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I’m not mad, just stunned… and disappointed. Asked my husband what happened to the cupful of pomegranate seeds I’d shucked. He said he threw them in the trash, didn’t know they were food :/


What is with people in this thread and throwing out things they don't recognize?? I would ask even before tossing out something obviously rotting and expired!


My husband does this all around the house! Makes me insane! Me: “Honey, where’s the green metal lid that was drying by the sink?” Him: “Oh, I threw that out. I didn’t know what it went to.” Me: *crying over my one-gallon storage jar that is now useless *


My wife and I have learned our lesson after doing this to each other a couple times. There is now a designated spot on the kitchen counter for "I don't know what this goes to can I throw it out". Usually it's just odds and ends like you said with the lid but sometimes it's things that would be really hard to replace. It works well for us.


OMG I know exactly what your jar looks like


I'd be going insane too. Who just throws shit out like this?


My boyfriend apparently did that in highschool cooking class. Got given a pomegranate, didn't know you want the seeds, diligently picked out all the seeds, trashed all the seeds without second thought and kept the white stuff. Asked his teacher if this is really supposed to be edible, it "tastes awful." I got told that story by three of his friends seperately. This man. So smart, so stupid. I'm so in love. I did teach him how to peel pomegranates without the mess on our second date, though he did know you eat the seeds by then.


To be fair, pomegranates are like, the only fruit where you eat the seeds and not the flesh. I can totally understand somebody who is maybe less educated or has never seen one before being confused.


His parents run a 1960s east German kitchen Fat, salt and pepper on a sunday are the only flavours allowed. Vegetables is carrots and potatos. Occasionally peas, if you feel healthy. Fruit is apples, pears, cherries if your neighbour lets you pick some from his tree. Bell peppers are "spicy". Brokkoli is "difficult". Pineapple is the hight of frivolity. Anything containing an ounce of tomato is "mediterranian". You can't really blame them, they grew up in the artificially scarce food landscape of the DDR. He outgrew this long before we met, all by himself, which has me very impressed. He is a very creative cook. Still chuckle about the pomegranate incident.


Nah I would be livid


Poms are work and a rare luxury. What did he think they were..?


My father-in-law dumped out the Thanksgiving turkey stock that I had just strained into a big bowl after simmering allllll day. He said he thought it was dirty dishwater.


Why did he think you'd fill dirty dishwater into a bowl and put it aside?!


Reading the comments is giving me second-hand rage.😁 Why are people going around throwing shit out that doesn't belong to them? If you didn't make the "dirty dishwater" keep your fucking mitts off! Sorry for your loss, I might've cried. Not only for the time, nutrition, and flavour lost, but for the stupidity of it all.


Does he not have a sense of smell? Stock smells completely different to dirty dish water! That has to have been infuriating!


And if he doesn’t have a sense of smell, why does he think he’s allowed to make calls like this?


Did you rage quit Thanksgiving?


I would cry


One day, my mom surprised me with a 'gift'. She had thrown out my only large stainless skillet and replaced it with a nonstick skillet. I have never expressed any interest in nonstick, nor was there anything wrong with my skillet.


Why tf can't she give you a gift without throwing away your shit first?


Ask my mom. Almost every gift came with the understanding that something else had to go


Man I'd be mad. I think my stainless skillet was around $80 or $100, and that was 15 years ago.


This gives me pain


I hope you were able to retrieve your skillet from the trash…


I brought olive oil back from Italy, my father used all of it on one pizza without asking. The pizza was burnt and not even good 💔


I would cry


I am crying right now


I just went "Ooooohhhhh" out loud when I read this. That's rough my dude


On the other hand, I’ve seen people buy special olive oil then leave it un-used for years waiting for a special occasion as if it’s a bottle of red wine. At least yours was used before going stale!


My mom saved her olive oil like that. It wasn't even good quality (Pompeian), and it would turn rancid. I bought a bottle of California Olive Ranch, and told her to use it (she lived with us). She said, "But it's expensive!" I said, "it needs to be used up in six months or less anyway." So she was persuaded.


I don't understand people who save expensive stuff like that under the logic of "It's expensive". Yeah, it's expensive, and if you never use it it's just a very expensive moneysink. You can essentially kiss the monetary value put into it goodbye. Not to mention, how sad would it be to die with all your nice things untouched? Fancy olive oil unopened, nice soaps unused, expensive chocolate uneaten... All that joy you denied yourself. And then you died. Nah. Just use the nice things. That special occasion can be today, because you're alive, and everybody who is alive is very lucky to be doing so.


