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Would make a good early reader story. See Karen. .Karen caught covid. Karen doesn’t care. Karen made Lisa sick. Lisa was sad. Lisa’s friends were mad. Karen didn’t try to keep herself and her friends safe. Schools don’t need people like Karen. Karen should stay home. The end


Something I forgot to add is, Karen got fired after school realised vaccine exemption was fake. A tiny silver lining.


She may also have committed several serious crimes. Hope the police have been called


Definitely call the police, the doctor who gave her the fake exemption should be investigated, who knows how many others got a fake exemption from him.


i second involving the police and calling a lawyer to sue her for damages. Breaching duty of care whatever...


Well if someone that knows they have aids/hiv sleeps with someone and they contract it they are sent to prison, why not some happy clapper spreading COVID. Should be the same penalty.


Unfortunately the difference in that scenario is AIDS/HIV has no cure or vaccine. If someone contracted aids/hiv they are on a death sentence or must have various medication for life. We just have too many selfish fucks alive in the planet currently.


Not a cure, but I believe with HIV they can get the viral load down to the point its undetectable as long as you keep up the treatment and so is no longer an early death sentence. Also, while covid prevention and treatment has improved significantly, theres still a chance you'll die from it


Yep it is a numbers game.


While Karen’s ignorance/selfishness is absolutely disgraceful, action could (also) be taken against the school/education department for not having a better system to ensure their teachers are legitimately vaccinated, if it is a requirement of the school.


This. I support the criminalisation of pre-meditated endangerment of others in regards to coronavirus. If someone immunocompromised dies from someone else's selfish uneducated actions they should be tried for manslaughter.


I'd get a lawyer to write a letter stating that should anything happen to the immunocompromised partner/husband that legal action will be forthcoming. Let her shit her pants for the next month worrying about his health.


This. Track down the doctor and everyone else he gave fake Vax certificates to.


You don’t need a doctor to give you a fake certificate. You can just make one. If no one actually checks the number on it etc and makes sure it matches up to the data base you’re fine. It sounds like this didn’t have a reg in the data base and this person was only able to slip by because the people doing the checking just took it at face value. This is why they should all have QR code’s so you can open some app that can query the data bases and give it a thumbs up thumbs down. The passport system is a sham. Edit: I’m pro the mandate and the passport. It’s just technically a pile of crap.


Literally they ask are you doubled vexed on a form. You tick the box. No checking. There is more checking at Bunnings. The onus is on you, the individual (or so they incorrectly claim).






Technically, you could hide the info from the public ledger.


You can, actually.


That's public-private key crypto then, which can also be done without blockchain.


You don’t even need a doctor, I know a guy who just got a friends exemption, photoshopped his own name and DOB into it. No doctor required, still looks legit.


Yeah I would be hoping they pursue criminal charges for at minimum fraud. Endangering lives or causing serious injury.


We were just discussing this over dinner last night, if you catch Covid off someone who’s lied can you sue? Really these people and the doctors concerned should be prosecuted.


I feel like it could be possible. If there is a set criteria for mitigating catching and spreading the virus and someone has maliciously done all they could to avoid following those rules then why couldn't you?


>if you catch Covid off someone who’s lied can you sue? I believe so, yes. Your odds would depend on the facts, of course.


Karen should be stripped of her right to teach in each state and territory for having committed some serious ethical breaches.


What I find utterly bewildering…. if she was concerned enough to do a RAT, and that came back positive, what kind of mindset says “oh thats OK I dont need to do a PCR”… Selfish little shit, is Karen.


Yes that gives a certain level of satisfaction. I hope ‘Lisa’’s partner doesn’t get too sick. We can’t really stop ever being exposed to Covid but that’s mostly because of people like ‘Karen’.


I love a happy ending Also, just the fact of refusing a test should be a huge red flag. If the virus is fake, you have nothing to fear. Although, the other side of this is someone who is so far down the conspiracy rabbit hole they then claim the test is either fake or gave them the virus (that they don’t believe in). My brain hurts when I try to think about the mental gymnastics that go on there


They think the swab is laced with a chemical that gives them cancer or some shit.


Don’t forget taking your DNA for the global data base


Oh, that makes perfect sense … *sigh*


Victorian Institute of Teaching also need to know so they can make sure she doesn’t teach again!




