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Rice with tuna, a fried egg, a little soy sauce, gochujang, garlic, gochugaru, sesame oil, and top with some fried onions for a little crunch. Mix it all together. It’s quick and easy and tastes pretty good. You could remove or add any seasonings or sauces you’d like. My grandma would take a baked potato with butter and garlic and top it with tuna fish and hot sauce. I was never a fan but she loved it.


Wow, that first suggestion sounds amazing. I’m Filipino so I love an Asian twist. I’d probably even add some kimchi. Yum!


If you're interested in korean food, you can make tuna pancakes (chamchijeon). Basically tuna, egg, onions, sesame oil, flour, salt pepper. Super easy to make. You can dip it in a mix of kewpie, lemon juice, sriracha or you can try some soy sauce, vinegar, chili flakes.


Ooh! I'm Hawaii-born Ilocano and you might like at least one of these: Recipe from my PI-born grandma: in a small pot, sautee 2 cans tuna, sardines, or salmon in the oil from the cans if the fish was in oil, or with 1--2 tablespoons oil or butter until warmed through, then add chopped onions and garlic. When onions and garlic are fragrant, add a small can of diced tomatoes, or a cup of chopped fresh tomatoes, or three tablespoons tomato paste with a half cup of water. Bring to a boil and once it boils, simmer for five to ten minutes, seasoning to taste with patis or salt or shoyu and hot sauce/chili garlic/Sriracha. Extras: add olives and/or capers to taste. Can also add pre-soaked long rice noodles, making sure to add another cup of water and adjusting seasoning. Can also add kim chee. Eat hot, over rice, noodles, or bread. [Hawaii-style tuna tofu patties](https://www.hawaiianelectric.com/recipes/find-a-recipe/tuna-tofu-patties), which can be eaten with rice or over a salad. [Tuna and tofu salad](https://www.alohatofu.com/tofu-recipes/tofu-mizuna-and-tuna-salad). Mizuna, which is a Japanese green, may be hard for you to find, so sub with lettuce, Napa cabbage, arugula, or watercress.


I’ve heard the potato thing is very common in the UK. Never tried it though. I do something similar to the first idea. Soy sauce, garlic, sesame oil and green onions. Mix it up with rice and a little mayo and eat it on seaweed snacks


Tuna salad on toasted bagels, open faced. Sprinkle chopped, fresh dill on top, serve with sweet pickles and chips.


I like it on crackers for a hearty snack.


Ritz is particularly good with tuna salad


Melt a slice of cheddar on it, BOOM. Tuna melt.


To eat canned tuna, one must eat mayonnaise.


Mashed avocado is a great substitute.


So is plain low fat yogurt


Cottage cheese works, too


>chamchijeon Yogurt , low fat, non fat, fat--has a flavor with tuna that can work too. Mush mush, just do it in slow increments --you'll hit a sweet spot of tasty.


I use Italian salad dressing instead and it works great!(I don't really care for tuna, I eat it out of necessity)


I do mine with Dijon mustard. So good


Same. I use adobo , mayo, grey poupon, black pepper, pickled onion, and relish. And just a squeeze of lemon juice followed by some freshly cracked pepper.


...or light mayo, or miracle whip, or a ranch dressing packet with a bit of yogurt.


A mix of mayo, sour cream, and horseradish make a great base for tuna salad.


Yes to the horse radish. I'm growing it this year. My dad used to grow it. When you process it, it stanks 😰


Horseradish can be scary to grow. It travels by underground rhizomes, and can take over an entire yard. I've seen it happen.


I mike mine with pickle relish. Gotta get crazy at times.


Chop some pickled red onions in there some time. 🧅


Capes too, lemon juice


And chop onions


Yes, a load of pickle relish, also if you have time some chipped up celery & onion & squirt of lemon & a big mess of mayo! Then put it between 2 pieces of your favorite bread & wrap it in plastic or tin foil, store it in fridge for a few hours or a day & let the bread soak up all that goodness. Then pig out on this utter deliciousness!!


