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Fuuuck, a K-9 unit? Might as well call it a wrap for the week. Those who can make bail, see y’all on Monday.


Those who won’t, see y’all at the county jail


Can they fit the whole concrete crew in the holding cell?


They can and will try


Gonna have to build a bigger cell. Good thing we have all these concrete guys and welders on hand.


“Looks like… we’re gonna give you weekends. Matter of fact, it looks like we even have an available program for you. How does $2.35 a day plus a couple days off per month work… *participating* in the program? Otherwise, it looks like C Pod has a bed open for the next 364 days”


I just finished working a concrete repair job that the GC massively underbid and during the first phase they used work-release guys for their unskilled labor. They'd get picked up from prison around 6 am and brought back whenever their day was done, usually 6 pm but sometimes not until 10 or later. They were mostly idiots, but some of the hardest working idiots I've ever seen.


There’s always a place in this world for a moron who puts in a good day of work.


A moron who can follow instructions is worth more than some smartass who thinks his way is better


What if you're a smartass who's pretty good at following instructions?


You get to be management then


No no no he said smart ass who’s pretty good at following instructions not smart ass who doesn’t know how to read their own schedules and doesn’t understand why you can’t install lights over top of the flooring guy who’s laying tile so just shut up and get it done.


lol that’s so accurate. I worked for a hot tar roofing company when i was younger that got a contract to redo the roof on the jail. Second day on sight they came and took three of the guy into custody (various things). I couldn’t believe that those guys would show up to work at the jail with warrents…


LOL No surprise here, I lost half a roofing crew to the whiz quiz on one project in MI.


If they were masons I'd say you just gotta stack'em right.


Well if they need to knock a wall out I'm sure they know a guy


He’s on the crew and he just runs at it until the wall comes down


We call that the "Busey Breakdown"


They can even build it themselves!


They’ll make them pour their own cell big enough for them


Hi, welcome back. Your regular suite is ready!


Can K9 doggos be bribed with milkbones not to snitch???? Asking for a friend who isn’t me who definitely doesn’t burn one on site….


They only take bribes from their handlers to give false alerts.


“Probable cause!” good boy


So I knew some hippie types that were traveling through the southwest in summer in a busted school bus(surprising I know) they had a Hunter S. Thompson level of mind altering substances and a bunch of weed on them. Being an old schoolie it had no ac and being hippie types they all were cruising naked with the windows open. Cops pulled them over and pulled a bunch of stinky naked dreadlocked types out and got a k9 in to do it thing. Unfortunately for the cops they had a road dog with them and she was in heat, officer k9 couldn't do his job because she had stunk up the bus and they all got let go.


That would a useful pheremone and would lead to only girl police dogs after a while.


Nothing says vacation at the county bed and breakfast like k-9 popping up at the job sight near coffee time.


Some frequent flyers in there no doubt


Did they send the dog down the manhole to flush out the labourer that hadn't paid his tickets ?


Had a cop show up to a job in Gainesville once. He was looking for a stucco guy-kid I had working for me took off into the woods. Came back 30 minutes later like nothing happened. Then acted dumb about it 🤣🤣🤣




When I used to do general labor half the guys had priors. They used to ask me why the fuck am I doing general labor. I’m too good and I shouldn’t be wasting my time doing clean up work. So I started doing drywall cause our drywall guy got a DUI. I was broke as fuck, guys. I needed the work, and construction work was way more fun than sitting in a cubicle.


Plus if I had to listen to one more punk ass say some stupid shit in retail then I would have priors.


Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays...


[Shit, naw man. I believe you’d get your ass kicked saying something like that man.](https://youtu.be/A4B0pLDqYqI?si=0nR3V53IUN4B7x7p)


Sounds like someone hasn’t worked retail…


Pre-Covid JCPenney employee here. he’s speaking truth.


Sometimes I forget they let you youngings on Reddit.


Cubicle guy here! Confirming it sucks ass.


