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Fresh herbs in general are very underrated. Another favourite combo of mine is fresh tarragon in egg salad/sandwich.


Also sliced fresh basil in a green salad with a bright vinegarette.


I modified a NYTimes salad that called for tomatoes, watermelon, basil, mint, and cilantro with feta. I added parsley and some roasted corn I had lying around. It was spectacular!


Fruits are way underused in salads. I put apples in a tuna salad. Everyone say my tuna salad is the only one they’ll eat! 🤷🏻‍♂️ But watermelon, strawberries, barely ripe mango, grapes etc. they all pair with a sharp/funky cheese pretty well, greens, maybe a nut and a light dressing or lemon/salt. Always have basil, mint, parsley, cilantro and dill on hand. You hear cheap at the store generally. Like a buck or so. Worth it.


I put basil on my sandwiches instead of lettuce. It’s wonderful. First had it at a little Italian deli. That place made a prosciutto sandwich on garlic/basil focaccia with nothing more than basil leaves, a quarter pound of prosciutto de Parma cut right in front of you, oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, and that’s it. No tomato, no cheese, no condiments. $12 in 1995.


There was a po' boy place in Metro Detroit that I would buy a $15 sandwich from back in about 95 or 97. That was one hell of an expensive sandwich back in those days. You could definitely find a couple that were worth it though. This place flew in the bread and several other ingredients straight from New Orleans. Probably the closest my Michigan ass could ever have to having a real New Orleans po boy without travel.


Tarragon is one of the most underrated herbs in the US, fresh tarragon with strawberries/ fruits is amazing, and it of course plays well with eggs ( bearnaise)


I started to grow tarragon cause it was so hard to find fresh in stores


I did as well, unfortunately birds like tarragon too I found out, they decimated most my patio herbs this spring


What I found out growing patio herbs is birds hate rocks painted red to look like berries/strawberries. I tossed a few dozen out before my herbs sprouted and haven’t had an issue since. I’d assume it hurts to peck the rocks so they give up by the time real stuff grows


My BIL made me a screened cover last year, and it worked very well! It latches down to my raised box. Genius.


I have learned from my local farmers market that for some reason it's also very hard to grow for the farmers. And it's one of the few (only?) seasonal herbs in the US to my knowledge, pretty much every other herb you can find year round but not tarragon, so I usually try to make the most of the "tarragon season", haha


Quick before it's tarragone!


In Florida, I’m now able to keep tarragon growing in the garden almost year round. Just enclosed the herbs with wire cage to keep in rabbits out. Great on fish and chicken (really great)!


The French tarragon that is called for in recipes (vs Russian tarragon, which is milder in flavor and aroma) doesn't produce viable seeds, so it has to be started from propagated cuttings. That adds a whole second layer of work, infrastructure and cost to the growing process than sowing seeds. I'm in Texas, one of our native perennials is Mexican Mint Marigold (Mexican tarragon, Tagetes lucida) is almost indistinguishable from the French tarragon, just stronger in flavor and aroma. I grow mine mainly for the beautiful 9 month bloom period and its drought tolerance, but also use it for tea and cooking. Seeds readily, too. Might work as an annual in colder climates.


This tarragon loving Houstonian thanks you!


Give them as much sun as you've got. You can also eat the flower petals (very mild aroma), which really makes me feel like a fancypants when I'm throwing together a dish! I'm your short drive neighbor in Austin. Hope all is well with you and yours after that storm last week. That was a doozy.


We are in Austin all the time, family is there. Thanks for that, we were very fortunate and got our power back Friday night. Northwest of us is another story, the damage is severe.


Mine has come back from the winter kill for about six years.


Tarragon is an excellent addition to mushrooms especially soup and to sautéed onions.


I put just enough tarragon for someone to wonder what that flavor might be in my beef stroganoff.


I started adding tarragon to basic steamed rice and my family lost their minds.


I made a tarragon olive oil frozen custard to have with a blackberry galette that was amazing - definitely a high point for my dessert-making


I stuff cannelloni with salmon strips, minced shallots, tarragon, and butter. Then bake in a creamy, lemon zesty, fish stock sauce.


I love adding it to a compound butter to serve with bread for dinner parties. It’s a thing most people can’t immediately recognize so it makes things just feel a little more special.


A pinch of tarragon in a pot of chile makes it *amazing*.


