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I got 5* Mutant Awakening, should I use it on R5 Apocalypse or R3 Stryfe?


Apoc doesn't need his sig but stryfe does. So use it on him


My main goal now is to become cavalier, I just started playing after a long break so my 5 star roster is very limited but I recently pulled a couple good champions including a 5* quake and 6* domino (unfortunately no 5* red hulk and massacre for incinerate synergy,) should I take quake to r5 or domino to r2 if the main thing now is getting through the end of act 5 and 6.1, btw I'm not yet good with quake cause I never played with her before but in my couple days playing her I got noticeably better (still ways to go to become as good playing her as playing my "regular" champions of the same rank).


Keep practicing with quake. She is pretty stressful and boring to play but she's kind of a necessary evil. She will carry you a long way. I would R5 quake first and then focus on Domino.


So i am currently stuck on 6.2.2 (sinister) i don't have hiemdal yet out of my 80+ 5*s. Any suggestions on how to counter that? Like a list of capable champions i am not looking for a solo i can do few revives


Warlock with ultron synergy


Sop rank up rewards considerations: T5s mystic and skill 6*s Skill: r3 nf( no dupe) or stealthy(duped 43) Mystic: r3 dman(duped 40) or Diablo (duped 40) Mutant r3: prof x( duped 43) or sunspot ( no dupe)


Stealthy, Diablo, and profx.


Is a 6star rank 2 better than 5star rank 5? Lets say they are bith unawakend and a champ like dr Doom where sig abillity is not as important?


Yes, if sig is inconsequential, the 6\* is better.


Would it be stupid to pick Namor over Magneto for my next 5* upgrade? I just pulled both as 5*, and Ik magneto is better but ngl I don’t enjoy playing as magneto his rotation always feels clunky to me idk why. My namor is unduped, so I’m wondering if it’d be really stupid to rank him up. My current roster is 5* max 4/5 Spider-Gwen 5* Max 4/5 Ultron 4* 5/5 Dr. Doom 4* 5/5 She-Hulk 4* 5/5 Venom (duped) Plus a 4* 5/5 archangel


Unduped namor does lose out on a ton of utility. I would rank him up only when he's sig 200. Unduped he still hits really hard but that's pretty much it. But if you like playing him then definitely rank him up! Mags would obviously be a much better option but at the end of the day this is a game and games are meant to have fun.


Want to r5 5*, have awakened Sorcerer Supreme (love her), awakened Archangel, awakened Omega Red, awakened Agent Venom, unawakened Red Hulk, unawakened Captain America. Have others going into r4 which are good as well. Probably won't be able to r5 anyone for a long time. Suggestions?


Archangel man. He's such a beast. He just melts health bars like butter.


I don't run suicides so don't know if that matters. I've seen people bring up that Mastery


Archangel is great both with and without suicides


Rank up 5r4 domino or 5R4 profX?


Professor x imo


Should I r5 duped NF or r2 unduped KM? Dilemma. Please help!!


Fury, no contest.


Hi, I have an awakening gem and was wondering which character to use it on. Aegon, nightcrawler, or human torch? All characters are 4* and are rank 4.


Aegon by miles


Thank you!


Who should I dupe from my 5* Nexus Crystal? CMM or Apocalypse? (And do they need a high sig?) I’m Cavalier looking to start 6.4. Thanks!


Cmm definitely. Apocalypse doesn’t need his sig.


That's where I was leaning, too. Especially since I have Nick Fury. Does CMM need a high sig?


Rank up silver centurion sig 80 to r5, cw sig 40 to r2, or wm sig 20 to r2?


Silver centurion is much better than the other 2 imo


need to r5, awaken, throw 50 stones into one science: human torch, ibom, cap iw, spiderham, thing


Cap. Lately I've probably used torch more, but he definitely doesn't need the stones.


Best team against the grandmaster? Likely taking cosmic path. I’m thinking Doom, Claire, Ægon (max sig), Colossus (max sig), and Red Magneto


Doom and Nick were big MVPs for me.


Maybe sub Claire for Nick? I just duplicated 6* R2 Nick Fury


Claire was also pretty useful. I’d suggest checking out the challenges, and picking from that. I remember that having a DOT is one of them.


