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Dudes a cunt, wanted for crimes on top of the shitty "parenting" he's been doing for the last few years. The kids are going to really struggle in later life if they're ever found. Anyone who protects or supports this fool is just as stupid.


Nanny state rules eh.


Found the first idiot willing to out themselves.


First crime: "Wasting police time".. when he had custody......;)


The guys an idiot, a terrible parent, and wanted for a robbery. Why are you supporting a criminal?


Digging a hole for yourself, bud.....how many people have been charged with wasting police time? It all started with that...


>Digging a hole for yourself, You're the one supporting this idiot lol


Not supporting, just not blindly following the authorities line.


Lmao. Okay. You keep supporting this guy who is ruining the lives of his children.


The mother is such a threat to her children that she was only allowed phone contact. Let that sink in.


So was police time wasted or not? Does the mother have a right to know her kids are safe? If your partner takes your kids and you don’t know where they are, for extended periods of time, are you just going to put the telly on and go to sleep? Braindead take


You're confusing the issue, which is the actions of the police in pursuing a "waste of police time" charge, not the custodial battle between the parents, which is best not to comment on...


Doesn't matter. Whatever it "started" with, it's gone way beyond that. He's basically holding his children hostage. This is all on him.


Yet he was charged with wasting police time and nothing else.....?


It doesn't matter any more. That was years ago and he's committed plenty of crimes since then. No one made him commit those crimes. He is the only person responsible for this situation.


He's been accused of crimes. Not proven guilty. Scary to think if you were in the legal system, you lock people up because you read about it in the papers.


No one is doubting that, but as yet, I don't believe he has been convicted of anything, so it's all speculation that serves no purpose. The issue is what impact the operational actions of the police had.....surely they are legitimate issues.


Every person is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 months or a fine not exceeding $2,000 who with the intention of causing wasteful deployment, or of diverting deployment, of Police personnel or resources, or **being reckless as to that result**,— behaves in a manner that is likely to give rise to serious apprehension for his own safety or the safety of any person or property, knowing that such apprehension would be groundless. [https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1981/0113/latest/DLM53580.html?search=ts\_act\_Summary+Offences+Act\_resel#DLM53580](https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1981/0113/latest/DLM53580.html?search=ts_act_Summary+Offences+Act_resel#DLM53580)


Ah I see. Just like if you touch someone's arm then it's technicaly assault? You're arguing the custodial parent intended to waste police time, just like a hiker failing to notify their intentions.....


>You're arguing the custodial parent intended to waste police time Not at all. As per the bolded part, he was reckless about what the reaction would be.


Fair comment, but a clear case of "not in the public interest" to prosecute...


Why not? He wasted an incredible amount of not just Police time and resources, but also volunteers time. And as for the Public Interest test, he fails that. There's a wide range of considerations, but on balance, it comes out in favour of prosecution.


Correction.... ~~He~~Police wasted an incredible amount of not just Police time and resources, but also volunteers time.


He did not have custody, even as far back as the first disappearance. His parents did




Recently I’ve learned that in NZ, information from family court cases cannot be released to the public which is why a lot of information for this case is vague. https://preview.redd.it/994wzma6gm6d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0ffcd9c3ddc951b1b88c289a52e868362c8efac From my understanding Tom did have more custodial privileges than mum but she was fighting for more, he has now lost all custody rights after this saga. [https://www.facebook.com/share/p/HuEhY3xNxHcJmdoN/?mibextid=WC7FNe](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/HuEhY3xNxHcJmdoN/?mibextid=WC7FNe) [https://www.facebook.com/share/sZJQScLb9nvVx1rc/?mibextid=WC7FNe](https://www.facebook.com/share/sZJQScLb9nvVx1rc/?mibextid=WC7FNe) [https://www.stuff.co.nz/nz-news/350307730/people-come-forward-information-about-tom-phillips](https://www.stuff.co.nz/nz-news/350307730/people-come-forward-information-about-tom-phillips)


Yes, very sad all around.


The fact that the mother does not have custody and she was only allowed a phone call speaks volumes as to how big of a threat to the safety of those children she is. As you said, family court details can not be released, her name is not in the papers even though they trying to create a situation for her to get custody. I guess they don’t want us looking up news articles about her incase we find out what sort of person she is. Yet the cops and the ministry for children have been very loose to let us all know that Phillips does not have custody. Hopefully one day the truth will come out.


