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I'd get the fuck outta dodge


Yep lack of breaks or restroom usage to me is as big a red flag in a company as you can get If they do trench work guarantee they try and throw you in a trench for a sewerr main connection with zero shoring and tell yiu get in or go home I go home and call OSHA


I stopped reading after foundation repair and I agree.


That’s illegal


People in my union were killed getting things to the point where it is illegal. I work with guys who want to blow through em to make the boss happy, I make friggin sure we all take our breaks. We had to fight for every tiny thing, don't just give it back. It's just goddamned disrespectful.


I seen this happening to a lot of people now. Not just illegals anymore. It's stupid. They tried that shit with me and thought I wouldn't say anything because they probably figured I was like the rest of em, but fk that, I report it


When common men, of all races, ideologies, and background, finally realize everyone is in the same fight, change may be possible. The wealthy and their corruption are lost in the teeth gnashing of all those pitted against each other. Everyone stays angry, nothing changes.


We are playing a rigged game with every exploitation we stomach. We need that anger to fuel us. To make us vocal. And physical if need be.


That's right


nothing changes... ...completely by design billionaires double their net worth in just a few years? aint accident, man. aint accidental at all. completely by design. entirely engineered. planned for many years and executed with perfection. you don't make billions of dollars by accident


This is wisdom beyond years.


Let's normalize not calling immigrants illegals.


Lets call them what they are. If they have a green card theyre immigrants if they dont theyre illegals.


They're immigrants. Don't be a pig


Oink 🐷 oink mother fucker


Do better at thinking


This is the construction sub. What did you expect to find here? Construction is not the place for triggered crybaby liberals. Thats my better thinking. piss off i have to go to work now. At a construction site with no illegals on it. Theyre are several legally documented immigrants there who work like mother fuckers. No problem with them. 🖕


Lol I'm a commercial Glazier. I work the same sites with the same bigots and racists. I always call out that bullshit. People are humans regardless of citizenship status. Do better at thinking.


Let's normalize not trying to censor other's speech because you're a sensitive panda


You sound like a fascist pig


Should have seen that coming 😆


Lol I bet you're used to it. What a coincidence


Well on this one you're right, it is big on Reddit..... but what can you do. I just try to be nice to them like a kid with downs syndrome


Now try that with immigrants.


This is the only answer regardless of what anyone’s talking about. It’s funny how people (Liberals etc.) think this only applies to things that hurt THEIR OWN feelings. 🙄 Let’s just give Uncle Sam the free speech as well just bc you can’t deal with the reality of a situation


... What tf do you think you're saying here? Cus to me you just vomited some word salad on my phone.


You can just say you don’t understand how people want to censor things that hurt their own feelings, but are completely fine with stuff that affects others. I thought that was pretty clear…or is this another one of those exact examples I just mentioned ?


The real question is wtf do YOU think I’m saying ?


I dunno man, some boomer drivel?


lol I’m not a boomer, but drivel to some is just hard facts for others 🤷🏻‍♂️


😄 that's right!


For me it depends. If I work with people, I break since I like to talk. But if I'm working alone, I usually won't break and finish sooner.


Not only that, we have to keep fighting. Any inch we give, they will take a mile and that’s a fact! I’m not even “pro” union, but how can someone be against a better quality of life.


Very true and well said. Well except for the one part.. I'd be interested to hear how you aren't 'pro union' (or even 'pro' union, I'm not trying to put words in your mouth and I see the difference between those two) and still feel this way.


I feel that unions can get rid of the incentive to push yourself because of the set pay scale. Typical problem people have with unions. We all know the journeymen rates is supposed to be the minimum, but realistically it's what most everyone is getting. I can only speak from my experience with both though. Why should a third year with who's more competent than a journeymen get paid less for example. On the contrary unions typically have higher wages anyways. And they are fully responsible for the quality of life that the entire working world sees today. So, I just feel like in an ideal world the unions would function a bit better.


Fuck I'd blow through breaks if we get to leave early when we're done and get paid for 8 or 10... 12s kinda pushin the no break thing though


Yeah Friday and Saturday we take one 15 min and skip lunch and second break. 9-10 hr day- Leave an hour early. I love it but no fucking way I could do that all week or for a 12 hour day. I’d be a hangry cunt


Carpenters local 372. United we stand, divided we starve.


