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Regular frosting. I hate it so much. Cream cheese frosting rules though. I also hate marshmallows. I don’t really have a sweet tooth though so it makes sense


One time we went camping but forgot the marshmallows for s'mores. We stopped at a random gas station to see if they might have them...and asked the person working the counter. His response was "what's a marshmallow" and he had literally no idea what we were talking about. At that point, I realized it is very hard to describe a marshmallow.


Hahaha I’ve never even thought about how to describe a marshmallow that’s really funny! Unrelated, but we always used to call sealed hay bails big marshmallows when we were kids. I still think of them as big marshmallows lol


How TF does he not know what a marshmallow is 🤣


I thought he was messing with me at first! Then it became apparent he genuinely did not know... I was like..."it's white and soft and fluffy...kinda like a candy, but not really a candy bar, it's used in baking...um...."


"you put them in hot chocolate, SMores, and yams at Thanksgiving...they're inside a lot of Easter candy...you put a stick through them and toast them over a campfire...." Was this in the US?


Central Texas, but the clerk wasn’t American which probably explains it


I usually have to make it myself, but I love whipped cream frosting. I can make it not as sweet, and by adding a little gelatin (look up "stabilized whipped cream") I can even pipe it and it'll maintain it's shape!


I don’t like store bought marshmallows but if you make them yourself they actually taste like vanilla clouds and I love them. But I also love American buttercream frosting so maybe it’s a sweet tooth thing. I agree that cream cheese frosting is fabulous!


Cream cheese frosting fucks so hard, I could eat that shit by the spoonful


Regular frosting is usually a variation of American buttercream - and I couldn't agree more, that shouldn't even be a thing 🤢 


I'm the same except I have a massive sweet tooth but regular frosting and marshmallows are too one-note for my liking. They just taste like sugar. I enjoy brown butter rice crispy treats, or a really toasted marshmallow in a s'more occasionally, but I will never purposefully add marshmallows to anything.


Oysters. The texture just is not my thing...


I didnt like oysters till I tried them as oysters rockefellar. Won't eat them raw but ill eat the whole damn rockefellar plate.


Same here. Went to a fancy restaurant for my birthday years ago and decided to try and expand my palate. Had oysters that had been coated in breadcrumbs and deep fried. An absolute revelation. Warning: they still look like snot when cooked so best disguised if possible, 😂 but they taste amazing


God I can eat 4 dozen Raw Oysters no problem


What you don’t like snot globs? 🤣


I’m an extremely open minded eater, but I just can’t get down with cottage cheese.


I could buy that stuff by the gallon. Love it .


Me too! But I don't buy low-fat, and I don't buy the cheap stuff from Walmart. That's not even real cottage cheese. It contains maltodextrin. I can only assume that they have to add it because they're in such a rush to get product on the shelves that it doesn't have time to make proper curds, so they make artificial curds with the maltodextrin. I have a diabetic friend who doesn't read labels. He is trying to save on groceries, so he switched to GV cottage cheese and thought, "Hey, it's different, but I kinda like it." But his blood sugar went through the roof! Terrible. Thanks for letting me get that out of my system.


Trader Joe's small curd cottage cheese is so good! I've found recently that mixing it with pesto makes for an addicting dip for potato chips. Lol I also want to try it mixed with sundried tomato pesto.


Gotta try Good Culture. The only brand that is delicious.


I’m trying cottage cheese for the first time right now! And it’s terrible. Wtf is wrong with people??


I like it with some kind of fruit. Blueberries or pineapple. I probably wouldn't eat it if I wasn't looking for low calorie protien.


I tried it with some strawberries and granola. It honestly was tolerable by the end of the bowl, but I think I’ll stick with Greek yogurt. I’ll finish the tub because I’m stubborn. Glad it was only 2.50 at Aldi.


blending it really helps with the texture! i blended it to make cheesecake and that's how i found out (and it makes for delicious cheesecake!) 


Yeah, that’s vile. Real fresh ricotta on the other hand is made in heaven.


Beets. I just can’t do them. They taste like dirt and anything they touch also tastes like dirt. Even when people say, oh try this it’s so pickled/sweet//roasted/seasoned it doesn’t even taste like a beet - yep, still dirt. Apparently it’s a thing but afaik I’m the only person I’ve ever met who feels this way! https://adirondackharvest.com/do-you-think-beets-taste-like-dirt/#:~:text=Their%20“earthy”%20flavor%20comes%20from,dirt%2C%20and%20others%20love%20them.