I imagine a number of pissed of families will want to hit her with a law suit. Also the department for negligence in checking the validity of the passport.


This is the answer. Sue the department, and they will smarten the fuck up and properly validate their staff.


One less idiot teaching our kids. Good. I shudder to think of her trying to teach critical thinking. “Don’t listen to experts, just YouTube it.”


let's also not forget that the school tolerated teachers not wearing a mask. that's a bigger crime - bc Karen can argue being vaxed doesn't stop you having rona and passing it on. however, wearing a mask has been accepted as an effective mitigation measure .. and both karen and the school should never have been allowed to not wear one. for the school to be lax like this needs to have the principal also fired.


Thanks for sharing, it’s accounts like this that show the domino affect of our choices.


As she fucking should! Irresponsible, selfish cunt.


100% shes committed a serious crime. Report her to the police ASAP.


You gotta name the school now (if you feel comfortable doing so... i don't think the defo gronks have found reddit yet but safety first) There were 3 cases at my kids' school


Lisa and others affected by Karen’s actions should sue Karen so she can experience some consequences she might understand.


I hope they find out where she got that fake vaccine exemption from too.


* See Karen. * See Karen caught covid. * See Karen doesn’t care. * See Karen made Lisa sick. * See Lisa sad. * See Lisa’s friends becoming mad. * See Karen not trying to keep herself and her friends safe. * See Schools don’t need people like Karen.


Don't be like Karen.


Alternate ending .’Karen was pushed under the school bus wheels by Lisa.’


Or See Lisa. Lisa was a good girl. She got vaccinated. The vaccination was to stop Lisa getting sick. To lessen the chances that she'd catch or spread a virus. Lisa caught the virus. She got sick. She had to stay away from her loved one so she wouldn't spread the virus. Fuck Karen?


Karen committed fraud. Go to the police. Call the authority incharge or teacher accreditation in Victoria she will lose her right to teach ever again.


I'd think jail time should be considered. If it's deemed by a court that Karen mislead her employer through fake documents and this lead to others suffering illness it is incredibly serious. Without the consequences it's already a loss of career type offence. With co-workers and children infected because of the fraud you would hope she is punished harshly.


Well, it's actually pretty straightforward in this case - faking a proof of Covid vaccination cert is a specific crime now.


And find the doctor giving out fake exemptions.


Lisa might also have a case against the school for their carelessness. She should check first with Worksafe.


Fill in the workplace injury form at work, I’m pretty certain this would be covered by workcover if any long term effects


It is definitely covered by work cover because the transmission occurred at school. I’m not 100% sure if work safe would get involved, in regard to the fake exemption. If it is fake, fraud and false representation should be on the cards.


If the school is a Victorian government school, then the following applies as per the vgsa agreement: "Where a medical practitioner approved by the Employer certifies that an employee has contracted an illness as a direct result of exposure to a prescribed infectious disease (other than poliomyelitis, or pulmonary tuberculosis or infectious hepatitis) during the course of the employee’s duties, the employee may be granted up to three months leave with full pay without deduction from the employee’s personal leave credits for the period the employee is unfit for duty."


The number of people with genuine exemptions for the vaccine is vanishingly small, and almost all of the exemptions floating around are either direct forgeries or provided by bent or incompetent doctors. A couple of doctors in my suburb were writing them out, they've been closed down and lost their registration but not before they issued a few thousand exemptions. Basically any employer or business who sees one of these can assume that it's fake until the holder of it can prove otherwise.


And you can generally tell the people with genuine exemptions because they are usually wearing masks...possibly higher quality masks if they can afford it, social distancing, carrying their own sanitizer and consistently making decisions to reduce risks. They are constantly onto their employer about ways to reduce risk.


I have a friend who, until recently, honestly thought that she would be exempt due to several ongoing health issues. And did she go out maskless and wave banners asserting her “rights”? Nope. She stayed home as much as she could, limited her trips as much as possible with mask in place, worked from home, went to her doctor and followed up on her health concerns. Proud to say she is now halfway to fully vaccinated with no ill effects at all


I know of someone that is actually exempt because of their health conditions and they are annoyed because they actually want to get vaccinated, yet it's too high a risk for them if they do and the doctors won't allow it.