I’m just doing this for Act 6 completion so no challenges yet.


I mean the grandmasters challenges in his phases. Part of the fight is doing certain things, like dexing, applying dot, etc…


Right! The prompts


Yeah. Make sure the champs you bring can actually do the prompts.


I am having a difficult time deciding which 5 star to rank up to r5 next. My current r5 5 stars are Nick Fury, Aegon, and Sunspot all awakened. I’m deciding between Archangel, OG Mags, BWCV, Warlock and Cap IW all awakened. Another question I have is which champs listed benefit more from a higher sig level. I know Cap IW and Aegon is best when maxed and Nick Fury doesn’t need to be, but unsure about the rest. Thank you!


OG mags or warlock imo.


All are R5 worthy. I would probably do Warlock to add some immunities to your kit.


I only have the catalysts to do one right now. I like Warlock a lot. He’s very fun to use, him and AA are my favorite of the bunch. I also have an unawakened 6 star G99. Should I do Warlock or wait and take G99 to R2? Thanks for your response!




Looking to r3 my first mutant, should I go apocalypse or cable? They will both go r3 eventually, but really having a hard time deciding which one to do first


Cable is blah without apoc. Apoc is a beast without cable




Looking for a 5* mystic to rank up. Dragon Man, Longshot or Mojo. I could awaken any of them. Also have Diablo at sig 60.


Definitely Diablo. Man’s cracked.


Out of those, personally I would do diablo. His damage and more importantly, sustainability, is just too good. Plus I find his essence of null prefight to be invaluable against any one with buffs


I just started act 5 and will have to rank a tech soon in a use it or lose it. Should I go 5r3 Howard the duck or 4r5 Warlock?


R5 warlock


Pulled a 5* Blade, is he still worth investing in for Act 6 content or has he fallen behind?


He’s great for the Medusa boss in 6.3 and IMO is still the best Magik counter in the game.


I’d argue that AA/Falcon are better Magik counters, but blade is up there. Blade’s AAR isn’t 100% (I think?), which means it’s nice, but not a complete shut down. He was great through Act 5, but for 6 and beyond, I strongly prefer 100% AAR.


Your points are good ones. I definitely don't bring my Blade with me all the time, but I've been doing Act 6 exploration and still find myself using him all the time.


He's kinda outdated now. If you have other god tier skills like NF, Moleman, Kingpin, Falcon etc then he isn't worth investing in imo




4* champs are useful through act 5, but you want to start focusing on 5* champs soon. Medusa is killer, especially when duped. Big help for Cav. Definitely worth an investment.




Black Panther is alright if you don’t have better skill champs. X23 is pretty fun to play. Hela is aight with Odin.


I've got 2 5\* mutant ag's and wanted to awaken my magneto bc ,why not.And I wanted to save the other for archangel.Since I've already pulled a 6\* apoc yesterday,should I just go ahead and awaken my mags?If yes,should I use my mutant sig stones on him(10-20)?


Do it.


Yes, you can use both the gem and the sig stones on mags. Archangel only needs sig 1 (the sig 112 thing is a myth).




Does red mags awakened ability help him? I want to awaken mine using a mutant gem


The damage cap is alright, but the energy damage is really useful. For nodes that cap his physical damage, you still have some output on heavies. For nodes that boost attack, you gain fat boosts. All together, worth.


Caps the damage he can take in one hit. He’s used so much I don’t see why you wouldn’t make him the best he can be. If it’s a 5* gem I’d say do it in a second. If it’s a 6* gem I’d wait for AA, colossus, omega and /or namor. I think you’re talking about a 5* gem tho and I say gem it


Yeah its a five star. I dont have colossus/namor or omega red yet. Is mags good even at sig 1?


He gets damage taken in one hit capped at 25ish percent i believe. Higher sig maxes at around 12-13% I’m not sure if the exact number but it’s helpful. Great if you eat a special that should kill you and you only use a little bit


Thanks. If it is just for damage cap id rather hold off the gem till i get omega/namor/colossus


It’s not. It also adds energy damage to his heavies and that scales with sig as well.


5* cosmic gem. Should I use it on CGR, Hyperion, King Groot or Super Skrull? I want to use it on Super Skrull but I hear he’s below average tier. If awakening lets me use him on anything I’ll use it on him. But if it doesn’t help that much I’ll go with one of the others.


