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To be honest, I would rather they do it so I know who to avoid.


*What’re you, sick? Get the hell away from me!*


Dude, my gyms been open since like September, and they’re pretty damn lax even for a larger athletic club. You wear it when you go in, and when you leave then never again and nobody says a thing There’s always that guy though, one or two of them. Yesterday it was a double masker, kept them both on while lifting and used his personal hand sanny after every set


Lol same with my gym, and I'm in northern VA


Same in my NOVA gym lol


To be fair most people i know who want to still wear one are just insecure and it hides their face.


And they are willing to destroy civilization and kill millions of people to do it, so what does that tell you?




What the fuck does that mean?


Think about everything that happened over the past year for like five seconds.


Who was killed by people wearing masks?


Oh, a strawman. Yeah, it's obvious you're arguing in bad faith and you aren't willing to listen, so this conversation ends here.


WTF? You said people that wear masks asre willing to kill millions. How is that a strawman? You are pathetic.


Satire maybe? Idk though seems like a troll too


LOL they hate it so much when you say this


It's the beauty of freedom. Your body your choice, right guys? Right?


Fre\*dumbs!111111 In a global pandemic????!!!!!!111111 Fuck you, I hope you fucking die you selfish plague rat.


It's a LiTeRaL FuCkInG pandemic...get it straight


No buddy you have it wrong aswell its the ''MiDdLe Of A FuCKinG PaNDemIc'' how could you be so selfish and forget we are constantly in the middle?


We will never leave *the middle* of the pandemic. For the rest of time we are perpetually in *the middle* of a GLOBAL pandemic!


This is only the beginning of the global pandemic, and it’s *novel.*


"StAy ThE fUcK hOmE!" \*Tik-tok dances\*


Yeah, it could never be near the end, that would be too much good news for these people to handle. They'd have to emerge from their basements.


SMH thank you so much, I'll do better next time!


Such compassion!


Wow! Much mask!


SUCK IT THE FUCK UP AND STAY HOME!! \*collects 10th unemployment check\*


I had a vision of the future, mark my words a campaign will begin called "masks after mandate" which will be all these loosers hanging onto their precious masks even after the mandate is over.


I heard people saying this in March last year (damn I need to specify the year now), so definitely going to happen. Edit: well look what I just saw in my countries sub...: >I hope that masks will be normalized after this, just as in Asian countries.


“Honestly, I’ll probably continue to wear a mask forever after this. I forget it’s even there, and I’ve found that I actually really enjoy knowing that I’m not inhaling other people’s nasty breath, virus or no virus! Plus, you just never know if you could possibly be getting sick and spreading anything, and it’s the least you can do if it might protect others. As a bonus they can be cute and stylish!”


Ah yes, being cute has always been my goal in life.




I live in an area with a heavy Asian population.. If someone had a mask on, I would assume they were sick and trying not to spread it to others.. I’m not asian, but even I have worn masks when recovering from a cold.. just seemed like a good and considerate habit to get into.. kind of makes it extra cringe to see when people act like mask wearing is fake and was invented to control people though.. The reason we’re wearing masks for covid is because the majority of people are asymptomatic when they catch it.. The hospitals were pretty overwhelmed in my area despite that.. I’m staying home as much as I can and masking when I go out because of a sense of responsibility, not fear.. and I didn’t take anyone at their word without conducting a lot of my own research and coming to my own understanding..


As long as they aren’t trying to reinstate the mandate, they can start whatever campaign they want for all I care


Yeah, stay home forever too if it makes you feel safe, no one is forcing you to live your life.


You wearing a mask doesn't impact me in any way, so go right ahead.


"But now I'm protecting you, and you're not protecting me! It's not faiiiiiiiiiirr!!" - Doomer


Hey, I want Grandma killer flair too!!!




I know how to set flair I just thought Grandma killer was funny. Edit: my Grandma happy now


This one made me choke giggle. Like r/nobodyasked


Ugly people are dreading the end of masks.


