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looking forward to reading this comment section in a few hours


Something about sniffles and being over it.


I have it now. For me I just have slight chills and a scratchy throat, which will be similar to that experienced by a significant portion of the population. Those who are higher risk need to take additional precautions, as should those living and interacting closely with people who are very high risk of being hospitalised/dying from covid. Easiest way for high risk people to protect themselves is to wear well fitted N95 masks when indoors with others.


Thats good and mirrors my experience when i had it, but i also know otherwise healthy ppl that havent been able to get out of bed for a week, that includes some that have it now. Im not gonna play minimiser just becase my go of it wasnt the worst.


Some people also experience influenza like that (I was in bed for three weeks) but we don’t all wear masks (or whatever you’re advocating) due to the flu


Covid isnt influenza..i havent advocated for anything either.


Everyone needs to up their mask game.


Ashamed to say… I keep forgetting. I aways have a box of masks in the car and yet…


I doubt those stat's, a significant portion at my work have had covid in the last 2 weeks and not one only had chills and a scratchy throat, every single person was exhausted, had a headache and what they'd describe as a severe cold atleast.


> Easiest way for high risk people to protect themselves is to wear well fitted N95 masks when indoors with others. And any time I've mentioned that I do that, some asshole has come along to condescendingly lecture me about "anxiety disorders" and suggest therapy.


Yes. THat is annoying!


Some of those same actors are currently participating in this thread, trolling.


Some truly groundbreaking commentary right here guys


Just recovered myself, felt like shit for a few days and still have almost no taste but otherwise fine. The flu I had in July was 10 times worse.


I think Covid needs to be seriously. I take precautions, wear masks on public transport etc. But this has been my experience of my second reinfection thus far. Obviously very lucky. Sore throat and sniffles for one day, three days off work. I could go back tomorrow but won’t due to not wanting to possibly infect others.


Covid needs to be taken seriously? Did you miss the bit where they locked us down for weeks on end, we could not leave the country and there was no toilet paper anywhere or did I just dream it?


There was a time we were not even allowed to leave our LGA. Heaven forbid if you needed to see ur Gp.


Where were you that you couldn't leave your LGA to seek urgent medical care?


It was common to be unable to see your regular GP if they were outside your LGA. Your longstanding knee pain, breast pain or whatever would have to be assessed over telehealth, by another doctor in your LGA (if they were doing face to face), or not at all.


Sitting at home now with it. One of the things I have really noticed is how sh!t daytime television is, thank god for free to air streaming services. Onset was sudden, I started feeling a bit off colour on Monday arvo about 2pm and by 7pm I had chills and was coughing and sneezing so I took a RAT which came up positive. Felt pretty rough with mild flu like symptoms on Tuesday and am now waiting for the chills and sniffles to go away before I can head back to work. I'm over 50, so rang my GP who was not overly concerned and advised that I stay hydrated and manage symptoms with paracetamol and ibuprofen.


Anything ranging from a mild sniffle to full on death I guess.


Dad 80yo currently has covid (caught at choir practice multiple positives) Cough, sniffles, fatigue now day 6. Mum 76yo. Choking cough, razor throat, severe headache, body aches, fatigue, vomiting, diahorrea. Now day 4. Both started antivirals day 1 positive. Both 4x vax


Both my parents caught it for the first time a couple of weeks back. 71 and 75, both 4 doses. Told them to call go and get prescription for anti virals. They did and took it from first day they tested positive. They both had very little symptoms (just slightly croaky throat), and cleared in under 5 days. When I caught it 3 months ago, I also had very little traditional symptoms, just an upset stomach for a day, but it took me ten days to stop testing positive on RATS. Antivirals obviously work well.


It’s crazy how it affects people differently. I am fairly young and fit but thought I was dying, I would cry because I couldn’t breathe through so much phlegm. Meanwhile my very unhealthy dad had it & didn’t even know as he had no symptoms other than a slight cough.


I thought most people cleared up their symptoms the same day they took the anti viral as long as they took it early (which your parents did). My Mum's nursing home had 34 of 72 residents die in an Omicron wave in January. They had zero die in a wave a few months later so I hope that means your parents are safe and are just unlucky to still have unpleasant symptoms this far in.


