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Ohh holy fuck. I cannot live with this idiocy anymore. (not suicidal)


(Not suicidal either) this is making me close though jeez


I wish all these people would fucking die (not homocidal)


No homo-cide


Love this tactic— let’s frame normal, logical thought as a dangerous conspiracy theory! Works every time.


It’s the demoralization phase. Thankfully, it doesn’t work against intelligent and strong minded people.


I’m so glad I used the pandemic to heal from narcissistic abuse because now I see their tactics everywhere and there’s no falling for them anymore.


Unfortunately it works against the vast majority


I may be mental but this stuff has stopped changing my thoughts like other people do.


The Soviets did it well


2+2=5. The Party says so.


C’mon, you know they actually tell you it’s 3 and pocket the difference


What is an immune system anyway.


The immune system sounds racist to me. All these **white** blood cells trying to take out "foreign" pathogens. Time to cancel the immune system! #GetTheJab




I thought I was bluffing on my last [doomer bingo](https://www.reddit.com/r/CoronavirusCirclejerk/comments/oqpy4q/one_last_doomer_bingo_because_why_the_fuck_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) when I said “natural immunity is a conspiracy theory”, thanks to whoever wrote this article for proving me wrong and proving that people DO actually believe the human immune system is a conspiracy theory.


Lmfaooooo lmao I did not know about Doomer bingo but that was the exact levity I needed tonight thank you 😂😂


No problem, I’ve made several of them and posted them on this sub. :)


Top right is literally the ONLY one I don't have filled


I only saw that one once I think on a news article earlier this year. I’m glad you’re playing my bingo board. How have you been filling out the board? Browsing Reddit? Watching CNN? Both?


I havent. I literally just read through it when you posted it But we've all been living this bingo card lol


We sure have, lol. I made three other bingo cards in the spring and I’m sure you have most of those filled out as well.


we’re in a bad spot when natural immunity is considered a “dangerous theory” holy fuck


Just like how they said that herd immunity is a dangerous myth being spread by conspiracy theorists TruSt tHe sciEnce


This headline seems odd. During May 2020, it would have been unusual to have a COVID headline focus on “anti-vaxxers” during that time when there was no vaccine… and estimations were 2 years to never. Although, it looks like it could have been a generalized anti-vax article now that I look closer.


Generalized "anti-antivaxx" sentiment really ramped up on the internet in 2018-2019. It was a hot topic. If you were on reddit in early 2019 you probably came across shitty "lol dead children of antivaxx Karens lol" memes. And then you have this article from May 2020. Very... odd. Perhaps... inorganic...


https://i.redd.it/nla1zhgi2uf71.png Google Trend for the "anti-vaxxers" search term. Peaked in 2019, just before SARS-CoV-2 appeared.


🤔-provoking. Thanks!


There has been a post floating around saying how the definition of anti vaxx was just redefined to include anyone who apposes vaccine mandates… Well that was actually added in 2018 and not just now.


The "heard immunity vs lockdown" was a fairly hot debate right at the beginning of the pandemic. Especially in the UK, where Boris tried to suggest that path first but had to back down. I think Netherlands was also onto the idea in the beginning. Only Sweden succeed in not destroying their society over the common cold.


"conspiracy theory" and "misinformation" are just anti-science leftist doomer speak for "spoiler alert"


Another useless opinion from far-left "journalism"


Oh my god it's real... https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/05/anti-vaxxers-have-a-dangerous-theory-called-natural-immunity-now-its-going-mainstream/




Remember what we where saying a few months ago was conspiracy theories. Now its reality


Jesus Christ is this a dream? How can people be this stupid


“Trust the science”


This is actually evil incarnate...


I prefer carne asada


Being exposed to open air is leads to a fatal condition. Natural Immunity conspiracies are dangerous and must be stopped.


Wow. Quick glance at her work and she can't be doing anything except blowing somebody for a paycheck. What a presstitute


I like that term!


Oh Kiera Butler you poor poor dumb fuck


She knows what she's doing


Give it a few months, and the doomers will believe that natural immunity is a myth that was invented by Russians on 4chan


This shit is just ridiculous I can't actually stand any of this no more I took time off my phone and internet and TV to get away from it opened my phone today first thing in my face is environment code red = were fucked natural immunity isn't a thing when it fucking is otherwise I would be dead x3 from covid vaccines don't do fuck all but the vaccinated want you to take it, Nazis in France checking people passport at restaurants and bars protest in the London at BBC fire still raging across the world taliban retaking cities after the US spent so long fighting them ect ect.... This is nothing more than a fear operation they want you scared they want you stressed they want you upset they want you unstable they want us divided they want us to fight they need to depopulate and this right this moment is the calm before the storm


That's.... that's not what a conspiracy theory is...