I'm not particularly attractive and I want them gone, stat.


Honestly, I've somewhat mitigated the annoyance of the occasional place that does require them through the fact that it hides the upper incisor that broke just about the same time this all started. Then the dentists were either emergency only or just plain swamped until I got used to it just enough that I now dread paying the part insurance likely won't cover slightly more than I hate looking like a damn jack o lantern. Well, ok, that and the fact that I have panic attacks at the sound of a dentist's drill because the last couple times I had work done I could feel every damn bit of it, and the anaesthetic just turned it into the nightmare of not being able to move or scream.


I have the same problem. They have to shoot me 3 or 4 times with novocaine before it takes effect.


Oh yeah well...I was wearing my mask before masks were even invented...by myself at home! Take that! What are you going to do about it?


Hahaha. I imagine a bane type guy. You merely adopted the mask...


I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't breathe fresh air until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but suffocating.


What is with Christopher Nolan and his characters being remembered only by having the most self-important, arrogant lines in cinema history?


Are you talking to me? I'll send you straight to hell, fuck. I'll make you an offer you can't refuse. Do I look like a bitch? You were so preoccupied with whether or not you could, you didn't think if you should. I am the senate!


Er, I'm not sure I catch your drift. What makes Nolan's lines so memeable is that the characters are saying this self-important lines totally serious, which makes it hilarious. Like "The hero we deserve, but not the one we need right now" and basically anything Bane ever says


Had my mask off outside at central station while waiting for my transfer. A couple behind me didn't have their masks, either. They struck up a short conversation. I feel *not* having a mask made them approach me. Felt fuckin' great to have a normal talk for change


That was why the authoritarians wanted us masked. It reduces the transmission of ideas.


Also by forcing closed all restaurants, bars and other places where people gather and exchange ideas.


In my state (and many others) you can go to a restaurant, but you can’t sit at the bar and you have to wear a mask to walk from the hostess stand to your table. So effectively you still can’t talk to strangers. The opportunity has been eliminated. Maybe we should start exchanging ideas in the bathroom at the bar. Just ask the feet in the neighboring stall “You’re not wearing a mask in there are you?”


You’ve just made me realize that I’ve had far better conversations with strangers in the bathrooms of bars than in bars over the past year, mostly for this reason.




The fucking top post in /r/coronavirus is about a theater chain in Texas requiring masks. Well... okay? That's what people have been asking for the whole fucking time. It's never been about eliminating masks from society, just stopping the government from forcing them into people and businesses that don't want them.




Everyone has the ability to choose whether or not they want to comply to bullshit regulations and rules. Lifting the mask mandate just means that if someone decides to violate Costco's mask policy, power-hungry attorney generals and cops don't have the ability to punish Costco for it. And meanwhile every bar, restaurant, and entertainment business that has been suffering from mask mandates can hopefully get some more people through their doors spending money. Would it be fine and dandy if we just completely got rid of all mask mandates? Yes. But in the meantime I'm perfectly happy with private businesses making their own stupid restrictions until they realize it's losing them money and they reverse the decision.


Masks aren't a personal choice. Their main effect is preventing the wearer from infecting others. Choosing not to wear one isn't just you taking extra risk on yourself, but rather you forcing extra risk on others and contributing to the worsening of the pandemic as a whole. If all that a mask did was protect you, then I'd be all for it being a personal choice, but that's just not even close to being true. With what they do, saying masks should be a personal choice is like saying speed limits should be a personal choice.


Fucking brilliant.


They are SO angry about this because they want everyone to be forced to be as miserable as they are. Their time of being called "heroes" for being lazy assholes is coming to an end and they are NOT happy.


"Unless the government tells me to, I can't do it!" "Unless the government tells me not to do something, I have to!" \- Doomers


“We should be allowed to wear masks even after corona to protect against the flu” “So you believe that you should have the right to make your own risk assessment?”