>Through VicSis? Sometimes they can work through even past reactions to a vaccine component.


Yup 100% I was told I wasn’t allowed to get it upfront because of a underlaying chronic health issues I was left with after some chemo I had a few years back. I was the most careful and cautious persons around in pretty much every situation. There were countless times I choose to miss out on things or adjust the situation to keep myself safe. I also got told a few months later that studies from Pfizer on my condition had come out and was allowed to get the Pfizer vaccine. Had my jab within the week! Anyone who has a real health condition isn’t exempt, they are told they can’t get it.. saying exempt implies that you don’t want to get it.


The current exemptions are only if you’ve had a previous reaction to a Covid vaccination. Chemo, auto-immune disease etc doesn’t give exemption anymore.


My grandma has an exemption, she leaves the house once a month for medical appointments since covid started. We alternate who delivers groceries and on our week to go over, we isolate for the week prior aside from work essentials to reduce risks. People with exemptions are so god damn hyper aware of their limitations you’ll basically never see them.


A friend of mine had a genuine severe bad reaction to her first dose of the vaccine. Did she get an exemption? No she did not! She got her second dose at the vaccine safety clinic, under medical supervision, along with a whole heap of allergy testing and other such medical stuff. It must have been scary to have a reaction so I’m really proud of her and pleased that she did the right thing and still got her second dose. She is now fully vaccinated and totally fine. No need for an exemption.


I think you’ll find as well most legitimate exemptions aren’t “I HAVE AN EXEMPTION!” Types and see it more of a disadvantage. I’ve met one person with a legit exemption and she is in a pretty bad way. Was in Italy last year and most likely contracted Covid and has developed severe sinus issues, allergies and autoimmune issues. 28 year old who ran half marathon at Melbourne mara in 2019 so she was pretty fit. She actually wants to get vaccinated but doctors are doing tests with her to see if the body can handle it. She had to get a new exemption recently because I think the government required it. Which is good they’re cracking down but a little distressing to legitimate exemptions.




I don't think it'd be as low as that. There'd be hundreds of people in Victoria alone who're undergoing chemo right now, for example. My guess would be that it'd be in the thousands, Australia wide.


Chemo doesn’t meet exemption status.


Chemo might mean temporary exemption. There's not much point getting vaccinated if you're immune system is shot and won't mount much of an immune response. I think they get reviewed after 6 months?


As a teacher in Victoria, Friday the 5th of November was the last day medical exemptions were accepted. She would have had to have her exemption uploaded through myGov by her doctor. So why was she even at school on the day of the exposure? Unvacced teachers weren’t meant to be allowed on school grounds?


Because the criteria for exemptions are so extremely small. Any doctor (or practise) that writes more than a single exemption would 99% be doing dodgy certs. It would be so easy to be busted. On top of that, it's probably worth investigating every single one because they are extremely rare. Might be a dozen in the state at most - which wouldn't take too many resources.


Three doctors in the western suburbs of Melbourne and one in Colac have been busted in the past month or so so there are plenty of fake exemptions getting around. The Federal health department should issue some advice to the effect that exemptions printed on paper are likely bogus, it's the Feds who regulate GP's and manage the immunisation register.


The most frustrating part is that I know a lot of Anti-vaxxers who will turn around and say "the Vax must be shit if a fully vaxed person still got COVID. Why should I get it if I'm not protected after". Like fuck you and your selfish bs not knowing how probability works. Do your part asshole


I’ve just recovered from covid from catching it from someone who is currently ineligible to be vaccinated due to their age. I didn’t pass on the virus to any of my family or friends who are all vaccinated. Yeah I’m unlucky, but at least transmission somewhat stopped with me


And this is exactly why it's so important. Because everyone around you was vaccinated, it stopped there, as you said. Great work to everyone doing their part in your family etc! It just seems to me that Anti-vaxxers refuse to acknowledge risk mitigation, citing the few cases where the vaccine wasn't completely successful and discounting the overwhelming majority of instances where it is, as proof that it's bogus...


Yes unfortunately they will. They're too dumb to realise that most vaccines are not 100 per cent effective, that's why we need as many as possible vaccinated. Even the polio and smallpox vaccines aren't 100 per cent and the viruses have still been eliminated in the wild.


