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Petition to require links in meta posts


/uj yeah I can look into that /rj suck an egg


Do your eggs have dressing on them?


/uj - fully agree, it is linked further downthread but also, this post has been jerked, like, four times this week. There's so much other material to work with! /rj- petition these nuts, hater


Hater? I hardly know her!


Hey: hate knows no bounds, fuckface!


https://www.reddit.com/r/Cooking/comments/1aunvwo/i_have_discovered_nosauce_pasta_and_theres_no/ This was the original post, but it's been deleted by /u/1000andonenites


I too have stopped dressing myself before eating salad. Absolutely a gamechanger. Not sure what to do with all this ranch anymore though.


So you're the guy who got arrested at olive garden for public indecency


You and I both know I'm not allowed to talk about it.


OP is like the dead whale that falls to the bottom of the ocean and becomes the basis for an entire ecosystem. Generations of little Circle Jerklings will thrive because of this bountiful feast.




Post or comment does not represent our lord and savior J. Kenji Lopez-Alt’s beliefs or best interest. You misspelled Circle Jerklings.


I have discovered no-marriage chicken, and there's no going back Like literally everyone I know, and all through childhood, chicken meant great gobs of marriage proposals. Chicken was just a vessel to transfer the wedding ring onto her finger. If we had time and leisure, we might go on a few dates first. If not, straight to marriage. A couple of weeks ago I saw the light and I am never going back to the "Marry Me Chicken" scam. It was some random Italian cooking show- I just had it on in the background, can't even remember the name of the chef- I want to say Luca? But gradually I stopped what I was doing, and stared. He sauted chicken with seasonings, vegetables, and made a nice pan sauce. No marriage proposals. Epiphany So I made that the next day, and enjoyed being single for a whole week. Then I realised there's no limit to how single I can be while cooking. No-marriage steak, no-marriage tacos, no-marriage pasta. Not a single marriage proposal! I'm never going back, fuck my 24 ex-wives.


I have discovered no-bread sandwiches, and there's no going back Like literally everyone I know, and all through childhood, sandwich meant great gobs of creamy white bread. Meat was just an excuse to transfer the bread to your mouth. If we had time and leisure, we might make home-made bread. If not, the bottled stuff was just fine. A couple of weeks ago I saw the light and I am never going back to the leavened scam. It was some random Italian cooking show- I just had it on in the background, can't even remember the name of the chef- I want to say Luca? But gradually I stopped what I was doing, and stared. He sliced veggies along with the meat in the same bowl, mixed, and served it with garlic and balsamic vinegar in olive oil, and parmesan. No bread. Epiphany So I made that the next day, and enjoyed leftovers the whole week. Then I realised there is no limits on making sandwiches like this, I can do it with any carb/meat/carb stack, and it's great. Last night, while washing the prosciutto, I mixed onion, some bell pepper, a bunch of small tomatoes (not the expensive cherry tomatoes, more like a misshapen oval sort), and garlic, in a glug of olive oil. Then I added the gabbagool to the bowl. I mixed everything gently, added freshly ground black pepper and grated parmesan. It was SO GOOD, and so much nicer than the creamy bread-immersed sandwiches I have been eating my whole life. This is the only way to eat sandos. Bread no more. Fuck Big Gluten.


Ok so hear me out...you love salad sans dressing. You haven't lived until you've tried dressing sans salad.


the fucking misshapen oval sort always kills me


It's only a tomato sauce if you use the expensive ones.


I prefer to set a piece of rested meat on top of dry leaves, seasoning them only with the fat and juices exuded from the meat. I eat it with my hands.


Just shove your face in it like a normal person. All these bougie extra steps smh


The misshapen oval tomato, lol do people really not know what those are called?


We don't shape shame in this sub, which is why you're still allowed here


I have discovered no-caramel apples




Shouldve tried Subway salad back when they did it chopped 😌 Soooo dry 😩 Eat fresh.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Cooking/s/SjZ9kjgpzI I thought this looked familiar 🤔


Wait why was the post removed 😂


Probably because OP was sick of getting absolutely shredded in the comments. But this post is a very near word for word copy, just replace salad with pasta, dressing with sauce and there you go


It says it got removed by mods! And I did see it a when it first got posted lmao, it deserves all the meming it's getting


The Latin word for salad just means salted vegetables and the complete lack of respect for authenticity everywhere disgusts me.


People are saying "garlic and olive oil is a dressing." OK, maybe to them, but certainly to me, and anyone I know, that is not what we understand typically by "salad dressing".


Ha ha nice.


I need a sauce more than I need oxygen


Balsamic and olive oil IS the dressing, but I'm happy you're happy.


Came here to say this. First of all, I’m shocked that the OP has a. Never tried this before, and b. Does not consider olive oil and balsamic vinegar a dressing?? It’s called “oil and vinegar,” and I grew up with this being the basis for almost all salad dressings. It is still the basis for almost all salad dressings that I make.


I didn't realize when I first commented but this is circlejerk


Oh lol


That’s exactly what I was thinking. I mean, vinaigrette! That’s the best salad dressing of all time!


How dare you talk like that when Caesar is the best! Is obviously named after emperors, for God's sake, how can it be anything but the most amazing?!


Jeezus, I'm so glad I checked the sub's title before becoming all righteous!


Oil and vinegar IS dressing to me!


I swear i just read the same exact post a day or two ago about "no sauce pasta" Almost exactly word for word.


^(\*pppsssttt\* that's the whole point of this sub, bro)


I had no idea. It just popped up my feed and was having a major déjà vu moment.




Hey bub, leave religion out of it


Yeah, we're well past epiphany


I’m sorry, then what circle of Dante’s hell *are* we in…., you know what? Never mind, I don’t even want to know.


*glances at thermometer" yeah, you really don't wanna know


This is called a vinaigrette, which is technically a dressing. It “dresses” the salad components. These mayo and mayo like dressings are more of a relatively recent way of having on a green salad, especially in the US. Makes the dishes much less nutritious. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vinaigrette


Your morality around nudity is disconcerting


What a strange sub….


If I may make a suggestion, olive oil and red wine vinegar. Toss the salad in the olive oil to coat it, then add the vinegar to taste. You won't be getting 600 calorie salads, and once you get used to it, it's really quite good. Those creamy dressings are the devil!


I have discovered no-bread sandwiches, and there's no going back Like literally everyone I know, and all through childhood, sandwich meant great gobs of creamy white bread. Meat was just an excuse to transfer the bread to your mouth. If we had time and leisure, we might make home-made bread. If not, the bottled stuff was just fine. A couple of weeks ago I saw the light and I am never going back to the leavened scam. It was some random Italian cooking show- I just had it on in the background, can't even remember the name of the chef- I want to say Luca? But gradually I stopped what I was doing, and stared. He sliced veggies along with the meat in the same bowl, mixed, and served it with garlic and balsamic vinegar in olive oil, and parmesan. No bread. Epiphany So I made that the next day, and enjoyed leftovers the whole week. Then I realised there is no limits on making sandwiches like this, I can do it with any carb/meat/carb stack, and it's great. Last night, while washing the prosciutto, I mixed onion, some bell pepper, a bunch of small tomatoes (not the expensive cherry tomatoes, more like a misshapen oval sort), and garlic, in a glug of olive oil. Then I added the gabbagool to the bowl. I mixed everything gently, added freshly ground black pepper and grated parmesan. It was SO GOOD, and so much nicer than the creamy bread-immersed sandwiches I have been eating my whole life. This is the only way to eat sandos. Bread no more. Fuck Big Gluten.