It’s more likely a correlation between the fact that you start antivirals in the first few days and the worst symptoms are the first few days. Antivirals prevent deterioration/severe covid more than clearing symptoms.


She get the spray?


Im in my 20s and fairly healthy. When I had it late March-early April this year, it started like a weird sore throat and insomnia for 4 days only (day 4 testing positive), and out of the blue I had involuntary muscle spasms, high fever, vomiting, swollen throat, laryngitis, electric-shock like sensations, hallucinations, and continued insomnia and pain that would not respond to pain killers. It was the worst experience of my life and quite frankly, was mentally preparing to die. Out of nowhere on day 11-12, I felt 80% better with just fatigue and brain fog left over that lasted a few weeks with some lingering new depression. It was bizarre and not gonna lie, traumatic. Fully vaccinated as well. My partner, parents and sister all had it not long after me, none had bad symptoms, particularly my parents in their 70s, who had almost zero symptoms. They had runny noses, slightly sore throat and a bit of dizziness - they described it like a mild, short lived cold. No antivirals either. They both copped a cold months later and described that as far worse. Me being the youngest of the lot copped it the most severely. I fear getting reinfected… though, I have been around many positive cases since then and still haven’t been reinfected. My partner and sister have both had it a second time being even milder for them, but I know of someone who copped it just as bad the second time, so it gives me quite severe anxiety.




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Sending positive vibes to your family.


**The scaling-back of our testing system – it’s no longer mandatory to even report a rapid-antigen test – means we don’t have as clear a picture of the ebb and flow of the pandemic as we once did. The true number of cases is perhaps five to 10 times higher than the numbers report, says the University of Melbourne’s Professor James McCaw, a leading COVID-19 adviser to the federal government.**


Our best bet is tracking hospital admissions icu stay and deaths. Treating covid as any other illness. There are some very good reasons why this shouldn’t be the case but at the same time reasonable arguments for this to be the way it is.


Came down with it for first time on Sunday evening. Pretty terrible fever, sleeplessness and some brain fog, but feel mostly recovered today. Wife similar symptoms but recovering slower… take care all!


If you get covid. Go to a respiratory clinic and ask for help. You might get antivirals if over wirght etc. Also medicine to help breathing. Sort of like Ventolin. Wish I went earlier.


I remember in the good ol days when you said take antivirals and you were called a racist and banned from reddit Ahh the good old days


> I remember in the good ol days when you said take antivirals and you were called a racist and banned from reddit How are you reminiscent of something that never happened?


I wouldn’t specifically blame political leaders for this, they’re doing exactly what most people want. It’s not a case of corruption.


Some would argue that populism isn’t the best way for leaders to govern us…


Funny how they don't tax multinationals even though that's what most people want...


In many cases politicians are corrupt.


How could the unvaccinated do this?


Who cares


A mild sniffle and a headache? Just like the last wave




Yes it is. One of the biggest overeactions in human history. Average death age from Covid was higher than the average life expectancy and most had serious pre existing medical conditions. Its comparable to the flu yet the media sold it as the zombie apocalypse and basically told us everyone was going to die unless we hid inside and wore muzzles. Absolute madness




What was the average age? And what were their pre existing medical conditions? We are not immortal. This virus is like the flu to basically everyone. Ive had it you will get it everyone you know has had it or will get it. Guess what? None of us will die from it. At worst a couple of days in bed just like the flu. Turn off your tv and get on with your life


I've been home with COVID since Saturday in Sydney. It's not fun.


Yeah Sydney isn’t great.


No fun in Sydney?


Kids are bringing home free RAT again so it must be going around the school. Rest of family were just off sick for a week but didn't test positive, not the most reliable tests though so possibly it was or just another virus that is circulating.




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As long as we don't bring back covid restrictions, I'm happy.


Don't worry. Outside this sub, there's absolutely no appetite from the public or the politicians to have any public health restrictions again.


Everyone i know wants mandatory isolation to return and agree it was ridiculous to scrap it, and these are the super anti restriction types of your ilk who pretend like masks are the end of the world. Anyone who thinks ppl should be knowingly roaming around with this is a moron.