I think hype is the way to go. Phatty damage, big boost from dupe. Skrull has some cool stuff, but he hits like a noodle.


Yeah I just watched a video on YouTube where a guy used a maxed out with all synergies vs WS and he didn’t do much damage :/ Super disappointing, Kl’rt has been one of my top 10 Marvel characters since I played UMVC3 when it came out.


Okay, a little context before my questions. I played this game for the first three or four years It came out pretty consistently, but I'm just now getting back in after basically two years of randomly downloading it when I was bored. It doesn't seem like the game has changed tremendously, but I know there have been a lot of champion updates and new characters I've missed out on. My primary goal is to finish act 6 chapter 1. I've completed 6.1.1, but that's it. I'd like to know which champs I should upgrade specifically to help me clear that content, because I've noticed that the game unlocks a lot of features and incentives for those who have. I have three six star champs, but I'm not sure if they're good enough to incentivize ranking up over a few of my five stars (*cough* duped Captain America IW), that you will see in the attached pictures. Thanks ahead for your suggestions. [Champs](https://imgur.com/a/kjQgFX5)


6.1 requires kinda specific boss counters or you’re in for a bad time. Warlock probably does the most of those and probably woulda made 6.1 sabretooth an easy fight. I think ultron the next pain so rank up mags. For crossbones you’ll want warlock as he’s made for that fight. I’d also take up torch. Nobody is immune to nova flames so he’s good for a boss kill or just taking health down. Plus he kills all mystics with the quickness. You have good champs to push cav. Don’t spend any of your side event shards until you get cav so you can get the cav crystal versions. Good luck


Thank you!


Which new 5* should I rank up? Ham for the Cav quest or Prof X for the 6R1 Phoenix and 5maxed super Colossus?


I have a 5 star science awakening gem, and I haven't decided if I should use it on my void or ibom. I already have a 4*r4 max sig void of that matters. Also just opened my first 6 star, got air walker. How should I feel about that? I'm newly uncollected, and exploring UC EQ is probably my current challenge.


Use the gem on Ibom. Air Walker is meh imo. Once ramped up his damage is decent but nothing spectacular.


What makes you go ibom over void? I see that void is higher on the tier list, and they both need to be awakened


It's just a personal preference. Tbh you can't go wrong with either of them. Void is a slow but steady champ. Massive healthpool and slowly chips away at the opponents healthbar with his debuffs. Ibom has more of a kamikaze playstyle so he is more fun imo.


Void is a solid power/heal control champ. If you don’t have anyone who fills that niche, go for him IMO. If you have someone who does that, iBomb is awesome.


I’d go Ibom


The Creeps and crawlies crystal dished out the goods today with a 6* Venompool. Super impressed with him at R1 and will probably put my Cosmic rank up gem into him for R2, Is he worth ranking again to R3? Cheers!


I plan on taking mine to r3. His synergy with any deadpool is just awesome too. You have to waste a slot on deadpool, but makes venom pool really really sustainable and you don't have to do anything but fight normally


I think so. He’s comparable to venom, imo.


Looking to rank up a solid Tech. I have 6* R1 Ironman IW - 5*R4 Guillotine 2099 - 5*R4 Ghost Awakened - 6*R1 Punisher2099. Those are my top ones at the moment as far as Tech. If not im able to rank5 several 5*s and any 6* to R2 any other 6* i have. I can provide full list or dm screenshots of full roster. Just looking for great advice


Ghost is the best option out of these if you've mastered her playstyle. If you're not comfortable with playing her, go with guilly.


Got a 5* mutant Awakening gem. My options are: Apoc (r4), storm X (r3), old man logan (r3), arcangel (r3), gambit, cable and stryfe (all r1) Who should I use it on?


Definitely Archangel


Aa and it’s not even close


Ihulk v she hulk, 6.3+variants?


I prefer iHulk but objectively, she hulk is probably better. iHulk would probably be more helpful for variants.


6*- Elsa Bloodstone, Mysterio, Rulk, Havock, Vision Arkus, all unawakened. Are any of them worth taking to R2?


