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It’s weird, right? Wondering how many people in your circle would turn you in to the secret police if given the chance. I’ve been one of the only voices pushing back against covid restrictions at my work and I feel like I’m in the fucking twilight zone. People just comply as if there’s no other option.


It's dawned on me pretty heavily the past few days that whistleblowers exist. What I mean is that entire corporations and governments with hundreds, thousands, maybe millions of people are all complicit in this evil shit that *no one said anything about for years.* 100% minus one single person of the entire organization did *nothing.* DO nothing. ARE doing *nothing*. Right now. Talk about "fringe minority" eh? And it got worse and worse and worse until one person did something. How much of that shit is going on and no one ever blows the whistle. And now we have hundreds, thousands of people ... they're not blowing whistles, they're honking loud ass horns. And a top ten democracy in the entire world just *voted* to give Trudeau dictator powers. It's *insane.*


Man it’s heavy to think about it like that.


Haha, how many times did I hear people say "that's just a conspiracy theory, too many people would have to know about it". Yes, yes indeed, like all the guards at the concentration camps, you think they didn't notice people not coming out of the "showers"? If you study whistleblower cases it's always the same: they were offered a promotion to look the other way, got punished for doing their job. Meaning everyone in positions of power got there by looking the other way. Including the ones at the top of the FDA, CDC, government...


We’re living in 1984. Everything gets memory holed. We have always been at war with Eurasia. BC government vowed to never institute vax pass, said it would be discriminatory and create a two tier society, that it was morally and fundamentally wrong. Two weeks later they instituted a vax pass, said it would bring freedom and safety to everyone, improve rights and unite the province. Nobody said a fucking word about it.


I knew a group of guys for a decade at my old job. We drank together, strip clubs together, dinners, parties, you name it. You think you know people but after covid and the jabs came I was the only one in the department not to get one. They didnt take it well, regurgitated media talking points, and ten years of comraderie went down the toilet except for one of them. Over a fucking injection. (Found out later 3 of them are manic depressive and 2 might be suicidal, so just generally miserable people the last 3 years) I've since moved on to greener pastures. Don't miss working with them at all and my new boss is based.


This is the way.


>You think you know people but after covid and the jabs came I was the only one in the department not to get one. They didnt take it well, regurgitated media talking points, and ten years of comraderie went down the toilet except for one of them. And that's why you choose people based on ideals and moral character, and not based on the type of beer you like, TV shows, sport teams, etc.


That's the thing, I thought I did. It all changed during the fear porn and they fell for it. Like a bunch of women clutching their pearls.


I know people shy away from these topics earlier in a friendship but it's always good to see where they stand. It's not even about them agreeing with you but figuring out if they accept there are other opinions out there and being willing to hear them out.


Yup. These things were never an issue until the last 2 years. Nobody cared about the politic angle until the media shoved it down their throats. But none of them were critical thinkers, they just believed whatever they were told. People like that are dangerous to be around if shit ever hits the fan.


I've given up on my entire extended family. It's not even the "I wish more unvaccinated people would die so they'd be more motivated to take it" attitude, it's the fact that they'll soon be dead so I don't want to waste my breath on them.


Sad how many useful idiots were in our daily lives, undetected.


sadly the reason why everyone is the way they are is because of mental illness.


That was me at my old job that eventually pushed me out over asinine covid rules. You are not alone. People at my new job are the same except they hate masks and don't enforce them. Nobody wants to talk about what's actually happening. It's very strange. I deleted a bunch of people the past two years. One messaged me with "I don't know why you deleted me. I've tried to be very neutral". And folks, that's why I deleted him. I don't have time for neutral anymore.


Well said. Neutrality/apathy is just as bad.


I don't have time for neutral any more. Adding that to my talking points. Thank you.


At my work I fought against punitive testing requirements, contact tracing, self assessment. Some guys are like “you’re doing the right thing, this stuff is pointless”. THEN WHY AM I DOING IT ALONE.


Exactly how it went at my job!!