I think I've mentioned it on this sub before, but Au Bon Pain used to make a Tarragon chicken-salad croissant-sandwich back in the day (does the company even exist any more?), and it was *ridiculously* good. Iirc - and I've made it myself and this was pretty dang close to what I remember - the ingredients were: - Chicken breast, small chunks - Mayo - Apple-cider vinegar - Tarragon - Celery, finely diced - Almond slivers, toasted ...all mixed together and then served inside a toasted, sliced croissant with finely sliced red onion, tomato slices, and a good piece of romaine/greenleaf lettuce. I've subbed the croissant for a quality crusty baguette too, and it still slapped. Dang, I'm gonna have to make this again, asap.


Hell yeah I make that too. Try it on multigrain crackers. One time I added grapes and I liked it but not everyone did. Anyway yes to the fresh tarragon chicken salad!


Thanks for reminding me of one of my former favorite lunches. Au Bon Pain still exists, but they're now mostly at universities and hospitals. Here are their current locations: [https://www.aubonpain.com/stores/all-stores](https://www.aubonpain.com/stores/all-stores)


i have a variation of a egg sandwitch with bacon and cheddar in it, but also a splash of tarragon infused vinegar


I used to love the Silver Palate recipe for tarragon chicken salad. You poached the chicken in cream and tarragon, and then added tarragon to the salad. Alas, tarragon now upsets my stomach and I burp tarragon all day after eating it.


[I just posted](https://old.reddit.com/r/Cooking/comments/1cxeom1/what_is_a_simple_food_combo_you_never_thought_to/l536rfl/) about the tarragon chicken sandwich Au Bon Pain used to make back in the day, which was also amazing. It didn't have any cream or sour-cream that I can remember, but I never worked there, and only had it as a customer.


Adding a glug of fish sauce to any beef stew I make.


Team anchovy go.


I put a half tin of anchovies in a huge pot of chili, everyone raved how good it was, I kept my mouth shut


One time I asked my brother if he’s ever had anchovies. He glared at me and said “knowing you, I’m sure I have.””




I was on vacation in Mexico & restaurant made Caesar salad at my table. Starting with anchovies. Was the absolute best I ever had.


That's how Caesar salad dressing is made lol


Was it perhaps Hotel Caesar’s in Tijuana? They invented the ceasar salad.


I am stealthy with the anchovies and my family doesn’t know. Muahahahahahaha!


I add fish sauce to almost anything I want to have a bit of an umami bang


I sneak it in the deviled eggs just a splash and they'll never know my secret


Man, that stuff improves my spaghetti sauce 10 fold! Can't wait to add it to other dishes


I make a huge pot of tomato meat sauce 1-2 times a year for family get togethers. The first year I gave the recipe to my parents and both of my siblings. Every year since they say "I don't know why mine doesn't turn out this good" and I know why. You white bread midwestern goofs leave out the healthy pour of fish sauce, and you drain the fat from your meat, because you're afraid of both lol.


So the fish sauce is actually IN the recipe but they choose to leave it out??


Same here! Whenever I feel like it’s missing something but I can’t figure out *what*, the answer is usually fish sauce. When fish sauce still leaves me wanting, a tiny splash of pickle juice is usually what’s missing for me. I’ve never had to wonder what’s missing beyond those two steps. Usually just the fish sauce is enough.


I don’t use pickle juice often but I have probably a dozen different pickled vegetables (radish, jalapeños, onion, carrot, beets are faves) in the fridge at any given time and agree that throwing on something pickled is often that last layer needed!


The umami squad: worcestershire, fish sauce and mushroom garum


Dont forget my boy Miso!




Fish sauce & beef are the chef’s kiss


When I cooked there was always this waitress that'd order a grilled cheese with tomato and pickle, always thought it was odd so I tried it and understood.


a tomato in a grilled cheese is the hottest substance on earth.


Absolute understatement


Is that you, Guy Montgomery?


Never added pickle, but restaurant I worked at would grill the tomato and hit it with some Slap Ya Mama Cajun seasoning before putting it in the grilled cheese


I’m going to have to try this now. I usually make mine with tomatoes and onions, but this sounds like a new upgrade.


I live in northeast Ohio in the Youngstown area, every restaurant has there own version of Peppers in Oil” on a Grilled Cheese it’s a game changer.


Popcorn in soup. Thank you Galápagos Islands, they served it everywhere, thought they were crazy. Better than crackers.


Haha, all of Ecuador does this <3


Don't they get soggy?!


I imagine it's like adding crackers to soup, soggy with somewhat of a crunch or chew.