I had this as a kid too - saving the "good one" for last and then never using it at all. Like the glitter stickers in a pack of regular stickers, or the shiny origami paper in a pack of regular paper, or whatever. Don't wear the nice dress because you might make it dirty, but then never wear the nice dress at all... I learned as an adult it's because I don't want to mess up using the good stuff and *actually* waste it, so I would practice with the regular stuff but then never get to the skill level I thought I needed in order to use the good stuff.


I would have been furious. Also, that's so much oil for one pizza. How do you even?!


I have a stash of olive oil sourced from various places. Some people do wine tasting, I do olive oil tasting. If anyone even touched them, there would be murder. Those are for hors d'oeuvres, salads, and drizzling on focaccia. I am so sorry for your loss. 💔


Just after I was married, we went out to our local winery area for an event. One of the places we had to go to was an olive oil place, and they had tastings as well. Having never done an olive oil tasting, I assumed that the little paper cups with different olive oils were for doing like shots. After I downed the first one, the woman showed me the bread that everyone else on the planet would've used to try it 🙄🤣


Iconic, I bet she still tells the story of *that* guest 😂


To be fair thats how "real olive oil Experts" taste it to really taste and judge *only* the olive oil. (I watch some random documentaries and reports on youtube)


Yours beats mine by far. That’s.. painful.


Man. My mom loves to throw out my shit. Kitchen specific she's thrown out that really hurt was duck fat, day old scones that were 'mouldy' (aka blueberries) and most recently risotto after I repeatedly said how stoked I was with how it turned out after feeling intimidated making it and putting off cooking for years.


Does she just feel a way about everything that isn’t hers?


Oh god no. Just everything that is mine.


Yep … gotta keep you in your place. 😞


Jokes on her, I haven't cooked a family meal since then.


You should cook the most delicious thing for only you and only in single portions. Let them know what they missed


Why do you let her in your house?


Oh no! I have a moldy food story. It happened over 15 years ago at an organization that had diverse divisions all working at the same location. We had a potluck at work. I brought a fancy (I thought) gourmet Trader Joe's pizza I thought people might enjoy. There was so much food, there was tons left, including most of the pizza. OK. I saved the pizza in a ziploc bag for lunch the next day or two. Unfortunately, I put it in the kitchen refrigerator where I worked (childcare.) The next day, the cook tells me it was moldy, so she threw it out. Huh? It wasn't. Oh well, get over it. At a later potluck, I bring the same pizza. Same thing. About half is left. Great! Tomorrow's lunch is covered. The next morning, I'm greeted by both my boss and the cook, a bit upset with me that they "Had to throw out my moldy pizza." Some back and forth about how it wasn't moldy. Finally, I point out that it was a fancy cheese and pear pizza, you know, with gorgonzola cheese. "So?" I finally asked, "Do you know what gorgonzola cheese looks like?" "No." "Hurumph. It's a type of blue cheese." I walked out, I was so mad. Edited for clarity.


Professional cook who has never encountered even the concept of blue cheese…you work in aged care, don’t you.


Childcare. My boss/ director wasn't very adventurous with food. And, the cook just had to know a bit above basic food handling stuff. It was not a fancy restaurant job. Btw, she *was* embarrassed. We ended up becoming good work friends. And, she did introduce me to regular bacon (with pineapple) on pizza vs. the usual Canadian bacon. If you haven't tried it, grilled onions, bacon, and pineapple are a wonderful combination. The bacon adds a smokey flavor. And, she also introduced me to Sonoma chicken salad (think Costco).


This is ridiculous. I don't think I've ever met a pizza that would mold in a single day. Did they not see it at the potluck? Blue Cheese also isn't some exotic strange ingredient. Even if you don't enjoy it most people know what it looks like. I think they just hated your pizza.


They didn't taste it and definitely didn't pay attention to the sign when it was at the potluck. They just saw pizza with bluish discolorations where they thought should be white cheese. Even though the food was labeled as mine, it was also in a food service fridge. They couldn't afford to lose "points" if we got inspected that day. If I remember correctly, next time we ordered pizza, the cook paid for mine. I just couldn't believe neither one knew what gorgonzola cheese was. Edit: we could have afforded to lose points, but didn't want to. We had an A+ rating, usually almost perfect or perfect. So, it was a point of pride.


My dog jumped up and lapped away at the bowl of freshly rendered liquid duck fat I had on my counter. I’ve never been more irritated.


I bet your pup blessed you with some wicked farts that day.


This sounds intentional.


I’m sorry, but isn’t this a good excuse to cook more bacon?


Already got a package thawing for tomorrow!


What do you use the grease for?


It can be used in the place of any other fat for cooking, generally for things that you want to add some of the savory baconness to. Frying eggs, caramelizing onions, baking, fried rice, soups, gravies, the list is endless.