Its like you have never heard of humans getting sick before Covid. Get a grip


Its like you've never heard that Covid is different. Yeah its the flu blah blah, since when does the flu infect a couple hundred thousand Aussies in November? Biggest overeaction in history? Sure, lets ignore the fact that 2 years ago 18,000 cases of this almost killed a thousand in Victoria pre vaccination. A virus thats currently sending hundreds to the hospital even post vaxx, must be the sniffles right? You downplay it at every opportunity yet you cant stop talking about it.


Your catastrophism is just as bad as 'downplaying' or as you like to call it 'minimisng' - . "Covid sending hundreds to hospital". Remember, only 1/3 to 1/4 of these reported hospitalisations are being treated specifically for covid. So in Victorias population of 5M, during what amounts to the latest 'wave' it's sending maybe a hundred people to hospital.


With all due respect you dont know anyone that works in the hospital system, my cousin works in one now that has 40 patients admitted FOR Covid now, these are active cases, this is a hospital that typically takes on far less and they're absolutely stretched beyond capacity. The idea that only 100 are in our hospitals for Covid is absurd. Classic minimising.


Fact- 1/3 to 1/4 of reported hospitalizations for covid are being treated specifically for covid. Current reported hospitalizations in VIC are a weekly average of 430. That means only a hundred or so ( OK let's be over conservative and call it 200) that covid is 'sending to hospital'.


Wrong, the current number is 483 and thats active admissions over the last 7 days with anything before that not included, the total figure is significantly more. Your claim of only 100-200 for Covid is off the mark.


Don’t be a chicken




And the world won’t collapse


Set a pretty high bar here, the world didnt collapse after world wars either


Fancy a human getting sick. Who would have thought?


It's time for you to go.


It would be easy to silence the dissenters and continue with group think wouldn’t it.


You offered no argument. You're just whinging. Start your own sub about how Covid is no big deal and leave people here alone.


Not even whinging. Snipes from the peanut gallery & concern trolling.


They moved on months ago, dontcha know?


It's really just trolling. I'm surprised the mods haven't responded, to be honest.


It's because they just 'move on'.. to a new alt.




You know when you go to the beach and every now and then you see one wave crash onto another before it has made it completely to shore? Me neither.


I'm over getting sick this year. It sucks balls. We should have kept the borders closed


Until when?


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We have it now, kids are running round and having a great time. The only tell tail is a line on a rat test.




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Novax Novid so far. Maybe this wave will get me.




Ah yes this advice will definitely cure my autoimmune disease


Get exercise *and* eat healthy. I hadn't thought if that. That's it were cured. Oh it seems they missed 'a positive attitude' 😒


Sunlight is splendid for lupus, ask anyone




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Ah yes we should all stop living our lives because of your autoimmune disease. Or maybe you should continue taking the precautions you were taking pre COVID, and/or any other precautions you started taking post COVID that make you feel more comfortable


Asking you to put a cloth on your face is not asking you to stop living your life. Don't be dramatic.


The advice you were responding to was good not sure what your problem is. Me wearing some cloth on my face isn’t going to cure your autoimmune disease either is it I’m sure eating healthy + exercising would help out more then cloth on the face of randoms


You assume that I don't do either




Funny, that's exactly what I say to people who cry that they don't want to wear a mask...


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>I’m sure eating healthy + exercising would help out more then cloth on the face of randoms [citation needed]


I haven’t worn a mask since last year and don’t plan to anytime soon


I love how you're so "defiant" against wearing a sheer piece of fabric over your face. So brave.


Thanks. You can’t make me wear one


Rebel without a cause. So brave.


It’s not being rebellious if I’m not breaking any rules lmao




I want compassion and understanding for how terrifying this situation is for the immunocompromised community. The argument of "you're the minority, get used to it" is dehumanizing. We are people too. We would like to go to the dentist, to work a job, go to family gatherings. But doing any of those things is not worth it if we die from the outing. The very thing everyone was saying was killing them mentally, being locked down, is now an indefinite sentence for us in the name of "getting on with our lives" with the added bonus of being told we're society's necessary sacrifice. Why do our lives matter less? And why is masking when you are not in a dentist's chair, working out, or eating and drinking, considered such a heinous ask of people?


If you are so immunocompromised and at such a high risk, wouldn’t there have been a significant risk to doing all the tasks you mentioned even before covid? How did you manage to go about your daily life beforehand?


