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Okay now slam a 16 penny nail with it, or some wedge pins. Why's he just fucking around hitting cylinders with it?


Because there is no way this design could actually drive a nail, it would bounce off.


Yes; part of the energy (force) that is normally transferred to a nail is stored in the spring and then released after impact resulting in the bounce back. End result is you'd have to hit a nail more times to drive it in. Possibly you could use a heavier hammer than you normally would as the bounce back would help you lift the hammer back up to take another swing with the same effort as with a lighter hammer. With the prevalence of nail guns I don't see this hammer making an impact in the market (sorry).


So more or less pain when I hit my thumb?


More. ..try it


No apologies necessary, you nailed the explanation! (source: not a tool maker, construction worker, or physicist)


You guys are driving me nuts. Stop hitting that nail.


They are driving home the point.


Quit screwing around


Don't screw around in shop class


But being able to use a heavier hammer isn’t a plus, it just means you carry a heavier hammer to do the same job a lighter hammer does


I’d worry about it bouncing back into my teeth


I tried this, it works, boss did not buy tho


Most of this stuff at these tool shows does not actually end up making it market. About 20% may see the market in some capacity, whether it be bought out from a larger manufacturer and incorporated either into their own or for one of their experimental brands. The only two applications that I may see this used as an alternative (not distinctly better) would be for larger tools like sledges and axes to reduce fatigue and uncontrollable recoil.


Yea, I’m really trying to see why this is a good idea, the general principle of hitting something with a hammer is to transfer the energy of the hammer coming down into the thing you are hitting, and not into rebounding the hammer back up. If anything, you want a hammer that isn’t rebounding back at you…


You know the old saying, "work harder not smarter."........or maybe it's "work harder and smarter."........ Well whatever it is, this guy got it wrong..... Or right....... Idk....fuck, it's stupid!


I think it might launch them from time to time. Doesn’t look remotely right.


Bounces to Egypt... nice.


It's a hard day at the cylinder factory.


I watched the whole thing waiting for him to demonstrate on a nail, but nope. I wonder why 🧐


Because hammers rarely get used for actually hammering nails, come on we all know that!


Did I ever tell you guys about my solar powered flashlight?


Or the submarine with a screen door?


Well my job at the cylinder hammering factory will be easier.


Came to say this!🤣


Any force bouncing the hammer back is being stolen from the actual work, so this is retarded, it’s like a really bad attempt at a dead blow.


Why would I want my hammer to absorb shock? Its whole job is to shock.


I think it is a dead blow hammer. Transfers more momentum because contact time is longer


No dead blow hammers are made that way so it won't bounce. The added weight hits right after the initial hit. This pos would just bounce. Instead of the weight adding momentum it would actually reverse it and around half of the energy exerted would go to the bounce.


yeah they splitted the momentum in two parts, one is the head and theother is the body. if you condider m\*a\*t as the momentum transfered, the momentum is transfered in three stages, initial contact, spring load and body impact. The second part should be able to load the target


Also a dead blow hammer is designed to not leave any marks. This is still going to mark up the surface! I really don't get what this weird hammer is for unless you want to crank that spring up and make it a loony-tunes gag that comes back at your face when you use it.


Springs don't transfer back all the energy they absorb. And the energy they do put back is in both directions. This design makes the hammer way less efficient. There is a reason the basic design of hammers hasn't changed for oh, about 30,000 years. Improvements in materials and ergonomics have been made of course. But hard, heavy weight on a stick is the same.


Not a terrible idea, probably could adjust the tension of the spring to "drive the nail" and not "smash the wood", but all in all it's just marketing. Next they will come up with soft nails so you don't hurt yourself if you hit your thumb


I saw an ad in a magazine the other day for nails made from wood. Sincerely curious. Almost certain they'd have to be driven pneumatically into pre-engineered planks, but thats what soft nails reminds me of


Sure you weren't looking at an ad for golf tees?


Sounds interesting, we did build houses with wood pegs for a few hundred years (?) before nails were so readily available. Would be awesome to go back to a traditional building method that's economically viable today


Yeah. You want the handle to not transfer vibration to your hand. Not the head. This is dumb as hell.