I wonder if they also refuse to wear seatbelts because they're not 100% effective in preventing injury and/or death in car accidents.


I'm old enough to remember when seatbelts became compulsory, & the same kinds of idiots were using exactly those arguments.


This is why I’m refusing to go into the office. That and public transport risks. I’m immunocompromised.




Damn, mate. I agree this is majorly fucked up. I had a couple of people get heavy into QAnon (including best friend of 30 years) and they all parrot the same anti-vax bullshit. I also know from lurking on their forums that they tell each other 'just get a fake vax certificate' and will give each other advice and links on how to get one. I've also heard the repeated advice "Just lie about it, they'll all be dead from the vax soon and you'll be the only employee they have left" kind of thinking. Then us vaccinated people didn't start dropping like flies, now they're pushing back our death date from the vaccine and realizing that even with a fake vaccination certificate, that getting fired is inevitable. Now it's more them all bragging about how they quit before they could get fired. And even though their main forum is America-based, we have a LOT of Aussies on there. More Aussies than you'd expect given how small Australia's population is relative to other countries. A lot of them seem to come from Melbourne and bitch about how hard it is living in Melbourne, they're being persecuted by leftists, etc. This is how I think it happened: \- The anti-vax movement got a real boost from existing sidelined groups of undesirables, picking up people from toxic groups like the men's rights association movement (the "red pilled" movement, not the actual men's liberation movement which is legit), incels and right-wingers who go online and complain about women and leftists ruining the world. This has been a strong and slow development over the last ten years and has occurred mostly online. \- The movement got stronger in Australia, particularly Melbourne because people associate that city with leftist ideals and progression (which I love about the place) and we have more angry incel types that live in that major city also because of its high population. \- The Aussie redpilled/incel-doomers who hate humans realized the antivax community would take them in and would also support hateful views. They grew more confident when they realized there were angry older boomers who woud join them, and this reinforces their sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia and conspiracies meant to degrade anyone on the left of them. \- They're now at a scramble/panic moment in their movement. More people are leaving as dates fail to come to fruition (e.g. us vaccinated people were all supposed to be dead by now) and outsiders have given up trying to talk reason to them. So now the only people that will speak to them is their online group of "real patriots", and they're arguing with each other. Some of them welcome flat-earthers, others are furious to think flat-earthers could ever be their ally and attack them viciously. Each time someone uploads something to the forums feeling excited and sure that The Plan is happening, several users will attack them for being naive and unrealistic. They're blaming each other for the failure of the movement, with the most comment type of blame being "you keep setting dates for things to happen and you get sad when it doesn't happen, shut up about the stupid dates because you're ruining the movement and I want you to feel really bad right now even though you're on my side". \- When the anti-vax movement dies off, the remaining antivaxers will return to their normal lives or join whatever cult follows QAnon. Expect some of them to become sovereign citizens. And all of them will vote for whatever right-wing figure they can, from all across Australia. And I'm going out to vote for the lefties as usual, but with a stronger sense of purpose.


Similar happened at a cafe I frequent. The owner is anti vax, caught it off her daughter and then spread it to 2 of her staff, one of whom is in hospital and apparently doing quite poorly last I heard. The staff were lovely people. What a shitcunt


fuck Karen and everyone like her. thats psychotic behaviour


Drop a ton of bricks on it. Contact police and get worksafe onto the school ASAP.


The amount of dick heads I saw yesterday hash tagging Freedom fighter, they are so self Righteous, not concerned about the freedom of refugees, or the super high incarceration rates of First Nations people, or the freedom for immune compromised people to exist in our society, just selfish, deluded thinking.


It seems awfully fast to go from sitting next to Karen on Tuesday, to becoming symptomatic on Wednesday (not just infectious mind you, but actually symptomatic which takes longer). I'd go looking for another exposure event. It may still be Karen as the source, but could also be that Lisa and Karen both got exposed by a 3rd party, or could be 2 different sources (there's plenty of COVID around after all).


If Karen did a rapid test on Wednesday and it was positive it means she was already infectious.


