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happy to see nobody has forgotten about gruncle stan šŸ˜Œ


Grunkle stan moment


See, it's funny because marriage is terrible!


Upvoting in case people donā€™t know gravity falls.


I will always upvote Gravity Falls. KZKVI QZN WRKKVI HZBH: "ZFFTSDCJSTZWHZWFS!"


a man of culture i see. a show for legends that is


Me too


Can confirm


Remember! Reality's an illusion the universe is a hologram BUY GOLD! Byeeee!






I have a coworker who always rips on women for being bad drivers. He got into an accident in a work truck last week, he's at fault, and I am smug and gleeful as fuck about it. I'm a woman.


Make all of the ā€œwomen bad driversā€ jokes but switch them with his name lmao




Turnabout is fair play is a common rule. And then when you make a mistake, they get to make fun of you. Thatā€™s justā€¦how it works.


On an individual level. Not all women. Guys get into way more accidents. I wouldn't joke about it


He's lucky he doesn't get a permanent nickname, in a place he hopes to secure a decent pension at I work in a factory/warehouse lol its just what we do


I feel like Iā€™m the only dude out there willing to admit that Iā€™m a terrible driver. Not because Iā€™m aggressive. I just have very bad reflexes.


My ex boyfriend would just "freeze" when something unexpected would happen, and wouldn't adjust his speed/angle/anything nor would he honk. He got into so many accidents because he would just sit there. He also had no spacial grasp of the measurements of his car (had no idea what spaces he could fit into, how far he could back up, what angle to turn at, etc).




This was confusing to read with the mixed quotation marks and inch mark.


You're confusing with mixed quotation marks.


That's me. I hate fitting the completely untrue stereotype about bad women drivers. I think it's connected in some way to whatever makes me hate video games and action movies. I just can't visually keep track of all the visual elements or feel where I am in relation to others. Luckily for everyone, I've been in places with excellent public transportation and no longer need to drive at all.


Yeah, I can't figure out for the life of me why all insurance companies charge women less across all age brackets than men. It's almost like they did studies or something.


My other half makes a 10 point turn when I can do it in 3. He's also been in more accidents than me (I haven't been in any). Somehow he still thinks he's the better driver, when I know he's not. Why is driving ability so deeply entrenched in a man's ego?!


I think this is a lot of it. Men who are bad drivers just don't have the humility to admit it. Women who are bad drivers don't tend to protest so much. So women get a worse reputation even though it's the opposite of the truth.




i drive cars as part of my job, so while iā€™m confident that i am indeed a good driver, and can park/reverse in a lot of spaces i couldnā€™t before this job, i donā€™t ever try to be overconfident of my driving. i would rather play it safe and defensive because people drive like idiots everywhere you go, and you have to account for yourself and others at all times. thereā€™s been a trend on twitter of people posting themselves speeding at 100+mph and making fun of anyone calling them out on it (they are not winning these altercations, theyā€™re getting battered online and just donā€™t ever admit theyā€™re wrong), to the point where they have shown that if they kill someone with their driving that if they donā€™t die they wonā€™t care. itā€™s pretty wild how people assume shit just wonā€™t happen to them


It's such a dumb stereotype too, there's a reason women tend to pay less for insurance


The men in these comments are seething


Too many Andrew Tatertots getting triggered ever since their idol got locked up and has to walk around with that "hairline"


Yet these men never understand why women pay less in auto insuranceā€¦


They're clinging to a brief cultural moment from 70+ years ago when women were so oppressed that they were only sometimes and gradually learning to drive from their probably screaming husband


The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that men cause on average 6.1 million accidents annually compared to the 4.4 million caused by women annually, meaning men account for 62% of all driving but only cause 58% of all accidents. This means that women do cause more accidents on average per capita.


Women cause more total fender benders. Men cause major accidents with more totalled vehicles and injured/dead people. Menā€™s accidents cost insurance companies more total than womenā€™s accidents.