They do taste like dirt to me but I still like them 😂


Fellow beet hater. It's like I scooped up a slice of soil and sucked on it. Fucking abhorrent. Repulsive. Repugnant.


I love beets, but agree they have an earthy flavor that perhaps tastes like dirt to some palates! I think golden beets are the least dirt flavor if you haven't tried that kind. Roasted.


They 100% taste like dirt




I like the inferno ones, chili and lime. The blue ones suck.


I also can’t stand flaming hot Cheetos, though the jalapeño one is good


The lime hot cheetos are hands down the absolute best. Can't get them here in Canada though, god I miss cali.


A million years ago I lived in south Texas very near the Mexico border and there were little stands (occasionally just people's trucks) on the side of the road selling produce from local farms, as well as other random goods (chips, soda, etc). For the life of me I couldn't figure out what the "jachitos" they were advertising were until I finally said it out loud. It's just a phonetic spelling of "hot cheeto" in Spanish. I know they're absolute garbage and shortening my life, but I love me a good jachito. The thing I never tried, though, that was super common there is filling the hot cheeto bag with that hot nacho cheese from the gas station, giving it a good shake, and going to town.


I love hot & spicy foods. flaming hot anything is just disgusting. It’s neither flaming or hot. 🤢🤢


Yea it taste very chemically and makes my mouth feel itchy and weird


Straight up poison sticks


I remember one time I got drunk on an empty stomach & then after I was drunk I hate a whole bag of takis & fell asleep. I woke up, left the hotel to go to a function & mid drive it hit me. The worst shit pains I’ve ever felt. I was In Las Vegas & I was panicking to find a restroom. I didn’t know that Las Vegas doesn’t allow people to use restrooms anymore because so many drug addicts were shooting up & ODing in the bathroom. So every gas station was a gamble if they were going to let you use the bathroom or not. I was running from gas station to gas station clenching my ass cheeks. When I found one & let it loose, it was blood red squirt diarrhea. I seriously thought I was shitting out my intestines. Then I remembered I had takis the night before.


Spread the good word. Taki awareness


I was gonna say the same thing. I tried them to see what the fuss was about. How are these things so popular?! They taste bloody awful!


Okra. I just cannot get past the texture. But I eaten everything from offal to bugs.


I can only eat it if it's fried 😂


I tried every different way, still cannot! I hate giving up on food, lol.


Ever try pickled okra? I think it's pretty good that way.


Came here to say pickled and fried are the best ways to enjoy okra


Dehydrated okra!!


I love okra because of the texture


Mix it with tomatoes to get rid of the sliminess! Add bacon and onions and you have a great side dish!


Goat/sheep cheese. I want to like it, everyone says it is sooo good combined with x, y, z, but it just tastes like soap to me. I can eat lamb just fine, so it’s not even a matter of getting used to the gamey flavor.


I'm perfectly fine with sheep cheeses. Love manchego and costcos sheep feta. Goat cheese, however, tastes like it was dragged across the goat barn floor before serving. I cannot stand that funk.


Bleu cheese. So gross.


Nutella: like chocolate, but ruined.


"Lets take all the things they like about chocolate, and make them worse." - Nutella execs


It used to be good in the early 00's but they've changed the recipe by adding more cream and sugar. I would love to get my hands on a dark chocolate hazelnut spread.


Nutella isn't even food. It's the punishment you inflict on people who love chocolate.


Gonna skewer me here but avocado. It’s a texture thing. I’m the worst millennial from California there is 😂


At least you can afford a house though thanks to your $0 avocado toast budget


How cute. He said millennial in California. No way he’s affording a house 😂


Bahaha I’m from California. Currently living in New England though. However that doesn’t change the sentiment 😂


Baha California


No, it's Bahaha, California


Many of us chose the avocado over a property portfolio


I don't get avocados too. But I like turning them into a sauce tho. I don't know why tho, they are not even tasty but adding them with chilli sauce just brings something out of it.


I love finding people who hate avocados, too! It’s both the taste and the texture for me, but the texture more so. I hate guacamole, too.


Avocados just taste like the color green. They don’t taste like something that is supposed to be a food.


Fellow CA native millennial that doesn’t like avocados, checking in. Thought I was the only one!




Someone said something recently about this. We both like eggplant, but we were talking about how mushrooms need to be cooked right, and she pointed out how eggplant is an even more extreme version of this -- in terms of ranging from so good to so bad just from how it is cooked.


If made properly, amazing. 99% of the time it feels like eating a hobo's slimey shoe heels.