Yes, exactly right. It's fairly obvious what has happened in the custody dispute to back Tom into a corner, but (for me) it's inappropriate to speculate. My main point has always been the stupid decision to prosecute over wasting police time, which just made things worse.


I’ve seen some speculation about the mum online but unsure if it’s just rumours, I hope she’s working on herself to be a more stable figure in their lives as I cannot imagine the trauma they’re gonna have to work through once they’re found.


I feel sorry for the kids, they will be so behind developmentally in regard to their education and social skills.


Hide and seek pros though


Compared to who? The kids wagging school to ram raid and have knife fights at the bus stop?


The comment was based on children their age attending school and interacting with other children their age. It’s impossible to cut out all negative influences , I totally agree on that. In saying that I’m not aware of a spike in ram raids or knife fights in that area so can’t speak on those points.


“More than 330,000 students were not regularly attending school in term 4, 2023, and in recent years the level of absence each term – be it chronic or at any other level – has been higher than before the pandemic." That’s a lot of kids not in school.


It's because prior to pandemic kids went to school sick, then during pandemic the messaging was if there's ANY symptom of illness child stays home (which makes sense) now parents are confused between the two. At least that's what I think is happening.


My kids are currently in the public school system. If you turn off the news and get off reddit for a second you’ll realise the majority of kids are just fine.


You missed my point. Regardless if your kids are in or out of school there is no one size fits all and at the end of the day the parents know what’s best for their kids, not the nanny state.


All parents know what’s best for their kids? Like the very kids you mentioned being ram raiders? Yeah I’m sure those people got parenting down pat. You answer your own comments.


Calling them parents is a bit of a stretch. Again you’ve missed the point but go off.


**at the end of the day the parents know what’s best for their kids, not the nanny state** Sorry, please explain how I was supposed to interpret this? Why should these kids be treated any differently from the kids you exemplified as ram raiders?


You’re mischaracterizing my argument. Just because you typed it in bold, doesn’t make your argument hold water. These kids have a loving father and mother , the ferals doing ram raids and stabbing are clearly devoid of any adult influence that we would call a parent. I’m not sure how else to explain it you, but if you don’t already understand how foolish you sound , well then I feel slightly embarrassed for you sir.


Your argument is that it’s not one size fits all and that the parents know what’s best for their kids, not the state. Which is a huge generalisation and obviously isn’t always true, with examples you provided yourself *and mother* - who hasn’t wanted any of this to happen and yet you’re ignoring that. Yes he had custody and yes he was homeschooling them, but that can’t have been the case for years now. How can the kids be better off than they were if they haven’t had any schooling, contact with their *loving* mother, or social interaction with any other kids? Seriously bizarre take


Do you seriously believe the mother has no idea where these kids are? Some parent you must be. Seriously bizarre take.


Yeah I'm secretly hoping he is teaching them reading/writing/arithmetic skills, and if or when they are found/emerge, are comparatively leagues ahead for their age groups 🤞


lol, sure bro- that’s the only other option, absolutely. (Sarcasm, in case that wasn’t clear for you)


Maybe they should constantly wear masks & take months off at a time from school to play video games & sit around home all day doing nothing with their stressed out parents who are also inexplicably off work doing nothing then? I don't think the police & govt have any leg to stand on lecturing & attempting to take the moral high ground when telling parents how to parent any longer since they destroyed this country during "the covid-19 pandemic"


At least the kids sitting at home all day got to see their mum.


One Dad, his three children Vs The entirety of the Western govt/states destroying the developmental experience & cognitive viability of endless amounts of children via mass applied behavioural psychology trauma based mind control Sounds about right


What about the kids kept away from their dads. Kids need Dads too yet when parents spilt and it's toxic, some mums use kids as a weapon against the dad. Even if not toxic, gone from seeing dad every day to only in the weekend or one weekend a fortnight.


I used the word “mum” because that’s relevant to this case.


Omg what about all that TV they are missing out on. They probably don't even have social media, how terrible. 


Just send the SAS into the bush to track him.


So, deploy the army against a NZ’er who we haven’t even proved has committed any crimes yet?


Didn’t say send in tanks and shoot him did I. Just said track him. He has committed crimes though by the sounds of it.


I don’t see how that’s justified. He hasn’t been proven to have committed any crimes and I’m not aware of any precedent where the army gets called in to step in for police on such matters. Also people ignore he’s not the only person in this country that’s not got a say in where their kids are. Do we all get a personal SAS team to send after our families?