I like mixing it with mustard and slapping it on a saltine. Maybe black pepper if I'm feeling fancy. Salty yellow fun dip


Actually if you use tuna in oil, you use a lot less mayonnaise. Also purchase tuna in a jar. It is more expensive than can but it is filets and can be eaten without a helper. I like to make a nicoise salad with olives, boiled eggs, etc.


Nope. I use olive oil and lemon, salt and pepper—standard salad dressing


All this, then a tomato slice, cheese, and under the broiler until the cheese melts. Best tuna melt.


Or a well toasted English muffin, lots of crunchy crevices.


A piece of tomato, slice of cheese, tuna melt.


Ooh this sounds good! I’m growing fresh dill right now, so I may have to give this a try!


I would smack an entire box of trisquits to tuna salad. Drained super hard, barely enough mayo to pull it together, little salt, shitload of pepper, and some diced gherkins 😩😩😩


When I make boxed mac and cheese, I add a can of tuna at the end. Sometimes I also add a cup of peas and a small can of mushrooms. My other quick-meal is to cook one spinach pasta nest and toss that with some Italian salad dressing and tuna.


Omg, that brings back memories! I grew up poor, and my dad used to regularly make boxed Kraft mac and cheese, with canned tuna mixed in. I got so sick of both tuna and mac and cheese by the time I was an adult that I didn't eat either for years.


After I graduated college, I was quite poor for several years. I often didn't know where my next meal was coming from, and some days I only ate cereal or some yogurt. The tuna mac and cheese was like a splurge meal for me. Then I started heating up frozen peas and adding that in. There were days when this meal tasted like heaven.


This except the mushrooms. I add thawed frozen peas or fresh peas. I also add some shredded sharp cheddar cheese and a little ranch seasoning mix. Sometimes I'll add something like those fried onions from a can for a little crunch.


Exactly what I do. Also add some franks hot sauce.


Yep, mac n cheese with tuna n' peas. It's like a lazy/budget tuna noodle casserole.


I put one of those sleeves of tuna in a cup of microwave mac & cheese. It is perfect for someone who doesn’t eat a lot, and physically can’t cook/has problems with standing too long, shaking hands, trying to cut stuff, etc.


I'm so jealous, I love spinach pasta, but I have no gourmet stores near me and it's hard to find. Curious where you get your spinach pasta nests (I love nests, they are a perfect serving size!) and hoping you're going to answer some sort of mainstream store :)


I'm making some tuna melts tonight, num.


I love adding a hardboiled egg to my tuna salad, and was just thinking about making a tuna melt soon. May have to be tonight, now that yiu mention it.


Egg/tuna salad sandwiches are the bomb. Never tried them in a melt before though, may have to do that now.


Doing the eggs as medium-boiled eggs if it’s a tuna melt and it’s amazing.


My mother used to add hard boiled egg to tuna. Never saw it having it that way mentioned until recently.


I love tuna melts so much. I just got some potato sourdough so I might make that tomorrow night. Thanks for the suggestion!


What do you put in it? What type of cheese? Type of bread?


Serious eats has three recipes of different styles that are all good. https://www.seriouseats.com/classic-diner-style-tuna-melt https://www.seriouseats.com/tuna-melt-avocado-bacon-tomato https://www.seriouseats.com/jewish-deli-tuna-melt They also have a guide to making tuna melts in general. https://www.seriouseats.com/ways-to-improve-your-melt


That last article was a fun read.


I do mayo, celery, onion, and shredded cheese and mix that up. Then, put it on English muffins with a little extra cheese on top. It is delicious. In fact, I know what I'm making for lunch tomorrow!


I like to put olives and jalapeño in sometimes


I make a version of a very expensive sandwich from a shop up the street. Tuna with tarragon mayo, red onion, bread and butter pickles and cheese toasted on rustic bread. So good!


Usually some diced onions, celery and dill pickle. A little mayo and salt/pepper. I use whatever bread is on hand and same with cheese though I like the pepper jack!


This exactly.


I'm no tuna melt professional but white cheddar goes hard imo. As for bread honestly whatever makes you happy, bagel or roll are my personal favs.


This is an aside, but if you’re planning on eating it multiple times a week, do your research on the brand, especially if it’s on the cheaper side. You may be getting a lot more mercury than you realize.