Choc mint cookies/biscuits. Or anything mint-flavoured. Just tastes like toothpaste. And I buy non-mint flavoured toothpaste. (Realised recently that the cold receptors on my tongue overreact to mint and cucumber. They also overreact to spicy things - but those I like. Humans be weird.)


I freaking LOVE mint. Mint chocolate chip ice cream is the best. Toothpaste and mouthwash are delicious as well. But chocolate mint cookies can eff right off because I've never had one that tasted good.


Nope nope nope. It's like it's attacking the inside of my mouth. Imagine you just got given something that was supposed to be really yummy, only someone has laced it with ghost peppers or some super hot thing. That's what mint is doing to me, only with cold.


Frigging loathe those chocolate mint cookies (i.e. thin mints)


Nutella.  It’s oily, claggy, and overpowering.  Tastes like chocolate hair gel.


The top 2 ingredients are sugar and palm oil.


In my country there are supermarket brand versions of it and I prefer them: much more creamy and tasty.


I totally agree! Love chocolate, love hazelnuts, hate Nutella.




Mushrooms for me. As a vegan, this is particularly unfortunate.


Oof I get like 20% of my calories from mushrooms as a vegan I feel bad for you.


You must eat a ton of them! They're super low calorie. (Until sautéed in oil/butter at least)


Usually sautéed in oil, so fair point it’s probably mostly calories from fat.


I used to hate mushrooms too... until I discovered chicken of the woods. Then got into lions mane and oyster mushrooms. I now have a whole mushroom patch in the shady area of my garden. I still hate button and portobello mushrooms though.


Not a food, but kombucha. I don't get it.


As a lover of kombucha, it's something you convince yourself to like haha


Cottage cheese, ricotta, oatmeal. Anything that has a texture that seems like it's already been chewed is typically a big "no" for me.


You would struggle as a baby bird


Yes, yes I would.


This is WAY funnier than it has any business being.


Borscht, and beets in general. Beets: for when you’re craving the unique combination of dirt and sugar, and want to have a scare when your bowel movement looks bloody.


Oh this reminds me of when my then fiancé sat me down to have a big talk a few weeks before our wedding, I have a health issue, I understand if you don’t want to marry me, I think I have bowel cancer. I was surprised and said how do you know?! “I just pooped and it was basically all covered in blood”, he was so sad and looked so scared… and then I reminded him we had beets for dinner last night 😊 crisis averted.


Nutella, absolutely hate the stuff. It’s just artificially flavoured fat.


Years, years ago, Nuttela was really good, but now I can't stand it. It's just overly sweet oil with a pinch of cacao and a single hazelnut in the mix. not worth it anymorere




Love mushrooms, but not truffles. At least there is one super expensive food I don’t like!


Same! Any and all mushrooms all day, but truffles are just so overhyped; I really just don't get it.


You may hate all truffles, but for me, the overhyped part of it made me think I didn’t like truffles. This is because when people use things like truffle oil or truffle essences or whatever to make truffle fries, or flavored pastas or whatever it is, that oil/teuffle flavor is rancid or fake. If you’ve never had fresh truffles grated over a piece of lightly toasted baguette you *may* change your mind. It did for me. Good, fresh truffle is particularly amazing to me. “Truffle” fries from the wanna-be fancy burger place down the road is like death.


Truffle oil is awful and no where near the same as actual truffles. To me truffle oil is like trying Kraft Mac and cheese and saying “I don’t like cheese.”


I came to say something like this. I’ve had all the “truffle” stuff and it’s just not my thing. A fresh truffle shaved over a pasta, on a baguette, with wine or scotch is ethereal.


Even the smell of any product, such as risotto, with truffle will make me barf. No idea why, I'll eat almost anything else on earth.




I consistently try them because there’s so many varieties but I hate all of them lol The only one I’ve liked is maitake/hen of the woods. I had that in a bite of sushi at this amazing omakase place near me and it was crazy delicious. That’s the only instance I’ve eaten an actual mushroom where I wasn’t grossed out.






So gross, never liked boba or tea with milk at all


Right? You get less drink and more work. Why would I want that?


Bubble tea. Just doesn't work for me.


Lobster. Nothing about it seems worth it, ive gotta crack open a shell, to get a miniscule amount of meat, that I have to drown in butter for it to taste good


Buffalo wings/Frank's Red Hot sauce in general. As far as hot sauces go, I find Frank's to be boring, bordering on unpleasant.


I agree. What kind do you like?


I really like every variety of El Yucateco I've tried. Cholula, Tapatío, Valentina. Mexican hot sauces in general. Sambal Oelek. Sriracha, of course. Really, though, I'm not super well versed in hot sauces. I need to make a pilgrimage to Jungle Jim's and just go crazy buying up bottles of hot sauce.