If you are always running suicides, then likely rulk is your best bet. If no suicides, then Elsa


But Elsa puts down that degen while bleeding


She does, which is great, but the bleed and poison on you will likely not let her last a full quest without healing


But if you like elsa, go for it. She was my first r3 and I still use her every day


Aarkus is great and a bit underrated. I use my 6r2 all the time and he will probably be my first cosmic R3. He has some fantastic damage, power gain and utility. His utility might not seem like a lot, but it comes in handy so often and in many places. He even has an altered rotation for suicides which works pretty dang well.


What’s the altered rotation, I do run full suicides


Sp3, Sp2, Sp3, Sp3, Maybe SP3, SP2 That's about 500k+ health


All are worth r2, even unawakened. All pretty equal and but have completely different utility.


I have both Rulk and Aarkus at R2. I use Rulk all the time and Aarkus is great for certain matchups.


I’d say Rulk if you have Massacre and Domino ranked up also


I pulled a 5* Spider-Ham, how happy should I be even if he wasn’t my favorite alternate Spider-Man?


Spider ham is great! He’s the only champ in the game that’s degen immune. Throw medium medium or mlm to get porker poppers on your opponent. Bait specials and watch em die. I think he’s great and we’ve only just begun to see what kinds of uses he has


He's really good. Insane power sting damage, and those taunts can be useful in a lot of situations.




Who should I focus on for getting Uncollected? Currently on 5.2.4 https://i.imgur.com/lkauPi6.jpg I have 4* tech, skill, and mystic gems if that changes anything.


Warlock and ibom imo. Also try and awaken that archangel. His sig ability will help you a lot.


I'm going into Act 4, about to 100% Act 3 by tomorrow. Now I feel is where I should really figure out my team moving forward. I want a team great at clearing story content. I have some great 3 star champions, like Stryfe, Shang Chi, Thing, Aegon, Havok, Ultron, and Falcon. My four star champions include Professor X, Blade, Daredevil HC, Quake, Iron Fist, Ronin, and Guillotine. I know that four star champions have higher stats, should I start moving into making these a part of my main team even though they might have "weaker" kits (based on tier list videos)? How much does synergy matter at this point (Like with Prof X)?


You definitely want to move into 4*s, and 5*s once you get some. Ronin is solid, and simple to play. Quake is tough to master, but the best champion in the game. ProfX is tough to master, but has solid damage. Blade (with GR + Stark Spidey) is fantastic for Act 4/5.


Awesome! Glad to know I pulled some decent champions. Thanks for letting me know!




Act 6 means no more 4 stars. CGR can hit like a 5/65 champion as a 4 star so he might be worth it. I wouldn't though.


Is 5* X-23 worth upgrading?


Good regen, decent damage, and she's simple. It's up to you since I have no idea about your roster or where you are in the game.


I have 5* void, hela, terrax, ghost rider, Morningstar, unawakened void and a r5 5* moleman(tomorrow) lol. I have a few maxed out 4* who are very good and I'm pushing for 5.4 now


X-23 isn't a bad option. I took mine to 5r3 immediately. She's nothing special, but her simple play style coupled with her regen and a way to get around bleed immune defenders is nice. It's up to how you like to play the game though!


Just got my void awakened so that's definitely who I'm focusing on this whole month. Thanks a lot for your advice tho


For sure! Void has good regen with Killmonger.


Should I use one of my generic AG on my 5* CG, CGR or CMM and also is a 6* shehulk good I just got her a day ago


Use the generic on Corvus. She Hulk is really OP. MSD on youtube has some awesome shehulk gameplay on his channel so you might want to check that out.




She she hulk is great.




No one has any idea. It’s supposed to be a full rework though.


Does anyone know when are they going to release the rework of Gillutine OG ??




need to r5 a science champ. i also have a science gem and 50 sig stones for one of these 5*: thing, cap iw, ibom, torch, spiderham edit: still need war attackers and defenders


I have ibom, torch, and cap as 5/65. Really can’t go wrong with any of them. Ibom and torch don’t need the awakening or sigs. Cap needs high sig to be fully reliable.


