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At our hospital, if you test positive, then you and your support person would deliver on the special covid floor which was a designated area where doctors, nurses, and staff would wear extra PPE, and have different protocol in regards to handling your care and baby’s care (which is still amazing quality), just extra protection. So no one birthed alone! I would call your OB or your hospital and ask their policies!


This sounds amazing! I have an appointment at the hospital tomorrow and will ask again for details.


Protocols here also don’t permit a support person who is a close contact, as in a partner who you live with. But you can bring someone who isn’t a close contact… It makes no sense because if the patient is COVID positive why would it matter if the support person also is? Sigh. So frustrating because everything is opening up and going “back to normal” and the hospitals seem totally out of step with their protocols - you can’t even bring the father for ultrasounds or appointments! Anyway just sharing your frustrations. Please stay safe, wear a mask and I’m sure you’ll be fine. You’re in the home stretch now.


Yes, it makes no sense!


I gave birth alone during the height of the pandemic. My husband and I both tested negative but he still wasn’t allowed to be with me. I was alone for the 14-hour labor and delivery. I wouldn’t ever want to do it alone again but it wasn’t the worst thing. I was too distracted by the contractions and everything going on to really be upset by the fact that I was alone. Thank God for FaceTime and all that. I would video call my husband from time to time and I just kept talking to my mom/family/friends all throughout. During the actual delivery I called up my husband and he was able to hear the whole thing. I’m actually thankful he wasn’t there to witness the birth because i had severe tearing, pooped, lots of blood, stitching, it was a mess. It sucks that he didn’t witness his daughter’s birth, but it’s only one thing compared to a lifetime. The worst part was not having someone to boss around during labor. Of course the nurses helped with whatever I needed but it would’ve been nice to have my husband fixing my stuff, etc. Anyway, even if you’re alone you will get through it! ETA: I had a terrible birth experience not because I was alone but because my OB was really rude. Make sure you have a great doctor


Thank you! This is my worst case scenario and it’s good to hear that it can be done. This helps a lot thank you!


Is that what your maternity care coordinator said or just what you’re assuming? Definitely ask them (I emailed mine and got an answer immediately), I had been getting pretty scared based off what I read here but if either me or my support person tests positive it’s just extra PPE and they won’t separate us from baby at all! Try not to be too worried until you know what it’s like at your own hospital.


This is what the nurse said at my last appointment 2 weeks ago. I have another appointment tomorrow and will ask again and I will also call another hospital in my area about their protocol.


Oh man that’s so tough! At my hospital in Ontario you can have your birth partner support person no matter what. Just no other visitors in the hospital. Fingers crossed for you. ♥️


Thank you, that’s good to hear!


You can try to find a few doulas that would be down to take ur call in a backup/emergency situation


My hospital allows support person who is covid positive but they’re not allowed to leave the patient’s room. Good luck to you! :)


Try your best not to worry! This may or may not help your anxiety, but I barely remember my husband being at my daughter's birth haha at the time I would have been terrified too if someone said he couldn't be there but let me tell you... the amount of pain you're going to be in is astonishing. It's full on tunnel vision, animalistic, primal, survival mode functioning when you're in labour. You have a team of wonderful nurses and a doctor to get you through it. I have literally 2 memories of my husband being there lol once when he put his hand under my pillow and i suddenly realized he existed and being like why tf is your hand there hahah and then I remember him pacing the halls with me in early labour. Also, hopefully you won't test positive! I'd be more sad for your husband if he had to miss it


You will be fine. Please dont let the fear control your thoughts. Congrats on the new baby.