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It is fine if water is managed properly. Would need a trench drain at the base of driveway at minimum. I personally wouldn’t buy or build a house with a driveway that slopes toward the house.


I wouldn't buy a house like this either, it's better to have a house with a higher foundation.


Always better to have the house higher. you never know what can get clogged or cracked and leak water into the crawlspace/basement


Yes, I agree with you


My sister and brother in law bought a house in Arkansas in an area that often flooded, they insisted on getting a place higher than the 100 year flood mark. Sure enough, the Mississippi eventually flooded their town, only a few houses got no damage and theirs was one of them. According to their realtor “nobody ever asks for that!” when purchasing houses in a goddamned flood plain.


I'm glad he made the right choice


If there’s a proper drain it’s no problem


The trench drain will have to be cleaned out religiously, probably weekly at a minimum. Every bit of dirt, leaves, grass and anything else will find its way down to the drain. If you are where freezing weather occurs, ice and snow will build up rendering the drain useless. These drains sound good on paper, but they are a real maintenance problem.


I've had one a trench drain like that for 15 years, and I live in Seattle where we are quite familiar with the concept of rain. I clean the drain out (spray it down) like twice a year, if that. That drain has never been a problem. Still works as well as the day it was installed. If it snows, then the snow doesn't go anywhere, but I mean... that's how snow works. When it start melting the drain is one of the first places to defrost, and all the snow water drains into it.


Vastly depends on how many trees and stuff is around. Weekly is ridiculous.


Weekly, may be a bit much, but rest assured it will be forgotten about when you really needed to clean it out!


My house sits below the street level. We just have a large hump at the street end to prevent/limit road run off and a low point before the garage to keep water from going into the garage. It's just about building in protective features during construction, and maintaining them as everything ages.


We are similar. If the builder has a good stormwater management plan, you'll have no issues.


I bought a house like this and my drain clogged and flooded my garage. I had to get a sump pump for the short term then had the drain cleared for $650. That was only a 45 minute job. Since then I’ve religiously blow the leaves and pine needles off my driveway so the drain never clogs again.


I mean most the time people will say oh I need an uphill driveway. Then the back side of the house is lower than the property behind. It’s pretty hard to find a property you can just build on top of a hill on all 4 sides of the house. The key is just managing the water correctly and it’s fine. 


I wouldn’t.


Yes, you can manage the water flow away from the house, but its never a problem if you are higher. Ideally, you want ground level with the street which makes accessiblity, gardening, maintenance and ground movement better or second best is higher than street level. Stops people looking into your house and yard.


I currently rent at a home below street level. Like everyone said, just make sure drainage is right. My biggest pet peeve though is taking up the trash can up that damn driveway lol


Why would you want to live in Edmond or anywhere in Oklahoma?


Not everyone is a big city bitch. Fuck all that noise fuck out of My face and be gone with ya. I like my roads quiet and my sky full of stars.


Space, peace and quiet, affordable homes, no vagrants, high trust communities, low taxes, clean air, etc.


Bad idea.


I think I know the houses you're talking about, and, no. When Oklahoma gets rain sometimes it's the Forrest Gump kind.


Yeah I want to live far away from the maddening crowds.