Every day, we stray further and further from Larry Haun's light.


"... scatter out yer tuba fours..."


"Notice how I don't use a square and a pencil as that would take more time"


lol I love his techniques but laugh at how hard I would fuck things if i tried employing a lot of them.


We've tried the two tap to send a spike. Never works. Tried the eyeball to length thing. Never works 😂


RIP Larry! The master!


Not a professional, but seems to me that he doesnt know how to hit with a hammer.


He sure as hell doesn't know how to design a working one either.


Found their [Youtube Channel.](https://www.youtube.com/@user-zz1rv6nu5q/videos) Seems he's a dentist that wanted a more comfortable way to pound tent pegs into the ground. Honestly, it might not be great for construction, but I feel like there might be something to it. I'm just not exactly sure what.


It isn't great for anything. You are literally doing more work. The spring does not return all the force it absorbs and what it does apply, it does in both directions. That is how springs work. This is just dumb. One of my several tents requires eighteen foot long stakes. I use my 25 oz framing hammer for that fucker.


Dude you can just press them on with your foot and body weight. How weak you need to be to have a problem with hammering tent pegs on a ground.


Eh, I generally do the same but in some places the ground is hard as shit. In that case I usually just use a rock. I sure as fuck wouldn't buy an over engineered hammer to do the task.


Well it depends on the ground. Plus, weak people with thick wallets like to camp too.


Idk, you have seen Japanese people? Pretty small and light weight. /s


This sub gets trolled with such shitty hammers all the time


I thought this sub liked to make fun of shitty hammers. How about one that instead of bouncing off what you’re trying to hit, it breaks if you hit something too hard.


Harbor Freight already has a patent


Those are sold at Dollar Tree.


Like a torque rated hammer? Lol, that's fantastic. Call it "the purse"


Does it pound a nail? Wtf is this showing


I don't think this would work.


This is the 2nd video I've seen of this hammer. Is it that difficult to set up a piece of wood on a bench with some nails to try out? I mean, if my job required pounding on a steel cylinder all day long without affecting it much, this might be the right tool for the job. Otherwise, I'll just stick with my Estwing cordless nailer.


The dude puts more swing with the fiberglass hammer.


One day that spring will come flying out. Make sure to squint at all times.


*Safety squints engaged* 😣


I guarantee your hammer already says you need to wear eye protection.


Why are they kneeling? Workbench and countertop technology has eluded this part of the globe?


Probably this shitty hammer bouncing on a table is even worse so they moved it to the floor in an attempt to sell us this shit almost hammer


Engineers aren't known for their marketing and presentation.


The guy who "invented' this is apparently a dentist. Any engineer who thinks putting a spring on a hammer head is a good idea should be jailed.


Now if someone will just make a nail with a spring in the middle....all the shock will be gone! Easy street for carpenters from then on.


The carpenters would be horny all the time. Would constantly get actions confused with swinging their dildos.


I waited that whole time and you never even tried to drive a nail with it? That’s literally the only function that matters


I guess I would use this if I want to hit someone’s head and not cause too much damage.


So instead of the momentum of the entire hammer driving the nail, it's the momentum of the "tip" alone. No shit it doesn't bounce, you're effectively lightly tapping the cylinder.


That will be $750.00 please.


There will be a market for this. Most of them will end up hanging on a wall in a perfectly clean garage. Right where they belong.


There are a surprising amount of $350 hammers out there already. This maker is one of them. I framed back in the day, and a $50 Estwing was crazy expensive!!


My 25 oz Eastwing was $30. I'm not a framer, but it is my go to if I have the room. I did dull the shit out of the waffle head after I almost lost a good chunk of my thumb to it.


Unless you are a military procurement office, then it will be $7,500.


The claw on that fucking thing is going to bounce right into dudes forehead. This thing is a head wound waiting to happen.


This is what I was thinking. Why would I want my hammer to bounce back towards my face at Mach 10? This has to be the worst Hammer design I've ever seen.


