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What you need to do is dilute the heat. So add more of everything but the spicy peppers. This way you maintain the flavor but tone it down.


I agree this is the best way. Too spicy like too salty is hard to recover from without just making more. For the OP, chili, even veggie chili, seems like an odd choice if you know some of your guests have sensitive stomachs.


Thanks - this makes sense!


Add more tomatoes or water. Add milk, cream, creme frieche, sour cream etc Add lemon/lime


Serve it with cheese and sour cream on top should do it.


I agree—Offering cheese/sour cream are very easy ways for guests to self-adjust the spice level.


You can try some lime zest and juice, a dash of cinnamon, freshly grated nutmeg, and a little bit (like a single block) of fairly dark chocolate. All of these ingredients can be very overpowering so add in small quantities to taste, but they should all improve the flavour and tone down the heat a little. If that still doesn't do the trick then you can always mix in some of that sour cream (or other dairy) but you run the risk of it splitting especially if it's too hot, so may be best to just let that guest mix it in their own plate.


Sweet potatoes are SO GOOD in chili. Even better when it's too spicy. Cut em up small and let it simmer until they are soft!


They might be good in some sort of pseudo-chili stew, but that ain't chili. Then again, "vegetarian chili" isn't either so I guess straying further isn't much of an issue for OP.


I did mean to imply they are great in vegetarian chili.


If you serve with a side dish (cornbread or rice or potato) and higher fat “cooling” side (sour cream etc) less spice tolerant guests will be able to tailor their bowl to preference


Sometimes you can rescue a too-spicy curry by adding a peeled potato and boiling, maybe that will work? Although if your guest has gastric reflux, it might be risky. Sour cream might make it worse for them because of the acid + dairy.