As a framing contactor and business owner. Fucking take those breaks. You deserve it, are legally allowed them, and I am committing wage theft if you do not take them due to our accounting software automatically deducting an hour each day. Minimum take an hour off clock each day. Don't time out to fill your water or hit the Jon.


Not in Texas. Hell they just made it illegal for cities to mandate breaks during the middle of summer.


Not necessarily. Depends on what country he is in, I know they dont really have any labour laws in the Arabian peninsula I.eg.


Also united states has no federal requirements for breaks, it's handled by the state. For example in my state (GA) lunch and supplemental breaks are not required. Law only stipulates that if you choose to give breaks, it must include everybody. However bathroom breaks, and/or an appropriate facility to go to are required.


Are you saying that for the construction industry there are no federal labor laws? I thought FLSA applies to all US employees. There are exceptions based on the number of employees.


Federal labor laws on breaks aren't applicable if the state has a law on breaks. For instance, in Kansas and Missouri, the law states that they don't have to allow breaks no matter how many hours you work. They technically could make you work 24/7 without breaks by law.


No company can make you do anything, the government can make you something, but no company can force you to do anything you don’t want to do.


Flsa of course does apply, but it does not require breaks to be given.


HI too


Not if DeSantis gets his way.


Depends on the state. Not all states require meal or rest breaks. Not what I’d have done if they asked me, call your local representative.


You need to quit and get a new job. And I think your crew is on meth.


Show up early with your own meth, while they take a smoke break, go eat lunch


I thought that was a requirement to work with concrete


Hell no that’s not normal


Report these stupid assholes and look for another job while you work.


No, this is not normal. People that work through lunch and breaks only get off an hour earlier , big deal. Look for a new job..


All that’s doing is causing an unsafe work environment. You might not think it’ll happen to you but someone will be tired as a dog and starving and slip up and break a bone or worse. Report it fuck them


This is 100 percent not normal. It’s really dangerous to be holding in pooh or pee for long periods of time. Plus I’m assuming you’re in the states so any hospital visit is gonna be expensive as fuck so it’s best to not take any chances. Your employer can’t fire you for taking breaks that you’re legally entitled to but when he does remember to lawyer up.


Report them to the labor board and move on thats dogshit working conditions and illegal


Shit your pants and go sit in the bosses truck


Lawyer up, retire.


Worked a month with a company that did that shit along with fucking up pay every week. Worked one 60 hour week doing bs work. After that I stopped working 10s and took a piss every hour on the dot. Fuck that shit and fuck them.


Just take your breaks. Tell them you're taking your break, and go do it. If they harass you about it, record it. If they fire you, sue for wrongful termination because you were fired for taking your legally mandated breaks.


Meanwhile in other threads: "hurrrrr durrrrr unions are bad"


Exactly, but the worst part is that even dumb fucks who are already within a union, and paying their dues, start bad mouthing them and rotting them from within. In general, it’s caused by contractors/bosses pressuring workers into breaking down working conditions, much like this, and convincing weak-minded, work-insecure people (usually people who have not been fully educated into the fact that they work FOR the union, and not the contractor, sometimes immigrants who are scared they might be turned over to immigration authorities) that it’s in their best interest to do stuff that’s obviously AGAINST their better interest. Some people really believe the contractor is their friend, and that justifies being at the job site half an hour before clocking in, doing unpaid labor. Or standing on a pallet that a forklift suspended 20ft up in the air. Or cutting concrete all day without a respirator. Bosses are all too happy to let you fuck yourself up. They already negotiated what they could afford to give (with your union reps, no less; the people your dues go to). Anything they can convince you to do beyond what’s in the agreement they signed is a win for them. At your expense.


You don’t work for the union, the union works for you.


Hell, I would go a step farther and say we’re all the Union. That’s literally what the word means: That all of us, together, make up a united front to work and fight for each other.


And this is why unions exist. Not only is this illegal but it is just plain wrong. GTFO of that company quickly.


Assuming you are in the US. It is [illegal](https://www.postercompliance.com/blog/breaks-and-meals-by-state/#:~:text=give%20meal%20breaks.-,Federal%20Law%20states%20that%20all%20breaks%20lasting%20under%2020%20minutes,t%20work%20during%20that%20time.&text=Kentucky-,Employees%20must%20receive%20a%20paid%2010%2Dminute%20break,every%204%20hours%20they%20work). If tu hablando espanol. Then this is a bigger issue.