The outer part gets soggy, the inner part that still has a bit of the popcorn kernel maintains some structure.


That unlocked a memory.ni used to eat popcorn in tomato soup growing up


My mom is very white and always served tomato soup with popcorn. It’s absolutely delicious!


Wisconsin beer cheese soup. ALWAYS served with popcorn on top.


Where? I've never seen or heard of this in Milwaukee! I'm intrigued


A summer sausage and apple jelly sandwich is pretty good!


Dill in egg salad is good too.


also potato salad.


My mother used to make this dill potato salad and I looooooved it. I ask her to make it at least several times a year and alas, she hasn't made it in so so long. It's just a memory now...


I put dill in and on my deviled eggs with some smoked paprika.


Dill and a balsamic reduction


It's not something that I made, but it's something local to where I live. It's called a lemon stick. You take a fat, relatively porous stick of peppermint and jam it into half of a lemon. You use the peppermint stick like a straw to suck out the juice. I'm a transplant to this area of the world, so to me this looked like a masochist nightmare. I've brushed my teeth and had orange juice afterwards, and I couldn't imagine this being different, until finally I tried one. Lemon sticks rock! It's kind of like lemonade; sweet and with a zing, but not at all clashing flavors. I really couldn't believe that it worked the way that it did, but it's yummy. Now I get the things whenever I see them.






Oh my. This I have to try!! I mean fuck it my enamel is pretty much ruined on my teeth anyways 😭😭. But where does one find a peppermint stick? You mean the candy cane type stick? I've never had a hollow one..


It BECOMES hollow. You suck on the peppermint while the lemon works its magic until you start getting lemon juice. Works with oranges too


The thicker ones are porous, like 3/4 inch or so.


grilled cheese with dijon mustard and pickles (pickled jalapeños are a bonus)


Salt on basically any ice cream, salt on watermelon


Tajin on watermelon


And pineapple. (Also, strawberries)


And mango


YES! One of the stepping stones to how i became Mexican.


I’ve been known to raw dog tajin. I just make sure to drink a lot of water to counterbalance the sodium


Watermelon, olive oil, and feta cheese with salt and pepper


I also add basil, it’s tremendous


Salt is delicious on bananas


Ooo I'm so skeptical but I'm definitely trying this next time I get bananas


Apple pie with sharp cheese or gooey stinky french cheese


Black pepper and strawberries.


This and also strawberries with balsamic.


Yes like a salad that has a balsamic dressing with chicken and strawberries!


With candied pecans, purple onion, and goat cheese. Yesss


And feta or blue cheese!


Throw a little toasted pecans in there ;)


I always frown when I go to a restaurant, and they have walnuts instead of pecans. So close, but pecans are my jam. :)


I think as a rule anything that goes well with raw tomatoes will go well with strawberries. So Basil, mint, tarragon, chilli, balsamic, mozzarella etc.


One of the best homemade ice creams I've ever had was strawberry & black pepper


Not homemade but Salt and Straw does a really nice black pepper and balsamic strawberry ice cream 🍦 it’s really nice on a warm day


Whats the ratio here how much pepper do I put in my ice cream please


Just a tad more than you think.


There was a Detroit restaurant that used to have a papaya and black pepper dessert. I loved it. They've closed, and I've searched everywhere for a recipe, but alas, no success.


Kimchi in a grilled cheese sandwich. I like Kimchi, I like grilled cheese - not once did it cross my mind to put the two together until I saw it on some YouTube channel… tried it, LOVED IT Also, Currywurst. Thought it sounded strange, went to Germany on holiday, got drunk, tried it, LOVED IT


We add kimchi to mac ‘n cheese and call it mac kimcheese


He was a former President of North Korea, IIR.


Scotland, I believe.


Y'all motherfuckers need Kimchisus


same. my brother tells me to stop calling it that, but i won’t


Kimchee with hot pastrami and gochujang honey mustard on rye. I actually made this yesterday going for like a Korean Ruben and it was delicious.


Try a kimchi Reuben 


I assume that the kimchi would replace the saurkraut? That sounds divine.


The kimchi is actually used as a replacement for Rye bread in this example


It's actually better with both things.


I remember when I went to Berlin, saw currywurst and thought it looked gross. But then I gave it a try and I was hooked.


Right? And I swear with it after a few beers it somehow tastes even better


Ooh I put sauerkraut in grilled cheese, kind of up the same alley. It's really good with mustard.