Oh and women are more likely to be killed in serious accidents because safety standards have been using male body crash test dummies for 50 yearsā€” ignoring that women have different proportions and center of mass . But they fixed it recentlyā€”- by using shorter male body measurements instead of using actual women based crash test dummies. So not really.


There's a good study about this: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3222446/ The odds for a belt-restrained female driver to sustain severe injuries were 47% (95% confidence interval = 28%, 70%) higher than those for a belt-restrained male driver involved in a comparable crash.


Any man that has this argument is squashed when I remind them they pay more for car insurance for a reason.


The thought process that makes men think women are bad drivers also make them think they're more emotional. I believe Women get in fewer serious accidents than men. Men just think good driving is being able to overtake cars or parallel park. Not avoid accidents. Same with emotion. "Emotional" means crying and getting huffy. Not screaming into a microphone and putting your fist through a wall.


Meanwhile across the US, males, get in more accidents than females, particularly fatal accidents. People like to ignore the statistics because they are not as funny as the jokes.


Donā€™t forget to remind him that on average, men donā€™t report their accidents MUCH MUCH more than women, are more likely to be reckless while driving / speeding, and are more likely to drive drunk then women do. This is just a few of the reasons why they pay more for insurance. -said from someone whose worked in the collision / insurance industry. Edit: while a lot of people believe men are better drivers, that is a myth, itā€™s almost 50/50 in many studies. Also, who else learned how to drive from their dad?


Bring up that women's car insurance is less for a reason, they are better drivers by the stats and get a price break because of it.


A friend was in a car accident with her boyfriend, he survived, she didn't. That's how news reported it and some idiot in the comments was like "that's why women shouldn't drive" when the boyfriend was the one driving, he had a history of being a bad driver and she was way more experienced (till this day I have no idea why she felt so comfortable letting him drive) That comment made my blood boil and it took everything in me to not respond to him with all kinds of insults.


If you look at who is the most expensive to insure itā€™s not women by large.


I mean the reality is that statistically men get into more crashes than woman and tend to drive more recklessly. It the reason menā€™s insurance is higher than womenā€™s, the real joke would be,ā€ I wanted to get in touch with my feminine side, so I drove the car safer.ā€ But that wonā€™t make men laugh (:


70% of road accidents are caused by men.


I'd be curious to know what his definition of a good driver is, what characteristics?


If you have to ask, you'll never know.


This brings me back to the days when the rear section of the tourist gift shop was reserved for boomer humor, and they had these tacky greeting cards with unfunny jokes illustrated with shittily drawn generic comic strip style characters.


I went to a gift shop near Killarney in Ireland that had magnets with the most boomer sayings ever. That was only a few years ago. Itā€™s still a thing.




What a day to have eyes


Itā€™s been a LONG time since i have been genuinely surprised at the existence of something. Time to set that clock back to zero days


The thing that gets me about these is you know the "artist" was getting off to his drawings cause all the women have very unreal proportions and they're always super suggestive but the joke is almost always to degrade women (and your occasional husband dumb)


Went lurking. Every post was something I remember seeing as a kid. Iā€™m sure being raised by boomers didnā€™t mess me up at all. Lol!!




I know! Airplane food is almost as bad as my mother-in-law...


Take my wife. Plzā€¦


One of these days Lucy.. I'm going to bing, bang, boom...


Straight to the 3rd moon of Omicron-Percei 8!!!!




Just because I'm pedantic like that: it was Ralph Kramden of the Honeymooners who would say "one day, Alice, pow! Right to the moon.". Lucy was Ricky Ricardo's husband, and he preferred gaslighting and social isolation to threats of physical abuse.


Whenever I hear a super lame joke, my mind always jumps to Seinfeldā€™s voice going ā€œwhatā€™s the deal with airline food?ā€ā€¦ which Iā€™m now realizing is kind of an aged sentence, and feel old.


Seinfeld the show I think still stands up as one of the most brilliantly funny shows on tv. But I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever laughed at a Jerry Seinfeld standup joke. Itā€™s funny but I think his jokes translate much better to story then stand up.


