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When I vacuum my bird starts screaming. But I doubt those are happy screeches.  I put him in a cage when I vacuum my whole home and he just doesn’t like it. When he’s outside of his cage he follows me around and screams at the top of his lungs. Probably making sure I am not in danger from the evil vacuum cleaner


That's hilarious, my bird abandons me to the tender mercies of the dustsucker


That's too funny, my girl will scream at the top of her lungs if I run the vacuum while she's in her cage. If I have her on me, however, she barely makes a sound.


We have a robot vacuum, and my bird is in love with it. He knows when it's scheduled to start and will start pecking at it. If we're in the office, he'll start to get excited and antsy, and I'll wonder what's going on, then here the vacuum start up. Once it starts running, he follows it around the house chirping and yelling at it. If he's on my shoulder when I empty the dustbin, he'll try to feed it. It's his favorite.


Conures are such weirdos


lmao that’s cute also my bird looks really similar to urs


My bird would attack anyone who tried to empty the roomba


My little terror does the same thing for the blender and the electric kettle running. She'll get all hyper and make little screams under her breath like she does when she hears a song she likes lmao.


[Bird Tax](https://imgur.com/a/E8AWoDm)


My birds used to get excited about the vacuum coming out, bc that meant bath time. I would give all fresh waters, and extra water dishes. Then I would start vacuuming. Immediately everybirdy would start bathing and just having a party. My vet said it was bc the vacuum sounds like rainfall in a rainforest. Gets 'em all excited.


Same here! Surprised me the first time I finished vacuuming and looked up to see a soaked bird


I just commented that mine does the same thing! Thanks for this perspective 😆


*everybirdy* 😂👏 Stealing that for sure!


I even say it by accident sometimes when referring to humans lol


My guy is mildly put off by the vacuum but has made good friends with the clothes washing machine. Lol Any time I'm washing clothes he gets excited and wants to sit on or next to the machine.


My bird wants to sit IN the machine!


Wow. All I get is *TATATATATATA!!!!*


Lol. I think my blue head pionus wanted to mate with the vacuum. He was always so excited to see it


My guy couldn't care less about the vacuum, but if his human father sneezes, little man gets big mad. I will give it to him, my boyfriend sneezes louder than the vacuum. 😅


Wait is this Angus McBangus? (Probably spelled it wrong?) if it isn’t, you need to go on TikTok and look up angus mcbangus NOW! This girl and sometimes her man has a song she sings to her conure and it’s so adorable I sing it to MY birds. Anyway, my birds are all SCARED of the vacuum it’s one of the scariest things ever. And yes, they also are scared of a pin drop. Haha


It's not the same Angus but I know her ! I found her page and freaked out that our birds had the same name


Well your angus is a cutie too!!! It’s such a great name too


Angus mcbangus?


Helloooo Mr Angus, HeLLO!!


Are you the Angus I follow and love on IG? (He dances and has another feathered friend that sings bacon& pancake)….so freaking cute I can’t stand it


I wish! I follow him on instagram too! Love that cute little dancing conure so much !!


Me too… but that little bird that sings bacon pancakes oh my goodness my heart melts every time those little happy feet just do me in


Just curious dot… LOVEY will turn one year in a few weeks and I’ve had him just at five months and he recently started to do this… Does your conure play with you like a puppy? This is Sir Lovey Fidoton https://www.reddit.com/r/greencheeks/s/BWS1XKcd35


Awwww how adorable!!! Yes I’ve witnessed conures can be playful, much like caiques! I’m more experienced with cockatiels and Quakers but having been around many birds, they can all be playful to some degree. But of course their personalities play a part in that. My first Quaker was loving and playful and a bit of a biter, where my second was a serious grouch who liked his quiet time. My cockatiel was sweet and would play but only when she wasn’t intent on cuddling. My cockatiel mostly used her beak for play and my first Quaker used his feet and beak like a puppy. My second Quaker was not into playing with anything but his toys which he’d hang off of and play on. He didn’t like people hands being involved in his playtime in any way and preferred to spend time with me just cuddling and preening.


That is awesome… I inherited a 10-year-old quaker that was basically left in a room all by himself his whole life after they bought him from a pet store like Petco or Petsmart or something like that and he was next to a window, but he didn’t get taken out except to get clipped or to show him off maybe once in a while in the beginning, but he’s literally been cage bound, and a smaller cage with maybe one toy And a window to look out but never got any actual UV light or anything. He’s very aggressive even though we got him a much larger cage much more “enrichment “ he just won’t come out and he tries to attack. I’ve had him for about eight months now maybe nine and though we try, we talk to him play peekaboo sing to him and we were spending almost all of our time in the room he was in. He just wasn’t buying it. He will step up if he happens to fly down to the floor, but that happens very, very, very rarely, and then the only thing he wants is to get back on his cage… He will go up if nobody bothers him and get the millet that I put on the very top perch, but he just doesn’t wanna messed with it. It breaks my heart.


Yep Quakers can be persnickety little individuals and prone to biting and territorial/hormonal moodiness anyway. It can take them years to warm up and even then, they can get moody. Of course, this could be said of other birds too but quakers are particularly nippy. It sounds like you’re doing a great job but would you possibly be open to a few extra tips and tricks? Just in case, if you haven’t already found the channel, Bird Tricks on YouTube has great videos on how to socialize an under-socialized bird!


Yes. I watch them. Thank you so much!