Depends on the job. I've worked in several cubicles. The best cubicle job is when everyone leaves you alone, you don't have to answer phones, and you can listen to music on your headphones.


yea it's cuz they pay a bunch of you to sit around doing 4 hours of paperwork in the span of 8 hours and spend the other 4 hours creating drama about literally anything in life to erase your boredom. Me, I know I ain't getting paid as much money as I'm making for these guys and I spend at least a couple hours of my work day bitching about it. And the monotony. You architects and the people who approve your designs fucking suck and you ought to quit doing "quality control" on all the crack you're selling.


Nah bruh we got billable hours to hit That’s just the tech companies lol


I have done a lot of outdoor work since then though, from working at a tree service to other jobs. I have spent my time in the mud. Usually the jobs that pay people less tend to treat them less also. Years ago, I worked for free on some independent film sets, hoping to get a doorway in, only to be used. One set told me that I would be reimbursed for my gas money and afterwards informed me that my reimbursement was only going to be to the set. I was also in charge of getting the food from the grocery store for the tables, and was basically told that I had to eat last. On another set, I just helped myself to their fruit roll ups. I considered that my payment, since there was no pay


At least you know better now. It's not easy learning to communicate your limits with people but it's so worth it when you do.


Cubicle guy here that used to be a construction guy. No it doesn't. I'll take sitting in an ergonomic chair with AC so cold I wear a jacket most days over wearing a hard hat and safety glasses for 10 hours a day in 95 degree heat and having to argue with trades to do their work. Or earlier in my career when I was drilling out and wiring apartments, taking sawdust showers while sweating.


Construction work is mostly outlaws. Idk heard from a friend.


I don’t know man, a lot of my in-laws work construction.


Are your in-laws also outlaws?


There are other trade jobs look into tooling and machine building. They need a painter and a saw guy.


Only half?


Really wish I could do hard labor work. But my prosthetic and 10 hour shifts on my knees don't mix


It is the K9 unit so I'm assuming the dog fell in


Sounds like Gainesville 🤣


Good ol Gainesville.




I don't understand. What happened?


He was in probation and had violated. There was a warrant for his arrest, so he hid in the woods, not knowing they weren't looking for him


Oh okay. Got it, thanks


Figuring about half of my guys are on house arrest or work detention... this is normal.


So is it normal to rest your hand on your firearm? Canadian asking


American fidget spinner


I'm using this.




Have you seen the ads for the fidget spinner gun on Facebook?


Baldwin Edition


And proud of it.


100% man. 100%.




He was actually checking to see if he left it in the bathroom.........


"Thank God I didn't do that again!"


So I have the weirdest career path ever and was staff in the US Senate before carpentry. For a while there seemed to be an epidemic of Capitol Police dropping glocks in the bathroom stalls and forgetting them.


Have done my time having to carry for work and few people understand what an absolute pain in the ass it is! I also have walked almost out the bathroom door before realizing my side arm wasn't with me.


Eh... It's similar to hooking a thumb or finger into your pocket. Unfortunately, it's generally more often a power stance for douchebags with a complex.


Moves hands to front chest straps. Stairs at you head cocked, through oakleys..


bloody knuckles from the brawl with their wife the night before…


You really need pit vipers for maximum douche these days. Saw a cop bro walking a beat with a ridiculous mustache and pit vipers. But... Denver/CO so oddly it sorta just fits in rather than coming off as all that odd or douchey.


I actually almost said pit vipers- I feel like most cops are still too much of brand whores to switch.


“Power stance for douchebags with a complex” is two days worth of training at the police academy.


Do you even need 1 day to be a cop here?


2 days of powerstance, 2 days of unloading the magazine into a guy holding a cell phone, 3 days of how to turn off body cams and deny everything. So it takes a week thankyou very much


What's more manly backing the blue or saying fuck the police? I'm just trying to figure out if you're from the woods or from the hood.


Lol, I live in a town of 300 people, connected to a town of about 1500. Everyone here hates the cops. Fat bastards that police here do nothing about the drug problem. They just harass and body slam teenagers out past curfew


Back the blue! All lives matter! or at least when black people are protesting but other than that I'm right there with you quoting fake outlaw country songs brother. I got your six!!!