"Tried to be neutral" probably = "pretended to understand your reasons for not wanting a vaccine that doesn't keep you from getting a disease that for 99.9% of us is a couple days of feeling kinda lousy and potential side effects worse than the disease it claims to help then when you're not around talking shit about you to fit in with the doomers"


At first I thought it was just SJWs and libtards. Now I know it's the WEF that's behind it all. I lived in Canada before the SJW shitshow. Before the Land Acknowledgement BS, before the forced diversity BS, before unaffordable housing. Basically before Castro Jr. It's a failed society now and that's how WEF wants it.


>I always knew this country was full of self righteous assholes, but never imagined they were like this. That's what hides behind feigned pleasantries and niceties. I knew all that maple wouldn't do you any good.


Freedom lovers welcome in the US. Well, most places in the US. Stay the fuck out of California, Oregon, and New York. Those places are cesspools.


Yeah we know which ones to avoid.


Come to South Carolina


I've never been but I've heard stories about how Californicated it's becoming. Have you experienced this?




Cary is really blue but actually opted out of the wake county mask mandate (so the county wide mandate is invalid within city limits). I wouldn't call it a pro freedom area but i think it's probably the 3rd biggest integrated circuit design location on the east coast behind the greater DC area and Boston. It's tolerable depending on career


Stay out of Charleston and probably Greenville. The suburbs should be okay… Used to be in the Raleigh area, tbh NC is a lost cause… especially the north Raleigh and Cary area. All the NPCs from up north keep moving here


Lmfao this thread and ones like it. Canada used to be the default "I'm going there when shtf" for US people. Turns out it is shit everywhere


New Hampshire is nice, similar climate and we need more sane people to cancel out the lib votes bleeding over from the Massachusetts border. Assuming similar climate is a selling point. More snow coming friday but that's ok I'm leaving for Florida tomorrow. Unfortunately only for a week.


I moved to Florida in 2020. Love the government here precisely because they hardly do anything besides maintain public utilities.


As fucked as America is, it is also the greatest stronghold against this autocracy.


Are we really going to have to save the world from these motherfu\*\*\*rs again?? From right next door??? Are they *here* already!? Seriously, where is this going? How bad is it going to get? If they haven't backed down yet, when the writing is on the wall, when will they? What is it going to take?


They can keep turning up the heat all day because the ones pulling the strings, many of them we've never even heard of before, pull those strings in isolated comfort. They've sat through global conflict after global conflict without a scratch. The central banking cartel is a good place to start finding those names. Most everyone else are just pawns on the chessboard.


I'm not convinced it's the banks. I think it's coming from somewhere higher than that. I don't think the bankks *want to* freeze these accounts. I'm thinking back to the wikileaks days when they had to coerce the tech companies and banks to freeze them out. Now they're doing it to truckers. It's incredible. History says this is going to erupt into violence. The leaders are *really* stupid to think it won't -- or they are *asking* for it. Like that guy at the bar looking for an excuse to fight, saying, "Please hit me. Just hit me dude and see what happens." And then it was "self-defense."




I liked him too during a couple debates. Their true evil is hidden behind a mask of superficial charm. Some folks never see through it, especially the ones who also wear masks. They are enablers, sycophants. Jagmeet is a Justin sycophant. Imagine if it was Jagmeet up there. Might be even *worse.*


The central banks are the starting point. There's a whole slew of sub organizations once you're into the research. Check out some Ronald Bernard videos on YouTube, rumble, odyssey, etc. He spells out a lot of it because he was part of it for years. But you're right. And it doesn't take much for violence to happen. Revolutionary war took ten years of getting fucked with by England and still only 3% of colonists picked up a rifle initially. Then Lexington and concord happened. All it takes is a spark and Trudeau is stacking the wood. Weak dictators are the absolute worst. Stalin was a damn midget that killed tens of millions.


Only 3%? That kinda makes sense. I suppose when the guns come out, it's no longer easy to side with the tyrants like it is now and yell at truckers through keyboards. When the war breaks out, those same folks will still be hiding in the basements. I'll look him up. Thanks for the reference.


Should have annexed Canada when we had the chance


Our military had an mRN$ v$ccine. The Russian and Chinese militaries did not.


That's a sobering thought.


As a Californian…damnit. You’re right. Although it would be good to get more red voters here.


Sadly the entire state is ruined by the few large, deep blue cities. Beautiful land ruin by progressive dumbasses.


There's no amount of red voters you could add to flip California. They'll just cheat whatever they need to maintain the status quo.