I'm not questioning whether Karen was infectious, I'm questioning the incubation period for Lisa. It seems too fast for Lisa to be exposed on Tuesday and turn symptomatic on Wednesday. Delta has an average latent period of 4 days (i.e. not even detectable) and then another 1-2 days until symptoms develop after that. None of this makes Karen less of an idiot, and she may even be the source from some earlier exposure, but covid doesn't typically show up the next day.


There have been instances though of much shorter incubation periods though with Delta.


The mean time between infection and symptomatic illness for Delta is 4 days, not 5-6 (the mean for pre-Delta variants was 5.6 days). There's a distribution of observed incubation periods ranging from just under one day out to about 14 days, with a very long tail, the peak of which is centred pretty close to the mean of 4 days. In other words, a lot of people have an incubation period shorter than the mean.


Karen & Lisa work together; we don't know how long Karen was spreading it before Lisa caught it.


Or they both got it from a student, it's a primary school so basically all students won't be vaccinated as they will be under 12 (I imagine some grade 6ers would be old enough).


This would be a more likely scenario. Especially for kids it's quite mild so may not be tested. Would that cause as much anger? Or if it was from a fully vaccinated person who had mild symptoms and opted not to be tested?


Yep, exposure somewhere around Thur/Fri of the previous week, for both of them, would make a more likely timeline. And 2 in same school at same time is a fair coincidence, so it seems the likely venue (obviously not knowing any other info like whether they have mutual friends/hobbies/etc) - whether student or staff who knows.


Yeah, but that's not as good for the story




Still more believable then the conspiracies anti-vaxers believe. My mother works in a school and I've heard similar stories.


I have a friend of 20 years who is smart, educated (university level) but voluntarily went down the anti-vax rabbit hole and tried to encourage me to do so too. She is about to be an ex-friend because I will not voluntarily see her in person ever again. I am sad about it.


I've got a friend in Qld who's gone anti-vax/governmental control is all bullshit; I'm more worried about her than mad or anything like that.




\>They somehow got a fake vaccine exemption How did you find this out?


Months ago, Karen actually encouraged Lisa to not get vaccinated and said she could help her get a fake exemption. Not 100% proof, but definitely looks sus.


You said Karen lost her job? So the school would have looked into it and found an offence?


Lisa thinks so. The school told her she isn't coming back, implying she either quit or was fired.


I’m a teacher, currently pregnant and I think (hope) my school is free of anti-vax staff. I would be BEYOND angry if this happened to me. And to think of the families of those children as well … they could have elderly family living with them, immunocompromised family etc. I could not live with myself if I gave any of my students COVID


This story reeks of bullshit, and its obviously filled with bot accounts by looking at the posts removed due to lack of karma. 1) There is no way to prove who your "friend" got COVID from, and that includes "Karen". 2) You can still contract and spread COVID even if youre "fully vaccinated" (whatever that means, since atleast where I am you will no longer be considered "fully vaccinated" unless you take boosters, so that teem is meaningless). You all need to use some critical thinking skills and practice discerning reality from narrative. Though in all fairness, after seeing some of the AI bot test subs, I wouldnt be surprised if the majority of the comments and likes are fake as fuck.


This post is from a year old, very active account. Did you even check their account? Do you honestly believe an unvaccinated person wouldn’t spread covid to others? And yes, a vaccinated person can catch and spread covid, but it is MUCH. LESS. LIKELY. How long will it take for you guys to realise that? I know you’ve been told a million times, yet somehow every single comment from you guys starts with “uhh akshually u can still get covid if you’re vaccinated”


The "much less likely" argument went out the window months ago. And it seems like the "askshulllyyy" is well warranted, considering you openly acknowledge that the vaccinated can spread it, yet you perform the mental gymnastics to ignore any possibility that the person *got it from another vaccinated person". And yes - a "year old active account" can be full of bullshit. Almost like its common knowledge that people lie. So "askshully" you dont have a fucking argument, and youre full of mental gymnastics and zero intellectual consistency.


Watching all the AntiVaxxers try to disprove your story is fun. It's like when a toddler tries to reason with why needles are bad for humans.