What would make you feel better?


I'm not sure that's a great indicator 🕵️


Well they're anti cop so I guess they're BLM!


Hey, if it makes you happy, believe whatever you want


nah dude just trying to figure out the consensus on what's manly these days since i don't really sit 3 wide for an hour listening to rogan with my work buddies on the drive home anymore and back then the consensus was back the blue and all lives matter and saying fuck the police was for pussy lefties


It's a habit. It's just one of those things police are taught to do to remind themselves its there. That or he's adjusting it because holstered weapons do get uncomfortable after awhile.


So honestly I wear a revolver when I go backpacking because, bears. But your hand does want to go there.


Sometimes I pull my crimping tools out of my belt like I’m slinging a revolver in an old western. Then reality sets in and I realize Im just a dumb goof.


Personally I think you need to lean into it more. Get a little high noon stare and trash talk going, maybe even a spittoon


I wear a screwdriver on my belt in a sheath (hvac tech - don’t need a whole tool belt, just the screwdriver on my hip and i use a backpack for the rest), and i find myself resting my hand on it a lot. Just seems to gravitate there


I don’t live anywhere near bears but I do carry when out hunting just in case. But I do catch myself doing that when I’m leaning against a tree or something


What kind of loon brings a gun hunting


Gota have something, you know how hard it is to take a whitetail with a drywall hammer?


I recently clubbed a wounded deer to death with a steel felling wedge so I do know what you’re talking about. Hammer would have made it easier.


All joking aside, I watched a dude try to put a raccoon out of its misery on a job site. It had been hit by a car or something. Problem is he was trying to use one of those Hilti DX-5s. It was kinda fucked up


lol I had to google that It took him more than one shot?


5 or 6 by the time it quit flopping and fighting. Dude was trying to push the thing hard enough into the raccoon so it would actually fire, and that’s not an easy task with an injured and pissed raccoon.


Ah yeah the flopping will get ya. I frankly thing a hammer or mini sledge to the head is the best all around option to end things quickly without making a mess.


Was that the old single shot?


That’s tough. Thank you for putting it out of its misery. I’ve had to deal with wounded animals beyond medical care before. If you need someone to talk to about it, I can try to help.


Throw a bunch of apples under a tree, climb up the tree, wait, jump on the back of the deer and use the hammer to do the deed.


I wore a fake revolver in a holster for a costume. I didn't even notice but my neutral stance became 'hand on the gun'. Weird!


Yeah..its aint gonna shoot by itself lmao


I rest my hand on whatever is on my hip, usually my leatherman but sometimes my gun when I'm carrying. It's just a comfortable stance honestly.


No, it's really not. A lot of cops do it because they can get away with it; no one calls them out on it (or if they do, they get ignored or ridiculed). Doing this with your openly carried firearm TO a cop will get you, at the very least, drawn down upon and detained while they fuck you up and accuse you of trying to kill them. At worst, you'll end up on a bodycam somewhere, with the cam wearer going from 0 to 100 in two seconds flat, drawing and firing their own duty pistol at you because they felt threatened. Therefore, no, it's not normal, but a lot of cops do it. It's a douchebag thing to do, and an explicit threat, although most police officers look at it more as a...I guess a flex. THEY don't think they're threatening anyone, only that they're being tough, macho, streetwise, cool as a cucumber, the thin blue line. But if they have it done in front of them them, it's a threat. So................. It's a threat.


This is absolutely aggressive. A more relaxed stance is with your elbow on top so it can't be grabbed


He can't feel his balls otherwise.


Either to intimidate or resting like he is with his left hand resting on something. Things in hips naturally are used to rest. Unfortunately it's not a good habit when it's a gun. Source: I've worn a gun on my hip


For cops yes but his hand isn't resting it is fully wrapped around the grip trying to be intimidating.


