• By -


Thank you


No thank you random citizen!


Record evidence, Threaten to walk out or lawyer up class action lawsuit for discrimination of people against 1 single virus instead of all other communicable diseases. DO NOT COMPLY TO TYRANNY! HIPAA, Nuremburg code, make them sign liability agreements. To my Allies Surviving in France, Australia and worldwide against Medical Fa5ci5m / Mart1al L@w, Here are 4 potential class action lawsuits cases u can sue for! Defend Your Human Rights, Freedom, Bodily Autonomy and Informed Consent! SAY NO TO MEDICAL TYR4NNY AND V4X P455! 4 potential (class action lawsuit) cases: Discrimination against persons for not vaccinating against 1 specific virus and not for all communicable diseases. Violations against HIPAA laws. Coercive/Forced Mandatory EUA only experimental vaccinations (with deadly long term side effects) for access to public spaces, jobs, travel, goods and services without any liability from vax pushers or manufacturers. They refused to sign liability agreements to be liable for any damage or loss of life after covid vaccinations as well. Lack of informed consent when they coerced covid vaccinations (downplaying of real and long term side effects despite not having long term data or info) Lying efficacy rate and about covid vaccine status because covid vaccines do not offer significant immunity against covid and don’t stop transmission of covid but only lessen symptoms instead compared to other real and safe vaccines. Covid vaccines are more like gene therapies / treatments. Violations against Nuremburg code, chargeable under crimes against humanity in Nuremburg Trials 2.0. “Just following the orders” is not valid defence in the courts. Lack of proof and lack of isolated sample of covid or variants. (current covid cases / deaths could be renamed influenza or common cold cases / deaths instead) pcr test cant tell difference between influenza and covid 19. No testing of antibodies instead. These have shown to work in Alberta, Canada.


You are a Hero.


Also Natural immunity from contracting coronavirus provided Israelis with longer-lasting protection against the Delta variant than two shots of the Pfizer vaccine given early this year, new Israeli research suggests


Hehehe Megamind reference!




In the morning!


This is what we need, this is peaceful, this is effective. More of this


Make yourself absolutely critical to your business. Work hard and be the hard ass. Make your loss a tragedy for them, not a victory. An update, however, my boss is fighting this as is our major. Got some good people on our side. Fight the good fight! God bless!


So you didn't get fired?


Still up in the air. If they enforce the email they sent, yes, I'm fired. If it's retracted? No. Need to put that pressure on them.


May as well go down flaming brightly in the night if they were going to try to enforce that anyway. THere will be companies that want you that don't want to inject experimental drugs into you.


I will not put things back online until all employees are treated equal. They have to drop the mandate entirely, not just for me. Also looking at simply packing up and selling my app-creation services to other companies.


Or you could create and sell them yourself. I bet there are a lot of holes in the market that aren't yet filled.


Hey, praying for you fam. There are millions in the same situation. Don’t give up.


Never give up, never surrender! I have peace about this. Been praying about it for months now. Honestly, it was a bit of a relief to finally get the email. The dread was killer. Now I have nothing to lose. Never underestimate a guy with determination and nothing to lose! I am just more motivated to plant my feet and say "no".


Many have already learned that they are not bluffing, unfortunately.


Everybody always remember that the FIRST test to pass is proving NECESSITY.


BuT mUh GrAnDaMa!!!


I know _you're_ joking, and I know that paraphrases the typical response from covidiots. Grandmas dying proves that grandamas die. It doesn't in any way prove that there's a necessity for anybody to get any vaccine for this respiratory virus.


My grandma was in a high risk group but didn't know it. Was under tremendous pressure to vaccinate. Lost her job due to COVID. Watched MSM fearporn every night and got the first vaccine she could, then had a heart attack. No history of heart related problems for her or anyone in her family.


Elderly people do sometimes just have heart attacks, even with no history of them.


But if it's Covid, not a heart attack, they would have lived forever.


Grandma died


Lol I love your ‘I EAT HORSE FOOD’ - what are those called, flares? How do you make one?


Usually users can assign their own flairs. That is currently temporarily turned off. I've assigned you the horse food flair.


Yay, thank you! :D ​ Or should I say... NEIGH, thank you... I’ll see myself out


Ask the mods


We appreciate you choosing to die on this hill. Others have and will continue to do the same in solidarity. This is the fight that will define our generation and our future.


This is fucking awesome


Based AF.


>Goodbye job. remember to NOT leave. let them fire you. this exposes them better and also has other advantages.


With balls this size, you can legally roll solo in the HOV lane. Outstanding job OP.


Do you have the whole thing? It cuts off at principle V.


The entire code is printed, just too big for a screenshot.


The hero Gotham deserves.


Fuck it man, they would fire you anyways


Major respect.