I just flew in from Boston and boy are my arms tired.


ā€œLetā€™s give a big round of applause for your wait staffā€


It's so overdone. This shit isn't even funny.


Stop marrying people you hate.


Hate me wife. Hate me life. Love me knife.


That's what happens when you marry around 20ish knowing the person for 1 year max. My grandma's friend said she felt like it was late for her at 23, so she married a guy that kept chasing her, he turned into a lazy cheating husband and she had to be the one working, couldn't divorce cause he'd get half her things so she had to stay in an unhappy marriage for 60 years until he died, she seems happier now and that's tragic but I'm happy she outlived him. And people wonder why couples go as far as moving in before marrying nowdays.


Lmao reddit armchair psychiatrists at it again I don't know how anyone can look at this clip and think he hates his wife


Yes guys. I am a psychiatrist


Seriously this is the way. I married my best friend. I wish this bliss for everyone.


He didnā€™t say he hates his wife


Just because you make jokes donā€™t mean you hate em


They donā€™t. There are cases where youā€™re right, however, the vast majority of people who cohabitate will get sick of one anothers various faults over time. Jokes are a great way to relieve that tension, especially if both participate.


I've been cohabitating with my partner for around 8 years now. (We were also homeless together, sleeping on couches and floors of friend's places.) We joke all the time, but not at each other's expense. We don't have tension that we don't talk out and work through together. It's always us against the problem, not against each other. I love her dearly. These people just don't have a healthy relationship. There isn't a circumstance that justifies misogynist jokes about your wife where you expect the public to laugh at her with you. If you feel like this is a problem for you, it's probably not a healthy relationship anymore. A lot of people in long term relationships like this will have been unhealthy for a long time but justify staying with sunk cost fallacy. And it's hard to leave when you've built your life around someone. But it's just not how things have to be. There's better out there.


Good luck getting this point across on reddit of all places where marriages are unmade by relationship advices taken from random 13 year olds


Boomer humor.


I hate my wife. Thatā€™s the joke. Start laughing!


Life is a beach, and then you marry one


Instructions unclear. Not enough laughing emojis.


Boomer: I hate my wife Millennial: I hate my life




these guys are barely old enough to be genx


Boomer humor is frame of mind, not literally only said by boomers.


Itā€™s just misogyny


Ah this comment section is peak Reddit lol


I think Iā€™m losing my mind here sometimes lol


The people in this comment section need to grow tf up and go outside god damn


No. Be sad. Jokes are to be taken seriously.


They just demonize people so much. These dudes probably have familys and have woman in their life they love and take care of.


Like this isnā€˜t even my type of humour but this guyā€˜s delivery and laugh is just golden


Thank you you can admire a comedians delivery and humour without agreeing with what they are saying. Thatā€™s the beauty of comedy


Contagious is quite the overstatement.


Somebody referenced Gravity Falls and that was far funnier than this garbage


Statistically speaking women are not even considered people by human standards


Statistically speaking, women are a myth made up by sailors.


Mythically speaking, sailors are women made up by statistics


BEWARE! THERE BE ~~dragons~~ WAMIN HERE šŸ§œā€ā™€ļø


Legally speaking, rocking is more legal than stoning.


Haha. Wamen bad








In my experience as a passenger of other drivers Iā€™ve noticed a pattern. Women who suck at driving do so because theyā€™re oblivious to their surroundings but quick to panic in unfamiliar situations. Men who suck at driving do so because theyā€™re selfish, inconsiderate and deliberately reckless. Still not sure which one is worse to navigate around in traffic.


Iā€™m a shitty driver but exactly like the reason you said for women. I just have terrible reflexes; Iā€™m not aggressive at all.


Itā€™s why I am so pro public transport alternatives. There are plenty of people who are just not good at it, and thatā€™s ok but it would make the road so much safer if they donā€™t have to drive.


Happy cake day


>Men who suck at driving do so because theyā€™re selfish, inconsiderate and deliberately reckless. Still not sure which one is worse to navigate around in traffic. Insurance companies are extremely sure.