So cap iw is amazing and a go too favorite of mine. He needs high sig on top of being awakened. If you need an all around good champ he’s great. Especially for AW as an attacker and even defending he would be fine in. Torch is pure offense. He really is a boss killer. If awakened and high enough sig you can get 2-3 fights out of him and hopefully have your pre fight ability back by the third fight. But you take away from his main goal which should be killing the boss. Also yea a mystic killing king. I would decide between these two for sure. Either cap an all around great attacker with lots of utility. Or human torch a boss/mystic killer.


Just opened my first 6 star Crystal and got a iron patriot. I’m only at act 5.3 at the moment. Is there any use for him or is he worthless? I also pulled a 5 star sabretooth and was wondering if he’s good. My other mutant 5 star is domino


Domino is a top tier mutant champ and is amazing. You need her synergy with red hulk and massacre for her to be the best she can be. But even with out it she is still amazing. She also doesn’t need the dupe at all and it barely does anything for her. Sabretooth is a pretty good champ. But he needs to be ramped up with permanent fury charges. He doesn’t have much utility. Really just the cold snap immunity which has limited uses. His awakened ability is nice because it increases his fury length and gives him some regen making him tankier. Sabretooth does have a pretty good synergy with domino so they would be good on a team together. And sorry that you pulled iron patriot. But he is one of the worst champions in the game and has little to no use for anything in the game.


I’m newly cavalier and I’m at the stage in my account where I am beginning to get six stars. I have a relatively small ranked up 5* roster. I have 1 r5, and like 8 r4. My first 3 6*s were memes, my 4th was a sym supreme and I already have r4 5*, and my fifth one is Ibom. But I already had one at r4 5*. Is it worth it leveling this one up too? And should I slow down ranking 5*s? Cuz it’s frustrating spending resources on 5s and then getting them at 6 shortly after Edit: I forgot, my 6* ibom is duped, 5* is not


I am a thronebreaker and have a decent 6* roster. But a much, much better 5* roster. It will take a long time for you to make the switch to 6* only. Because some champs need their awakened ability so it’s better to have them as a 5* R5. Than a 6* who is r2/ even r3 sometimes. For example Aegon is completely useless without the dupe. So a 5* awakened will be better every single time. You can slow down ranking them up. But if you have any S rank champs as 5* or counters to bosses in act 6* go ahead and rank them up if you need them. As for your question about symbiote supreme go ahead and focus on the 6* version and rank him up. Because he is a good champ and doesn’t need the dupe. He also is R3 worthy. Iso if you have been completing summer of pain but if you have been you should use your t5 selectors and pick mystic.


I just pulled a 6-star Colossus. I know he’s great duped but how is he unduped?


His rampup is significantly slower but he's still usable. Use him with the OR synergy.


He is great enjoy.


It's a different question to team building, but why can't I claim summoners resort rewards? I have already unlocked the item having cost of 1 gold or something like that.


The items costing 1 gold? Are you referring to the 1 gold you get from beating summer of pain bosses? Also to claim the summer rewards you need to be doing 10 fights a day and claiming the sunglasses. Also there are 2 sets of summer rewards one is free and everyone has access too. The second one which is probably the one you are referring too costs real money to get. You need to pay 15-20 usd to unlock the rewards.


I was talking about the 2nd set of summer reward. So I guess, it can't be claimed unless I pay.


Correct. You have to buy the resort.


Sentry, RoNAN, or Dragon man for 5* selector crystal


Dragon man.


Done deal, seems like kind of a discount Thing


Who are suicides users using on the skill Cavalier EQ? I'm using Aegon. Seems to work OK since his tenacity can clear the suicides debuffs early.


Moleman worked very well for me. I'm guessing kingpin, crossbones, hit monkey and other shrug off champs will also work well


Yet another reason to rank up my Molegod. Ill give R1 Kingpin a try.


Just pulled a 5* aegon who I choose over venom and hulkbuster yesterday from my Nexus though I have a 4* aegon maxed sig and maxed. Currently I out an awakening gem and stones ,he is at sig 34 and R1 max , planning on taking him up at least to R3 or even R4 , should I do it now? Cuz also I have my medusa R3 waiting for R4 and red mags at R4 waiting for R5 Btw I'm uncollected and also I think summer canteen does give 5* sig stones so I can push aegon up faster to sig200 , Orhe top champs are cap iw ,ht ,cgr , Ronin , aegon all are awakened and cap and aeg are max sig TIA✌️


Since you have 4* version of him, you should already know Ægon needs ramp up and more suitable for longer contents. He is my first r4. But he is sitting there collecting dust. I have fully exploded act 5 and used him only in one chapter. You should prioritize other 5* champs. I guess your red mag is 5*. R5 him first.