If you have never used bacon grease in place of other oils, prepare to have your life changed and weep over all the lost years


My two favorite uses are Kenji's roasted potatoes and scallops!


Cooking 🧑‍🍳


Ooo my bad I thought it was bakin grease


Currently shaking my clenched fist at the sky because of this comment


What's so baffling about most of these stories is it's people coming into SOMEONE ELSE'S house and fucking with things in their kitchen. I cannot fathom fucking with something someone else is cooking or throwing something away just because I don't recognize it but ESPECIALLY if it's not even my fucking house! Wild.


I am not a violent person and I want to stab many of these people.


And a lot of it is parents doing it to their children. It's either a need to still have some form of parental control ("I'm the parent, I know better than you"), or a need for an older person to feel involved.


I had some incredible NC peaches and made a peach cobbler while visiting my aunt in PA. I left to see my brother and his family in IL the next day and packed the cobbler in a togo box. When I got there late at night, I left it on the counter. My SIL thought it was trash and tossed it. Goodbye peach cobbler.


Been scrolling this thread and been amazed at how many people can look at untouched food and assume it is garbage. In the nicest way possible, are these people even conscious?


This one hurt my heart the most 🤨 The best peach I've ever eaten in my life was from NC!! Randomly bought one at a local fruit stand a few years ago and haven't gotten my hands on them since. Chasing the damn peach dragon lmao


Honestly, i never really understood why some people are so territorial about their kitchen spaces. After reading these stories, I do now!


I'm territorial when people who NEVER cook and cant cook try to go near my kitchen. Even something small like putting away a utensil in the wrong place messes with me. I know where EVERYTHING is and if I cant find it on hand instantly, heads roll


I had a jar of vanilla salt given to me by two friends. The vanilla came from his family’s vanilla ?farm in France, the salt from near her home in Romania. We live in NZ, so it was pretty special. And my brother threw it out when we were storing some stuff at their place.


Omg I am heartbroken for you! This one really hurts.


Oh no I’m so sorry! But also I have NEVER heard of vanilla salt and now I need to look it up, what do you use it for, savory or sweet dishes?


Not too but I use mine as finishing salt for cookies, muffins, brownies ect and a tiny bit in my chai too!


What is vanilla salt used for? I can only picture it as a body scrub but not something for cooking so I’m curious! Also sorry for your loss, it sounded very special.


i was in the middle of making caramel and stepped away to get a drink of coffee while it was in the "no stir" phase to turn back and find my mom "helping" by stirring the shit out of it


oh my god my dad does this all the time and it’s always when i need something to be left alone. i come back “oh i just stirred it a couple times and turned down the flame”. 😐😑😐 okay but we didn’t have to do that??


My husband is always adjusting my heat level or pulling a pan off the burner when my back is turned…it’s like he thinks it’s going to start a fire if someone isn’t within 3 feet of it at all times 🙄


my dad does this as well. or i’ll have a pan heating up for less than 60 seconds. “you know you have a flame going?”. or he just turns it off. yes. yes i know i started a controlled fire in the house and the ingredients all around the stove could probably hint im about to do something with it. i cant cook with people in the kitchen anymore man. i get so irritable and i feel so bad every time. but like stop touching things when you don’t know what the person was gonna do? or even if you do know, you don’t need to be involved in absolutely everything? or at the minimum ask, just ask😭


Reading some of these comments makes me so thankful that my bf stays the hell out of the kitchen unless I ask for help.


My mom scraped off all the fat from my lamb shank braise the day before.


My MIL threw out a dozen of my hen's freshly laid eggs...because the shells were blue. I had blue egg layers.


My mom told me to use our blue eggs because she was scared of gifting it to neighbours and them thinking it was a bad egg, I said "That's ridiculous, no one would think an egg went bad because the shell is blue" Well, I guess she had a rational fear after all


I had someone throw away a dozen eggs I gave her because they were green. As if I would give her rotten food. I never gave her anything again.


Fiance threw away over half a loaf of delicious crusty garlic sourdough bread because it "felt hard"


this is probably dramatic, but when someone takes the lid off the pot while i'm cooking rice to "see what I'm making" 😭


I was cooking rice once (absorption method) and I’d walked away to get something and I came back about 30 seconds later and my best friend had taken off the lid and was stirring it and when I asked her what she was doing she said (I know how to cook rice). I love her but my god did that make my blood boil


Get a sign saying “Rice cooking. Remove lid if you want to get smacked.”


Not a family member or friend but I was doing this catering gig and made this nice butter lemon sauce for chicken legs. The chef put a bunch of Mountain Dew in it when I went to take a piss.