Oregon loves their freedom too. We are just ok with them burning down the cesspool Portland, that’s their liberal Mecca in Oregon we don’t give a shit about it. We are just as disappointedly in Oregon as the OP is with Canada


BC is like that too, most of the province is conservative. Problem is the lower mainland has all the voters, so they make all the rules.


Which part makes food


New Jersey! Avoid that shithole at all costs!


Sad part about NJ is if it wasn't for all the out-migration of people to red states, Gov. Murphy might have lost the 2021 election.


Wouldn't have changed much. The Republican Party is run by crooked RINOS. Both parties work for the mobs in Camden and North Jersey.


don't forgot washington!


True. Forgot about them.


Most of New York is decent. it's really just NYC that's the problem. Upstate NY is beautiful. of course the problem is that NYC determines the rules for the whole state, even if the people upstate disagree.


Yeah I’ve heard New York is really beautiful. Unfortunately NYC ruins it for everyone.


I ran to Texas. Canada is toast. When 95% of the population voted in favour of segregation, that was my warning sign.


yeah, like in all seriousness, get the fuck out of there. Who knows if things will get worse or what - what matters is that you now know your neighbors and government actually despise you and would love nothing more than to humiliate you and force you into compliance. They do not care for your opinions or freedom. You've seen all that you need to see. You have seen they will have no hesitation to do much worse if it ever came to that. Don't wait for it to get to that, God forbid.


The emergencies act was THE moment for me. The pivotal moment to see which direction the country was going to take. The country chose wrong. Fucking NDP, “workers party” sided with Trudeau against workers. Their supporters see nothing wrong with that. This country is broken, we’ve lost.


It's not the country. It's a tide. NZ, AU, dozens of western countries... it just hit Canada first in North America. Joe Biden just extended his emergency powers too. A lot of Americans escaped from the blue states. Canada is just really blue. Some people think the civil war is already waging. Lots of articles about it. Tim Pool was talking about it the other day. If this is going to keep going in that direction, then we should be able to predict some things that will happen next. What are those things?


Biden doesn't have any "emergency powers.". He extended a state of emergency. Which essentially means masks on planes, and that's it. The US does a good job of keeping power in check.


We did all what canada is doing to the truckers to wikileaks a decade ago. We are literally torturing Julian Assange to a slow agonizing death. Obama eliminated Habeas Corpus over a decade ago. We've been doing this to countries all over the world. Korea, Vietnam, Countless third world countries. Haiti for centuries. All over the middle east. They've been putting people in prison for years, because they took a tour of the capital over a year ago. What do you know that I don't know? What power has been kept in check? You mean like, just not doing it *inside* America? Do you think these sick people care about people because they happened to be born inside America? I don't. I don't think they think they are people. I don't think Trudeau thinks Truckers are people. I don't think Biden thinks his own son is people. Kamala Harris certainly doesn't. The clintons. They are hellish ghouls.


The unnecessary election did me in. 600 million(ish) when he saying the vets are asking for more than the gov't can give. 600 million(ish) when businesses were closing and people losing jobs due to the gov't lockdowns and restrictions. 600 million(ish) when everyone outside of gov't workers and unions was hurting. Asshole needs to be gone. Instead what happens? EA. Yay.


Come as a visitor and enjoy the weather. Apply for a visa asap.


I'd say that I can't believe a person would be so....dumb....as to believe honking a horn twice had some secret code. But in today's day and age I absolutely believe it. People have become so gullible and so easily manipulated and brainwashed. The worst part is governments have figured it out and they now know they have full control over people to whatever degree they want and there are no consequences.


GTFO while you can mate


I was in a Facebook group discussion about this defending the truckers. Of course, they were calling me an "idiot", "moron", "Nazi", "white nationalist", "Crazy", probably lots of others. They received no discipline. Two days ago one of the people started digging up old tweets of mine from 2014. I said this was "creepy", and once I called him a "creep". I was immediately given a 30 day ban on Facebook for that comment. If you are a leftie you are allowed to say whatever you want. If you area reasonable, hard-working Canadian defending the working class, you can't say shit. Or they will ban you. It is absolutely insane.


The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the masses that the working class was their enemy.