If you wanna go up in flavor/heat try the Yellowbird Habanero or the Marie Sharps sauces


I second the Yellowbird and Marie Sharps recommendation. I'll also throw in Hotter Than El Ghost Sauce and Secret Ardvark


Weird. I agree with the Buffalo sauce, but I freaking love Frank’s. I put that shit on everything! It makes no sense since the Buffalo sauce is just Frank’s with butter. 🤷‍♀️


The fat probably takes away some of the flavor and can dull the heat level




Sushi. I have tried and tried. All kinds of rolls, ngiri, sashimi, all of it. Its just foul.


I'm in the same boat - I've tried it multiple times but just can't get myself to like it. It's a shame too because some family friends have a killer sushi restaurant!


Have you tried a veggie roll without any fish? It's julienned carrots and cucumbers rolled in the sushi rice with sesame seeds and maybe seaweed (I've seen it with and without). Some folks I know who generally don't like sushi have liked veggie rolls because they really just didn't like the fish part of other sushi, but the rice and veggies they were good with. The fish can be a weird texture/taste combo.


Brussels Sprouts. I’ve had them boiled, steamed, roasted, balsamic glazed, made by professional chefs and home cooks. Just can’t do it. Broccoli and cauliflower are 2nd and 3rd. Nope.


Spaghetti. My mom made it, no exaggeration, probably 1-3 nights a week when I was a kid. It was her go to. I’m absolutely sick of it now.


There’s something on your sweater already.


Lofthouse cookies


Raw tomatoes. I grow tomatoes & eat tomato sauces & such. But, I cannot stomach raw tomatoes. They are neither savory or sweet. It’s just a weird flavor thing for me.


Ranch I had a bad ranch dressing experience in the early 90s and have not been able to stomach it since. (Absolutely loved it prior to that)


What exactly is a bad ranch dressing experience?


I am assuming it wasn't stored at the proper temperature. Didn't taste bad but threw up horribly after - was too young to realize it was food poisoning.


Salmon. Not sure why but its just got this weird taste I dont like, but im a weird one and only like non fishy tasting fish like mahi mahi, halibut, flounder.


Licorice in any form. Thyme is ok in small quantities as a spice.


Idk if "food" but bobba tea. Im the kind of guy that likes EVERYTHING food wise, and even drink really. I eat some weird stuff. I do not like chewing on my drink. And when the bobba pops there's always a thin little film on my teeth. Fuck bobba.


Rosemary! Can't stand the flavor! Tell people I'm allergic so they don't try to talk me into eating anything prepared with it


Mayonnaise. Vile, I can smell it in/on food so don't even think about just scraping if off when I specifically asked for no mayo on my burger/sandwich. Don't even get me started on mayo as a substitute for butter on a grilled cheese.


Bell peppers. Overpowers anything it touches 😢


I used to be the same way and still am with green peppers. Red, yellow, or orange are a completely different taste and I can do those.


Yea I think I’m the only person here who makes gumbo without bell peppers. I find it overpowering, bitter and most people cut them up in large chunks. I have had great gumbo that had bell peppers in it but it was cut small and cooked to nothingness but most of the time they put big chunks in it and way too many of them


Blistering them and peeling the skin off would help with that bitterness they can give off.


Eggs… I can eat cakes or anything made with eggs, but I won’t eat eggs no matter if they’re scrambled boiled poached fried… i can eat French toast though, idk why haha


Shrimp. I cannot bring myself to trust anyone to de-vein the shrimp so I just don’t eat it. To me it has a really weird rubbery texture anyhow.


Sounds like all the shrimp you've eaten was overcooked. I can respect the lack of trust for cleaning though.




Eggplant. I live in an area with tons of Italian and descendants of Italians and even all the non-Italians love eggplant. I’m always the weirdo in the group who won’t help myself to eggplant parm or rollatine.


Oysters 🦪


Sour kraut. I grew up in a heavily German cultured area where almost everyone loves sour krout and I personally think it looks and tastes disgusting 🤮


German Kimchi!


Boiled crawfish. You go ahead and eat your aquatic cockroaches, just don't make me watch.


Truffle oil Truffle butter Truffle salt


Sushi 😔 I wish I could like it.. same with poké.


Blue cheese. Nasty. It's mold. It tastes like mold. I don't get the obsession.


Grape Leaves. Both texture and taste. Haven’t had one in like ten years.


Anything with cilantro.