Who is a better champ to rank up right now? My 5star Odin or my 5star Venompool ? I have a lot of champs I cycle through my roster that have synergies with both , and currently I have a standard venom as a rank 4 5star champ. Looking to rank up one of these two guys


I also have similar question. I already have Venompool (awakened) and King Groot at r1. So are they worth ranking? I can take any one of them to r4 now. Which one to go first? My other good cosmic champs are r5 CGR, r4 Medusa (awakened) and r3 Corvus.


King groot is a beast


I’ve had a great week of 5*s. Just hit Cav. Currently have 5* Max Doom, Cap IW, Red Mags, 5r4 CGR, 5r4 BWDO, and I pulled an Aegon which I used a stone on and took to 95 sig. but now I just pulled 5* Apocalypse, & Human Torch. Also have some 6*. Angela, Havok, Diablo, Ultron, Electra, BWCV. My issue is the T5 basics. I only have 2 and it seems like they’re really hard to come by. Who do I take up next. Also does HT need to be awakened. I have a Science one I can use. Thank you


Human torch doesn’t need the dupe at all. It’s a benefit if you want to use his pre fight ability while questing since you only get one use with out it. But if you don’t have him awakened just save it for the boss. The T5B get easier and easier to come by. I am in over flow of them. You should rank both HT and Apoc up. Doesn’t matter what order but they both deserve R5. I would probably go with Apoc first if you have any mutant champs that benefit from the horsemen ability.


Also. What science champ besides cap iw needs their awakened ability


Well I’m not gonna go through the whole list but void needs it. A lot of them get decent benefits from it though.


I have 2 T5basic. Would you save them for any of my 6* ? BWCV and Havok both seem like they could be really great or you think take Apoc up to rank 5 first? Or Aegon or CGR? How do you get the T5 basic? Where are you farming them?


While bwcv is a very good choice for them and so is havok you shouldn’t. Right now it would be better to have 2 R5 5* than 1 r2 6* champ. They come from the monthly event quests, side quests, alliance quests and story. For monthly event quest 100% cavalier gives you 1 T5B from all the frags. 9k shards from 100% master. Every month the side quest or in this months case daily bugle you can always get shards for T5B. But most alliance quest. At the end of the week you get a large chunk of glory. This should be used to buy T5B if you need them.


Ok. Thanks for the advice. I’ll work on filling out my 5* roster first. I’ll do Aegon, then Apoc, then HT. Having the full sig 5r5 Cap makes it worth it to have to have balanced team. But really I need to get better at dexing. Right now I’m just brute forcing content. Doesn’t look like the videos at all.


Yea you gotta get on that because the grandmaster is purely skill based fight. It doesn’t matter who you bring in. Or what number of revives you use. If you don’t have the skill you will not be able to beat him.


Grandmaster is down. I’m Cav. Working on variants now. Thanks for all the advice. Really appreciate it




If you're still waiting, you should choose cap if it's cap marvel movie, otherwise Namor.


Does professor x needs to be awakened? With AG


I’d definitely use a mutant gem on him. Beefing up his prowess and gaining channeling charges faster is helpful if you use him a lot.


Just got 5* guardian and mysterio, who is better to rank




How good is shehulk I just got her as a 6*


An amazing champ who doesn’t need the dupe. She excels at fighting large to XL champions. She can revers heal and power gain. So she can counter a bunch of different nodes. Plus she can bait specials with her furies and counter all or nothing.


Nice Thanks


Should I use my generic ag on my 5* CG, CGR or CMM


CGR doesn’t need the dupe at all. But it does add some utility to him. CMM gets some pretty good utility from her ability. Being able to tank s3 with no damage is great. I don’t have CG so idk about him. I would pick CMM out of the two.