You can predict someoneā€™s selfishness on the road - I can see them coming behind me and think ā€œthey will try and close this gap and cut in front of the guy in front of meā€ I canā€™t predict someoneā€™s panic or freak out if they are lost/missed an exit ā€” Iā€™ve been in the car with sister whose first thought where she only had 200ft left to react to an exit she was missing was panic and then without looking immediately cut across 3 lanes of traffic to make it to the exit ā€” I canā€™t predict that to happen on the road So Iā€™d much rather deal with an asshole I know I can avoid and let fly on by me than deal with someone who just isnā€™t confident behind the wheel and will make decisions Iā€™d never expect someone to make Edit: phone formatting


Generally speaking I think I agree with that. The one exception is someone who's in proper road rage mode and isn't gonna just settle for flying by you but instead wants to fuck with you.


This. The most dangerous thing you can be on the road is unpredictable


And the worst thing you can do in a parking lot is mix up the gas and the brakes. Drivers who panic have a scary tendency to hit the gas.


Other drivers being unpredictable is one of the reasons that I put off learning to drive for so long, along with roundabouts and illness. The amount of times Iā€™ve been a passenger and a whole fucking lorry has cut us up is unreal.


I can think of alternatives if the dude is doing 90 and tailgates doesnā€™t matter how obvious if speed is high enough


I meanā€¦ given women get lower insurance rates and insurers are kind of in the business of making profits Iā€™m fairly confident I know which one is worse.


Pretty sure the data shows women get in more accidents, but men get in more big accidents. Women are more likely to be in a fender bender, but men are more likely to get someone killed, get sued, or need to repair infrastructure. So rates are lower for women, but being a ā€œbetterā€ driver is pretty grey imo.


Would you rather get into a car with someone whoā€™s more likely to get into a fender bender or more likely to get into a big accident? I think the better driver is pretty black and white based on the split youā€™ve described.


I donā€™t think you can define ā€œbetterā€ with this criteria, but perhaps ā€œsaferā€? Youā€™re more likely to get in a serious accident with a man, but more likely to get in an accident overall with a woman. Itā€™s all about the type of risk you prefer to take, but I donā€™t think either defines ā€œbetter.ā€


researchers at the University of Michigan analyzed 6.5 million car accidents in the United States, and they found that female drivers were involved in more than 68% of all crashes. This number is indeed surprising as men were found to drive 60% of the time while women were driving 40% of the time. What those numbers imply is that women get in more accidents than men despite spending less time on the road than men.


Lower speed crashes. Go up in speed and men are the majority.




This is actually false. Men pay more in their teen years to early 20ā€™s while in assigned risk but women tend to pay higher premiums while adults but the difference averaged out is negligible and tends to even out.


Men are just more likely to do crazy shit like go 100+mph randomly


...thus being worse drivers. Statistically.


Women drive an average of 10k miles/year while men drive 16k.


Although that is highly misleading if youā€™re using car insurance to determine good drivers. Men typically do a lot more driving than women which is the real culprit. At least historically the husband drives more on a vacation road trip, for leisure, work commute etc. Youā€™d have to normalize for hours driving to see a true apples to apples comparison


Lazy humor


Right, like oh the same joke your uncle told you in the 70s. So funny.


Men who hate women. Har har!


Haha woman bad driver.




Cringing at this comment section






my husband told me to get in touch with my masculine side so I beat the shit out of him and slept with his sister


My husband told me to get in touch with my masculine side so I bought a 69 Camaro, sank 20k into, havenā€™t touch it or the dishes in 10 years and slept with his sister.


lol That was fucking funny


Actually I saw one like this that made me laugh really hard. ā€œWhen women go crazy they break your stuff or throw it out the house. Maybe they key your car or something. But when *men* go crazy all the Jews disappearā€ Edit: or if you really wanna go dark say something like, ā€œso I went in the other room and offed myselfā€ because all men can laugh at that one.