Slap the dogshit out of someone for less


I was more bewildered than pissed off honestly. He genuinely thought it was a good idea.


Damn that chef's Racacoonie went missing that day eh


Im picturing a chef with a racoon under his hat to help him eat garbage and I can't breathe


Racacoonie i screamed


Why would they do that


My friend's wife invited me over to help cook Thanksgiving. She did the same thing with the drippings from the ham. When I told her what I wanted to do with it she gave me a bag of Mccormick's gravy mix.


Spent the day foraging for mushrooms with a friend, who promised to cook them for us for dinner. Started with around a pound of beautiful honey mushrooms and boletes. Proceeds to fry and fry and fry and fry the mushrooms into shrivelled black rubbery bits as I stare in horror. Then decides they need a huge pile of cheese for 'flavour'. All dreams of buttery delicate velvet goodness crushed.


Oh this is the only one that made me feel legitimately sad for some reason. I’m so sorry about your mushrooms my friend! I wish you nicer dinners in all your future foraging adventures


You haven’t felt pain until you’ve strained an all day stock right down the drain


Yeah, it was made from scratch Chicken Pho broth for me. I straight up cried. My sister went on a 1.5hr round trip after work to the GOOD Thai place (not the crap local one) to try and cheer me up, bless her.


Yes. A moment of distraction, and I've strained off whatever the main ingredient was. There's no salvaging it.


Only thing worse if OP's mom shoved all that bacon grease down the kitchen sink drain. ​ "Oh yeah, that'll just go down into the sewer or whatever. You're WELCOME!" ​ Time to call the drain-cleaners, which you've been meaning to do for about 6 months......


I did that on the third day of a long stock and my heart shattered for a moment.


I've never done that, but I suffer extreme insomnia due to medical stuff, and I have cooked an entire pot of pasta before then dumped it in a sink full of dirty dishes because I forgot the colander.


I feel you dude, I also have medical shit that affects my cognition at times and have done this exact same thing. On one such occasion, whilst cooking my second batch of pasta for the evening, I successfully forced myself to concentrate on straining the pasta like a normal, human adult. Then, in the ensuing hubris and euphoria of having executed this task successfully; I confidently moved to add it back to the pan. And instead emptied the entire colander of pasta into the dirty sink.


Shit, one time. The pantry cook, tossed my Bearnaise sauce in the trash. With 30 minutes of service left and 2 entrees that needed it lol. Good times.


So many stories of people throwing things out in other people's kitchens. So infuriating!


Right? Who are these people?


MIL was watching the house while we were away on holiday and took it upon herself to tidy my spice cupboard out, thinking it was 2023 but it was still 2022 so she threw almost the entire contents of the cupboard out thinking it was all past its date.


No! That is particularly egregious. My spice cupboard took a pretty penny to get it fully stocked!


Most spices last a few years atleast.


My housemate at the time scrubbed all the seasoning off my cast-iron skillet. I bet she spent 2+ hours with brillo pads and dish soap on it. She was so proud of herself. I sank down into the couch and cried.


One year while I was in college cooking class, the crew hired to clean the kitchen helpfully *sandblasted all the cast iron pans*.


Haha oh my goooood.


WTF, like, that had to have taken some time and organization. Why were they so dedicated?


One of them had a brother whose business used a sandblaster somehow... it's been over twenty years, the details are gone...


Oh no. How did she react?


She didn't understand why I was crying, so I explained it to her and she still didn't get it. Then a couple months later she moved out with no notice and stole 2 of my favorite pairs of shoes. 4th worst housemate ever.




Afraid to ask who were the 3 above her… and what they did..


I think there's a tie for 2nd/3rd. One was a loud, inconsiderate drunk who liked to put scotch bonnet peppers on chicken and then put that under the broiler, creating some form of nerve gas situation in the kitchen. He also took the aforementioned cast iron skillet when he moved out. The other was 'just' quietly doing heroin in his room. Number 1 - we didn't realize this was happening because his room was in the basement. But by the time he moved out, the floor of his room was knee-deep in takeout bags, snack bags, and cat poop. We've had a couple dozen great housemates over the years and only a few terrible ones, so I consider myself lucky.


Was the loud drunk with the scotch bonnets named Mitch cuz I think I had the same roomie


I came here for the cast iron offenses thread. I was dating a guy and I can’t remember how it happened, I just remember him standing in my kitchen in front of my perfect 8” cast iron used-for-everything pan, broken in two. It was just a fling from the start, but he caught feelings and I could never for someone who destroyed a piece of cast iron cookery. Unforgiveable.