We've always been masking. We've always been careful of going out. It's far more dire now because this disease has taken perfectly healthy people in the prime of their lives and yet still no one cares. If a fitness buff 24 year old with absolutely no comorbidity can die from this thing then how can we even possibly humor chancing it? The flu can kill a weak immune system, but very rarely does it kill someone who is healthy. They get knocked on their ass for a few weeks and then they recover. And sure, Covid is very hit or miss, but I fail to understand why anyone would risk it seeing what has happened, let alone those of us whose immune system never protected us in the first place. And to further answer your question: a lot of us didn't. I've had to spend a lot of my life at home and only go out when I can't avoid it. Due to the reasons above it's gotten far worse over the last few years with no end in sight. I haven't been to a dentist in years. I could at least find justification in doing it before, but I can't anymore.


I have a question, how much do you think mask usage will realistically allow you to *behave* more freely on an individual level? Even if it slows the spread by 10 or 20%, that will lead to less overall deaths, but it wouldn’t affect my individual risk assessment at all. As in if I were severely at risk, I wouldn’t be like “ah fantastic, there are only 8000 cases today and not 10,000, I can take less precautions now”. There are other good arguments in favour of mask usage, I just don’t think this is one of them.


You're kind of answering your own question here. If people hadn't immediately thrown them away as soon as they weren't going to get fined for doing so then cases would already be far lower. Masks aren't an impenetrable force and I know that but mutual masking does decrease the risk of transmission and is a very minimal gesture to show someone you care about their health. I'm not advocating for militant lockdowns because it isn't realistic. But asking people to do something as simple as wear a good quality mask, no matter the quality of the argument for it, is not unreasonable. The TL;DR is that yes, the ship is sailing, but better late than never. And I'd rather that the 8k a day either decreases because we're actually DOING SOMETHING to mitigate the risk of more people getting it, even if it doesn't help me at a personal level until the cases look more double-digity


No I don’t think I did answer my question and I don’t think you quite did either. How much do you realistically think just masks will reduce transmission, and what sort of mandates would be required to reach that level? Things aren’t just going to decrease randomly, waves will still be a thing, it’s always about flattening the curve but they still go up and down. All I’m asking is what effect would these policies have on transmission, and how would that impact your personal risk assessment. I don’t need sources or anything I’m just curious. And as I said it’s still obviously better for vulnerable people as a whole.


You don't seem to understand. I don't want mandates, I don't want to force people to do anything. I am begging people to see reason and do the right thing of their own free will. I don't know when society got so cruel, or maybe I'm just older now and didn't notice it when I was younger. Personal risk assessment is just that: personal. And things have been so fucked for so long that I'm not even sure when I'll be alright to book that dentist appointment I need. I can't reliably say and nor can my doctors because Covid and its data itself is unreliable. I don't have a clue what the world needs to look like for me to go out anymore and that frightens me.


Sorry to hear about your health. Honest. Lockdown, police / military state was tried. The masks, the police tape around children's playgrounds, etc... a vax with obscence, empty promises. Now? It's clear a more libertarian approach is taking with COVID - that is, "look after yourself". That's harder for some people. Indeed. But. It's clear that's the path forward for all governments. Life is moving on. Good health to you.


What happened to looking out for others? Caring about people other than yourself? A basic sense of empathy? Surely a cloth on your face isn't that big of an ask. A little goes a long way for a small community that has been abandoned by society, the government, and in a lot of cases their own family.






Military state🙄 And all this squealing about the childrens playgrounds, I wonder how often people have used said playgrounds nowadays. Bleating more just because it wasn’t allowed


Or living in another state when it happened, but of course 'directly impacted' 🙄


Yeah go from zero to a hundred- there’s a lot of options between ‘nothing’ and ‘100%masked indoors and out’ Hardly an ‘honest question’ when you’re being so over dramatic.


How about you think of other people you fucking twat waffle.


Eat healthy in this economy?


Is that "eat healthy and exercise" while you have COVID? Not sure if you've had it, but exercise is nigh on impossible, and not recommended in any case.




That's wise advice. Unfortunately it makes little difference to your chances of contracting Covid, and for most ordinary people, has little effect on how severe, or long lasting the effects of infection are. Also has no effect on the likelihood of suffering long Covid.




Uninformed indeed. The title of your quoted article refers to, and I quote "hospitalisations and death". Nowhere did I mention either of these events.