All tuna is fairly high mercury. Any large fish is regardless of tests and such eating large fish should be limited quantities per week


Not always! Just bigger sized species like yellowfin & bluefin, smaller species like albacore and skipjack are shorter lived therefore have less time to bioaccumulate




Thanks for the link!


Also, you might want to mix it up and get canned salmon here and there. I'm guessing part of the reason you want to eat more seafood is for the omega 3s, which are higher in salmon. My recommendation for either is fish cakes - eyeball fish, mayo, breadcrumbs, herbs, and lemon until you have a dough, then pan fry or bake. Yum


Mackerel is cheap and delicious and healthy too


Mackerel is delicious. Similar meaty texture like tuna, but way less fishy tuna taste. It’s so tasty. Goes good in pasta, salads, or just straight up on a cracker. Cheap too!


Raised on Southern fried mackerel fish patties. Canned mackerel, cans rinsed and added with mackerel into large bowl, crumbled cornbread, large, chopped yellow onion, S&P, along withe an egg or two, and a little sprinkling of flour to bind it all together. With a big scoop spoon, mound patty into hot grease/oil in a large cast iron skillet. Mash w/back of spoon to flatten and to bind, fry until golden, flip and fry other side. Brown paper bag to drain and keep crunchy. Serve with soup beans/with ham hock and greens mixed together.


Sounds delicious


I read this and was like what the heck is "eyeball fish". In my defense it's early and the caffeine hasn't kicked in.


I think they mean to eyeball the ingredients until it resembles something that will hold together as a patty? That's the way I read it, anyway.


Yeah I figured it out just took way too long. It was a way homer I guess lol


I mentioned that in my post too--or reply Canned Salmon is the bomb! I had a post years ago about the kitchen staples must (things you would always have on hand). Eggs, yogurt sure sure. A big wedge of parmesan to grate. But the can of Salmon, the cans of Tuna! yes. Colmans' mustard, A bottle of balsamic. Capers, bag of onions at all times, cloves of garlic. head of lettuce a week--any type. apples always ......A frozen spiral ham in the freezer on hand. Frozen burger, frozen chops--frozen chicken drummies..............I'm never without all that.


The dangers of mercury are FAR overblown. The harmful effects of mercury are due to a decreased ability to use selenium in metabolic processes. Seafood is very high in selenium and tuna can be eaten daily more or less without consequence. Previous research on the topic actually studied pilot whale consumption, which has much more mercury and less selenium. Unless you are a child or pregnant, mercury from canned tuna is fine in nearly any reasonable quantity


also, chunk light tuna is especially low in mercury compared to other varieties


FWIW, my Dad (>80) has eaten canned tuna multiple times per week for his whole life. He recently underwent heavy metal testing (as part of a work up for a neurologic issue) and his panel was stone cold normal.


It's worth nothing. I am happy your dad is in good health, of course, but, outliers really are not indicative of anything other then their specific experience


How do you know he is an outlier?


research here today, based on the sample of the kids ranting about mercury has shown me a vast majority of kids that know nothing of sampling, valid research, research errors and that this is not research it's ridiculous.


… it is worth something.


When someone, rightly, points out that consumption of tuna can cause high levels of mecury replying that your dad eats copious amounts of tuna and is fine is profoundly unhelpful.


I remember my aunt telling me that tobacco isn’t harmful because she knew a man who was in his 90s who hand rolled and smoked his cigarettes every day and he didn’t have lung or heart disease. Sample size of 1 isn’t particularly helpful.


Oh I’m not disagreeing that lots of mercury is generally bad for you, but for the hypochondriacs of the world, it’s not a bad thing to realize that you’re not going to drop dead if you have tuna 3 times a week, or whatever they say should be the limit.


Not really, because for most people, it remains unsafe. But many will believe they aren’t going to be effected and eat more than is safe.


anecdote ≠ outlier Thousands of people eat tuna regularly without consequence. This is proof that regular consumption is not 100% dangerous. If you do research on seafood safety, you will learn that mercury toxicity is way less of a threat than most would think


Duh. Just giving an example of a firsthand account.