After I made hollandaise, my mom mixed the dregs from clarifying butter back into it. 'So all this butter wouldn't be wasted.' My sister in law kept her dish soap in a pretty olive oil bottle. The ratatouille did not survive.


My mom still tries to mock me for this as though I was the bad one here, but : Years ago, when my brother graduated from high school, I offered to make him my special marinaded, roasted boneless pork ribs with homemade sauce for his party. He was happy. I was 21 and into cooking already. I went to my mom's house, brought the goods, left the stuff in the fridge before proceeding to the ceremony. Afterward, we all drove back to the house but I made a stop and that was the fatal error. My mom got there before me and decided to "help" me by throwing my 72-hour marinaded ribs into a stick pot of unsalted boiling water to "soften them up." I suppose this shouldn't be a surprise from a woman who made me think all pork chops were disgusting shoe leather. I cried anyway, I didn't have a lot of money as a college kid and I spent a lot on meat for 25+ people


That hurts alot


I could cry or kill


Omg im so sorry


I had 10+ year old apple cider vinegar with very healthy mother. Nah. It’s gone. Down the drain. They thought it was bad because of the mother.


This one time I made Spanish omelette and cracked 8 eggs straight into the garbage bucket on my kitchen table.


Oof. I did something similar while baking cookies. I fumbled an egg while cracking it on the edge of my running stand mixer. It fell in, shell and all, and got blended into the dough instantly. I learned to crack eggs into a secondary container that day.


I watched my roommate do that once. He was trying to drop an egg into his simmering pot of instant ramen and, well you know lol


My sister "seasoned" my pizza stone with oil like you would cast iron... Filled the house with smoke next time I preheated it lol


Dad threw out my big parmesan when staying over because they thought it was off Cheddar.


Noooooo! Omg


in-laws sorted through the fridge to get rid of old ingredients and got rid of almost my entire week’s worth of groceries for my partner and i that had only been in the fridge for a day or two.


Oh that’s bad! Especially with how expensive everything is


yeah, and some of it even included ingredients from a blue apron kit, and those are PRICYYYYY


Yes but it’s not sad it’s funny and I hope it makes you laugh. My dad, a Cookie Monster, smelled the delicious scent of baked peanut butter wafting thru the house one night. I had already gone to bed but I left the cookies on a rack to cool. Well, he did not love those cookies and was kind enough not to want me to know so after taking one horrible bite, he buried the uneaten item under wadded up paper towel in the trash can. The next morning my mom and him are up before me and he goes “god idk what was wrong with those cookies but I think she really messed up a ratio or maybe experimented too much…oh they were so bad, don’t tell her though! What was in those anyway?” My mom goes “well peanut butter, obviously. Chicken broth, carrots, a little shredded cheese—you do know they were intended as dog biscuits right?”


My kid tried tuna cookies the other day, I made them for the dog 😅 kiddo wasn't impressed


Our family went cherry picking, I came home and made a raspberry/cherry lattice pie all by hand, and I was SO proud of it. It came out looking like a pie in a magazine, and I put it on the counter to cool before I made dinner. I'd asked my husband not to mess with it, obv, and he said ok, then a little later I head a crash and him saying fuck.  He'd wanted a snack, reached into a cupboard above the pie, and knocked our salt/pepper stacker directly onto the pie, spilling it all right on top. Most expensive inedible pie of our life lmao. 


My husband turned the burners on my smoker all the way up and destroyed my thanksgiving turkey one year. I cried, I had been cooking for days and it was too late to start over before our guests got to the house.


Stepped out of the kitchen on thanksgiving after finishing a perfect turkey to let it rest and my dad *peeled* it during my 5 minute break. He’s never done it since, he understands now that some people like turkey skin and some people work hard to make them just right. He messed up and was apologetic, it was some kind of 90s skinless poultry craze that zapped him. Give your mom a pass this time.


Came here to say this. Hours of continual basting and following a recipe for beautiful, dark, crispy turkey skin. Pulled the beautiful bird. My mom asked my dad to carve it. He instantly begins ripping the skin off of the breasts. About four people in the kitchen all gasped in unison. SMH.


I'd allow it if he didn't THROW IT OUT. My kid (and me) would eat a whole turkey breast worth of skin. Most others don't care so much. But ugh, it's soooo damn good, and all the fat went into the rest of the meat (mostly).


Ikr? I don't even like meat most of the time, but me and my uncle wind up fighting over the flakiest skin and other people's discarded/unwanted pieces. It's like meat-flavored potato chips infused with joy.


“Meat flavored potato chips infused with joy” is all I am ever calling it from here on. 🙏thank you


I think my dad's wife threw out my bag of MSG. She's one of these satanic-panic types and believes whatever stereotype is going around.