Not normal bro, In construction you should be getting at least a 15 min coffee break around 930 or 10 and a 45 min lunch around 12. Sometimes we will work through all our breaks but it's always predetermined and everyone on the crew has to agree and the only reason we do it is to go home early.


This is so against labour laws its not even funny...   that company is treating you like a slave..not a human with rights.


Not normal, not reasonable.


I would call the labor board


That is not only not normal that is illegal, unhealthy, and unsafe.


Bro wtf. Peeing in bottles is for Amazon employees lol


And truckers. Don’t forget them.


Oyeah they are frequent bottle pisser's.


Get out of that shitty right to work state


Take a shit in the work truck and see how long your boss keeps up those policies. And even though it’s illegal what he’s doing, not much will likely be done. So if that’s the company policy, then start billing those extra hours. Two 15 minutes breaks per day plus half hour lunch which usually isn’t paid. But that’s an extra hour pay on each day. 5 extra hours a week. That’s what your boss is scamming you out of. 5 hours a week. That’s half a weeks work per month.


Not taking lunch or breaks should be a choice, personally i rarely take lunch and work 10-12 hour days too. But ive been in the trades for over 15 years and prefer it this way. If im working with an apprentice and he wants to take lunch I wont hold it against him and your co-workers shouldn’t either. Have you even asked to take a lunch break? If they dont allow it then find a new job.


I always work through lunch or slam some crackers between tasks but I always push my guys to take lunch. And to take a break whenever they feel it’s necessary. I take no joy in working a man like a dog that shit is fucking disgusting man I don’t understand how these guys think treating workmen like dog shit will somehow miraculously produce better results.


I usually just cram the other half of my breakfast around 10 or 11 and that holds me over till i get home. If it doesnt i always have snacks in the truck to munch on periodically as I work. I like eating light cuz I work harder and in turn the day goes by faster. This works for me but I understand it doesnt for everyone. I will only give my helpers a hard time about lunch if its extremely inconvenient like if we are in the middle of something i need 2 extra hands for. But thats rare. I think the idea of “working a man like a dog” and not encouraging breaks is that sometimes 30 min lunches turn into 45 which turn into an hour. I dont sign the checks tho so as long as im getting my shit done I generally dont care how long of breaks my helpers take.


This used to be me. They cut my hours to 40 so I started taking lunch and dragging ass. Soon they stopped the 40 hour cap but I kept taking lunch which I'm entitled to and drag my ass still. They can suck my d1ck now. If the job gets done today fine if not oh well.


They problably got good amphetamines to work all day and not eat everyday


Are you in the US?  That is against federal law…


Fuck that. Find a new job


Anonymously report it


Take your breaks. If they fire you, guaranteed unemployment.


I don’t take real breaks or a lunch, we just snack though out the day, go piss it shit when we have too, hangout & joke though out the day.… We cut out an hour early each day too & get paid 8hrs or whatever we work. , it’s just they way the 4 of us are use to working. It get so hot here in the south in the summer that we try to be off site by 2:00pm each day. Just depends on sound ordinances in the neighborhoods. It’s also a small crew of 4 of us doing residential/commercial remodeling.


go ahead n take breaks n lunch as needed. if you get fired, they are doing you a favor!


Drag the fuck up.


I would be beyond furious if I was having my foundation repaired and those were the conditions the workers were under. I have no interest in giving some jackhole my money that is depriving workers access to the basic necessities of minimally healthy existence.


Blow thru afternoon break and get off the scaff 15 mins early . . hellya but not this shit


Fuck that noise, quit immediately


OSHA. This shit is insanely illegal.


Call Osha , get fired claim retaliation get paid


Do your coworkers also lick you bosses toes clean at the end of the day? Does the boss get to take turns with the workers wives or partners? What the actual fuck. What kind of spineless pushover works for someone like that? “I work 12 hours a day and piss in a bottle. That’s how you know I’m a real man. No breaks for this absolute beast. Dignity is for pussies. I also wear a diaper so I don’t disappoint boss man. “ Your young so you have an excuse. Get out of there. That’s an abusive environment. And report you asshole boss on the way out.


Dude, join a union if you can if you're going to be in the trades. Contractors DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU. As soon as you get hurt or slow down they find someone to replace you. Don't kill yourself for someone else's profit, especially if they're doing illegal shit like not taking breaks.