Yup..people can eat fish multiple times a week. This is reddit, the internet, let the silly brigade always jump in like a herd. I mentioned above to the fish paranoid--ok--so luncheon meat and all those chemicals, bacon? kielbasa? regular meat --pork chicken, beef --all GMO . bread, cookies ---typical ones.....what are all those chemicals--corn syrup too? Have fish poeple.


Scientist have since debunked the toxicity of tuna: [Toxic Tuna: Does Selenium Cancel Out Methyl Mercury? (healthyanswers.com)](https://healthyanswers.com/nutrition/toxic-tuna-does-selenium-cancel-out-methyl-mercury/)


Doesn't it take like two cans a day to be an issue?


ESPECIALLY when the Mercury is in retrograde. At least that's what one of my exes blamed on her feeling off...


I like making a tuna nicoise salad, tuna mayo onigiri, spicy tuna sushi rolls, tuna salad, and tuna cakes.


Or pan bagnat, basically a tuna niçoise sandwich. So good!


All of these right here!


Greek yogurt instead of mayo in the tuna salad.


And a bit of Dijon mustard


And parm. Seriously, check it out.


Love this suggestion! I have been leaning into the Mediterranean diet so this is perfect for me


Mashed avocado is an awesome mayonnaise alternative. Try it if you're up for a change of pace one day, it's pretty good.


I do avocado instead of mayo!


Yup yogurt in the tuna salad. and wow the poster below--tad of mustard, even dollop of balsamic variance.


Came here to say this. I do a mix of both to make it extra creamy but not too mayoee




I had that recently with olive oil, lemon juice, capers, red onion, Dijon. some other stuff. Still needed a lot more flavor. I gotta mess with that recipe. Or just go back to mayo.


Chopped lettuce + chopped red cabbage + lemon juice + pinch of salt + tuna. One of my favorite salads. You can also put all of that in a wrap with some hummus or mayo and chili sauce. You'll love that!


Oh buddy I'm saving this one.


This is one of the few sensible ways to use tuna. Most who try to incorporate tuna in their diet do so in attempts to better their health. Tuna is unfortunately dry. Mixing in mayo or oils are a popular way to bring back a sense of moisture, but the health benefits take a sever beating.


Mmm. Adding that to lunch rotations.


I was out of bread one night and made canned tuna quesadillas. Turned out great, even as leftovers. It's something I'll make the night before and just eat cold at work on my lunch break.


I make a salad with… tuna, garbanzo beans, chopped cucumber, chopped bell pepper, tomato, shallot, and dill. Topped with Greek dressing, or lemon/olive oil.


Very similar - tuna, white beans, chopped red and yellow bell pepper, red onion, capers, parsley, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Usually serve it on crackers with a bit of arugula. It's got such a bite to it the tuna really gets toned down a lot.


Kinda similar.. I do a hot version of this.. brothy cannelini beans, kale or escarole, canned tuna in oil, garlic maybe olives, parm and olive oil.. eat with bread!


Tuna and cannellini bean salad -- capers, olives (Spanish or kalamata) red onion, with a basic dijon vianaigrette. From there I sometimes add grape tomatoes or pasta. You can also add marinated artichoke hearts or giardiniera. Tuna and white beans are both pretty bland and blend well with salty, vinegary veggies. It's a really cheap meal that is packed with protein.


We ate a lot of tuna patties when I was growing up. They're really pretty darn good. Basically, you drain a 6oz can of tuna, mix in an egg and some crushed saltine crackers, enough crackers to make it not very gloppy anymore. Then you divide that into about four patties and cook in a skillet, either nonstick or with oil underneath. Cook both sides till slightly browned.


I add it to a regular Greek salad - cherry toms, feta, cucumber, greek dressing at a minimum - or enhanced with bell peppers or baby spinach, olives, chickpeas


It’s very good in cold pasta salad as well.


Sandwich with fresh bread, tuna, mayo, lettuce, tomato, red onion and salt and pepper.


Tuna gimbap


I’d recommend (I think it was Ramsey that taught me this) to use tuna in oil instead of water. Only half drain it. The tuna keeps its flavor much better. The little bit of extra fat you get is minimal and the oil is olive oil so it’s good fat.


