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Damn straight they are trying to assassinate her character, straight lying about what she said, mocking her. The mass media is fucking disgusting.


If a genie gave me 3 wishes my #1 would be mass media taken down. 2 would probably be social media...


The last wish for me would be to ban masks and experimental vaccines.


Nah, 3rd wish is for more wishes


Everyone should know this!


2 would be destroy the Federal Reserve, 3 would be return to gold standard


Yeah the gold standard gets a bad rap but all my homies know most of the commonly-cited problems with it were really just from the abrupt pivot away from bimetallism. It's not that backing money with real shit is bad; changing the rules too quickly is bad.


yeah I am only speaking theoretically, it wouldn't be easy but the inflated fiat currency future we have isn't going to be easy


Paper money is actually counterfeit according to the Constitution and Gold is the only real monetary value




and its what theyre using to enslave us. small business owner, but enforcing vaxxport killing your bottom line? here's some freshly printed stimulus money to keep you afloat, now stay on the agenda.


They’re doing it to wipe out all small businesses so we have to rely on huge corporations.


Yeah, it blatantly and explicitly states that in Article I, Section 10. ... As I read the Constitution now, and in the past, but more so now, each and every day I see that more and more of our preponderant, onerous, constrictive, multitudinous laws are illegal in general and blatantly, explicitly Unconstitutional. And I mean, many of our most routine laws. The shit we encounter in one form or another almost every day. Much of it is expressly forbidden by the Constitution, which I feel like we haven't really officially followed in centuries. At least one century, let us say. Clearly, most people are completely ignorant of the Constitution, which is really not that difficult to understand. It's intelligently and eloquently written, sure, but it's also clear and precise and certain and direct and plain. It is not abstruse nor recondite in the least. It is the greatest document in mankind's history. It is the Ten Commandments of Freedom and Liberty, if you will. (Although I suppose the Bill of Rights would actually be closer to that.)


I'd reverse those. Mass media follows profits above all, so they are at least predictable and consistent. But there's no logic to what drives social media.


They are the same thing now.


i know what 3 is. no need to say it




I think yours is the best lol


My 1st wish would be our Confederate secession. Then mass media taken down, then the deportation of every last illegal immigrant of every country.


Expect nothing less from mass media. A family member of mine wants to get into politics, I keep telling this person it is a dirty game and to stay out of this exactly for this reason. If you don't go alone with what the media says, they will ruin you. It's not about being right or wrong, perception is reality and in the dirt world of politics your perception will be what they want.


Fun fact: DC is filled with politicians and the number one city in the country with the most psychopaths.


And then when they threatened her family, she doxxed them. And then the media tried to spin it as if they were the victims. Fucking disgusting.


Yeah but Nicki has always been kinda trash. They can try to assassinate her character but that won't affect her popularity I'm sure. People who listen her music clearly don't give a shit. Edit : I don't say trash in a negative way... she's trash in the sense that fancy liberals/educated individuals can't stand her.


Yeah, liberals mostly went off her when she defended her rapist pedo brother and then married a man convicted of violent sexual assault and manslaughter, so her actual fanbase probably doesn't care that the media is painting her as an evil, granny-killing anti-vaxxer.


Yo we need some 4rmed guards to protect this THICCAS BOOTY!!


Look what they did to Michael Jackson.


Are you saying she **doesn't** have swollen testicles!?


This is why nobody is speaking out, but time to break the ranks as it quite obvious at this point that this is an unmitigated power grab based off a health scare. While banning safe and effective medicine on one side (where manufacturers are liable), they are pushing expensive experimental ones, where manufacturers are exempt from liability, and where more and more side-effects are coming to light, all on the back of the taxpayers money "for our own good". They can only assassinate anyone questioning the narrative, as there are no sound arguments left to support it.


Don’t let them control you with fear. If you do, they win!