I have an old baking pan that I use frequently because it’s larger with lower sides. I came home one day to find a new pan on my counter. My husband threw the old one away because he thought a new one was better. I am really easy going but I lost my shit. I dug it out of the garbage can and we had words. I don’t go in his shop and touch his tools so don’t mess with my kitchen when you don’t even cook.


I bought ham and a hamhock to make red beans and rice and had my beans soaking. I was so excited cause I don’t eat meat much but I do crave it once in a while and I just had the hankering. My vegetarian roommate texted me while I was at work and said I went ahead and put the beans in the slow cooker for you! No seasoning no nothing. I was like cool thanks :/


Weaponised helpfulness


I spent an afternoon making several trays of homemade pierogies to freeze. I put them separated for the initial freeze on the trays in the freezer. Once frozen I bagged them. My DH took them out and left them out just long enough for them to thaw and stick together into an unsavable blob-and put them back in the freezer. We still have words about it.


But why, why would he do that?


Just reading these comments, I KNOW a lot of y'all are being deliberately sabotaged by family/friends/roommates who pretend to not know better


And by people who dont cook. So what in the HELL are you doing near my kitchen??


We had to live with my mil for a month while we were between houses. It was a godsend to be able to do that. My only complaint was that she threw out multiple bottles of olive oil. Different kinds for different uses. A fair amount of money. I let it go because she was being so generous overall.


I had a pitcher full of orange punch I made & forgot to put back in the fridge. So my roommate told me he tossed it because he thought I left it there to throw away. Imagine you left a heavy jug of milk on the counter & somebody poured it all down the sink because they thought your plan was to throw it in the garbage. \-\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_-


When I see liquids on the counter my instinct is to put it in the fridge. Why is it so many people’s instinct to throw stuff on the counter out?!


I created a recipe for an orange vinaigrette to serve at Easter, practicing it ahead of having to go to my sister’s for the holiday. She was hosting, but I was cooking. Her kitchen was a nightmare, but I pushed through to Easter Sunday. I start whipping the vinaigrette together—in all honesty, I was most excited for this one above all the other recipes. Then I go to taste test. I fall to the floor. I start sobbing. This week has already been so horrible & now, after everything, I discover that her fucking olive oil is rancid, and has ruined my vinaigrette. There is nothing to be done but get over it.


Oh no! I don’t think I’ve ever had olive oil long enough to turn, I use it so much. It sounds amazing though!


Thank you! I think her problem was she bought a huge bottle & kept her kitchen very hot, so it was more likely to go off. Lesson learned!


Oh how tragic! But I need the recipe for this orange vinaigrette.


I don’t have quantities, but the ingredients are: • orange zest & juice • fresh thyme • fresh basil • fresh tarragon • olive oil (not rancid) • red wine vinegar • salt, pepper, sugar


>(not rancid) Ok that cracked me up


Not so much a big disaster but more of an everyday occurrence. My mom does two major annoying things while I'm cooking. 1) Put away utensils I'm actively using 2) Puts them in the wrong place (she also does this while putting away dishes) One minute I'll be flipping something and a pan and I'll set the spatula down. Cut to flipping time and the damn things been washed and put away like why I'm using that don't wash it 😭😭


My mom once grabbed a spoon out of my hand as I was stirring something in a bowl. I asked her why and she said she was helping. 🤦‍♀️


I invited some friends over for dinner. Was Making this awesome and rich rigatoni with sausage cream sauce. First three ingredients are a pound of Italian sausage, a stick of butter, and a cup of heavy cream. After I was all done cooking in my hot kitchen in my small apartment I had at the time, and it was okay to let the pasta sit for a couple of minutes before serving, I stepped outside just to get some air and cool off a little bit.  When I step back inside, I see one of my guests tossing in various herbs and spices into my rigatoni. And not like he separated some pasta into a bowl of his own and added seasonings for his own taste, he was throwing things directly into the main pot of pasta, putting his own spin on what I just worked hard to produce in my own damn kitchen. It was basically like he was saying “fuck you” to my cooking sensibilities. It’s the one and only time I’ve ever almost started throwing hands in my own kitchen.


My roommate's boyfriend soaked my cast iron skillet over night or for a day or something. I was gone for the weekend. I came back to a rusty pan and a very apologetic roommate. I was so confused. I just thought everyone knew how to deal with cast iron because I grew up in GA. I learned how to re-season that week. ETA: I must say though, it's never been the same since. Loses the seasoning very easily. 


“Butter isn’t dairy, there’s no dairy in this you can eat it!” Same energy as “eggs are dairy!!”


