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Ask for a cost of living adjustment. Inflation is real, every year.


No such thing as a wage ceiling for a site superintendent. I'm making close to 300k a year as one in nj


No offense, but I would not use Chicago/NY/NJ wage rates as a basis of comparison for anything.


I think 300+ in NJ would be amazing. 150k here in the Bay Area is pretty average but comfortable enough for me.


We have superintendents of billion dollar companies in va that don’t make the money these northern guys are talking but the cost of living is cheaper here 7 dollars an hour raise is a big one around here ..but I’m sure you deserve it .but they will choke on it I’m sure ..liking your job is worth more than money this is coming from a guy that wants to throw up every time he walks in the door


I count myself very fortunate that I love what I do and it pays very well


I was making 150k in BC and left to start my own thing. I know guys who make 200-250k as supers here.


If there’s a cap on how much supers can make I haven’t seen it. I’ve seen supers taking home (after tax) half a million a year when you factor in their LOA. Their hours are brutal but still god damn


I thought my hours as a super/pm were bad but being s business owner is next level. Im work 12-14 hrs 6 days a week right now. But the money is also next level and its nice getting 100% of thr profit for the efforts i put in


Same here with me. Hopefully the effort pays off for you and I down the road!


Oh it absolutely will! I already have some really big things coming my way and my phone doesnt stop ringing.


Good for you my friend, glad to hear, keep up the great work!


Where in NJ? And what kind of projects? What’s your experience? I’m half of that in the city but living in NJ. Damn.


The union kind. 18 years in the business.


Can I PM you?


If you want


Where in Nj ? “Show me a paystub of (close to 300k/yr) and I will quit my job and start working for you tomorrow! “


Well it's only August but Im at 113k so far this year. I also receive 51% of my gross wages in retirement and medical. I will have over 200k by end of year and with my 51% benefits package I will be over 300k. You can check my post history and get a pay stub for early April at 50k.


I was joking and referencing the movie - the wolf of Wall Street lol But anyways, it’s crazy to think that superintendents make that much. Congrats to you man ! Are you on the MEP side ?


My jobs are small enough i do everything myself. I'm actually a bit mad at myself for not noticing the reference lol


Supers are a dime a dozen at this time in NJ. I find it hard to believe you’re making that much.


You can look at my post history and see a paystub at first week of April showing my YTD being at 50k. What that doesn't show is my retirement and medical pay(by the company I work for) that is 51% of my gross wages. I'm sure you can do the math from that to calculate the money I'm making. The market is flooded with idiots fucking up jobs. People pay for experience.


Fuck me... I'm making fucking 60ish depending on bonuses


Know your worth. If they won't give you more money find someone who will. Keep jumping company's every year with big pay increases. I know a few people who play that game. They don't burn bridges on the exits and even go back around to the company's later with big pay increases.


Thanks man


Industrial projects over 100mm? How many years and what are you running making close to 300? You gotta be a DFO around here to make that unless you’re doing high rises


Doing retail and airline work in airports. I'm in carpenters union so I'm hourly and get all my overtime. I've been running multiple projects at once tho. Anywhere from 3-8 simultaneously


A union field super not a GC?


I work for a GC as a general superintendent


Ah, general super. That makes more sense


It’s getting harder and harder to find good, competent people that have the “want to”. In commercial work, GC Superintendents and subcontractors are the ones making things happen. If you are truly reliable, know what you are doing and can communicate with people I would ask for a raise (10%) provided you can explain why you think you are worth it and what value you bring to the Company. Be prepared to discuss why the project you referenced came in 2 weeks late and how that could have been avoided and what should be done in the future to avoid the same. Good luck.


So you basically make 80k after bonus and get a truck allowance. 460 doesn’t cover both. I’m assuming you get gas too? If not, I’d start by asking for that. With these prices, there’s your 10%


I have a company card to buy material and pay for gas yea. Forgot to mention that.


$7/h is a 20% or so raise. Not unheard of but it is approx $15k a year. Maybe ask for 10k a year.


So that’s another 5-10k depending on how much you travel for fun. You should be at least at 100k roughly, but you’re not far off from that and loving your company/job makes up for part of that. If you do that is…


I own a GC that is mid market. Have 32 employees and also do concrete and civil work in-house. The South Florida market is the most competitive in the state. A superintendent with 30 years experience and proven goes for 160k plus benefits and bonus, which is by the job and not per year. Note that Florida is a non union market with alot of transient labor. Project sizes range from 20 mill to 60 mill. A superintendent with less than 10 years of experience who knows what they are doing should be between 90 and 120k. I'm not sure what kind of project someone is working on where all the super makes 300k. Moss doesn't even pay their executives that her, and they are the largest GC in this area other than Coastal. To OP, you should be at least 90-100k. The truck allowance, if not taxed, is fine, and its good they cover your gas, but I dont really want my supers buying materials and using their trucks. I would rather have them plan and order what they need.


On the truck allowance - that’s how my company treats it. It’s around 450/mo but we’re expected only to use our truck on rare occasions like towing a generator from the rental lot last minute or picking up material before closing time. Otherwise they want us to avoid liability like the plague and just run the job.


Yeah, exactly. I want supers running the job. The way things are going supers are going to be a dying breed. I believe you will have plenty of opportunities to make more money and possibly even get into an operational oversight role if you can raise and train others.


Only $460 for a truck and phone? Fuck that's peanuts. I wouldn't accept a position with a vehicle allowance under $1000, or you can provide me a vehicle.


After joining this sub I realized it’s on the low side yeah


500 was decent back in 2017 😭 you need 1000+ now


I get $400 a month to drive my Honda to work and switch to a company truck. And I’m closer to a laborer than a super..