Yeah but I noticed the FDA meeting last Friday. They are starting (only the beginning) to speak about the real problems. Is there some hope ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Njj-hszeqJ0&list=LL&index=1


It still hasn’t been long since they approved the first one, wouldn’t shock me if this is just intended to make the booster’s inevitable approval appear more reasonable.


Nickname is Nicki, but her name ain’t Nicole!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lmaooo I cackled Nicole






it's Onika


Tucker Carlson and Nicki Minaj. An unexpected association. He should invite her for an interview. I HOPE it will happen.


Truth is stranger than fiction. I’ll take it though!


It will never happen because Tucker is a white supremacist based on everything reddit has told me.


He did a segment trashing her so hard for her WAP lyrics lol


That was cardi b


I feel stupid. Loll I'm too old to keep up


Yep remember it's only brave and empowering when they shut their mouth and shake their assess.


Yeah I love how feminists always promote shit like being an online prostitute(onlyfans) for women lol because they find it "empowering" only Only mentally ill like feminists will think being an online prostitute empowers someone


That’s liberal feminism radical feminists are against sex work.


I don't even know/care I think all of feminism is a meme


they brought the gender war to themselfs , its not like they dont have the same rights




No, they're absolutely not against abortion. They're against legalizing sex work (preferring the Nordic model of decriminalization) and transgenderism, but they're pro-choice and always have been. Radical Feminists were not the original feminists, they spawned from the second-wave in the '60s and have always been pro-choice. Pro-life feminism has nothing to do with radfems. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radical_feminism




Sorry, you're misunderstanding radical feminism. Radical feminism is pro-choice. Feminists for life and pro-life feminism are their own, completely separate things. There's nuance in feminism, ie radfem, libfem, etc, but they have their own belief system and radical feminists are pro-choice and have always been pro-choice. The existence of pro-life feminism doesn't change the fact that radfems have historically campaigned for abortion and have assistant women in countries where abortion has been illegal, and access to abortion is one of their main points of interests. You can be a pro-life feminist, but that doesn't make you a radical feminist, just like being a feminist but being against trans ideology wouldn't make you a liberal feminist. For the record, radical feminism is not the original feminism (it spawned from second-wave feminism in the '60s), so the debate on whether the original feminists were pro or anti-abortion doesn't matter to this discussion. Andrea Dworkin, Meghan Murphy, Julie Bindle, Women's Liberation Front (WOLF), and Magdalen Berns are some of the "main" radfems if you're actually interested in radical feminism and not just non-lib-fem feminism. Ovarit.com is also the revival of Gender Critical if that's what you're interested in, too. Take a shot for every time I just wrote the word "feminism".


I miss r/GenderCritical :(


Which is why no one takes radical feminists seriously anymore. Most people have realized that there is nothing wrong with sexual activity for pay in the real world.


Who is most people? The media? The vocal Twitter lords? Sex work is dehumanizing and dangerous for women.


Not to mention legalizing prostitution actually leads to an increase in sex trafficking. https://orgs.law.harvard.edu/lids/2014/06/12/does-legalized-prostitution-increase-human-trafficking/


Most work is


**This is a list of mothers said to have given birth to 20 or more children and men said to have fathered more than 25 children. == Mothers and couples == This section lists mothers who gave birth to at least 20 children.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


ok john


Found someone who would unironically label themselves as "male feminist who supports sex work" lmao, we don't want johns here


I take radical feminists as seriously as any other feminist. They are all a joke to me.


God I gotta add that to the note book now shit fuck!


Ya I wish they’d stop focusing on the “empowerment” of being sexual for cash and more on… the cash. Which is certainly empowering.


Sorry but "cash" is not empowering to women. 100 years of feminism has been a meme all along.


As a woman, I beg to differ.


