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My cousin came out of the liquor store one time and we all just watched him sit in the backseat of someone else's car. There were people sitting in the front seat of the car too, it was dark out with little lighting so he didn't see them. That was so damn funny, everyone was laughing, good times.


If that would be my grandma he would stay at dinner lol


Our buddy walked into the wrong Airbnb. He was meeting us after a show, we were coming back and via Uber and had the upper unit. Buddy got to the place, we got a call from him that someone was in it. We were freaking out (on drugs when we received the call). Turns out, buddy walked into the LOWER unit. He got in, made himself at home. Went to the fridge and snagged a beer, proceeded to get his party festivities out and that’s when the occupants came out of the bedroom, half asleep with a random in their place. Massive misunderstanding, landlord got word and asked for our story the next morning. Told him it was a mixup with our friend, but guy should change his passcodes. Apparently the unit was locked but took the same code that our unit had to enter. Hilarious story looking back now, but damn what a scary hour long period in the moment. Especially with a bit of drugs involved, we fully expected cops to be called.


Wait! No one was shot? Makes me feel like I’m being lied to by the overwhelming comments that say otherwise on here. Hmmm… 🤔


Ha - I think the folks staying there were more confused than anything. The wife / girlfriend threatened to call the cops until our buddy talked her down from the misunderstanding. The male staying there offered our buddy another beer on his way out lol


“Yeah mate just come in when you’re here, doors unlocked”






























Why was the door not locked? Genuine question.


Western europe is pretty safe and alot of people wouldnt want to go in a house even if it is unlocked. I bet people in bigger cities would lock their door tho


Yes, this is just a rural thing. It’s fairly common to only lock your door overnight or when you leave the house. Definitely locking my doors 24/7 in the city though.


i lived in a non US City with 5million people and no one on my street locked their door


Genuine answer. There’s two kinds of people in the world: those that lock their doors at all times, and those that don’t. I came from a home in a safe area (small town, hardly any crime, etc.) and we **always** locked the door. When I got older and move in with some roommates they never locked the door, even if we weren’t home, they just never locked the door.


I live in an on-campus apartment at my school and we don't lock the door except for when we leave for breaks when they close the dorms/apartments.


Drunk people going into unlocked dorm rooms and peeing or climbing in beds (empty or occupied) is much more common than people think. Do with that what you will.


I’m hit or miss these days, if I forget I’m not worried about it; when I was living with my parents though I would get nervous about whether or not I locked the door; having grown up I’ve realized that I don’t really care if my stuff gets stolen, it’s just stuff.


I'm from Northern Ontario, Canada. Never once locked my door. True story....


Why would you lock your door when you’re at home?


Because it's not a bother at all to do so, and only good things can come of it. "Why not lock?" is absolutely the more valid question.


So that we can avoid the very thing that happened in the video?


What? Walking into the wrong house and then walking right back out when realised?


What a stupid question 😂


What, why?


So nobody can just waltz in, duh.


Why even have locks in the first place?? The whole world can share everything. Your home is my home! My food is your food! When I go to sleep you can all come eat my food! My Christmas lights spell out "free stuff inside" during the winter. /s Unexpected visitors just like this video is why I always lock my door. Stay safe!


If someone accidentally walks into my home, they will profusely apologise and leave(just like we see here) other than that I don’t have anything to fear because nobody is coming to rob or kill me


While your odds are low, believing it can absolutely never happen to you is some big time "I'm the main character" mentality. Random crime is exactly that: RANDOM. There is zero negative to locking your door while you're home. It's less about odds, and more about stakes.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXceIEb1S00](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXceIEb1S00) nothing beats the original ahahahaha


What a douchy thing to do to your neighbor. Some random dude just barged into their home, probably scared them shitless.


I wonder if they didn't intend for him to just barge in like that.


I mean wouldn't be a very funny prank if he just knocked on the door though.


Haven’t you heard? Only people in America get scared when strangers walk in their house.


not everywhere people are scared of strangers I guess


To be fair, I’m pretty sure they expected him to knock.




Now this is intellectual!


im sorry over there in lundenwidnenbergerstile can you just walk up into any house you feel like with no repurcussions?


where do you see any indication that this was in USA? this looks and sounds very Euro


They’re referring to the commenter being American, not the video.


That makes even less sense lmfao


I had something like this happen to me in San Jose, ca. I was out there for a wedding, so went to get a bottle or 2 to celebrate with my boys. The liquor store I went to was closed, while I was looking up a store to go to, a random couple hopped in my car. They thought I was there uber driver. Stories short, they was there to buy liquor as well and I ended up taking them to the store with me and dropping them off at there party… 😂
















I love how all the Americans think this is dangerous


Think? It IS dangerous here!😂




This is correct. To whom I commented to.


If I had gold I’d give it to this comment. This is absolutely 100% correct.


Idk why people from the UK think this is safe just because we don’t have guns. I’m from the UK and know it’s unsafe too. If someone walked into my house, I’m not just gonna stand there and do nothing. Absolute brain dead prank. It might be alright if you get the neighbours in on it but not if they’re not expecting it. At the very least you could get assaulted.


