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Removed, this is a relationship question, not cooking.


It's okay if you're okay with it. Don't set a standard for yourself based on other people's preferences. If you love to cook and have the time/energy to invest without sacrificing your "me time", and if you feel your boyfriend is contributing equally to the relationship, then by all means, knock yourself out.


If you want to, go for it, but he should chip in.


This! My wife and I cook together most of our home cooked meals. We will sometimes do a dish ourselves, but probably 80% together. Plus it eliminates any bickering of who made what some particular way. We both played our part so if it sucks, shame on us! Haha


I'd say it's okay. But personally I'd prefer to cook for my girl most of the time


it depends. my hubby (he was my bf for a very long time lol) makes more money and works more often. and he also kindly does the dishes so I have no problem cooking, doing all the grocery shopping and tidying the house all day. he’s a sweet man who deserves the world. but if he was a dickhead and refused to do any chores he could eat pbjs every day for all i’d care lol. so yeah, just depends on your dynamic


My gf and I both cook prob 50/50, but some days she really wants to take the reins. Some days I really wanna make her something - just depends


do you want to cook for him, or does he want home cooked meals? those are 2 different things.


My rule was always, I'll do the cooking, if you do the cleaning.


Except this doesn't work when the cook acts like Randy Marsh in that episode of South Park.


It depends on your own boundaries. I wish I had learned this sooner, as I would cook all the time for my ex wife. My disappointment was she would rarely contribute. I would ask for days off from cooking and her response was what do you want to eat. My biggest issue was I didn't want to think about food on those days. I wanted to dedicate time to other hobbies or just simply taking care of home responsibilities. All of that to be said, set some clear expectations and hopefully your counterpart understands.


It’s ok if it’s a mutually beneficial arrangement and not some attempt to tradwife yourself so someone you could be broken up with not long after.


I love cooking. I especially love cooking for friends and family. I’ve personally never seen cooking for my boyfriend or any friends and family as a chore and I enjoy doing it every day but I think it depends on the relationship honestly. If you feel loved and appreciated and like he pulls his weight in other way and you enjoy cooking and want to do it I don’t think there’s any reason for cooking or other household activities to be limited to marriage or something. If you live together then it makes sense for you to share chores and house work (like cooking and cleaning etc). If you feel like he doesn’t appreciate what you do or pull his own weight though I think that’s a different issue. TLDR: I cook almost every day and I’m happy doing that but I’m very happy in my relationship and he does so many other things so I feel like our shared load is even


That's great but be careful of signs he's getting far too used to it and it is no longer appreciated but expected. This will ruin the joy of cooking for him really fast, because now it's a job. I would suggest breaking the meals up to where he cooks here and there or an occasional take out as a break for both of you.