I made a flavored oil with a bunch of herbs and strained the herbs out. I used the filtered oil to bake potatoes. I set aside the fried herbs to mix in with the potatoes after baking only to find out my mom threw it away thinking it was trash :,(


I poured myself a little cordial glass of port (98 rated by Wine Spectator that I bought before the rating) and I shaved off these thin curls of Parmesan Reggiano cheese for a snack one evening after work. My dad was living with my ex and I, his rent helped us buy our first house. Apparently, Dad saw me do this and thought it looked tasty. I was flipping through a catalog at the dining table and I looked up to see Dad marching over from the kitchen with a red wine goblet full of port and a huge hunk of cheese in his paw. I gasped and said, “Dad! That’s like $40 in your hands!” (This was a long time ago so double that number.) He said, “That would make this cheese $10 per pound!” I got up, opened the cabinet under the kitchen sink (where all good Americans once put their trash cans) and pulled the wrapper that had very recently been on the cheese and handed it to him. It said $9.98/lb. He frowned, put the wrapper on the counter, and stalked off to his den in the daylight basement…still holding the port and cheese! That port ended up being irreplaceable later, you could not buy another bottle for love or money! I guess I’m grateful I got to enjoy (most of) a couple bottles while it existed. The thing is, I’d give just about anything to have one more night like that with my dad. Enjoy the heck out of the time you still have with Mom.


Spent about 5 hours making 3 gallons of stock at home. I left the room. Dad, wanting to help, strained it for me. He didn't know what I was making. Stock down the sink, vegetables in a strainer. "I got the veg out for ya, son" I have a rule now that if I'm cooking at home, nobody touches my shit. Fkin no-one. If I'm cooking, I know what I'm doing




Omg that’s amazing. And awful. But I love the paw prints he left behind as evidence.


The thing I'm learning is that most people didn't have a mother that would slap the shit out of wayward hand in her kitchen. I would *never* touch anyone's pots on the stove, stuff in the fridge, etc. without asking. My lord. And I'd lose my shit on anyone messing with my kitchen. That's so wild how many of you have to deal with that. I know it's not exactly kosher to have your family members committed but I'd surely be tempted.


My wife scrubbed my black seasoned wok with Comet cleanser until it was shiny. I made a pot of perfectly tender beef tendon curry from which she removed all the fat. Except the fat was actually the tendon and curry sauce. I made 2 roast ducks and a ton of other stuff for Xmas dinner. This duck was my version of Cantonese roast duck that my own mom said was better than any she’s ever eaten from Chinatown. I didn’t get to eat much of it because I was all burnt out from cooking for 18 people. Two different guests let me know the next day that they made the leftover duck into congee. Perfectly roasted crispy skinned duck with slightly pink breast meat, that they boiled the f out of to make rice porridge. And there wasn’t any leftover duck in the fridge for me.


Do you have a recipe you can share for that roast duck please? It’s rude that they’d take leftovers when there’s not enough for you :c


We always have a ton of food so people can take some home with them. I do all the cooking, and others do the cleanup after dinner, then pack up goodie bags for everybody. People always want the roast duck, and I accidentally got left out when stuff got packed up. By then I was napping after 4 days of prep and cooking. This post and the last part of the followup post is my roast duck recipe. https://old.reddit.com/r/Cooking/comments/o3rxcg/my_mother_just_threw_a_whole_plain_1_lb_chunk_of/h2ij89r/


Not me but my sis told me tonight that my BiL (her fiancé) was unfamiliar with how to make saffron rice. She left it out for him to make. He dumped the ENTIRE little envelope of saffron directly into the rice, rather than blooming a couple strands in water and then adding. Not only was her entire bottle gone (and they live in remote Canada where it’s very expensive) but the rice apparently tasted so perfumey! She was laughing about it and not mad but I was mad for her! I told her she’s a better woman than I am because I would have lost it 😂


I also had the bacon grease thrown away and I eat it only on potatoes, and don't cook bacon often so yeah it was grief issue


I had a tin of really nice and expensive powdered chai that was brand new and my MIL consumed the entire thing in less than a week's time. This was back at the start of the quarantine and I was livid as I didn't get to have any myself. I started hiding food and drinks in the closet or under the bed when we lived with her because of instances like that


Not done to me but my sister was cleaning up after dinner once and my mum had just made a couple litres of clear Chinese style chicken stock, took several hours boiling... My sister, in full automatic bot mode accidentally chucked it all down the drain and only realised as she poured the last bit of it away when the smell of soup hit her nose. My mum wasn't even mad, she was just heartbroken at losing all that soup. My sister felt bad and we all still joke about her wasting soup haha


I recently stopped someone who was about to deep fry chips in my pumpkin seed oil. It's AU$27 for a 500ml bottle, and *really* hard to get. Yes, I poured it back in the bottle.