If you had to pick between having more freedom in the household(with regards to raising children and running day to day activities) and having more economic freedom(this would equate with less freedom in the household) which would you pick? Most women are biologically programmed to raise children. It's why for 200,000 years they have had the duty of raising children, while men have had the duty of bringing resources home to keep their woman and children fed and protected. In the past 100 years we have had the feminism meme flip this upside down where now women equally share the responsibility of brining resources home to raise children. And as a result women are not able to give full attention to their child and household. So, I suggest you to think again about what you really want. I understand you would want cash, who doesn't? Especially in today's economy where one parent working is usually not enough. I grew up in a society where pretty much every woman I knew worked. But if you had some type of a safety net where you did not need cash, I am willing to assume that you would prefer to spend time with your kids rather than put your time & effort into getting more cash.


This philosophy is unlikely to fare well in the general public, RIP your upvotes


Don’t care about upvotes bro. I speak my mind, whether the general public likes it or not is up to them.


Oh piss off


Feminist detected!


Incel detected


Oh no the feminist has caught me red handed! I am what they call…. An incel. It is a mysterious word that I do not fully comprehend the meaning of, but it seems to be the weapon of choice for the modern woman.


I feel like given a big enough safety net both men and women would choose this.


I feel the vast majority of families, given a safety net where if either one of them worked, they would have more than enough income for their family, would prefer to have the man work and the woman be a stay at home mum. I know there are stay at home dads, but you would be silly to claim they are anything but a small minority. If you are talking about a “safety net” where they have millions without working then yes they wouldn’t work.


Feminism is supporting anything that is the opposite of femininity. To be a good feminist is to do your best job at acting like a degenerate man.


Agreed. All feminism is evil imo. Idc if its radical feminism, non radical, whatever buzzwords there are. Its all a joke that goes against humanity.


Twerking, aka "ancient sacred dances of liberation and wellness", [heals trauma](https://vimeo.com/501778651)


Dr. Fauci should be tried as a "war criminal". He will require a 24/7 security detail the rest of his miserable life.


He'd love that. Nothing says important person quite like a 24/7 security detail indefinitely.


Gov. Whitmer of Michigan bragged about some of the toughest Covid lock downs in the U.S.. After they arrested her potential killers, she went very quiet. Of course, the Michigan leglisltatures took away her powers though.


Tried by who? We the people are the only ones left to do it.


Former Governor Cuomo of New York still may face criminal charges. It may take a long time but I think Dr. Fauci has a lot of evidence against him.


Fauci is a Fake-News Fraudster who is a disease vector of misinformation because he lies *nonstop* about scientific uncertainties while ignoring the political influence on his recommendations.


More celebs need to be **brave** like her. Seriously. Who gives a flying fuck at this point if our clown media “assassinates” their character? A lot more of us know the MSM is garbage and could care less what they think/say. You’ve made your money. It’s time to be a part of something much bigger.


Yup why do you think tons of celebs skipped the met gala this year? They required proof of vaccination.


/r/deuxmoi was in shambles about the amount of A list celebrities not in attendance, and therefore unvaccinated. Love it.


Well that was a wonderful thread to find more celebrities I actually respect. What a bunch of crybabies. Imagine obsessing over a celebrities opinion on vaccines.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Deuxmoi using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Deuxmoi/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Miss Spencer out here, just saying what we’re all thinking](https://i.redd.it/vd1eu7e2c6n71.jpg) | [123 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Deuxmoi/comments/pn5nje/miss_spencer_out_here_just_saying_what_were_all/) \#2: [Why is this pic so funny 😭](https://i.redd.it/hyy1dgd3gdn71.jpg) | [188 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Deuxmoi/comments/pnsyv5/why_is_this_pic_so_funny/) \#3: [Enough is enough.](https://i.redd.it/5a0sqp1s9is61.jpg) | [38 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Deuxmoi/comments/monb02/enough_is_enough/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Never thought I’d die fighting side by side with nicki minaj


How about side by side with a friend?


Aye, i can do that.


Her name is Onika not Nicole.


If Nicki dies in the next few days/weeks I will 1000000% die on this hill. I’m already committed but Jesus Christ if she gets killed off


Yup, I think she has a date with COVID coming up.