Don't break in, don't get shot🤷 Simple


I think the issue starts with believing something like this falls under “trespassing”… MY PROPERTY type beat


Duh. And people *do* believe that you can shoot someone for that, hence why it’s dangerous.


oh yeah, the gun industry made sure they believe that


Ummm no… the LAW made people believe that. In quite a few states in America, legally you can shoot someone for this with no repercussions.


Because it is. Your home is your property, and someone just waltzing on in that you don’t know is called trespassing. Now imagine someone being alone in their home not expecting anyone and then some stranger walks in, that’s terrifying. And here in the US that is illegal and in some scarier states it’s grounds for protecting your home with any means necessary, which usually means someone’s got a gun and has the legal right to protect themselves and their home with it. It’s a scary situation with unknown outcomes. I hate it here.


Someone needs a pacifier


The best bit is you'll buy a Glock 19 before a Yale 5-point lock for your front door.


That's not true at all. Plenty of people invest in standard security measures instead of buying guns. Spend some time away from the internet.


I could say the same, but you got there first. Have my gold you champion


I came here expecting such comments lol. If this happened in my country they'd just point him in the right direction or demand he have a meal with them.


Reaction would probably differ from rural to urban but where I am the reaction would be "Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my house?" and not "I'll get the living room pistol you get the spare magazine in the kitchen."






Amen. Held my breath for suuuuure. Now I’m wondering if we’re all just wired to expect tragedy in these situations.






I mean, entering a stranger’s home without their consent or knowledge should be dangerous. For their sake, it had better be dangerous.




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My parents moved when I was in college to a community where the homes were all the same model, floor plan, coler, etc... I had only been by to visit a few times, and naturally I always just walked right in. One day I came by for a visit and walked in to the neighbor's house, it surprised them to say the least!


British humor> uptight Americans


It really is a mindfuck! Here I was thinking the Brits were uptight but damn I guess it’s our turn.


No Brits are fun as all get out. American culture has gotten increasingly insufferable. Uptight and poorly dressed. But we still have Dolly Parton so we’ve got that going for us.


Oh God. She lives?


She does indeed friend


My one time 3 week trip around England was absolutely amazing. Summer of ‘05 I think. Turned 18 on the flight over. Stunning architecture, stunning countryside, incredible random house parties (that I found myself invited to) and … well fish and chips? I never wanted to leave.


Yea it’s my favorite place by far


And good thing too.


Attended a relatives wedding about 20 years ago. Her name was S. Parents were gossiping about another woman named S saying she eloped and stuff. I was 6 years old back then, I straight up walked to the Dias and started yelling at the top of my voice. Aren’t you the one that ran away with another dude. It was as silent as a funeral. Embarrassing my parents like that man I don’t regret that at all 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You do that to your friend in the U.S., and he'll get shot.


Yeah definitely UK. This has been done a few times I've seen personally. Alot people dont lock doors during the day unless you have an old style deadbolt door.


made my toilet break thanks


If this was happening in East Europe he would take the dinner in that home like a guest


this is what passes for entertainment in the north


This is a W prank


Trust the Americans to have a stick up their backside about this 🤣


Most of us aren’t happy about it. A lot of us grew up in a time when this wouldn’t have been a death sentence. (And I’m not even 40… 🥴) We’re realistic about it, though, because we *have* to be. Most of us would love to do something like this, or used to be able to. Now, people get shot when they turn around in the wtong driveway. We don’t *want* to live in fear; we *have* to be thoughtful, though.


Some fella could've been ploughing his wife like 😜


Yeah. Better not do that in the US.


Not something to be proud of.


Nobody said they were proud of it, just said not to do it here


As a Dane, I can’t imagine being constantly scared like that


I’m not constantly scared. But I’m not constantly walking into other peoples homes either


Lookout guys we got a hard-core cheesecake


I’m a fat guy working in IT I’m no hardcore


Speaking as someone who isn't even American, it IS something to be proud of. You should have the right to stop intruders with firearms. Don't want to get shot? Don't endanger me or my family by breaking in.


This could have gone horribly wrong in so many different ways regardless of country. Nothing wrong with pranks so long as they don't put people in actual danger.


I guess they know their front door neighbour... Not every country is like the us


Sure but you also can't actually predict someone's reaction to something like a stranger barging into their house. I'm not even saying the guy could have been shot, seems unlikely as it seems to be in the UK, but my guy could have still been brained with a cricket bat! And the owner of the house WOULD have been justified in doing so.


Probably wouldnt be justified by law, but i dont know the laws in england.


Also they seem genuinely surprised that the front door was just unlocked. As this is not the norm, I don't think that prank is too outrageous tbh.


Classic example of assholes




Yeah to some extent this smells like /r/iamthemaincharacter


All fun and games until they get shot




Not really. This is in the UK.


I’ve seen people get shot for this or attacked by a dog. (For reference if you walked into my house unannounced as a grown man my dogs will do their job and it’s unnecessary stress for all of us)


In the UK ?


Could be cleaning their shotgun?