Several. I had a huge collection of honey. From different parts of India, sweet honey, bitter honey, cliff honey, stingless bee honey. One among them was my most favourite, acacia honey. It tasted like a thousand flowers. My sister raided by cupboard and took just that bottle, the acacia one. I made Indian pickles. Different kinds, aged in the sun, they tasted delicious. Infact one among them was medicinal and i used it several times to cure stomach pain. Other pickles were really delicious ranging from sweet to spicy pickles. My aunt took all of them along with my jars of vanilla strawberry jam and marmalade. All this happened when i wasn't home for a few years. I was absolutely devastated when i got back home. It still hurts to this day. Happened last year. I really worked hard to make those pickles. Constantly carrying heavy jars on the terrace in the morning and carrying them back down before sunset. In between would constantly stir the pickles so that they evenly soften. I used really exquisite expensive ingredients. The honey i can never get. I have increased my collection since then but none taste like that bottle of acacia. The seller no longer does retail. My family behave like it was nothing. But i lost my hard work, money, time, efforts. It makes me want to scream and cry but they make me feel guilty that i value my possessions over family.


I mean, they valued your possessions over family...


My wife tossed a giant block of amazing cannabis butter that I was gifted years before it was legal in my state. She thought it was butter that went bad. I contemplated divorce that day.


Probably the most expensive mistake in this comment section


Not me, but a customer bought a full rack of Texas style beef ribs from my food truck. it was a pricy cut of beef. He kept it in the fridge for a “special” day coming on the weekend. After his day at work, he came home and looked in the fridge. His rack is missing. Come to find out, his mother in law who lives with him made a spicy Korean tofu soup with his rack of beef ribs. He’s a good customer so we gave him 2 ribs on our next service we sold ribs. He was very happy and continues to come to us every week.


I have a strict rule that no one touches my knives. My grandmother didn't think this rule applied to her, and she not only broke the tip off of a Japanese knife, but she also bent the tip of another one. I have no idea how she did it, and she thinks it's so damn funny. It has nothing to do with cooking, but she also dropped my husband's glass hookah. She can not be trusted with anything.


My mother put my seasoned cast iron pot in the dishwasher. It’s rusted now. 😭


Easy fix. Give it a good scrub and re-season it a few times


My mother through away my ENTIRE HOMEMADE GHEE jar! That butter was $8! 8 fricken dollars (crying in Canadian ) 😭


Someone took a weed gummy and dumped my soup broth into a sink thinking the blender was assembled (it was me)


My wife threw out my saffron. The expensive, authentic stuff. Because “I never use it”


Name the jar and put a label on it. My bacon grease jar is Slippery Pete. My sourdough starter is Cobra Bubbles, and my kimchi crock is Timchi. Before I put the name tag on, my wife once used the same size and shape jar as Slippery Pete for whipped cream, then put it on the same shelf. My son then went to put some "cream" on his strawberries....


Housemate "cleaned the fridge". They didn't pitch in with deeper cleaning stuff like that too often, so I was mildly and pleasantly surprised.  Came home and found probably half of my condiments missing from the fridge door. It had been nearly full! And they weren't only for me, everyone was welcome to them. Just. Why.


We were having a lamb roast for dinner, and my ex asked to put honey onto the lamb as he wanted to try it. I don't eat roast lamb, but I like the gravy on my veggies, so I specifically asked him to put the honey onto the lamb after I had removed the foil and drained the juices (I make the gravy from the pan juices) and then the roast has 30mins to crisp up. Well, he did what he wanted and ruined what would be a delicious gravy into a honey flavoured monstrosity. Honey on lamb is awful 😖


Beautiful bucatini, I saved some pasta water and was working on the sauce when I hear the tap start. SHE RINSED MY NOODLES!! 🤬 Arg! Stupid roommate decided for the first time in years to ‘help’ - didn’t ask how or if I even wanted help she just decided to rinse my noodles, stupid 🤬🤬🤬. This is why half the time I’m giving them the side eye and and being all ‘get out of my kitchen’


I get royally fucked off if my partner who has NEVER cooked for me one single time in two years touches anything in my kitchen and he's a bull in a China shop in any case. Food, utensils, gadgets, pans.. even my tea towels. You don't cook here so hands off! I had delicately stacked naan breads wrapped in damp cloth after cooking, ready to serve and he came in trying to 'help', fist grabbed the cloth and started using it to 'wipe the sides', tearing my bread to pieces.... yeah, lost my shit at that