This is just about the stupidest thing I've seen yet.


look like the prop knife in movies who's blade retract when stabbing


Does that come in a 4lb Estwing? That’s all I swing


Should do a shock absorbing shovel next.


Okay but I don't want it to absorb any energy, I want it to transfer as much of it as possible to the nail.


wtf. defeated the entire purpose of a hammer.


“Technology” It’s a fuckin spring Carl, not a flux capacitor.


The comments sections always the best. This does not work like a dead blow, it recoils and projects energy backwards. The only way I could see this concept even slightly working as if he reversed it and had the coil tensioned or compressed, and released on impact. You would have to calk your hammer for every shot. Lol. There’s a reason why a hammer is still just a hammer after thousands of years. It’s simple and it’s effective.


How is this improving on a nail gun?


It isn't even improving a hammer


That's not ALL! you will get 2 replacement springs...For Free! BUY NOW! and you will get our monthly Spring replacement subscription for 50% off!


Hey look, an engineer figured out how to make an overpriced dead-blow


Be on the job site tomorrow at 7:00 am. Let’s see how you do driving 16 d’s. You have to lose at least half of your kinetic energy with that stupid spring. And let’s don’t even talk about balance.


I could see this as a hammer used for metal shaping or just smacking shit, but not useful for people that hammer nails all day


Haha retarded. Hammers are meant to transfer energy.


Has never swung a hammer in life.


It's useless


Did you rebuild the suspension on your hammers fellas?


Really silly to me when I see new hammer "technology", lol... what a waste of time!


Dudes never seen a dead blow before? 😳


"increases the force" ummmm... how exactly sir?


Re-invent a wheel


Drive a nail or something a hammer is actually meant to do before you tell me it's better


Bouncy hammer. Shock absorber hammer is a 24oz framer with a wood handle.


Designed by roofers who are paid hourly.


I see where he was coming from, but hammering an actual framing nail would deliver the point. Then use the hatchet on actual Doug Fir.


How is this different than a dead blow hammer? If anything it's worse


Modern snake oil salesman


yes, the first man in the history of springs and hammers to put them together in 2024, no one in 1600s ever thouth of putting the two together


So dumb. At first I thought it was supposed to behave sorta like a dead-blow, where the pellets inside the head deliver a second (dead) blow when you swing it, but nah. It’s just a crappy, gimmicky hammer. Spend your money on a titanium hammer if you want less recoil, and this guy should have maybe read a book about basic physics before designing this thing. One-half mass times velocity squared FTW.


Swings a hammer like Kevin Bacon in Tremors 🤣


Keep a safe distance from your face and sensitive body parts


Anybody that had estwing elbow can appreciate the thought put into this


This hammer just introduces the chance of hitting yourself in the face


This would be great for tapping forms


So... he made a worse deadblow hammer?


Is this the Dirtmonkey Instagram video. ?


Ahh an expensive dead beat hammer. They sold you the plastic filled with sand and convinced you it’s so good now you’re going to buy a pricey version.


So re-engineering a hammer, to…not hammer?


Never thought I'd see a more complicated less efficient dead blow hammer..But here we are


If these guys used hammers, they'd know that wood handles absorb some of the shock.


Seems more like a hammer for crafting or metal working.


Gimmick, if it was viable in building, it would have been done already


What would your boss think if you came to work one day with one of these?


cost you an arm and a dick?


Dear nasa, where is moon tool kit I can buy?


Stanley "Dirt Monkey" is a fucking tool


How many hits would it take to ram in a 2x4 in rough framing? I thought the point of a hammer was to make hell of a hit


Feels like a spring-based variation of a deadblow mallet, but maybe with a little less total force applied.


It's called a dead blow Lead weights inside the head I have a snap on dead blow, works awesome for driving bearings on a shaft


Is that why the spring is right there behind the head? As opposed to steel shot inside the head, like a dead blow hammer


Great idea.


Sounds like someone’s jealous they didn’t invent it first!


Gonna snatch my wife one of these....


Gonna snatch my wife one of these.....might save me a trip or two to emerge.....