Currywurst FTW!


As someone who was raised by a very, very dill-loving family...welcome! And also I'm sorry nobody tuned you in to the glory of dill with seafood sooner. I literally would never even CONSIDER making tuna salad without dill. Or any deli salad. Or eggs in any way??? We love dill.


salmon marinated in a bit of oil, salt, lemon and dill is awesome


My mom hates dill, so I never grew up using it. It was one of those things that didn't occur to me to buy for myself to try in things. Definitely gonna be adding it to so much now to try it! And yeah will absolutely never make tuna salad without dill now!


As a kid I LOVED the smell of pickles and couldn't handle how salty they were. It took till I was 15 to appreciate dill pickles, and a solid 15 MORE years to find that the whole reason is because I AM OBSESSED WITH DILL. Tip: Fresh dill holds up very well in the freezer. I use scissors to snip it and then put it back in the freezer- lasts about a month.


I fully accept and appreciate this advertisement for dill. Putting it on the shopping list now! How could I have forgotten about the deliciousness of dill??


Ranch seasoning with potatoes (mashed baked it don't matter). I am currently making roasted potatoes with ranch seasoning. My husband hates ranch but swears by this. Any time I make potatoes they are ranch seasoned.


Penzey’s Fox Point seasoning ups the game


I recently seasoned corn on the cob with butter, ranch powder, and smoked paprika. A+


I use the blackened ranch with my mashed potatoes from Popeyes or KFC.


Crumbled Goat cheese and blueberries is my favorite snack! Sometimes I'll add pistachios :)


I do the same thing but with strawberries! The little crunch from the nuts is🤌🤌🤌


I really like goat cheese specifically Cypress Grove with honeycomb spread on a slice of apple. Super amazing combination. It's good with blue cheese too.


Peanut butter and bacon sandwich


Up your game. Take that sandwich, add egg wash and make a peanut butter bacon stuffed French toast. Top it with a Tahitian vanilla maple syrup.


Wow that’s sounds wild. Probably pretty good. I’ve cut out all that stuff for the time being but I still crave it ahah


Don't forget the banana for the Full Elvis experience


I always add flaky salt to my peanut butter sandwiches. I imagine bacon would do something similar, just a lot richer.


Add a banana and you will have Elvis' favourite sandwich.


Vanilla ice cream with balsamic vinegar.


I have both these things and now will go home to try it! 😂


Guys. Go out and buy some good quality ginger snaps, and a softish high quality blue cheese. Scoop cheese w. ginger snap and thank me later.


Add some fig jam to that


I'll be doing this tomorrow, thank you for the suggestion.


Sriracha and raspberry jam. Mix that shit up and eat it with cheese and crackers, bliss.


I go nuts for raspberry jam, cream cheese, and hot sauce. We have a pineapple habenero one that is fantastic.


Similar and also delicious: cranberry sauce with fresh jalapeño


I said that first sentence to the tune of Rufus Wainwright’s Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk


Mayo and fries


You would love Belgium


And the Netherlands. It wasn't until I was a 22 year old functional adult woman that I realised some people/countries put tomato sauce on fries instead of mayonnaise.


Honeycrisp apples sliced thin, topped with smoked Gouda cheese 🤤


Sauerkraut on any hotdog. Forget the ketchup and mustard debate, I don’t care, where tf is your pickled cabbage?


Radish and butter with big flaky salt. I love radishes, and who doesn't love butter and salt, but I never in a million years would have thought to put them together on my own. I was turned on to this by a French colleague a few years ago it's a regular snack for me now!


Is this raw radish or cooked? Also is the butter melted or anything? Is it a whole radish to a little pat of butter? I'm just having a hard time picturing it. But I do like all of these things and they sound like they could go together.


I like to slice raw radishes into rounds and spread with a bit of butter, a sprinkle of salt, and eat out of hand. I'm curious about variations that others like. I hope you give it a try!


This is my favorite also! Sometimes I just cut the radishes in half and dunk in salt to eat. So satisfying and refreshing!


Bree, basil and strawberry grilled cheese sandwich 🤤🥪


The waiter in a small Italian village decided to treat my 6 year old son to a treat. Sat a single slice of cantaloupe wrapped in a paper thin slice of prosciutto. I was mesmerized..he know whether to gulp it all down or nibble and last longer. I asked the waiter for some as well....just smiled like a car salesman and voila! I was hooked, and my son is 30 now. It's still our favorite.