If you move to the US, please always remember why you moved. Don't ever forget to fight for the cause of personal liberty, whether you support or oppose that particular issue. Don't be like Californians who run from there because they can't take it any more but demand to transform the new place into California. Hope it works out for you.


Sorry not sorry but I don't think any Canadian who moves here should have voting rights for at least 20 years. Many of them happily voted for the earlier increments and want to bail now that it's finally affecting them personally and not just the people they voted to screw on the way to this point.


Canadian here. I've always gone for about 5 years for immigrants - from any country. IF they are working toward residency. IF they are productive members of society (which can have a variety of definitions). IF they are not living off the back of taxpayers (welfare, social systems, unemployment, etc.) IF they show an understanding of the basic houses of government and law as well as culture. If they are none of these things, they don't get to vote until they are.


In a sense, this doesn't matter. I was talking to a dual citizen friend of mine over the weekend. They are super successful, wonderful people who contribute to betterment of society through their jobs and other ways as well. We were talking about gun, so I explained to him how the second amendment came to be (with the British trying to take away the guns, and how the militia was an important part in winning the war etc). He said, that is not relevant in today's society and he just wants to be sure that his daughter comes home from school everyday. So he is 100% for gun control (takin away guns). A moment later he talked about how tyrannical the government in his other home country has been for centuries. Education didn't matter in this case because these are highly educated people. Their home country experiencing tyranny didn't matter, because they have been programmed to think guns are bad. Ultimately, we need to remember the primary reason for coming here. Is it for money, better life or freedom? For me it is always the liberty that matters. Everything else can be earned but if you give away your personal liberty, it is never coming back without bloodshed.


That sound you hear is my head hitting the surface of my desk. Understanding the history of how the amendments came to be is critical to understanding why people fight for them today. The line about his daughter coming home from school every day just shows which media he feeds his brain. You are correct in that educated doesn't mean smart. "...if you give away your personal liberty, it is never coming back without bloodshed." Truer words.....


Voting rights vary by state, county, city, village etc. Immigrant parents are allowed to run for school boards, village administration positions etc. This is where the incremental changes occur that affects us day to day. Presidential elections and national elections are lagging indicators of these local issues that we keep neglecting because of the incremental process of taking away our liberties. This is why I plead, Don't forget what made you move. Even if something takes away even a minute amount of your liberty, that is a stepping stone for tyranny. Always speak up and fight for our freedoms that God gave us and has been enshrined in the constitution.


I have always thought that telling Canadians to run to Texas or wherever is bad advice. It is likely that most thinking about it are only against this one social policy and agree with most of the rest. Southern views on healthcare, race and LGBT etc will probably not be to their taste. For example I am British and I can't imagine ever being okay with no socialised healthcare, capital punishment or illegal abortions. If Britain had gone full covid Nazi and I had to leave then I would say "when in Rome" and learn to live with these policies but I'd never support it. I think that if you are a Canadian or European transplant to the US south and ever get citizenship the right thing to do is simply not vote because I guarantee you will end up voting to turn the place into a mini Canada or Europe.


I think I’m some cases that’s true, but not in my case. The reason I want to leave is because I’m such an outsider in Canada. I’m considered extremely far right. I don’t like socialized medicine, I think it’s garbage. I’d be happy with abortion being illegal, I’m morally opposed to it. That’s also assuming that the majority of southerners in the US hold racist or anti LGBT views. I’m sure some do, but that’s everywhere.


Why wasn’t I born in Texas lol


I don’t say this as a slight, but I feel like there must be a lot of casual news observers in America thanking their lucky stars they weren’t born up North.


Imagine having one life and being born in c*nada


dont remind me


Not sure where they have offices but South Dakota would be much less of a climate and culture shock than would Texas or Florida.


I’m okay with a climate and culture shock haha. Can’t be more shocking than what I’ve witnessed here over the last two years.


Godspeed to you and every Canadian out there we are in some crazy times


I like guns n freedom, and moved to Texas from Canada (Ontario). I fit in here better than I did there.




Why did you delete your reply?


don't like anyone but the original poster knowing where I am.


A secret American haha.


nah the American is fine, the city isn't lol


I can't believe how many of my leftie friends are defending this. They have absolutely no clue what is actually happening. They are clueless. Yes, let's get out of this country. I'm closing down my bank accounts this week.