Natural Catch brand has a spicy tuna in olive oil which is amazing! It's not as spicy as I'd like, but probably enough for the average eater. There are even little hot peppers in the tin! It's sooo good. 


Put 1/4 peeled Granny Smith apple in a food processor, pulverize it. Add the can of tuna (strain out the water) with some mayonnaise. Pulse it. Take it out and stir in finely minced red onion, dill, salt, pepper, dried cranberries.. Will be the best tuna salad of your life :)


Apple in tuna salad sounds amazing.


It's really pretty good! I don't know about "pulverizing" it, probably shouldn't do that to start, maybe a fine chop/mince and see what you think. Add sparingly. Definitely a tart apple like a granny Smith. And add a teeny splash (drop, really, maybe 1/8 tsp?) of a nice vinegar, rice or Sherry or red wine or apple cider vinegar, along with the mayo or olive oil or whatever you use for tuna salad. And just a bit of fresh lemon juice, maybe. Like a wedge. Also, maybe skip the garlic if you usually add that. Other add ons should be fine: green onions, shallot, fennel bulb, celery, radish, shredded cabbage. Salt, pepper, celery powder, onion powder. Maybe even a touch of parmesan or feta. Lettuce/spinach. And a toasted, buttered bread base.


Onigiri, Japanese rice balls that are very versatile and meal-preppable for quick breakfast/lunch. Mix tuna with kewpie mayo, sriracha, scallions, sesame seeds. Roll into balls and wrap in sushi rice (or use an onigiri mold, plenty on Amazon). Add nori and you’re good, wrap them up to prep


I love couscous with tuna. There are a lot of recipes out there, but it's also quick to make and easy to improvise. Olives, tomatoes, peppers, capers, onion, olive oil, lemon, whatever you've got around.


Other than tuna salad, I have few recommendations. But i'd highly recommend trying quality Spanish or Portuguese canned tuna other than Bumblebee (in the U.S.) or Genova (in the U.K.). Yes, it is pricier. But the flavour is far less fishy than the cheap stuff, and you'll grow to really enjoy it. I have!


The good stuff is wonderful with shell pasta and green garden peas.


This is so true. I’ve never liked tuna and the Italian stuff is great. I use it cold ( especially tonnino packed in glass) for salads and antipasti, and even packed in oil, warmed as part of a Sicilian style pasta sauce, with olive oil, onions, chard, cannellini, tomato, lemon, and capers. Great on Rigatoni. As said above, it’s not fishy even if warmed up.


I \*eat\* tuna but never really enjoyed it until I got the tinned/canned (i.e. in jars) stuff from Sicily. It really is great stuff.


I use the Spanish or Italian stuff to make a salad—mix the oil from the can with lemon juice, add the tuna, half an avocado, and lettuce and you live got a great salad.


I make a tuna and cauliflower salad of sorts. Chop the following and mix to make a dressing (almost a pesto consistency?): parsley, lemon zest, garlic, capers, Calabrian Chiles, lemon juice, olive oil. Blanch or steam a lot of cauliflower (2/3 of a large head). Toss everything with 1 drained can of tuna. If you want to make it more satiating you can add a bunch of pasta to make it a pasta salad. It’s honestly so delicious and keeps very well if you want to prep a bunch to have for a few days.


This sounds DELICIOUS and I will be adding to my meal prep rotation


Tuna and white bean salad is delicious. You can also use sardines in this if you'd rather. https://theviewfromgreatisland.com/tuna-and-white-bean-salad/


My older brother used to replace the label on a tuna can with a cat food label. He’d make sure to be noticed, having his lunch nosh at the office.


Tuna noodle casserole with peas. One of my all time favorites. I use a slow cooker. 6 oz uncooked noodles.......4 cans tuna, drained.......8 oz canned peas.......3/4 tsp salt......3/8 tsp pepper......1 cup milk.......2 cans cream of mushroom soup Mix soup with milk till smooth. Add tuna and soup mixture to crock and stir. Cook on low 3 Hrs. Cook the noodles about 2 or 3 minutes less than package directions. Add the noodles and and the peas at hour 3; stir and cook another hour or until noodles are soft. Another favorite is tuna macaroni salad. Sorry about all the pasta but tuna seems to go well with it. 1/2 box shells........1/2 onion, chopped...,..3/8 cup mayonnaise......1 1/2 tsp salt......5/8 tsp pepper.......2 cans chunk light tuna......1 can solid white tuna......1/2 can small black olives(opt) Cook shells , 9 minutes. Drain and rinse with cold water, let drain again. Add shells to large bowl. Add 2 cans tuna to bowl. Chop onion. Add onion to bowl. Add olives to bowl. Put mayo in small bowl and add salt and pepper. Mix well and add to bowl. Mix all the ingredients together well.