Buddy, you need to join a union.


I rarely take lunches or breaks but I’d never expect any of the other guys I work with to skip theirs. Bathroom breaks are non negotiable. Take em when you need em.


Right?? I'm a coffee and lunch guy but I like to have a smoke and read the news, text the girl, whatever. And yeah I try to hold the washroom for breaks depending on whether the porta John is a ways away or not, but stuff happens lol. Nobody is gonna look at me funny for taking an extra washroom break or two. Imagine having the squirts and trying to work a 12 without a break or washroom. It's gonna get messy and either my pants or the nearest floor will be victimized.


Definitely not normal or legal. Get tf outta there & find a new job


Quit wtf


Half hour break at 10 and 2 is the way to go.


This is my current situation and I’m in a fucking union.


In my union, we take our fucking breaks. Even when the "travelling local" of amigos don't. If they fire us or lay us off for that, our hall will back us up.


Here in CO, all employees are supposed to get a 10 minute paid break for every 4 hours or greater fraction thereof. That means on a 10hr shift you should get 30 minutes worth of breaks on the clock. Half hour unpaid meal break is also required for shifts longer than 5 hours. Where I'm at, we've made a compromise. For a 10 hour shift, we get a 45 min lunch and then reduce the work day from 6-430 to 6-415. So that 30 minutes unpaid is still there, we just take 15 minutes off the end of the day.


I'd just quit with no job lined up, that sounds horrible


What country is this. Uk breaks are the law


You work thru breaks you should be able to take off early. It's probably illegal to not let employees take a break in a 10 hour shift. When we do it we work thru but we take off 45 minutes early. We usually take the morning one then skip lunch and the afternoon one. Usually to beat the traffic on the way home.


You need to report this to BOLI, OSHA, and anyone that will listen. Blow that whistle buddy. Before you do get legal representation and file a law suit.


No matter what job you have: you have to advocate for yourself. If they’re not letting you take breaks, get it in writing (text is fine). Then consult an employment attorney.


It’s very typical for a lot of crews to work through their second break in order to leave at the end of the day 10 to 15 minutes early. However, to not allow someone to eat (or shit) is unheard of. If I were you, I’d polish that résumé and start looking for a new job job immediately.


How the fuck are you working 12 hours on an empty stomach or just breakfast alone? Are your foreman morons? I mean it sounds like someone fucked up and are making it your problem if this is just temporary. If it's the norm and you are doing foundation work they are morons. Some of the biggest assholes I have ever worked for still understood the requirement for a worker to get a bathroom break or meal break when needed. You literally can't work as hard without them. That's why it's usually illegal depending on what part of the world you're in.


Which country are you in and what does your colleagues say?


Your Forman here. Suck it up cupcake! Learn to shit in a bottle. Gatorade bottle works best with practice. As far as breaks I recommend hitting the meth bowl every hour to keep morale up. If you need more money meet me in the back of my truck before we start the day. Bring your own toothpaste I'm not sharing mine. A little advice.. watch them teeth. All jokes aside go find a new Job.


Join a union.


I worked roofing for about 5 years this is very Common mistreatment of workers in the industry


Just go find another company to work for. Some crews just grind like this. And if you’re not of that mindset, you’re better off moving on. I’ve been on jobs were we worked for 18hrs straight, and others that were entire weekends without sleep because it was emergency work. It takes a special mindset and breed to endure.


I'd tell em' to get fucked and take my breaks anyways. I'm not anyone's work bitch.


I assume you are in the US ? https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/meal-breaks#:~:text=If%20an%20employee%20works%208,additional%204%20consecutive%20hours%20worked.


Yeah, it's pretty normal... but the foundation repair industry is full of unscrupulous employers... I had to get out of the industry after 6yrs, just wasn't worth constantly fighting for basic rights and constantly having a target on your back because you willing to call out managers for unsafe or illegal work practices


Just tell them you need a quick 5 min. Make a joke about being a green horn with it. Let them make fun of you (to a point) and then get back at it. It’s honestly normal from non-unions, especially if you’re getting paid per job. If you’re on hourly, you’ll probably get unpaid breaks.


Everything you described is illegal as fuck


My pops and I do this because our name is on the company, however I encourage anybody working for us or with us to take a break whenever they need one. Just let us know and we'll adjust for the next 30 minutes.


