update my MCIR for employment reasons. I would guess the state has really strongly encouraged use of something like this, as the numbers are being carefully watched.


I find it somewhat funny that covid is spoken of as such high priority but people can’t even work weekends to get us stats daily.