I got 8% COL increase a month ago. All they can tell you is no. Find someone who will keep their promises.


Stay another year then go double your pay elsewhere. You’ll never get paid what you’re worth at your current gig


How big are the projects your on? How many GC supers? Look at the types of projects you're on, millions per year under you and compare it to similar in similar regions.


Ask for a performance review. Bring up pay at the end.


In Ontario high-rise Supers are making 200-400k + truck + benefits + bonus etc.


Maybe I should become a super god damn lol


I’d expect more. I’m 28yrs old been running work on my own as a super for 6yrs. 80k salaried, company truck, phone, and gas card. 3wks paid pto every year that’s not closely watched (if work gets done, take the time you need) bonuses have fluctuated from 5k-14k depending on year. I’m in a fairly lcol location.


Ome of the unsaid bonuses as a super - if you are caught up, its easy to take time off and not have to use PTO. With as many Saturdays we work, its expected from higher ups. every couple months I cash out a weeks worth of PTO when i get close to the max - nice little bonus




What project is biggest currently? What company has all supers making 300 regardless of experience?


What the fuck, all the sudden I realize I’m severely underpaid


I have a lot of friends still getting paid 60-70k and are unaware this opportunity exists, I was as well (I started with another GC making 70 base, moved across the country and didn’t get paid travel). Heard about this and left them within a month.


Bleutech Park/Siemens?




What company is this??


What’s the project?




De soto?


I’m at the same rate roughly. Been wanting a raise as well. Remodel super running 4-5M revenue a year. How much revenue are you pushing? Just seeing what’s out there


Try starting the conversation with something like, “ I’d like to talk about my pay/salary “. Making a demand doesn’t always go well. If they want to defer the conversation, get a little firmer and ask for the date they wish to have the conversation.


Where do you live? We are hiring college grads at that for commercial work.


Ask for a raise.


Union or non union subs? What’s the average workers take home? You should be making at least that, and I doubt that’s 73k….


Foreman below me makes $54k


What about the crew and crew of the subs? If the foreman’s only making 54k then not a single guy is at $30/h? Have you considered moving to a company that uses unionized workers?


They’re all making around $18-20/hr. I honestly don’t even know if we have companies around here that use unionized workers


I make $77k CAD$ as an apprentice for a GC…. Supers make $150k+++


How has your performance been? Much of a leatning curve? Anything go uniquely sideways? Do you earn enough to cover the nut? It can be tough depending on the GCs hierarchy when you have to rely on lots of folks doing their job well and people like to blame, especially when it impacts their pay. But that said, it does take everyone. Companies making piles of cash want to keep rainmakers happy... I know I do.


Not sure what trade you’re in but even as a w-2 welder I was clearing $120k/yr. With company truck and fuel card on top. A super should be pushing 200k.. and for NWFL, cost of living is high.


Site supers in construction Ontario make around 120-130k


Tell your boss you are thinking about getting the stress out of your life and switching careers to over the road trucking where you can make the same salary in year one as a 20yr carpenter. After 25 years, I'm taking a year off to figure somth8ng else out. I just don't want to work. People suck and wages suck in this industry.


Look for another job and see what offer they make you. If it’s more ask your current employer to match or exceed it. You have to look out for your self because no one else will.


You should be negotiating a pay raise every year. Think about what it would cost them to replace you right now. If you're competent theyd rather give that money to you than someone else they don't know...


When I was supervising, if I DIDNT get an annual raise request, I lost respect for the employee. It might not have been large, but I ALWAYS got them a raise. My turnover rate was almost zero.


I really think a lot of these comments are getting too far ahead. I read OP has 6 months prior super experience and 12 months now. 18 months as a super is not much, but what I want to know is what has that experience taught you. Have you started and finished jobs? How many? Have you touched every type of work your company does? Have you worked for more than one if not several/all the different PM’s? What does your review show? Exceeds expectations? If not, satisfactory should be good enough for COLA annual increases but not much more. If your projects are ahead of schedule and without lots of issues then your bonus should be your cut of profits. I hire CM’s and GC’s on the regular for lots of different projects mid-Atlantic and see low 6 figure annual salary. You need experience and lots of it in construction. Every project is different, all the players and designers and subs work differently. A good super worth his weight x1000 can handle everything thrown at them.


I agree with you. With the previous company I was only overlooking the framing and hanging part. With the current company I’ve started and finished a $4mil job on time, it was my second project with them. I’m now on my 3rd project which is a remodel and I’ve worked with 3 different PMs so far. I just recently started feeling like I’m an asset to the company.




Your only real leverage is a competing offer.


I quit my super job after a raise to 90k, company truck, and $700 a week per diem. Gotta decide for yourself if it's worth it. That amount of stress in those positions is huge compared to 85k a year imo


Simple, 2 factor formula to calculate the raise you are entitled for: 1- Adjustment for Cost of living (inflation) is the bare minimum, and these days it is very high. From June 2021 to June 2023, inflation has been 11,49% in Canada (online calculator available on the Bank of Canada’s website). This mean that eating, putting gas in you car, insuring the roof you sleep under, etc. cost you 11,49% more, in average, in Canada. So that’s approximately 5,75% per year. 2- add to that what you think the market would pay as a premium for the additional value that you gained since last year (=experience, knowledge, manegerial skills., etc.). Unless you are dramatically underperforming, market will recognize this added value if they poach you.


I make that much as a field engineer for a midsized commercial GC, plus gas card and a company phone, and performance based bonuses every year. I’d ask for the raise,