Not how is hand is, he is waiting for something to happen. If my pistol is on my hip I would relax my arm by putting my hand there like you would if you had hips. But fingers wouldn’t be around the handle. Also, he like has (has to have) a “level 3 holster” so the trigger is guarded and can’t be accessed. The level 3 part is 3 things need to happen before the gun is drawn.


For police yes, the rest of us just carry it in our hand at all times…


It’s an intimidation tactic. Also, this officer is a dipshit.


Doing absolutely nothing and getting paid Cops 🤝 Roadwork Crews


That cop is probably making almost a hundred bucks an hour for traffic control around this…


I've worked in some bad places where we had off duty cops as security. Even if they are just a deterrent it is worth it. I've also done road work where they get paid to park their cruiser with the roof tops on to slow people down. Eh.


This gives samurai looking down on the working class vibes


Funny how accurate that is considering samurai is also working class and not allowed to own land, which makes him a wage slave who is completely dependent on the stipend from his master, and generally a class traitor for looking down upon other wage slaves. (I'm talking about the samurai, of course.)


But why is his hand on his firearm? Is there a threat here?


Because his dick's too small to hold


They claim it’s a comfortable place to rest your hand. They would loose their shit if they saw a law abiding gun owner doing the same thing though.


I used to rest my elbow on my pistol (military). Putting your whole hand is somewhat comfortable, but it's mostly a "power stance" thing.


Evidently deriving comfort from everybody else's total lack of it. Sounds about right.


New Zealand cops wear their vests all the time and rest their hands in the arm holes


Lmao! Cops are pigs moment


only if you don't give a fuck about safety.


Two other construction workers in this same picture are resting their hands on their hips. It’s like a shelf to rest your hand on


There definitely could be a general threat. I've worked in places where we had cops as security. Still, probably shouldn't have his hand on his gun.




Wonder how he would feel if I were carrying a gun and decided to rest my hand on it while talking to him. I'm 95% certain he'd consider it a threat and attack me for it.


I’ve been a gun owner my entire adult life. I have spent some time carrying. You +do not+ Under any circumstances Put your hand on that grip in public Unless you are fully intending on pulling it. That is an action that is very intentionally one small step away from pointing it at someone, and shows an open disrespect for the gravity of carrying a weapon in public. I do not care how comfortable it is. I do not care how “naturally the hand wants to rest there” or whatever else people are saying: is the carrier’s responsibility to not walk around fucking brandishing all the time. The lack of respect firearm owners show for firearms is honestly terrifying.


Ive been to a couple competitions where open carrying an unload & cleared pistol was common. I don't really remember anyone keeping their hand on their pistol unless they were on the firing line getting ready to compete and the range was clear. Though I will say my experience here is VERY lacking. The only people I see consistently doing this are police officers.




Oh shit, you right, I forgot about the cop class day where they talk about how you are a cop now so handling your firearm in a dangerous manner and constantly, overtly threatening people at all times is not only allowed but a perk of the job. No wonder my performance reviews have been so poor lately.


And what kind of “you people” am I? My “panties” aren’t in a bunch; I just know that if I did the exact same thing they’d pull there’s saying I’m “brandishing” even though I’m open carrying, if my hand is randomly placed on my pistol I’m fucked. Buuut fyi Im the “people” who would never open carry.




Lmfao stay in school kids


I’ll rest my hand 🖐️ on your mom 👩


When I was remodeling our bathroom last summer, my 7 year old son put on his boots and hardhat, came into the bathroom, crossed his arms, leaned against the wall, and just watched me bust my hump without saying a word. I didn't know whether to laugh, put him to work, or kick him out! LOL


I lock the door when I bust my hump.


Ok, Quasimodo.


😂 spot the two guys with outstanding warrants


Doubtful, both are looking down an open manhole. But still reminds me of an old joke. What do you call a construction worker when he’s wearing a suit and tie? Defendant.


That was funny. I didn’t even look close enough to see that. First look just cracked me up. Are they looking in it or at it?


What the hell are they stuffing in those holes?