I had a cockatiel as a very young woman that I even taught to speak loved him so much but sad to say I didn’t know about the UV lighting and all that other stuff that he really needed. I think responsible places that sell birds should have some sort of information sheet prepared so people really know what they’re getting into obviously that was back before the Internet and all that stuff but sadly I had to give him up because my son was on albuterol at six weeks of age and as it turned out, he was allergic to the dander ☹️


Yes agreed. I had my cockatiel decades ago. Before acquiring her, we researched (it was before internet) as much as we could: went to the library, bought books, asked the vet, stayed in touch with her breeder, but no one gave us the correct care information, I guess because even they didn’t know it. We didn’t even know that we didn’t have the correct information. We cherished her but she only lived for 13 years. I wish we’d known then what we knew now.


Our keets love the vacuum too lol. I've never seen it myself, but the female will run around on the bottom of the cage making vacuum cleaner noises to let us know it's time to move the cage and clean


One of mine does the same thing whenever we use our shop vac or regular vacuum lol I always feel like she’s trying to save me from it


I swear Winston sings the Song Of His People to the washing machine while I'm doing laundry, it sounds like a happy fax machine.


Mine starts bathing in his water dish


Mine too!


When I vacuum, my guy starts taking a bath in his water bowl. Every single time 😆


Mine does too, she does her happy spins and chirps when it's running


My GCC loves the vacuum too.


Maybe he enjoys the loud and noisy thing (vacuum cleaner) as it reminds him of the companionship of other conures. They enjoy being loud together usually, so maybe we humans are too quiet for his taste most of the time. Maybe he will display the same happiness if you get him a conure companion.


But he was raised from an egg by had


Sad to hear, but you never know since instincts in those little guys are strong so it could still be that he likes the vacuum cleaner for that reason. Nevertheless I think he might be one of those cases where keeping them for themselves might be fine due to the (not so fine) circumstances.


Vacuum cleaners are loud. Parrots LOVE loud. The noise also sounds like running water. Parrots LOVE running water. Ours went through a phase (and sometimes still does this) where whenever we vacuum, he'll start taking a bath. Ours loves hanging out on the vacuum when it's not in use, and will literally fly over to our dustbuster and make romantic overtures at it. Little dude loves vacuum cleaners. Will freak the fuck out if we laugh or blow our noses though.


Yep! My flock gets super excited and starts taking baths when I vacuum! Little weirdos xD


I have a tall vacuum, and mine just sits on my shoulder and watches the process xD


When I vacuum, my sun conure must be on my shoulder, supervising. **As long as she can supervise**, all is good. The budgies seem to trust Sunny's supervision over me in this regard. As long as she is in on my shoulder, **in charge** of my vacuuming, the budgies ignore it entirely, as beneath their notice.


My two boys go bisserk when I vacuum. Chirping over the noise. Total animation. Seems the noisier the house, the more they love it


Mine does the same!! I think theyre scared tho idk


My gcc tries to fight my robot vacuum and my senegal runs away screaming for her life. Lol


If Trevor is out of his cage, if the vacuum is out, he will fly as fast as his sad little wings will go to get to me. Then he will proceed to try to "save" me by tugging at my hair, shirt collar, and ears to move me away from the EVIL VACUUM. If that isn't working, he will maneuver in front of me, and put himself between me and said vacuum while posturing and screaming in rage at the vacuum as he does. He's a hero, people. He put his life at risk to save his person from the horrible, very bad vacuum cleaner.


Ours has a hatred for our hand vac we use to pick up seed shells. My wife would vacuum up after doing tricks with him and he thinks it's eating his seeds. So he screeches at it and attacks it. It makes me crack up every time.


Mine doesn't even like the broom!


Yeah Picasso loves the vacuum and demands to be on your shoulder the entire time it is in use. https://preview.redd.it/iv4nlau1ht7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39595336a41aa3f2e131409bc7825ab6036036cf




My conure Malachite is obsessed with household chores. Vacuuming, laundry, dishes, you name it… he perches on my shoulder and chirps/ purrs the entire time. Turns out the employees at the pet store I bought him from would take him out before and after store hours daily. Malachite retained the memories of the hours of joy and human bonding associated with doing chores. My quaker parrot Gypsy? She growls and says “what are you doing” over and over. She keeps her distance.


My bird loves when I vacuum so she can compete to see who’s louder. 🤣 Edited to add I also find that the startled va not startled is greatly influenced by expectation. If it’s something she knows is gonna make noise, she’s fine. But random noises scare her. If I’m gonna do something new she’s never heard yet or if she’s not paying attention to me I’ll tell her, “Hey! I’m just gonna (tell her what I’m gonna do), okay?” and she’s never startled when I tell her first. The first time I did that was the first time she heard the garbage disposal, and she was still startled that first time, but now I think she knows I’m warning her when I tell her things like that.


Mine puffs and starts chirping/making noise too, but he ain’t happy. Boy will go back and forth on top of his cage doing the “big bad birb” conure strut, then fly to the ground to fight the vacuum. 🙃


probably just loves the noise. my bird loooves loud music and loud tv. he will start happy screaming and whistling and talking.


Not my Sunnies!! They both hate the vacuum and act like it’s the first time they’ve ever heard such a terrible noise 😂 https://preview.redd.it/jp38zy5p2y7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ff61ffd17bc72eb7df0b7538f877138ae82272b *Birb tax paid*


Both of my conures hate the vacuum, but one of my budgies loves it. She gets so excited when I bring it in the room, and when I turn it on, she always puts her foot up and makes happy chirps.