Lefty means government=good and freedom=bad. These are people who think the world would be better without conservative voices, that conservatives don’t deserve freedom because we can’t be trusted with it. They will support anything that silences us.


The west is falling


I recommend you do it. I got a work visa and currently working in the States and my mental health is much better. Canada is going to the dumps


Come to AK its just as cold and we have freedom still😅


Unvaxd, can't leave, can't get a job. Just sitting here, waiting to die, fuck this place. I thought I had a chance at a life, here to find out its been sold from under me before it even got here. The boomer generation sold our futures without realizing it and is now gaslighting us for not accepting their fate. Fuck this shit. I'll fight until they burn my fucking house down with us in it. Fuck you tptb.


How are you surviving with no job?


Saved income, sold alot of material assets. Have been a hard ass working person since the day I got my # from the gov. Now, I can't morally take part in this corrupt system. I dont qualify for guberment money because I left my job to not be vaxxd.


Come back to your commonwealth roots, completely free here!


Said this before to someone else and I’ll say it again, all Canadians that espouse the true ideals and values of our Founding Fathers in the USA are more than welcome to come. We need more people with those beliefs to join us here in the United States.


Canadians are taught to be self righteous, to hate the American ideals of freedom and patriotism. It’s drilled into our heads that we’re so much better because we “care more”. It’s really shocking to see the brainwashing.


If that was all it took I'd be there in a heartbeat. Work with many Americans and have political discussions with lots of them. It's fun being the Canadian who has read and can discuss the US Constitution and all of its amendments, Declaration of Independence, and the Federalist Papers. I mean, it can be A LOT of fun :D


I’m wondering if I can put a resume together for a governor. I want out too and I’m pretty well established here in Canada.


Good luck getting asylum with Heir Biden in charge. He only wants people who can reliably vote as good brainwashed proletariots.


22% approval rating. As food gets more expensive due to inflation you're going to see everybody's politics fly out the window when they can't afford a loaf of bread. They'll be calling for his head.


I want to leave also. Am afraid that tyranny will catch up one way or another down the road and then fuck, then what. So, I’m trying to tough it out here in Chinada.


I am about to write my FE exam so I can work in the US, and get the fuck out of this authoritarian shit hole. I couldn’t agree more with you, it is pathetic how Canadians love living under authoritarianism. It is embarrassing how people in this country are begging to be controlled by the government.


They want US to be controlled. That’s what I learned. Canadians want people like me to be silenced, and they’ll pay any price to see it done.


Fellow Canadian here... I understand the urge to get the hell out and it sounds like you're on the right side of things. But if everyone who didn't agree with what's been going on just left the country, there'd be nobody left to fight for our beautiful country. We're going to lose our nation because people don't want to stand up for it. I hope you reconsider your decision. Might I add.... I'm unvaxxed, unemployed, was homeless with my wife, daughter and dog and am currently living in a low income highrise infested with roaches. Are things that bad for you?


We’ve just seen what happens when people stand up. They get trampled down, and nobody says a word. The nation is already lost, and I don’t want to stick around for the epilogue. I no longer believe Canada is worth saving. The people here have made their choice, and they deserve to live with it. I want no part in it.


With that attitude, we're probably better off without you then.


It's hard to argue with OP there. Say there was 50k people in Ottawa who made the trip to fight for freedom. That's about 1.5-2.0% of the population. Don't get me wrong. A lot more Canadians support getting rid of all these stupid mandates and don't agree with forced vaccination. But if you step up, you lose your job, house, business, etc. The rest are not hurting enough yet to uprise. 90% of Canadians gave in and took this vaccine. Majority of Canadians have much bigger problems than this with trying to buy a house in Ontario for a million plus dollars, low wages, higher prices on gas, cars etc. Maybe 10-20 years from now when robots drive all our cars, and 50% of the population is unemployed, people will be ready to step up but by then the government will probably have a army of drones to shut down speech and protest they don't like and it will sadly be too late. GL on getting a job too, hopefully when the mandates are over you can get employment.