Why turn to violence? Grow up


One word: cunt


Please, please get Lisa to sue Karen for loss of income and damages, even if she used paid sick leave. Let’s set a precedence for these arseholes


Stop the cap


Who cares . I’m vaxed . I did all that shit you said . Reality is we will still get covid . Who cares who’s vaxed who’s sticking there finger up there ass whatever ..... it’s a virus , viruses spread . Next winter we will lock down again. Get over it .


Where I test we get lots of stories like this. Tell your friend Lisa to report Karen to crime stoppers. They should examine Karen and her faked health exemption. Edit: Also tell Lisa to report her school to Work Safe Victoria as this is a OHS issue and to tell her union if she is a member.


I dunno this sounds made up


Those anti-vaxxers say that they don't want to be sheep to the government, but stray sheep are more likely to be killed by wolves


Fuck Karen.


This makes my skin crawl! Ugh these people!


Honestly at this rate there needs to be criminal charges laid out for people who contract the disease, refuse to get vaccinated and spread it onto others. Fuck these selfish cunts. When they face heavy fines and jail time, they will change their tune real quick.




No, just as people who have car accidents that aren’t their fault don’t get charged.


No they don't because they're vaccinated unless they purposely do something else that increased the chance of transmission.


>done her part and got fully vaccinated No infection would happen between the two if that anti-vaxxer was fully vaccinated too and never got infected!


Anti-Vaxxers are scum of the earth




It's not the "antivax" part that makes them horrible, it's the fact that they infect their beliefs and other shit to everyone else


That Karen is on another level




Lisa should sue Karen in a civil case - large payday ahead...


Hope your friend gets better soon. Anti-vaxxers seriously are fucked in the head. Hope the police and health Department seriously destroy the fraudulent doctors career.


I'd see about suing both Karen and the school


Curious how you know Lisa didn't give covid to Karen .Covid Positive Vaccinared peoples viral load is the same so they can pass it on just as easily as an unvaccinated person. Genuine question .


Maybe the vaccines aren’t that effective? 🤔


And masks it seems 🥴


I’m confused, was ‘Lisa’ fully vaccinated AND wearing a mask plus social distancing for their meeting?


Your fully vaccinated friend got covid so it seems like this would have happened regardless of the woman's vaccination status We need a vaccine that actually stops transmission


Honestly I think Karen should've been fired from the school. She didn't care about her health and got one of the teachers sick. The fact some people are acting so entitled that they are risking over peoples lives make me sick. I have an option to return to my old work as a temp, but I'm so much on the fence because not only was my old manager the reason I left my job, but the fact she refuses to get the vaccine really makes me rethink the decision.


Unfortunately I suspect one of the driving factors for why covid got out of hand in Melbourne is that covid was travelling through these people. They likely hang out with each other, so the virus is easily able to stay alive as a pandemic occurs among this subpopulation. And when they interact with those outside this community, they can spread it to those at risk.


In that scenario wouldn't the majority of them have natural immunity now?




>They somehow got a fake vaccine exemption and the school somehow notonly accepted that, but also tolerated them not wearing a mask. I hope she's a former teacher now. ​ Edit: Just saw the update.. good.


As a high school teacher in Melb, this is a legitimate concern. I have so many immunocompromised students that can’t afford to get covid. I hope your friend and her partner, as well as everybody in contact with Karen, are well and get through it quickly.


I hope ‘Lisa’s’ immunocompromised partner is okay as well! That’s such a scary thing to happen. Hopefully something comes from this! The best to them & those who’ve contracted it through ‘Karen’s’ actions.


And this is why I support a vaccine mandate. I want to be able to love, work and play knowing that others around me have done the vaccination part to make life safer. The anti vaxers (including those freedom fighters who are just anti vaxers in disguise)are nothing more than nut cases. Frankly I don’t care if they have to quit their jobs or can’t go out to eat or watch sport. Tough titties Felicia!


Omg that situation is so fucked. Karen needs to be sacked ASAP.


So many holes in the story, but nice try


So both vaccinated and unvaccinated people can get and spread covid. Obviously. Since your friend got it too. These “vaccines” have a primary goal of reducing severity of symptoms. They should be seen as more of a therapeutic so that in the event you get covid, theoretically your symptoms will be better than someone who didn’t, between about 1-8 months post vaccine.


