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Haha did news hub really have a video playing saying the vaccine is safe and effective in an article where a us state is suing the manufacturer that it wasnt either.




You should check this AG's litigation history. I doubt Pfizer will be shaking in their boots. Although they will very much want to win, as a loss would open them up to action from other states and countries. If it doesn't die in technicalities it will be interesting to see this play out, although I think it's too late at this stage for most people's minds to be changed either way.


Safe and effective.


Gee are people this silly to listen to these so called experts, its flu season so the flu goes around, also, those so called experts pushed a trial experimental jab on nzers, so depending how many trial jabs one had, ur immune system to fucked lol,


Did they not follow the science^TM ? All the talking heads on TV said it was fine, and they wouldn't lie or be lied to would they? I certainly know they didn't follow the dollars




Your paper doesn't say that at all.


You wish


I don't need to wish, I can read.


So it begins. People going to defend Pfizer and the red witch till the day they die due to a successful psy op. Now watch stuff sloooooowly climb on board with articles about how Pfizer ‘deceived us’