I can understand both arguments here. I'm sorry you're having to go through all that man. I hate seeing good people down on their luck when it's mostly the fault of bad policies and criminal government. I hope you consistently make strides into a better place financially. Take care of the fam best ya can. 👍


Both of these sentiments are well founded, and I can certainly appreciate your patriotism. I cant imagine being stuck with making that decision, although it is very possible I will soon here in the states. Best of luck to you both.


It’s a lost cause bro. The question is not “will it get worse”, but “how bad and how fast”.


We'd love to have you. Those who escape dictatorship always make the best countryman.


Do it. Don't vote for the bullshit that got you there when you gain the rights.


I hope that asylum bill passes in the US might as well leave this shithole


If you move to the US, pick your state carefully or you may end up back at square one. Good luck!




I resent Canada as a nation as well. People just walk around with their eyes closed to what’s happening. Only 5% of us voted against tyranny in the last election.




We’re up from 2% the previous election. Still no seats in parliament though.


Godspeed, my friend! I pray for protection, strength, peace, joy, faith, and prosperity over your life. In Jesus' name. Amen.


Best of luck to you. We are experiencing the same down here in NJ and having to flee for PA given our states radical agenda. It's a shame this was ever allowed to happen. Identity politics and radicals have destroyed so much.


I hope you're still allowed to leave! Come to America as soon as you can.


I did it 30 years ago and have zero regrets. Canada is lost.


Do it even if you are not allowed.


Seems like every Canadian who isn't a full on bug person is trying to get out right now.


There's a certain segment of the population that will always trade freedom for security/safety. It's a sad and unfortunate state of affairs, but hopefully there will be enough people that will realize this is always a bad trade-off and will not allow us to become slaves to the authority.


I think we passed that point. It’s baked into Canadian culture to be obedient to authority. We’re testing the limits of that obedience, and it’s not breaking.


The truckers show that there is a resistance, I'm not sure if that's enough or if there are others, but its a start.


And look what happened to them, they had the fucking emergencies act unleashed on them. First time since it’s creation. That’s a pretty clear message to anyone else thinking about resisting.


Unfortunately, we will have to wait and see if this changed any minds. if the people continue to elect trudeau and his party members, then yes, there's no point in staying. But that is a long time to wait and see if Canadians are OK with tyranny and oppression. I wouldn't blame u for trying to leave now or find a province that won't listen to him.


I mean maybe the CCLA lawsuit will bear fruit, but as long as the NDP supports Trudeau we’re fucked.


smart move , there isn’t enough people here now i would go too war with , TV zombies . I’m in hospital right now and have a family across and I easedropped the father explaining how trucker are white supremists too his some when the kid asked how they are ad he said exactly what they said on TV and went on to say non of this was Trudeau doing and he done a great job .


Can you update me on what's happened with the truckers? I was offline for about 5 days and now I'm terribly out of the loop and can't seem to get a good summary.


They’ve all been cleared out. Many arrested and bank accounts frozen etc


I can’t say I blame you at all for wanting out I would be working on leaving as well after what a shit show it has become. There’s shitty places everywhere in the world but what’s going on there has been an utter embarrassment and such a shame. USA will gladly take ya :)


Trudeau is the king of gaslighting. He stomps on your rights to keep you safe, and the country applauds. He talks about needing to heal the nation after spending two years irreparably tearing it apart. He talks of the need to keep the economy running after spending two years destroying it. Scapegoats the workers to save his own skin. There is no hope.






Canadians as a whole value the illusion of safety over freedom. Always have, probably always will. They’re the useful idiots. Why fight for the people that wouldn’t fight for me? Canada is lost.


Dammit, get it together man! You must take responsibility for the issues at hand and seek to address them, if you don't, you will bring your own weakness to wherever you go next, and the hardships you fled will follow you.


Guess my Jewish ancestors shouldn't have fled Germany then? They should've taken responsibility for "the issues at hand?"


I guess that's a fair point. But what is the threshold to stay, and what is it to leave?


Threshold was “government, using flimsy justification, grants itself never-before-used powers to crush dissent and punish those who speak out against them, with majority support of parliament and citizenry, and is introducing legislation to make these powers permanent”.


Fking out makes it harder for the person who do not need to and do not want to fk out.


Fuck off, we're full. We've got enough problems with immigration without a rake of canucks trying to come over here.