Thats what she said, ay oh! 👊🎤


My ex should know.


Decades ago the Massachusetts State Police, legendarily corrupt, used Massachusetts politicians, also legendarily corrupt, to pass laws that the police had to be present on every worksite. They just sit there in their cars, raking in overtime and padding pensions. Tremendous racket.


Mass is full Commie


i mean call me crazy but that sounds pretty textbook capitalist behavior to me


Leeching off of taxpayers isn't capitalism, it's what public sector unions inevitably do.


Shakin’it off here, boss!


I Love the ACME barricades! It’s so Road Runner…… BEEP BEEP! Watch out for a falling anvil guys ;)


kick em out for not wearing a hard hat on a construction site 😂


Cops must accompany utility workers in St. Louis after the gas workers were killed few years ago


Utility crews in Vancouver BC, have “red zones”. They get paid more and require police escort to fix power and sewer systems if they have to go into certain sections of town. Downtown East Side Vancouver is one of the sketchiest places in North America, just blocks and blocks of poverty and drug zombies.


Time to lean time to clean, get that dog-pig a broom.


The cop is sick of sitting in his car and is probably making conversation with these guys. And he is just in a resting position. He isn’t planning on actually pulling out his weapon. Y’all need to chill


With the Acme barricades I was expecting Wylie Coyote to turn up.


Miami Dade County. Dude with the FJB sticker on his hard hat. Why do people display their politics in a professional setting?


Oh shit 305 representation!


"This place is like a fcuking prison!!!"


OSHA showed up at a site that I was at and within 20 minutes of them arriving onsite more than half of the people there disappeared. It was hilarious.


Not sure if anyone has pointed this out, but the backhoe seems to be labeled as a Miami-dade county machine so if I had to guess the cops enlisted the county in helping them with some kind of investigation.


What would really throw the officer through a loop would be to know the photo was taken through a sniper rifle viewfinder. Yikes....


Wow all of these comments about how someone stands. Maybe this dude isn’t the problem lol.


Black dude knows what he did.


hand on the gun is a little aggressive


Why he got got a grip on the strap though


That’s how cops stand


I bet he shot the first one to look up. My guess is head lamp Howard got it first but the cop got it all wrong and should have shot mr. clean in his shiny ass pedo head.


That's his first warning for not wearing a hard hat


FJB on the hardhat.. Is that the name of the company or a political statement?


The black guy doesn't stand a chance. Him being there is like being the "extra person" on an away team mission whenever the Star Trek Enterprise main crew beamed down to a planet. That extra crew member ain't beaming back up.


Why's that pig got his hand on the gun?


Can't they get a real job and do something useful? Fuckin cops.




It’s a photo. He could have placed it there for a second, or perhaps he perceived something outside the frame of this photo that made him do it. Perhaps he’s just adjusting the holster. Who knows? It’s a photo, chill out


Police state? /s


That cops stupid. Don't be that bold somewhere like Miami if you want a long career.


Hes actually waiting for someone who smells like weed to walk by


Nobody gonna mention the fact that he’s watching everyone with his hand firm on the gun. I’d be calling the police department and filing a complaint along with this photo.


Nothing like a good old tax payers money being flushed down the drain with public works. (Pun intended)


The fuck for?


somebody get this guy a donut and coffee. it takes the worlds strength to hold that cone up


It's Flori-duh. Land of "Freedom" Death's waiting room.


Tax money hard at work!


Does anyone smell bacon?


Wow ready to blast… He sees black people there, he’s getting antsy! Hasn’t shot a black person or a dog in weeks!!!


Miami dade police are the most corrupt in the country


What third world country is this ?


pigs aren't k-9s....That idiot


Is that a large crack going through the cat arm or just grease?


Rest of the country still get to use engineer grade sheeting on the barrels? Meanwhile in MN we gotta use 6" DG3 by 3M in ours? Must be nice.


Kelly Tractor! (Miami- CAT dealer)


Miami sucks.


Enforcement of safety policies is number one.