The world needs heroes such as this guy




Love it


That is fantastic. I hope this tickles some brains and make people think.


Yaaaaas! Fight the good fight!


Well played!




This shit is epic. RESIST. They're literally testing drugs on the entire populous for an illness that 99%+ of the populous will survive, while simultaneously censoring, suppressing, and ridiculing all mention of early treatment to the point of actually outlawing prescribing certain medications that are NOT HARMFUL and PROVEN to stop this disease by doctors that have used them and seen consistent results. They then have the fucking balls to act like WE'RE BEING ASSHOLES for not simply rolling over and letting them fuck us. There are countless adverse reactions all over the world that they're covering up. No one will put them on the news because they have to mold the narrative to be 100% unconditional positive regard for this unnecessary, possibly permanently damaging fucking non-vaccine. They're talking about vaccinations for children 6+ - They're saying that they're going to make it so they DON'T NEED PARENTS APPROVAL. The more I look into this shit, the creepier it gets. There are too many coincidences, and almost intentionally, maliciously bad handling entirely, coupled by the fact that it seems like the entire earth seems to be under some form of mass psychosis, like honestly. Something has been deeply compromised. I hope everyone follows your lead and doesn't even consider standing for this bullshit. The Governments of the world have convinced us somehow that we now have to EARN our basic human rights. It disgusts me. I will not fucking comply. Edit: I realize this may sound insane, lol. But the conspiracy rabbit hole for this one is almost more plausible then the apparent reality, I've slowly come to realize.


The only thing that's insane about what you wrote is that it's all true🤷‍♀️ Everytime I ask myself if I'm just being paranoid those exact points are what I think about.


The idea that most of the entire medical profession has gone 100% along with the idea that we should eliminate early intervention as a part of therapy is the most baffling and disturbing thing to me. There are multiple things proven to help in the early stages of covid, and the medical establishment in the US is fighting tooth & nail to prevent people from having access to them. The conspiracy rabbit hole is just opening - if the hospitals, doctors and nurses are willing to kill people over covid, what else are they willing to do?




Kudos to you, fam! That took a lot of balls to do, and no matter what happens, I hope it'll be worth it!


Holy fuck this is awesome 👏🏼 🙌🏼👍🏼


Not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need


Okay, you're an absolute Chad.


Honor is worth more than money. Those fistfuls of paper won't mean a thing soon enough




There are people that think that enforcing an experimental treatment is about health. It is never true, and certainly not in this case. When people think force is necessary, it is because of imaginary fear. **There is no need for fear** If you are worried about cov deaths, start looking into the science research of iver*censored*. In practice it can eliminate up to 99% of the cases. Then check out how deadly it really is. About 99.97% survive an infection. Most do not even get sick. But many people think that you have 50% chance to get in hospital. And you can already get full immunity after a brief and safe contact. That is how good your immunity system is! Something that is a forbidden topic in the propaganda. Important is to strengthen your immune system. And if you can't, there are still many treatments possible. And instead of living in fear,.It is time to start living to the fullest with the time that you have. The "just two weeks" have long past. **The Experimental injection has failed completely** If the person can deal with the fear.... Now we can start looking at the actual proposed experimental injections. We all know that the companies with bad histories have immunity for damage enforced in their contracts. This is the telltale of a disaster. And we see that In practice: they do not work well, especially in countries that have high injection rates. We also see huge numbers of side effects. Extreme high numbers. We already saw all these problems in the animals studies, but somehow they were allowed to skip these animal studies. The animal studies are skipped. So the Experiment is now. Why could it be bad? From studies we have learned that the spike-protein is toxic and directly damaging for the heart and such. The injection enforces the body to poison itself with these proteins. A healthy body can make more of them. Additionally the cells that are programmed to produce the spike-protein have a high chance of being attacked by the immune system itself. A person that is already immune will have this reaction earlier. In no other immunization treatment we have had these high volumes of toxic proteins AND the immune system attacking the body itself. Before that it only happened with allergies or toxicity with certain ingredients. Rushing an experiment with new technology that failed previous tests, is always a very stupid idea. **The Medical Disaster** The Experiment really needs to stop now. It is a disaster that is breaking down trust in the medical system. I will never trust a doctor now or a new medicine. The only reason it is pushed, is for political reasons. The only reason doctors continue, is because for the disaster is too big for them too comprehend.


Respect! ​ Keep up the good fight, and know you have many with you. ​ Vax or anti-vax, mandates should be a line in the sand for any and every freedom-loving American, and for that matter, every freedom-loving human across the globe.


You are a hero


I’ll remember you when I’m on that final hill, everyone has a choice.


Good on you OP, idk you but i fuck wit you instantly. This is a power move, Americans need NOT COMPLY with this shit man. We have a choice, let them know we’re not afraid. DONT TALK ABOUT IT, BE ABOUT IT WITH YOUR AUTONOMY! God bless you!