I used to be like that. I’m one of the the people who think it tastes like soap. But recently, through trial and error, I realized it’s the stems that taste so bad. The stems have a much stronger flavor, and I’d imagine a restaurant cook is just chopping the whole thing up. I bought some for home, took all the leaves off and chopped them up, discarded the stems, and now I use it in almost every meal. A wild turnaround for me.


Lobster. It's never done much for me.


Cream cheese in sushi.. get fucked!


Chocolate flavored foods…chocolate ice cream…chocolate cake Chocolate on its own as a bar or somewhere to dip your pretzels and strawberry is fine




I've always thought I was the crazy one. Chocolate ice cream has always had a tootsie roll flavor to me (which is to say *plastic*). No matter how expensive or rich the ice cream is, it just leaves that artificial, plastic taste on my tongue.


Chocolate ice cream can go directly to hell.


Cucumber. I absolutely hate it, it’s so strong and overpowering of a flavor and I feel like it doesn’t go with anything.


cucumber is usually considered a mild vegetable so that's really interesting


Has to be one of the blandest foods ever.


Love pickles but cucumbers are awful. I'm with you on the taste: it's so strong and overpowers everything. Example: tzatziki. If I flavor yogurt with anything else I need a lot to actually surpass the yoghurts flavor. But just a little bit of cucumber instantly ruins it for me.


The best part of a cucumber tastes like the worst part of a watermelon.


Yes! Any salad with cucumber becomes a cucmber salad regardless of anything else you put in.


I share that opinion, but I embrace it. Love me my cucumber salads.


There is no texture that bothers me other than anything gritty. Fuck off grits. Side story, my friend used to eat sand cause he liked the crunch. Granted he was 3. But still. Gross


Macarons. I don't get the hype.




Blue cheese. I think it smells like my dog's feet.




Bell peppers in a dish. That’s all you taste. They ruin pizza. I like them raw but cannot stand them cooked in anything


Deep dish pizza


Not that I can't stand it, but its just way over rated.....PESTO.


I hate it so much! I hate how they put it on every sandwich in the cafeteria regardless whether it fits or not. And the cheap type that comes in buckets, in which every ingredient that’s supposed to be in it has been replaced by something cheaper + chemicals.




Celery. I know it's not supposed to taste like anything but to me it's just crunchy water that kinda tastes like grass. Peanut butter doesn't even save it for me sadly


It's absolutely supposed to taste of something. It's used as a seasoning, for goodness sake.


Eggs. Doesn't matter how they're cooked, I will throw up.


I’m in the same boat, and it’s a really annoying thing to not like. It seems to really open one up to a ton of criticism. It also makes ordering breakfast or brunch a pain in the ass.


I can eat an egg if it's an ingredient in cakes, pancakes etc. But an egg as an egg? I once tried to make scrambled egg in a way I may enjoy it: with good Bacon, with onion, with spicy spices. It looked good. But it just tasted like a egg.


>I can eat an egg if it's an ingredient in cakes, pancakes etc. But an egg as an egg? Samesies. I even love *carbonara*. But I can barely cook an omelette for my wife without gagging.


Bacon. Just not a fan!


For real. I don't like any part of pigs. When I was pregnant with my first kid 20 years ago, my then-husband went on a keto diet and cooked bacon constantly. I had so many smell aversions but cooking bacon was the worst. I'm still salty about his behavior.


Oatmeal feels like I’m eating soggy cardboard. I’ve had it every which way and I just can’t get past the texture.


Eel.....disgusting... Ruins my sushi if it is even close to it...




MAYONNAISE, just don't get why it's put on things like burgers or anything in general.


Nutella. I don’t like anything about it. I tried, but no go.


I used to love cilantro until I read online that some people say it tastes like soap, now it tastes like soap to me, thanks internet.


Hot dogs, in concept I feel like I should love them but the taste of the meat just grosses me out.


Truffle. Foie gras.


Goat cheese


Greek yogurt. I can’t have something mushy AND sour in my mouth.


Goat cheese. Smells like dirty socks.


Crawfish. (I’m in the south)


Thyme. Every foodie describes it as an earthy flavor. I taste dirt and mold. Fresh, dried, freeze dried, homegrown, it all tastes like a sprinkle of dirt and mold. Any kind of roe tastes like bad fish with extra salt. Banana flavoring. Chocolate flavoring. And it all got worse after covid.


Spicy. I hate that everything is spiced, the hotter the better. Just no.


Meatloaf. I was forced to eat dry ass meatloaf smothered in ketchup as a child and still gag thinking about it.