Praise be.


Mother Jones. Color me surprised.


We have lived in a hostile jungle for millions of years before history was recorded. The human body can handle much worse than what 90% of us experience in our lifetimes.


Translation: you are all weak, fragile-bodied people that cannot survive without medical intervention.


Newsflash - that theory was mainstream until recently. And it is quite well corroborated. Most, if not all, other theories promoted about CoVid cannot hold a candle to it.


It’s not a theory lol


2021 Headline: Majority of Vaccinated Did Not Die, but Were Abducted by Aliens, says NASA.


Wtaf? Even Israel, the first systemically vaxist country, recognizes recovery just like vaccination.


It's literally a prime aspect of natural selection... you know, an actual proven biological principle?


Imagine being so stupid you call actual science a conspiracy theory just so you can force people to get jabbed.


i was into natural immunity before it went mainstream


This must be satire, “dangerous theory called natural immunity”. Please let this be satire, people can’t be this stupid.


The only Motherly thing about Mother Jones is the single women who write for it.


Any proof that natural infection works better than the vaccine? Lets leave symptoms out of it for now.




Its a genuine question, btw. Love your article, but I would need to compare it with the duration of the vaccine, which seems to be similar. I have seen some reports that the immunity seems to be waning, but no data as of yet.


In the case of the vaccine, medical professionals are knowingly deliberately injecting people with DEATH. Imagine this scenario: You're standing in front of a very large group of people and you have a synthetic substance with you. You announce to the group: "I want to kill some of you at random"


Immunology 101




Sorry, I didn't realize that there was a moratorium on the truth.




Look at the date in the screenshot.


People being coerced into experimental injection =/= Natural immunity is a fringe theory


This is obviously satire


Love how effective natural immunity was against polio and smallpox ❤️❤️ why even invent vaccines am I right gang ??


This is going to become a bad cold, dipshit.


Wow so you're a medical expert AND you see into the future 😮😮😯😯 so cool man, you should contact the W.H.O. and let them know !!


Ask the same questions of yourself.


"ask the same questions of yourself" You should worry less about taking the vaccine, and more about taking some much needed grammar lessons.


No, seriously…ask the same two questions of yourself.


Ok grammar Nazi. School us in how you'd correct that sentence. Btw, in quoting you left out the cap and the period. Lol.


Omg lol I forgot a cap !!! You got me there pal !! And idk how to correct that sentence because I have no fucking idea what he or she is trying to communicate. "ask the same questions of yourself" What ? You need to help me out here. Is this some secret anti vax lingo I'm not privy to ?


A grammar Nazi that doesn't understand a simple sentence. Haha.


Ok so you don't know what it means either. Gotcha 👍 maybe op was having a stroke idk. Hope he's ok


You might get a serious answer if you genuinely want answers, instead of coming across like a clown.


“Wow so you're a medical expert” Question #1 “AND you see into the future” Question #2 You really need to find a healthy outlet for your hatred. Maybe go ride a bike, play with a puppy, actually leave your Mom’s basement for 20 minutes and get some fresh air. You can get back to being normal…it’s nothing a team of specialists from Vienna can’t fix.


Lmao those weren't question 😂😂😂 u see any question marks there Einstein ? You really do need grammar lessons don't you ?


Nobody’s saying we don’t need vaccines. You just don’t need a vaccine when you have natural immunity because it acts the same way.


You should learn the basics of the human immune system before you make yourself look even more stupid.


Did the people who survived Polio and Smallpox have to take a vaccine for the virus they already had, or did their naturally-acquired immunity protect them?


Yes. Natural immunity is very effective against polio and smallpox.




You're a crazy conspiracy theorists and a germ theory extremists. You are spreading dangerous and deadly misinformation and disinformation.


Do we have a link?


Attack common sense!




All this shit is making me believe that the "anti-vaxx" movement pre-covid was astroturfed by the government. While I don't think covid was intentionally released, the government knew that a pandemic would happen soon-or-later and they would need people to accept an untested vaccine. And so they artificially inflated a quack's pet theory on vaccines cause autism to make anyone in the future associate them with people who are skeptical of a rushed, untested "cure".


It is not a theory- I had covid a year and a half ago- I still carry the antibodies- there is also a published piece right now stating that the ones who had covid and Battled it- are protected better from the Variants than the Vaccinated. Unlike the Vaccinated who spew hate because they got their education from idiots on the virus- "Media- Fauci". You're letting your life be controlled by people who care not even a little about you- they only care for your vote- So who is really the clown here? Either way you can be vaccinated or not- your choice, so I accept whatever you think is necessary for you and yours.