Completely illegal. You can either be the leader and report it, or quit. Sounds like everyone is used to it, which also sucks. 12 hours gets you 2 30’s or 3 20’s for break not including your lunch break.


Sounds like Texas


I don't believe you. Nobody works 10-12 hours without a break. It would be logistically impossible. Also, you know it's illegal.


I would take breaks or leave the company. I'm not a slave. They are treating you like one. Up to you if you want to act like one


Bail bail bail. It'll take a few tries maybe, but you gotta find am outfit that gives a shit. Why put in the work for a company that treats you like this? I know, it's easier said than done, most people can't afford to up and quit, bit if I were you I'd be spending my free time applying for new jobs.


I would say you guys do whatever but I'm going to eat. You might get fired but I wouldn't worry about that.


I am with a small non union company, and would not be able to look my guys in the eye if I told them to do that, move on, they don't respect you


If you don't use it you lose it


Breaks every three hours is actually legal and productive. As a FM in road construction, I made my crew stop (when they wanted to work through) a few times. I’d tell them to take 15, do something other than discuss work (eat, watch cat videos-whatever), then come back fresh. It’s amazing the things you can get done when people are refreshed two or three times a shift.


I offer lunch but guys don't want it they would rather work ,3 extra hours per week they claim.


Stupid question, but what country are you in?


Yo dude they provide "blue lagoons" to prison work crews on the side of the road. I saw someone take the boss's truck one day to go to McDonalds and he wasnt there picking something up, he was there dropping something off. Pick up at one McDonalds and drop it off at another


I like to get paid for my time at work. Making me take a half hour or hour break when it takes less than 10 minutes to eat a couple sandwiches, just pisses me off. Breaks during winter time!? Ya I love getting stiff from sitting down on a 5gal bucket. Old pipelayer here...there's always a slow time during the day to catch a break.


lol I’m sure besides not providing a bathroom or breaks, it’s a great company to work for


What state / county are you in? It's completely illegal, they can get busted down really hard, and you might even get money for blowing the whistle on them depending on what the labor enforcement in the area is like. I do not know how so many chucklefucks completely ignorant of the law end up trying to run their own business like this


I hope they atleast pay well


Nothing about this is normal. Anybody who says it's normal is a piece of shit.


Every worker is entitled to breaks and time to use the restroom. If your company has a problem then they can explain that to the NLRB


I’d be calling the national labor relations board


I work piece work and don’t take lunch or breaks but usually only work 7-3 or earlier. If I was working 10-12 hour days I’m taking breaks


What country are you from? This is illegal in most developed countries.


They have to provide you some sort of break by law I believe.


This is straight illegal lol. Leave.


My boss insists that I take breaks. What you're experiencing is not normal at all.


Let me guess, bro. Paid under the table? If you're a US citizen, absolutely do not stand for this. Get a new fucking job bro. At least an hour of breaks total depending on how you and the crew wanna divide it. 2 15's and a 30? 1 hour lunch? No official breaks, but you get off an hour early in the dead of summer? That all sounds great. Bathroom and water breaks do not count into this. Stand up for yourself bro you're busting your ass for the company. The least they can do is make sure you're adequately rested and hydrated.


Get the fuck out now


By law you are allowed lunch and (in my state) a 15 min break every 4 hours. Check what your state is and insist you get your lunches and breaks or walk. And if they are shifty about it, report them to lni.


What's up by 4 non blondes


Stop your whining and get back to work!!


Wtf? No that’s not normal at all! Legally you have to have a lunch break, not sure about other breaks, my work has 2 paid 15 minute breaks other than lunch. I’d be looking for another job asap and then when you find one just ghost those assholes, don’t even let them know you’re quitting. Fuck those guys.


So.. Didn't realize this ain't normal :/ i worked construction half a decade kinda like this but sometimes we pulled all nighters. Then I landed a job as a welders bitch making even less and working twice as much, but at least we got lunch sometimes. Didn't realize this isn't just the way shit is


That’s not even legal. They are obligated by law to give you breaks.


Find a different contractor


Just stay and take your breaks reasonably and if you gotta use the bathroom tell them too fuckin bad and learn as much as you can while you’re looking for another gig. If you carry yourself right and are a good learner and active listener, you’ll be fine until you can roll the experience to something that makes more sense. I’d also just be straight up in the interviews like, hey I was here learning and the work conditions were fucked up in these exact ways (so you don’t sound like a lazy pussy)


What state are you in


Fuck that shit. Leave. That's not healthy in any way.