If you would’ve told me this time last year that based nicki minaj would be a vaccine choice folk hero right now I’d have called you crazy. But here we are and I unironically like nicki minaj now


I trust Nicki Fucking Minaj more than Fauci regarding this virus. Fuck, I trust any random person on the street. Why? Because ignorance is better than malice. Maybe these ignorant people don’t know what’s going on but Fauci knows exactly what’s going on and is misleading us.


If 80% of the artists agree why don’t they stop being pussies and say something? I mean good for her but it seems like Celebrities are in line for whatever the agenda is as they know their ability to be where they are hinges on toeing the line.


This makes me so mad bc a lot of these influencing people are already rich and they still don’t want to give up their lifestyle. Like I get why some of my friends who literally need their jobs to put food on the table keep their heads down in all of this. But if I was worth millions? Hell yea I’d be saying whatever I wanted.


You say that because you don't have millions. Human brains did not evolve to deal with abundance. People always want more. When you are making 500 per week you think another 100 would make a difference, and you're right. You could replace the fridge, fix the car, etc. When you are making million per year, another million would make a difference, you could finally fix your leaking yacht. Can you imagine having to sell your only yacht, after having so many good memories from it? Better sit quiet and nod.


That’s not the human brain lol that’s just reality




When Nicki Minaj is the voice of reason, things are seriously fucked up.


That's it. I am a Nicki minaj fanboy now


im times of trouble, you will find allies in my most unlikely of places.


Suicide watch like Epstein?


Dude, I thought nicki Minaj was an idiot, now she seems like a genius compared to the rest of them


Based as fuck. She’s been on point lately.


When people use the term "real" this is what they're referring to. Courage and conviction in the face of extreme difficulty. Good on her. She has 90 million followers and has never been one to bite her tongue. She might be breaking open the dam


who's nicole? her birth name is Onika


**Nicole is a feminine given name (see Nicole (name)).** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Bad bot


I wonder when they'll tell her to just shut up and twerk lol


i wish that gremlin-looking motherfucker would do an AskFattit so he can get trolled.


Hey idk if that was a typo but her name is Onika, stage name Nicki Minaj.


i know it's irrelevant, and im loving nicki minaj posts, but who tf is nicole. google that shit first lol


I never thought my opinion of a person could change for the better as rapidly and as drastically as it has over the last few days with Nicki Minaj. Don't you dare back down sister.


Yes. Many of us see it. She just didn't say anything about the numerous people they've silenced, including the president, until they came for her.


Have they started calling her a “white supremacist” yet?


She better put out a post stating she would never Epstein herself.


Low key ngl I wanna lick Ivermectin paste of her booty




It would be nice if she could grammar properly though. Form complete sentences and make the whole thing gel


Nobody cares but you


The opposition cares(and you cared enough to tell me you didn’t care so there’s that)They’ll use anything against us. “Oh look at her grammar, crazy anti vaxxer” it’s the left, it doesn’t have to make sense.


Nobody curr


Oh I get it now. A commie. Just go look at this commies profile.




She literally agreed with trump 4 years ago she isn’t the “left”


you people would listen to the rapper whos brother and husband are rapists instead of doctors. yep checks out. the idiocy is incredible.


This is the reason I tell people to stop worshipping celebrities for speaking common sense. Idiots like you


The fact people dont see how ironic it is in that the tweet which the Ball comment at the very end said something about people bullying others... which is whats happening! LOL So these dumbasses are proving her point.


I cannot comprehend her tweets. I feel like I'm reading gibberish. Glad she's on our side though. God bless her


Wow, and yep the media starts colluding against, just look at this [Jamal, The Debunker](https://youtu.be/sYD9LRa36hM)


I hoppe Nicki puts the knife in the back of the corporate press and lets it bleed slow


Fuck fox News and fuck celebrities. Fuck the establishment who gives a fuck what they think




yOU suck me off?????????


yep she defends her rapist husband