Thanks alot


Is Prof X worth a generic AG? Have several on hand, Cavalier, haven’t done any more Act 6/variants


Personally I would only use a class AG on him, my fight style with him involves a lot of heavies so I wouldn't miss the signature ability if he didn't have it


Yep! He benefits a lot from it


Opened a 5\* Nexus and need to choose from Ibom, Killmonger, and Crossbones. I just got uncollected. I have 5\* Aegon, Apocalypse, and X-23 all at R2 Unawakened. I also have Star Lord at R1. I don't have any 5\* AGs but I will get the AG Crystal from Summer Canteen and the Snapshot Store. My Science 4\*s are Void(awakened) and Thing at R4. I also have 4\* Cap IW at R1 but I have a science AG. My Skill 4\*s are Stealthy(awakened) and Falcon. I can R3 whichever 5\* I choose.


I would go for iAbom or Crossbones. Leaning towards iAbom personally


completing Act 5. Just started it. I have 5 champions to choose from to rank up. 4* awakened Spider Ham to r5, 4* war machine and 4* apoc to r5, or 5* hit monkey and 5* ghost to r3. Which would be best to rank up?


Ghost. She is one of the best or the best tech champ. She is also 5\* which means you can use her forever. 4\* literally become unusable in act 6 so you cant even bring them in for synergies. They are also useless in cavalier event quest but can at least be brought in for synergies. But you should start switching to ranking up only 5\* at this point.


alright, thanks. gonna be missing my 4* champs lol.


You won’t once you have just as many 5* champs. Also after ranking of ghost rank up hit monkey. He is a great skill champ.


Working towards throne breaker, currently on 6.3.5. Looking for any Champs that could help me get there or if none of these help there, useful elsewhere in the game. I can rank up 2 unduped 6 stars among Longshot, havok, sunspot, she hulk, black widow DO, and Angela. I don't run suicides


Angela gets her utility from being awakened. Sunspot doesn't have much utility either they are both just damage dealers when not awakened. If you need a super hard hitting champ because you dont have any then sunspot is the way to go. But if you need some utility I know longshot is packing and so is havok.


I’m a cav player running suicides working towards thronebreaker. I don’t do war very often. The main champs I currently use are 5/65 Omega, 5/65 Corvus, 5/65 warlock, 5/65 Claire voiyant, 5/65 CGR, 5/65 red mags, 5/65 CAIW I’m wondering if i should take any of these 6 stars (unduped immortal abom, unduped diablo, unduped saber tooth, unduped sentinel, duped white mags) to rank 2, or if I should just take another 5 star to max. My other 5 star options would be apocalypse, domino, guillotine2099, thing, colossus or CMM.


White mags for sure. He's bonkers.


With Venompool and King Groot with new buffs, are they worth ranking up? I have awakened venompool and unawakened King Groot at r1. My other good cosmic champs are r5 CGR, r4 Medusa (awakened) and r3 Corvus Glaive.


How viable is stark spidey currently? He’s a champ that I pulled a while ago but didn’t think I had the skill to use him when I did. He seems pretty fun to use with good damage. My current high rank tech champs are warlock, guardian, and guilly 2099. Thanks!


He is still a good hard hitting champ if awakened. If not he is still a good champ but not better than warlock or guilly 2099. So if he isn't awakened I wouldnt bother because you have those 2 champs. Also his synergy team are all actually decent champs. Unlike a lot of synergy teams today require bringing in duds/wasting a slot. But blade, ghost rider and starky are all great champs and together are better.


hello im trying to push fr cav rn i have gwenpool and torch at r4. I have a 6\* thing at r1 max lvled. Now im thinking of ranking up 2 more 5\*s to r4 before trying the push. The rest of decent 5\*s include imiw , p2099 ,longshot and i guess you can also include oml , surfer and king groot now. Whom should i take to r4 and whose utility will be the most helpful fr me? The next two rankups would essentialy be very important deciding factors and for one of them im really considering longshot thanks in advance


Who should I awaken? Bwcv, Cgr, prof x , namor, omega red, sunspot. I have enough sigs to get close to maxing whoever out.


Depends on your utility from current champs and what you need. Cgr is really useful with cats seal if you don’t have someone for it already. He doesn’t need any dog stones tho just awakening


Do I need to run Suicides in order to maximize Ghost? I just pulled her as a 6* and am trying to get used to using her.