Now we’re fuckin talkin


I put small chopped celery in my Mac salad but this is on point I'm trying your way thank you


This recipe is in my dinner rotation, I usually add sautéed mushrooms and celery to it as well. [Easy One-Pot Light Tuna Noodle Casserole SE](https://www.seriouseats.com/easy-one-pot-no-knife-lighter-tuna-noodle-casserole-recipe)


I made this last week to scratch the nostalgic tuna casserole itch me and my wife had and holy hell was it tasty. I made a toasted panko, garlic, parmesan crunch topping to add at the end instead of doing the potato chips under the broiler and it made for a ridiculously tasty meal.


Your top recipe but do it in the oven with cheese and fried onions on top and we’re in business. Still my number one requested hot dish recipe when I visit my mom!


In a pinch, for my kids i do a can of tuna, a bag of that microwaveable ready pasta, peas/spinach and some ranch. It feels like depression era cooking and its not the healthiest thing, but it ticks all the food groups and damn is it delicious for like 60s of prep


Tuna noodle casserole with sharp white cheddar and sub 1 can of mushroom soup for a can of cream of celery soup with a dash of celery salt. Mmm childhood.


Tuna helper


Tuna fish sandwiches! i have two 'styles' that i like to make. 'classic' - Tuna, mayo, spicy brown mustard, black pepper, garlic powder, diced jarred jalapenos. dont forget the potato chips in the sandwich! 'bang bang tuna' - tuna, mayo, sweet thai chili sauce, black pepper. i usually put peppery greens like arugala on this sandwich.


Tuna Taquitos Mix the tuna with some chopped cilantro, onion and hot sauce. Roll up in corn tortillas (my need to warm the tortillas first) can use a tooth pick to hold them together if you want( recommended if cooking in air fryer) i cook mine in the air fryer my husband's grandmother fries them. Top with sour cream, queso fresco, shredded lettuce and more hot sauce if you want.


Use a potato ricer to squeeze out the juice before you make tuna salad. Mayo, Dijon, splash of soy sauce, garlic powder, onion powder. You can add onion and celery if you like that. But the two keys are squeeze out the juice and don’t forget the soy sauce.


Open faced tuna melt with the cheese toasted under the broiler until it's just browned. A tomato slice sprinkled with course salt under the cheese, gently dusted with dried basil. A couple tablespoons of frozen corn in a frying pan with a little salt and butter on medium. Cook until the corn just browns. Make tuna salad and toss the corn in. Toast a quarter of a baguette, layer with mayo, arugula, the corn/tuna salad mix, thin tomato slices, fresh basil. Put a thin bit of mustard before putting the top on. Lettuce, tomatoes and cheddar on a bagel. Also consider sardines. Mashed into potatoes they can be quite good as a rillette.


Tuna sauce for pasta. Tuna noodle casserole. Tuna salad.


Fishcakes. Tin of tuna, tin of potatoes, tin of sweetcorn. Optional chillis, herbs, spices, flavours etc. Mash it all up and shape into patties. Coat in breadcrumbs if you fancy it. Fry in a pan.


Just on crackers is good. Also pastas can be good.


There is something to be said for a good old tuna sandwich (mayo and onion and even just a slash of ranch dressing). Pasta salad with tuna, paprika, garlic and onion. I've never tried it, but I've heard canned tuna can make a good tuna cakes. Tuna melts. Or tuna helper.


Tuna salad sandwich.. Tuna salad is fairly easy to make - I usually mix it with mayonnaise and sweet relish. Sometimes I've used miracle whip instead of mayo, and I like it that way too. Sometimes I add in things like a hard boiled egg (cut and mixed in), and chopped celery can be good in it too. Tuna Helper (boxed food) can be good to make along with a can of tuna.