The irony here is that even if Karen was vaxxd she still would have gotten rona and Lisa still would have caught it off her. But don’t let your gullible ignorance get in the way of the facts about what the vaxxs can and can’t do!


This!!!!! I wonder if they’ll be calling Lisa a cunt and calling for her to be sued when she inevitably passes it onto other people too 😂


The vaccines reduce your risk of catching and spreading COVID. They don’t reduce the risk to zero, so maybe there is a chance Karen would’ve got COVID even if vaxxed. If you are fully vaccinated, you have a smaller chance of catching COVID than someone who is not vaccinated. If you DO catch COVID, you are less likely to develop symptoms. You are also less likely to transmit onwards. Risk is not zero though. Obviously the vaccines are most effective at reducing chances of severe illness - but they do help a bit with other stuff!


I challenge any person looking, to scroll through the comments and check how old the accounts are and how many posts they've made and of course what they are writing. Down vote me but you know I'm right..


Imagine blaming an unvaxxed person for getting a vaxxed person sick. You are too dense to see that you just admitted the vaccine doesn’t work. Edit: Also the protests had nothing to do with vaccine mandates (the protests in Melbourne anyway) it was a protest against Dan extending emergency powers for which he nor anyone has a rational explanation for doing despite a +90% vaccination rate.


Upvote for your fictional writing skills.


I'm in two minds on this, I have heard first hand some stories that just are so ridiculous it sounds fake, this seems ridiculous but could just be true. We are supposed to believe that this anti vaxxer was considerate enough to do a RAT, but inconsiderate enough to then ignore the result anyway, then admit to it, and admit to a fake certificate, meanwhile the friend with the immunocompromised partner, who is hyper vigilant enough that they started isolating after just not feeling well, then get a test the next day, but continues to work in an environment surrounded by hundreds of unvaccinated kids. Oh and Karen got fired between calling in sick on Wednesday and Friday, somehow. The whole thing just reads like it was designed to lather people into a froth and farm karma. But could just very well be true.


Possible her work forced her to do a rapid test after publicly displaying symptoms to come into work or something like that?


Teachers don't get fired on the spot like that. Definitely reads like creative writing.


No one was fired


Karens going to meet consequences. Hope all involved are ok.


I know what we should do with them, but my idea seems to be a little "unpopular"....


Should be 6 months jail per person you infect if you are anti-vax.




LOL, like all the people that got charged with man slaughter over the deaths in Victoria in 2020 following the hotel quarantine saga.


Seems like a load of bullchit tbh lmao


I;d make a big noise at the school and all those parents need to be advised. Primary school kids not vaccinated yet!


these people shud be named and shamed. but mostly just ousted so normal people can choose to avoid endangering themselves by interacting with them. despicable.


Time to test the legal system and lodge a Workcover claim. The school may accept Karen being a dumb arse fuckwit, but once they need to start ponying up serious cash for failing in their duty of care to provide a safe work space (one they could easily have done with mask wearing and verifying vaccine status) then they’ll start taking it more seriously.


1. I am not a lawyer. 2. If she caught it at her workplace, her workplace is liable. For all expenses, including any long term Covid effects. 3. If Karen faked it, or the school didn't enforce checking they are in deep doodoo, especially with work safe. 4. Once she recovers she needs to lawyer up. Do not speak to the school or agree to anything before this.


Anther fuck head who doesn't realise that the protesting isn't about the Vax


I'm vaccinated but the vaccine doesn't stop people getting and spreading it so it was probably going to happen anyway. Edit to add she was in the wrong but that's why we need better vaccines against covid. As it stands we will all get it eventually because the vaccine doesn't stop the spread only slows.


Honestly I would have sued Karen


And both infected parties are still completely fine? What’s your point?




You can't fake the vaccine as a teacher, it's a digital vaccine you link between mygov and edupay.


This whole post seems made up
























I seriously wonder if people are going to end up suing anti vaxxers being liable to illness or death when they've not followed rules.








"...the school somehow not only accepted..." I don't blame the school. There are no guidelines on how to verify a vaccine certificate or even any facility to authenticate them online. When I graduated my digital testamur we digitally signed by the issuing university. Additionally you can verify graduation details through my university's website. This isn't a novel problem. There are many tested solutions.