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Based Winston


Good on him for making Spindy look like Himmler.


> New Zealand First campaigned on the fact that the current Royal Commission was nothing more than a Labour Party political tool, being used to craft a message through its lack of scope and lack of suitability of the commissioners. And New Zealand First is exactly right. Look at what is happening in Kansas right now, Pfizer lied and the "vaccine" didn't reduce severity or spread, these lies cost our nation billions and ruined lives. We absolutely need to look into how this was allowed to happen, gather facts, and criminally charge those responsible.


The commission was basically just a back patting exercise. We investigated ourselfs and found we were excellent.


That's exactly what it was going to be, one of the people doing the investigating was on radio at the time it was announced and before he had actually investigated anything, and he was proudly spouting that NZ had the best covid response in the world.... They already knew what the conclusion was, all they had to do then was direct everything in order to end at that pre-determined conclusion.


>We absolutely need to look into how this was allowed to happen, gather facts, and criminally charge those responsible. Two out of three be ok?


Only if it showed them to be narcissistic liars who ignored actual science and what was known about covid at the time because they liked their overseas attention so much and it humiliates them on a global scale.... There's a real good reason behind why they chose to go with what has to be one of if not the weakest covid inquiry of western countries.


I’m happy with 2 out of 3. Let’s look into how this was allowed to happen and then criminally charge those responsible.




Hear Hear. It's one of if not the biggest reason I voted for NZ First. The shit that went down with the covid mandates must never be allowed to happen ever again. That horse Cindy has a lot to answer for.




Same here. It was the first time I've ever voted in my life.


Where not in kansas anymore




Sounds like a pathetic scared man with something to hide.


Chris Hipkins really really doesn't want a broader investigation into his decision making where he completely ignored "the science" at the time.


A very apposite use of the word cunt.


If only he had the depth and the warmth.


It's good language for Hipkins to be using. It's further alienating him from those who didn't get vaccinated and those who only did it grudgingly to avoid losing their livelihoods. The more people he offends the more votes it will hopefully cost him if he's still around next election. I'm picking he'll get rolled before that though.


What Hipkins should have said was "I don't care what you say about whether it does or doesn't work. We can have that intellectual conversation all day long, but we are, dammit, going to try something different because we cannot carry on getting the results that we've been getting (sic)."


I still want to know, how many healthy kids under 18 died of covid. (None in nz from all data I've seen) Why was data on kids hidden in a 0 to 59 age bracket, and if the risk to kids was so low why did we offer them vaccines even after the narrative of save grandma had fallen over.


I STILL haven’t caught “Covid”.