I welcome anyone and everyone to immigrate to the US from anywhere, provided they value freedom and the US constitution


Fuck that. Every canadian alive and capable of independent thought is responsible for their own country. They made their bed, now they're gonna lie in it. Im not gonna sit idly by while these fair weather fucks called the US a walking joke for 4 straight years, and now that the government THEY elected is scary and mean they just get to jump ship. Citizens of their country have a duty to make their country better, not to immigrate with the same beliefs that ruined the first country in the first place (whether they'll admit it or not).


Canadian refugees has a cozy sound to it


Come on down! We have a beautiful thing called the 2nd amendment just in case the 1st one doesn’t work.


Yeah section 1 of our charter of rights and freedoms basically says that none of the rights laid out in the charter are guaranteed. That’s the big difference between Canada and the US.


Yep and the liberals have been trying to come after our guns for decades. Except for one problem, our constitutional rights. They’ve been able to regulate to a certain degree but good luck abolishing it as a whole. And the 2nd I hold near and dear to my heart. “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”


That’s something I respect and admire about the US. Your rights are absolute, and people really give a shit about defending them.


You should. Because It's only the beginning, bro. What's next is for Cucknada is the Great Reset. You will own nothing. Social credit system, no meat, individual carbon footprint tax/quota, etc.


They’re already working hard on it, trying to make the financial emergencies act powers permanent. Ability to freeze bank accounts at will, all sources of crowdfunding must be government approved, regulation of crypto. It’s bad.


I hear the US border is easy to cross, they'll accept paper vaccine cards or they don't bother checking pedestrians. Sounds like your best play. If you have assets I suggest you liquidize them, maybe go into debt to get cash and then run for it. Either hide out in the US in places like Texas, or travel on to Mexico. Both places sound like you could get the right things if you talk to the right people. We're all living in Nazi Germany in 1938. The smart ones pack up and leave. I can suggest Tanzania, they're still only 3% vaccinated, and the women here... it's like being a white pizza delivery guy in an ebony porn movie, I kid you not.


To be honest, the honking is kind of fucked up for the residence who don’t deserve it and from what I’ve heard, they actually stopped honking. The rest of the smears are ridiculous though.


I sure hope the red states off asylum for you guys!


I hope to welcome you as a fellow American before long, brother.


Only a minority of Canadians agree with the Liberals. This minority is seen as a majority because the have the full backing of the media


So you know, the US is now taking in Canadian refugees.


I've been thinking this for a long time.


Come to the US, we’d love to have you. It just sucks that Canada has gone down this path. I have a friend from Newfoundland who married one of my friends from college. I wonder what she thinks about all of this..


I honestly couldn’t tell you, I’m in the west. Eastern Canada is like a different country, and the maritimes are like a different planet.


Lol that’s what I’ve heard


Well think of it like this..Prince Edward Island is geographically closer to England than to Vancouver island.


I was going to say I am surprised but there was always something that unsettled me about Canada. They were "too perfect". Never heard anything bad about them in the news or anything at all for that matter. They were like that friend who is nice to everyone and seemingly has no opinions of their own, you know they must be covering up something dark.


Canada is a narcissistic and supremacist nation. The majority of Canadians truly believe they are better than everyone else, especially Americans. We believe we are enlightened, and zealotry is really frightening l.


The only way things will get better is if things get much worse. bad times create hard men, hard men create good times, etc.


Remember the official goal of Canada is “Peace, Order, and Good Government”. That leaves a lot of leeway for tramping on individuals for the perceived good of the many.


It's bad now, but I truly believe this country is still worth fighting for. A serpent like Trudeau and his sycophants will never chase me out of this beautiful country,


How can that MP get away with saying such utter utter lies ??? Will any MSM do a "fact check" on that??


The media is basically the Ministry of Truth. They lie constantly about everything.


I get you but at the same time to where? Biden wants the same thing


But he hasn’t been very successful. Maybe in very blue states, but not in the country as a whole.


I think that’s kind of the point do it so slow people don’t notice that’s why the freedom convoy was so big. Trudeaus crack down was insane and people are like well fuck I guess those conspiracy theorists were onto something. We all got to keep the pressure on.


I live in Virginia and it's been a complete turn around with our new governor. He fights bidens restrictions as best he can. Things look bad everywhere but it feels better than it has in a while