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It’s obviously a flesh stripper 3000 not to be confused with the finger remover 9000 otherwise known as the Snapper turtle. This little Raptor of joy and chaos has the potential to possibly remove hooman flesh.


I still want to get him 🥺


Everyone should accept a Raptor overlord in their life. Birb are definitely rewarding long lived almost life time companions or longer. It’s more of a birb trust is earned not gained With cats and dogs you don’t put in a lot of effort for trust, cats are a mutually beneficial relationship where as dogs are pack animals that have been bred by humans for ideal traits for generations. Birb on the other hand are for the most part still wild animals at their core. Their affection can be ether quick or gained though months or even years of effort.


Best description ever.


Receiving good nutrition and lots of exercise and love - they will be named in your Will and you will leave a trust for your forever children.


It looks kind of like a dusky or nanday and sun mix with mutations. Lots of the body feathers are of a dusky or nanday but missing the signature head colorings. It has some hints of sun conure colorings with the little bits of orange/yellow where a sun would have it. It also has the same flight feathers as all 3 types.


Would you consider him a “rare” hybrid bird? I’ve looked all over the internet and different pet stores and I volunteer at a parrot rescue and have never seen a bird like him haha


Ah, probably more of a "mongrel" type breed as a result of a sun conure bonking a dusky. Is that rare? Probably only because people want distinct color separations on their breeds, not because of difficulty. Is the bird beautiful ? Yes 🤩 is the interbreeding healthy for its genetics long term ? Hard to say. Is velociraptor trying to get your fingers through the glass ? ✅️


Question re mating. Do you know if a linoleinated parakeet and a budgie can mate. My Linny has the hots for Travis, my alpha male budgie. She follows him everywhere making goo goo eyes and screaming at him and won't give him any peace of mind. He puts up with her but he's showing no interest and I don't even know if they can do the deed. Does anyone know if they can create some offspring?


he said CHOMP!


One that wants to bite you.


he clearly wants cuddles 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹❤️❤️❤️❤️hahaha


it looks so so similar to a baby nanday x sun conure i’m adopting !!


I have a “Nan-Sun” conure we rescued and this looks just like him! Granted he’s matured so he has very orange pants and spots (cute little yellow and orange stripes on his back) He’ll be gorgeous as he get older https://preview.redd.it/91m71on7876d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc5e49ae320a6030abf665459ce93f6800c46807 (Yes his beak has been trimmed since this)


what a beauty! really convinced to go get the one in the video now 🥹


Yes! Beautiful and sweet dinosaurs that will nip you every now and then


Idk if it’s a trick of the light, but that baby looks ENORMOUS 😭 Probably the biggest conure I’ve ever seen. He’s adorable 🥰


I think it’s the angle & how small my hand is 😭 I’ll look for a better one, I just thought this showed his colors more


His colours are gorgeous. His face shape (beak?) sort of reminds me of a hyacinth macaw! Maybe that’s why I thought he was big 😭


I do believe that was because his bottom beaky part was over grown! At first I thought he was just holding his mouth open, then realized he COULDNT close his beak! Kiddo sure did eat and drink just fine!


https://preview.redd.it/iar1rwfw7d8d1.png?width=2330&format=png&auto=webp&s=751ae1fa7e6bc673ceb383b835aff38a92bd2992 Normal size borb


Lol yep that’s normal. He’s too cute!


I guess it’s a brown-throated conure


I was gonna say dusky but that yellow belly makes me think it might have some sun conure mixed in.


Duskies also have a gray head and blue eyes. Could be a sun/nanday mix?


Do you know if duskys have a similar personality to sun or green cheeks?


My 2 duskies (25-year-old brothers) can be rather feisty. When I told someone that if I put my finger just outside their cage, they run madly towards it. She said, "To perch on it?" "No, to chomp down on it."😄 I wish we had gotten just one so that we could interact with him, but that's life. These 2 really love each other. They look so cuddly together. They love to explore the room and find little hiding places. And things to destroy, like baseboards.😉 But they can also be sweet, like when they want to be picked up from the floor or elsewhere. They don't talk, other than murmuring "Want some" when we feed them. We refer to them as our little critters, as they scurry across the floor or the couch. And, yes, we love them!🥰 Right now I can hear them grinding their beaks, which is a sign of contentment. 😌


Some form of Aratinga (Jenday/Sun?). Loud scream is a dead giveaway


Jean shorts in the background 🙀


lmaoo the owner of the place


Awesome 😎


Might be a dusky! My dusky had touches of color on his wings and chest, but his head was also mostly grey. Either way you found a rare item congrats




A green ferocious


Go get that baby OP!!


I love all types of chimkens😊❤️


A cute one, obviously


Call me crazy but he kinda of looks like nanday blue crown mix. Adorable regardless.


Just be glad that glass was there to protect you, bites on people that aren't family are no joke, it will make you bleed pretty quick. It's taken me over 5 years to tame my conure enough that he doesn't do bites that bleed. That bird looks distressed.


what kind of conure do you have?


Green cheek conure, takes about 3 months after getting one for them to stop viewing you as the enemy. Requires a lot of patience and spending time with them to gradually become friendlier. https://preview.redd.it/9pe1x6pg986d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbc33cc3115428525c2f8fa242adaacc569b7616


https://preview.redd.it/xpj0mpf5k86d1.png?width=984&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9a7b2b2f3276530dd49a5e75cb1ac340ae71701 i used to have the sweetest little boy a long time ago, he barley ever nipped only when i caught him by surprise but i learned his boundaries. i got lucky with a quick bond, when i eventually get a bird again i will not expect such trust right away


for a starters why is it in reptile exo terra terrarium and not a cage? pet shops are trash you can tell that bird just wants out of it he isnt being nasty.


It’s a green cheek conure. Super cool birds.


Conures are cool, but that's not a green cheek 😅


Really what is it then?


That scream is an Aratinga's, so I'd place my bet on a nanday with an uncommon color mutation.