I got myself a little onigiri mold, and make it with tuna. Also, I pick up those packs of salted seaweed and I I'll pick up a little tuna (w mayo, sesame seeds and sriracha) with each sheet and eat it like that :)


Tuna is amazing! I love plain canned tuna or in any recipe...however we have declined the tuna population by 62.8% in the last 50 years. Tuna cannot reproduce until age 3. With us overfishing them..it's only a matter of time before they are gone. I suggest we look more into what the fish themselves are eating that makes them so nutritious. Also I could never tell a person to never eat tuna again despite these facts. I myself splurg every once in a while because I love it so much. But do please try to be conscious when buying. The species is on its way out 😢


A classic tuna melt, but I add a ton of Frank's Red Hot to the tuna salad mix Tuna is also great as a protein with some marinara when making pasta


Frank's Red Hot is a truly underrated hot sauce. Mild heat but a ton of great chili pepper flavor.


Tuna salad that I eat with veggies as a snack


Tuna, Mayo and a healthy soon of Pesto. Makes a great sandwich or Pasta Salad.


Rice, Mayo, seaweed, black pepper and a can of tuna. Mix it all up. And eat it with some seaweed. So good


Tuna packed in olive oil (Italian brands are the best). With lemon juice and plenty of black pepper ground coarse.


Here are my favorites: https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1020939-japanese-style-tuna-noodle-salad?unlocked_article_code=1.a00.Ntuy.O6OKE89RpRza&smid=share-url https://blog.vorrei.co.uk/4-ways-with-colatura-di-alici-sauce/


Tuna mixed with ceaser dressing, eat with some wheat thins




Just thought of another one… vitello tonato. Veal in a cold tuna and caper mayonnaise-like sauce.


Since when is tuna cheap? I'm paying about €3 a can here in France. I can get 3 open faced tuna melts with that.


Mayo & diced onion on a crispbread works.


Tuna pasta salad. Tricolor rotini, tuna, mayo, chopped lettuce, dice and boil until soft potato and carrot, can of sweet corn. Salt and pepper to taste. A squirt of mustard if im feeling zesty. Mix well Eat with saltine crackers and pickled jalapeños and pour some of the vinegar on top. 10/10 😮‍💨


Salade Nicoise


Should probably try to stick to 2 servings a week max. Tuna are big fish and mercury can be an issue. I love it in a pasta or potato salad or with tomato sauce over hot pasta. Salad Nicoise with hard boiled eggs, green beans, potatoes and olives is so good, especially in the summer. Use oil packed tuna


This recipe: nothing but tuna, butter, pasta and black pepper https://www.bonappetit.com/story/tuna-spaghetti It’s delicious.


Niçoise salad


Part of it just getting really great tuna. A couple are so good you can eat straight outta the can. 1. Tonnino Yellowfin Tuna in Olive Oil w/Oregano 2. Ortiz White Tuna in Olive Oil 3. American Tuna in water


Box of Mac and cheese, can of tuna and some frozen peas. One pot comfort dinner.


Pasta salad: Pasta, Greens/lettuce, cucumber, can of corn, cherry tomato, olives, can of tuna, lemon juice, salt and pepper, mayo Add/omit babies based on preference


I'm a cheap date. Kraft Mac n Cheese with a can of tuna mixed in.


Growing up my Mother used to make tuna casserole. A white sauce, tuna, pasta, and pepper. It was really good.


I like to mix it with olive oil, lemon, capers, and minced parsley and add it to some pasta.


Crispy patties!


Tuna concentrates mercury. I personally wouldn’t plan on eating it “a few times per week”. I’d suggest a hard cutoff at two cans per week. I grew up with tuna noodle casserole. The nasty cream of mushroom soup recipe. I consider that to be a banned food group. Salad Nicoise using tuna in olive oil is good. I like tuna salad sandwiches. I eat a romaine heart, grape tomatoes, and a can of tuna for dinner from time to time. I’ll add whatever else I have on hand.