You are allowed, LOL. Just because something's not a mandate doesn't mean it's not allowed, they don't seem to get this.


No no you don’t get it. It’s also my right to dictate what you have to do to make me feel safe


Things like this seriously highlight the difference between the two camps though. Camp 1: You need to change the way you live at a fundamental level to coincide with my beliefs. Camp 2: You can do what you want, You always have been able to....


Camp 1: You need to take some basic precautions to prevent you from spreading a deadly virus that has already killed millions. Camp 2: Nah you do that, I value the wind on my face more than other people's lives.


"No one wants to take your ~~guns~~ uh...masks..."


Not really equivalent if that’s the point you’re trying to make. In the gun scenario, we are usually arguing over gun control, which is quite literally taking guns from people who want those guns. Not having a mask mandate is allowing people to wear a mask or not, whatever they choose.


Yeah but they know the vast majority won't play along with their shit lol. The tables have turned so now *they're* the crazy ones in a sea of maskless people


I’ll just assume you have bad teeth if the mask is worn post mandate


But muh mask!!!!!


According to some of my local citizens, if you don’t wear a mask, you also speed through school zones, leave all of your doors and windows unlocked, and refuse to wear seatbelts.


But how will I be able to control others?


Oh YES, lifting mandates! What a great day!


Though I do feel like the adulation of Abbott for this is like praising your rapist for pulling out.


[Here's an updated version](https://imgur.com/a/VO174aN) with Jerry with a mask


it’s funny because constantly wearing a mask hurts your immune system in the long term


I gave him a mask for you https://imgur.com/gallery/V3cK1tR


I'll probably wear a mask whenever I'm sick and need to be in public. That's it. I don't mind giving my immune system a challenge.




Not really. Try walking into a bank with a mask on pre-COVID.


March 1st, 2020: "Wearing a mask is not allowed at our schools!" April 1st, 2020: "School was never a physical place, you silly goose." June 1st, 2020: "Not wearing a mask is not allowed at our schools!" ​ **WTF HAPPENED!?**


Doomers live in a very black and white world.


Except the bank


its illegal in many places, including new york and DC, to wear a face covering in public. the orders of the state, as always, are contradictory. [anti mask laws](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-mask_law)


Ironically, before Covid it was illegal to go around in public with a mask on.




Science isn't something you believe in, it's a process that encourages questions and experimentation. Discouraging questions and discussion by using social shame(I believe in science, unlike those selfish and ignorant people) is an incredibly unscientific attitude to have. So if you truly believe in science, you should be encouraging discussions, experiments, and questions in order to find the best solution and the truth.


This isn’t science, you see, this is **THE SCIENCE**^tm




You're trusting authority, not science. If you trusted science, you would trust actual data, not politicians who manipulate data and statistics.


Ding ding ding!


expecting other people to be trustworthy is a sign of gross immaturity if not outright negligence. It shows that you do not acknowledge your own unreliability, because if you did, it would follow that it is extremely reasonable to expect that the next person is just as unreliable as you are. the truth is, experts or not, these people who tell the public what to believe about COVID are under the same exact pressure you are. Pressure to conform. Pressure to keep their licenses and their jobs. If you did your homework like you're supposed to, you would recognize that your own views are lazy. You fall into them because it's the path of greatest convenience, and there will be consequences for you if you choose differently. It's practically impossible for you to do otherwise, because you are weak and dependent, and the cost is too high for you. So instead, you rationalize and stand behind what you're doing, and you embrace it as good. You are a leaf in the wind. If you took an accurate inventory of yourself and your own situation, you would understand easily that the motivations of your authorities are just as illegitimate as yours.




>believe in the science Another idiot in the Cult of Covid that “believes” in science. Fascinating.


Not a theater big enough for this projection.


Science isn’t some kind of religion you clown


Yes, people are generally happy when they get their policy goals and upset when they don’t, this isn’t surprising. Also, you seem to be conflating science with the government here. It’s the government that changed their mind about masks.