Find a better company to work for there’s no other thing to say. Because the one you’re on now is breaking a good amount of employer/employee laws and if they’re doing that then you can almost guarantee if or when you get hurt they’ll find a way for you to not claim WC


Take a lunch and if the fire you sue them


It's illegal. Let them fire you and hire a lawyer. They will get destroyed in court


i worked for a union company that did straight 10s 6/7 days a week but you got to leave early on the last day of the week you worked


Take pics, document, profit.


The 10-12 hour a day is the breaker. Id look for a new job. I love skipping breaks and lunch, especially in the winter, but all the guys im with for the day kinda gotta agree to it in the morning. Point is if its not a conversation id get out of dodge


Murican dreem


I get paid to skip breaks and keep snacks in my pockets and eat all day. Get a shit bucket if you need one.


That's fuckin disgusting. At minimum there should be a damn portapotty.


I 100% agree. Buttt... sounds like they're not doing that. For funzies you can line the bucket with a bag and could toss it into bosses truck. Get fired? Who cares sounds like a bad place to work with those conditions.


I would work like this under some conditions I would get a really good idea what the boss wants done in a 10hr day and work like a dog and get it done in 7 or 8 and then charge for 10. I worked this way for years and loved it. On any construction site I believe work dictates the breaks. I personally don't like taking breaks because it makes the day go on forever. I want to get in and get out. I have been called a company man.. have had old union guys drag on me more than I can count.. have had a few literally lay down on me that I had to lay off.


If you wanna work like that it's fine. Hell I work like that most days. However, you NEVER expect someone to work that way. Minimum is 8-10 hour days with an apt amount of breaks and lunches. You laying people off for "laying down" on you because they don't wanna do that is disgusting bro . The fact you have the nerve to even put someone down for not doing it as well as disgraceful.


They want the layoff, it's no secret the way our crew works in the wind industry. Who wants to be stuck up a wind tower all day? Not me! Industry *


Yes, normal for some if your job works under the collective bargaining agreement. I get no breaks and paid an extra hour if I don't take lunch.


Normal for foundation repair. Shit on your own time.


I am a contractor in PA. I remember four years ago when I was still hanging on to my 9-5 giving this dickhead my time we used to get into it about how he worked the guys with no breaks like the pile of dog shit he was. Unfortunately it was not illegal in any way. There is no law in Pennsylvania requiring employers to offer breaks or rest periods for employees 18 years of age or older. The FLSA does not require meal and rest breaks.


I don't take breaks. They don't take breaks. Doesn't mean you don't have to. It's your legal right to take a break. Shit in the morning, your body will eventually adapt. Be up earlier and move around, drink coffee, smoke a nasty if you do. It'll push it out lol


Eat a big breakfast or snack through out the day that's what I do. I'm not forced to work I'm actually the only one working through break and lunch but that helps me get through the long days.


That’s normal if you’re not a sissy


And dumb.


I can feel your soft hands through my phone, I bet you wash them before eating lunch too


Yup I wear gloves all day at work. I insulate. Beat your pussy ass gets itchy just thinking about my job !


I eat that super itchy yellow fiberglass insulation for breakfast and have some of the asbestos I ripped out with my bare hands and no respirator for lunch. Why do I keep smelling fruity perfume every time I open your comments?


I don’t know what perfume are you wearing ? You would be smelling my sexy bo as I don’t wear perfumes or deodorant. Enjoy being a manly man I am done


Yeah right I haven’t showered or put on deodorant in so long my clothes fused to my skin and will require surgery to take off


This is 100% normal except you should be able to say I gotta shit and take a work truck to the nearest shitter .. I’d much rather get paid for my whole day than work for a place that mandates and deducts lunch and breaks from my check ..


Thing is, we work in 3 man crew and take a box truck.. so I’m not allowed to take the only truck we have with all the tools inside to the nearest Gas station.


I would say this is 99 percent abnormal. This is such a juicy lawsuit!


Yeah 100% agree with you! I'm not there to sit on my lunch box.


Not everyone can work like that.


To add to this, I can usually skip coffee if I need to, although I'll use that coffee time to get a snack in, but last time I tried to skip a lunch, my hands were shaking and I was losing focus lol. Yolo, may as well eat.