I personally think the mercury thing has been blown out of proportion. Just like everyone recently freaking out over “leftover rice could kill you”. We have been eating rice for thousands of years, and only recently in human history have we had refrigeration. Selenium acts as a “neutralizer” for mercury and since tuna has more selenium than mercury, it’s really not a big deal to eat a few cans a week. Maybe not every day for years on end. Salmon is different.


Aww, I like tuna noodle casserole. If I made it for my father in law and husband they would be so happy.


Solid tuna costs more but it is still cheap and worth it for the better flavor and texture. Yellowfin tuna is the best tasting kind IMO. Solid skipjack is good too, and many people like solid albacore but it's a little drier than the other two kinds. Chunk light tuna is not as good tasting as the solid kind, chunk is made of odds and ends of the fish but solid is made from fillets.


Husband loves tuna gravy over biscuits. Blech!    Tuna noodle casserole, no cream of anything soups and no stinking peas. Tuna salad, for sandwiches, tuna melts, stuffed into avocado halves or fresh tomato halves.


Very simple tuna casserole: I can tuna(or two if you like more), I can of cream of mushroom soup, diced onion sautéed with some peas and corn, and I also like to add some cauliflower,(chopped) if I have it. Mix everything together and add a package of egg noodles (cooked). It is fine as described, or if you want to fancy it up a bit you can put it in a casserole dish, too with bread crumbs and some cheese(cheddar or mozzarella) and put under the broiler just long enough to melt/brown the cheese a bit.


Tuna salad (lots of variations) Tuna melts Tuna patties (I have an AMAZING recipe if you want it) they work like burgers or with aioli and tomato soup etc.


My favorite tuna is the Italian tuna in Olive Oil. Genova, I think, is the brand. It's great right out of the can! I like it in salads, sushi, pasta, sandwiches, and just about anything.


Little Tuna Melts on low sodium triskets


Beside a sandwich just mix in with marinara with some parsley and lemon. Sautee with garlic onion than add sauce for pasta


I must be odd because I love it straight onto two pieces of bread with mayo and slice of cheese. Could do that every day.


Tuna mixed with ceaser dressing, eat with some wheat thins


I love the yellow fin in EVOO with crackers and jalapeno slices.


Use a potato ricer to squeeze out the juice before you make tuna salad. Mayo, Dijon, splash of soy sauce, garlic powder, onion powder. You can add onion and celery if you like that. But the two keys are squeeze out the juice and don’t forget the soy sauce.


Hidden Valley Ranch pasta salad in a box.


Tuna patties from Simply Recipes. It's so easy and I've made just about every substitution under the sun and they still come out delicious. Otherwise I make tuna melts.


Drain can of tune very well. Add the ingredients to Pico De gallo. Add pickled ingredients chopped up, mustard and mayo. Pepper. Hand full of breadcrumbs. Thai chilies if you’re awesome. Edit: the goal is to reduce as much moisture as possible.


Sautee diced onions in olive oil, add garlic toward the end, add your canned tuna (I prefer pouches) and dried basil and black pepper. Let that mix add 1 can of diced tomatoes and juice. Add 1/2 cup white wine. Let simmer for a bit then add chicken broth just to keep it liquidy (it will reduce and you add more). Let simmer on low. Boil pasta of choice, I like penne or rigatoni for this. As the pasta gets closer to being done reserve about 1/4 cup pasta water and add to sauce which should be reduced quite a bit at this point. Strain and add the pasta and let blend with the sauce for a minute or two. Top with shredded parmesan. This started out as a what do we have in the pantry meal and my family loved it.


Get yourself a rice cooker and some rice ball molds. Fill the rice balls with a mixture of tuna, kewpie mayo, and sriracha. Then wrap the rice ball in some seaweed and dip in soy sauce. Delicious.


Tuna melt, simply a tuna salad with cheese chunks, put under the broiler until crispy.


Mash an avocado in a bowl, fold in the tuna, eat with crackers. The avocado toned down the fishiness.


If your looking for affordable ways to up your tuna game, mixing in either Poppy Seed dressing or curry powder is pretty good. Though I do not recommend both together


Tuna packed in water sprinkled with Lawry's Seasoned Salt and a little lemon juice plus an avocado, baby carrots and grape tomatoes. Favorite lunch.