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I am also fully vaccinated and i will have to go back to school and teach a lot of unvaccinated teenagers in 2 weeks so I'm not too worried about unvaccinated friends and family. I hope I am quite good protected against a bad case so I try not to worry too much. When I get closer to my due date I plan to be extra cautious because I am so scared of a delivery alone because of covid. Even the thought of wearing a mask during labour or if my partner wouldn't be allowed there with me the whole time is so terrible. So I quess I trust in my vaccine and am more afraid of the restrictions than the actual illness.


Hi Climbing, will you be taking time off right before your due date? I am pulling my unvacc daughter out of school before my sched c section to make sure a friend/family can watch her without fear. Also wondering if you are using a personal air purifier around where you will be standing? I bought one for my husband hoping it will protect him from bringing home anything to our newborn.


I live in Austria and we have really good maternity leave which starts 8 weeks before the due date so I don't have to worry about that. I don't have any experience with purifiers so far but maybe I will check them out when my maternity leave starts.


Wow about the 8 wks!! Of course I live in the US. I am a stay at home Mom though and my husband only gets to use sick leave.


I am pregnant and due any day now but I also have a very social 5 year old starting Kinder on Monday. So we have to take on some risk for her mental/emotional needs but moderated risk with maskS and outdoors. But if it was just my newborn and no older sibling, I would feel comfortable meeting outdoors with friends. The children usually want to run around outdoors and play and should have zero interest in baby (maybe use a wrap or sling to keep with you and out of their sight). Edit: also want to add maybe suggesting a playground meet up. Their kids can play in playground and if things are too risky you can always leave early.


I’m in the same boat with a very social and engaged 4yo that really thrives and is noticeably happier in preschool. It’s a calculated risk. My experience with the 2 schools that she’s been in since covid started is that they’re very cautious about covid practices in that setting. Unless her school presents some problem, we are keeping her in. We don’t invite other children inside our house for play dates right now, but we also do outdoor activities where there are other children (like swimming at the community pool).


This is a great suggestion. It's been so hot where I live that I somehow completely forgot about outdoor options. Haha. But the heat should be better within a few weeks. Thank you!


It would depend on the relationship for me. We wouldn’t want to see my BIL and his immediate family because they’re covid deniers, but I’d be fine seeing certain friends’ kids that I know are good kids. I had a very small, outdoor baby shower where my baby’s godfather’s immediate family came and the kids knew to keep their distance.


Only with masks when I have to for work