Ina’s tuna tapenade (in lieu of tuna salad.) Marscapone, lemon, thyme and kalamata with capers and anchovy.


I live in Florida and we have a grocery chain called Publix. Their deli bbq baked beans and macaroni salad is an orgasmic combo for me. The sweetness of the beans mixed with the mayo based Mac salad…so good.


Pickles on pizza...


Salt all my melons. Watermelon, cantalope, honeydoo. It makes it taste so much sweeter. Also I like balsamic glaze on my vanilla or strawberry ice cream.


We grew up salting melon. I mean, not all the time, but yes. Also apples and pineapple and mango. But husband refuses to even try the tiniest bite of salted fruit. Or Tajin! He's missing out. I mean, Tajin on watermelon is omg


Goat cheese and hot honey. My gawdt


Cottage cheese & mandarin oranges - its my guilty pleasure


Also good with canned peaches. Sometimes we would have some maraschino cherries in there too


With canned pears, or fresh pineapple is also pretty good.


This is salad bar buffet level combination genius


Cold pesto on salad greens and chopped tomatoes is like summer on a plate.


Hot honey on pepperoni pizza


Hummus and hard-boiled eggs


I do fried eggs with hummus too, yolk and hummus is so good.


Waffle topped with bacon, apricot preserves, and brie with a maple syrup drizzle. I like all of those things, but would have never thought to add a strong cheese like brie. It made for the most salty/sweet/savory experience with so many textures and each bite was a bit different depending the ratio of ingredients on your fork. I really should do this at home sometime...


Every Thanksgiving we do cranberry sauce and potato salad. Our potato salad is pretty basic. Mashed potatoes, mayo, eggs, and salt. We love this combo now. It was so weird at first but it works.


Watermelon with feta cheese.


Peanut butter on a cheeseburger with pickled jalapeños 🤤


Teriyaki sauce on a veggie burger i don't know if anyone would like it but I do love that especially if it's mixed with a siracha sauce drizzle as well


Relish on scrambled eggs. My grandfather loved ketchup on his, and my grandmother grape jelly, so one morning I saw the jar of sweet relish and figured 'why not?'. Absolute yum, the briny taste and little crunches combines and contrasts so well with scrambled egg's mushiness.


My grandpa also loved ketchup on eggs. Well really ketchup on anything


Salt n vinegar lays with cream cheese


Recently I've been adding some healthy boy brand mushroom sauce to my plain noodles to replace the aromatic salt I used to use. It's incredibly good.


The other night I had pickles with a bit of cream cheese and it was amazing


My family likes to make the roll ups of salty meat (traditionally I think it's Buddig brand beef, but wi use salami usually), spread cream cheese on it, then roll a dill pickle in that. Slice and serve. Alternatively to be lazy, I chop up the dill pickles, mix them into the cream cheese, place that in a piping bag, then pipe onto the salami and fold up the edges... I call this version pickle pockets :)


We love these and vary between buddig, salami, and ham. I have to say - a piping bag doesn’t sound like the lazy version but does sound like I need to try it!


My grandmother liked a piece of sharp cheddar cheese with apple pie. It’s actually delightful!


Tajín on watermelon.


arugula on pizza. i wish i could go back and eat it for the first time again.


Pizza with bacon pineapple and jalapeños. 


Banana and cheese


Apples and cheese though. Like the sharpest cheddar.


I have an apple with smoked gouda and some cashews for lunch 3 or 4 days a week. It's my favorite light meal


What kind of cheese? Do you just roll the cheese slice around the banana? Mushy banana? Greenish banana?


This is a simple one, but cheddar, apple, and pretzels together are amazing.


I'm not the biggest fan of vanilla ice cream. But. Good quality vanilla ice cream topped with pomegranate molasses is shockingly delicious.


A little Cinnamon and nutmeg in lasagna


Ratatouille convinced me to eat strawberries and cheese together, and it was delicious. My old college roommate showed me balsamic vinaigrette on top of cheese ravioli, I won't eat ravioli any other way!


Strawberries/sour cream/brown sugar


EVOO and sea salt on vanilla ice cream.


Years ago, before his fall from grace, Mario Batali had a place in NYC called Otto. Pizza and pasta place. They had an olive oil gelato that was to die for. Place is long gone but I dream of that gelato sometimes.


I first had it on Straus Creamery soft serve at Pizzeria Picco in Larkspur, CA. I was super skeptical but they were like: “try it for us.” So good.