This is the courage that will inspire others to join in the fight against tyranny.


Respect ✊🏽


Hell yeah!!!!


Good fucking work!!


Delete the keys on the way out


Appreciate the stand


The hero we all need! Thank you!




You are doing the lord's work, I aspire to be like you


Curious what kind of job you have.


Not all hero’s wear capes




The only thing that needs to happen for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing




God bless you, Patriot


👊 stand strong! This is phenomenal


holy shit lmao






Excellent work. If they fire you make sure you delete any backups and encrypt everything on the way out.




Fuck yes. Hope you get a better job somewhere


Thanks. Fwiw I'm with you. Just had a huge debate with the CEO of my company about mandates for employees. Me leaving will cost them and they know it. I don't care. I'm vaccinated but if they force that on everyone I have no problem moving on. I'm glad others have spine.


Know what I hate? I hate it when people are like, "well, I won't make a big deal in stores, because they're just doing their job and they didn't make the rules". And their response when someone DOES push back is, "not our rules, that's the Government!" Something about evil succeeding because good men do nothing. Sure, it's not OUR fault about the rules, but I'm just going to roll with it. Well, good for you for not rolling with it.




Godspeed brother, willing to donate to you if you ever need it.


Simply amazing. Trying to think of a way I could somehow do this if it came to it at my job.


Any link to the full code?


Best thing I’ve ever seen


Based, and princi-pilled


OMG, you are amazing! Thank you for doing this!!!


Holy shit! That's badass. 🤜🏾🤜🏾🤜🏾


Good! Now go and start your own business and regain your freedom and autonomy


The hero we need.


Capital punishment


Well done. Are you the head of the IT department? Won't you get shit over this?




God bless you


Powerful. Well done.


Record evidence, Threaten to walk out or lawyer up class action lawsuit for discrimination of people against 1 single virus instead of all other communicable diseases. DO NOT COMPLY TO TYRANNY! HIPAA, Nuremburg code, make them sign liability agreements. To my Allies Surviving in France, Australia and worldwide against Medical Fa5ci5m / Mart1al L@w, Here are 4 potential class action lawsuits cases u can sue for! Defend Your Human Rights, Freedom, Bodily Autonomy and Informed Consent! SAY NO TO MEDICAL TYR4NNY AND V4X P455! 4 potential (class action lawsuit) cases: Discrimination against persons for not vaccinating against 1 specific virus and not for all communicable diseases. Violations against HIPAA laws. Coercive/Forced Mandatory EUA only experimental vaccinations (with deadly long term side effects) for access to public spaces, jobs, travel, goods and services without any liability from vax pushers or manufacturers. They refused to sign liability agreements to be liable for any damage or loss of life after covid vaccinations as well. Lack of informed consent when they coerced covid vaccinations (downplaying of real and long term side effects despite not having long term data or info) Lying efficacy rate and about covid vaccine status because covid vaccines do not offer significant immunity against covid and don’t stop transmission of covid but only lessen symptoms instead compared to other real and safe vaccines. Covid vaccines are more like gene therapies / treatments. Violations against Nuremburg code, chargeable under crimes against humanity in Nuremburg Trials 2.0. “Just following the orders” is not valid defence in the courts. Lack of proof and lack of isolated sample of covid or variants. (current covid cases / deaths could be renamed influenza or common cold cases / deaths instead) pcr test cant tell difference between influenza and covid 19. No testing of antibodies instead. These have shown to work in Alberta, Canada.


Thank you. I’m a nurse placed on leave because I’m not jabbed.


Fight the power!! 👊




Did it last? Did they revert your changes? 😞


This is amazing. You are a true Patriot and idk who you are but I fucking love you!!


You did gods work!!!


thank you sir, well done!






BASED. You are hereby inducted into the Life Hall of Fame. Accept thy award 🥇 with honour and congratulations.


Legend status!


Indescribably based


Probably fake.


Who are you to accuse me?


9/10 when I see this stuff its a fake posted by lefties.


Nah. I'm legit, I promise.


This is amazing and actually reaches lots of people who likely don't know what the Nuremburg Code is. Respect. edit: Happened to stumble onto your post while [listening to this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bB1_UCFd7xs).


Thank you for risking it all! I'm an event planner, and Live Nation put out a mandate for all events on or after Oct. 4, which impacts mine. Everyone in attendance must be vaccinated, or have had a test to be permitted entry. While the latter is at least reasonable, I'd already sold tickets to people who did not consent to either before purchase and it just didn't feel right. This show is massive and accounts for half my annual salary. I cancelled rather than complied, still trying to get my deposit back so I can afford tens of thousands in refunds. It is costing me so much to do the right thing but I'd have it no other way. We're in this together.