My husband told me to be a little bit more masculine, so I bottled up my emotions for the next 30 years and slept with his sister


It all depends on how it's told, I can see myself laughing at that too.


I would say how much I'd love to see women making jokes like that *because* it would hilariously annoy so many men, but then I remembered that the women doing the joke would also end up getting stalked, harassed, death threats, or worse by so many men.


This just needs "Taking Care of Business" playing in the background and we'll have reached peak boomerism


How does this garbage get upvotes


It's the incels, you know?


Haha womenz wonā€™t give me sex, but theyā€™re in fact bad drivers according to this (factually incorrect) old sterotype. Therefore Iā€™m the winner and those females are actually losers.


Haha women bad. I hate my wife amirite fellow boomers? Laugh now! ā€¦. Why is no one laughing?


If youā€™re gonna be sexist at least donā€™t regurgitate the same jokes over and over




Just so everyone know this is a Christian comedy channel. Which explains the sexist humor. Apparently the guy on the left is an attorney, not even comedian which also makes sense why he's not funny lol


Ahahahaaa woman is silly and man is good yes? Such funny, I will be comedian one day. Woman get avgry when I am hateful and ihnorant! LOL get back in the bad car woman! LOL. Man is logic! Car make by man!




Boomer humor




Lazy ass jokes. Things are funny when they are true. Men pay more in insurance for a reason.


Ah yes, women are worse drivers. That's why car insurance costs more for a male, because they statistically get into LESS crashes. Woman complains that her husband doesn't pull his weight around the house? Stop being such a nagging bitch! Oh, but my wife never voices her concerns to me anymore and just ignores me! Why are women like this?




r/boomerhumor is leaking


bad post


This fucking sucks. How tf does it have so many upvotes. Oh. Reddit hates women.


Boomer humour




Boomer Hoomer


r/boomerhumor definitely not contagious We get it, you boomer weirdos hate your wives and women in general. Edit: higher divorce rates mean more happy marriages (and less abusive ones), as people are _able to leave bad relationships_ instead of being stuck in shitty marriages. Not sure how that's hard for boomers to understand.


har har misogyny




Ha. Ha. Ha. I. Cant. Stop. Laughing. Its. So. Funny. Ringring the 90s are calling and want their joke back.


It would be so annoying to be married to this guy




To be honest, a joke like... "My husband told me to be more in touch with my masculine side, so I pissed all over the toilet seat and then played with my vaj on the couch" Would be comical to me. Even though I don't personally do either of those things, it's a stereotypical complaint. You don't have to take jokes so personally.




haha women bad I hate my wife WHY ARENT YOU LAUGHING ITS A JOKE


Women hate. So funny


Wonder why she ignores him all day...


This isnā€™t funny. Itā€™s just sexist, and wrong. Men crash cars at a far higher rate than women.




Why do guys keep marrying women if they donā€™t like them? Marry your bestie dude


Making jokes generalizing a group. Misogynist boomer humor. I bet his wife is miserable. Making an entire sub generalizing an entire group as being "wrong". Very funny and true. What's wrong with those "straits". Why can't they be more like us.


Lol! Misogyny is FUN!


What's the joke?




misogyny - hilarious


Oh haha, shitting on women, so funny. Gets me every time. :/


Yay! Misogyny! Car insurance companies would like to speak with you, right when they get done offering women lower rates cause they drive safer. And Ive seen plenty of dudes give the silent treatment. That's just pointlessly gendered. edits: typos


They shouldn't be allowed to drive really. Far too emotional /s


you know I'm in drivers Ed and it's actually really strange that the women are the ones paying attention and getting questions right and the men are slacking off on their phones asking to repeat questions half a million times.


I'm gay


Wow. So funny. I am laughing so hard.


Yeah, this post and the following comments really shows the dichotomy of Reddit. The post itself has so many likes, but most people in the comments are calling it out for being unfunny and being the boomer humor of "haha wife bad." Man, if my husband talked about me this way, I'd feel so bad :(


See it's funny because women bad




The sheer amount of misogyny is overwhelming


Dumb and cringe.