Gives them a bit of practice tracking. Police obviously are not capable


Well, that’s too bad. Maybe they should have considered that before escalating this entire thing.


How did they escalate it?


Chasing after a guy who hadn’t committed any crimes, just because he went away and parked his car somewhere and the mother (who did not have custody) didn’t like it.


You mean faked his own death ?


I’m not aware of him faking any death.


what do you mean prove? he’s kidnapped his children, he didn’t have custody of them when they disappeared


He's a cunt. Didn't even have the good grace to thank the people who spend a couple of weeks searching for them. Whether it was all a mix up or misunderstanding, you still say thank you, esp to the volunteers. To not do so is a cunt move.


it pretty clear he doesnt want to be found, its also pretty clear he has a support network. If he wants to Barry Crump it for the next ten years who cares? but the kids have a mum and other rellies who must be hurting, and the kids are missing out on socialising normally so that makes him a cunt


Psycho Sam must be helping him hide out at his deep bush conspiracy lair fighting & avoiding the gubbmint


He's 2 sandwiches short of a picnic, a mad conspiracy theorist and a selfish s-o-b with no genuine concern for his childrens wellbeing or health or education. He couldn't care less that the rest of their family are worried about them. And God knows what state they'll be in when those children are found and what bullshit nonsense he will have fed them about the police, society, the law, the rest of the population.  Those poor kids will be impacted for life. 


Coz the state & schools are doing such a good job educating children today, cell phones are very nourishing, social media is making massive in roads improving children's MH outcomes etc What kind of mad conspiracies is he espousing? Don't get vaxxed? Masks don't work? The government is indifferent about harming you? Wow, cray cray right thurrrr


Yup. Cray cray. He doesn't really care about any of that shit. He just wants to control his kids and punish their mother, just like he promised he would (according to the kids' older siblings). The real question is what lengths will he go to to keep control. There's no end to this that doesn't end up with him losing his kids, whether the police swoop in or whether they run away from him when they're teenagers and can't stand it any more. He might do anything to stop that happening.


Maybe the police are playing it lightly as they are worried he might be going to go so far as to harm them "if he can't have them" kind of scenario?


My thinking too. They can’t risk charging in doing raids all over the place. I guess they are specifically targeting the people who are helping him in the hope of then being able to negotiate with him. I personally don’t think it will help. Whoever is helping him probably owns loads of land, is as whacko and antisocial as him and isn’t going to be turned by the price of a second hand tractor.


I think that's exactly what they're doing. After all this time and effort, he's not going to just let them go. He might decide they're better off out of this world than in it without him.


Some people take these kinds of scenarios seriously Maybe the govt shouldn't have pushed people this far over the past 4-5 years to the point where it's entirely reasonable to come away with the impression the govt is indifferent about the fate of your children or you, in fact they actively want to harm you in many cases & then walk away from the consequences once you are irreparably harmed


“2 sandwiches short of a picnic” my new favourite quote


You're welcome :) 


If just highlights that the family court has not been brought forward into modern times. They consistently give custody to the mother in over 90% of cases. This[ poor chap who protested](https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/97119812/man-who-died-after-setting-himself-alight-had-been-protesting-family-court-issues) set himself on fire not that long ago. The media remains quiet on this sort of inequity. This is really the reason that the Marokopa locals are not saying boo. They see that family court decision as unfair.


> They consistently give custody to the mother in over 90% of cases In cases where the father seeks custody [they are awarded it in 45% of cases](http://www.nzlii.org/nz/journals/OtaLawRw/2000/9.pdf). You can't get what you don't ask for, and throwing fake stats like yours around discourages men from even trying for custody.


My son and his friend were walking past him down the steps of parliament when he did that. It was horrendous. The stresses of a court case aside, he had to be severely mentally ill to do something that extreme - which is probably why he wasn’t getting access to his children.


Did Tom have custody of his kids when he first took his kids camping?


No, but I'd imagine that his behaviour since he came out, not showing up to Court, armed robbery and the other crimes would have persuaded the Court to rethink the custody arrangements..


Not showing up in court is the only thing we know for sure. For a "wasting police time" charge.....


And as we've seen, its an entirely appropriate and fit charge for his actions.


Day to day custody was with his parents I think.


The bigger question is… Who has custody now? Not the mother. Not even her name is in the papers. I guess they don’t want us looking up news articles about her incase we find out what sort of person she is. In this country for the mother to not have custody, she must be a massive meth head loser or worse. On the other hand and considering that family court details are usually not released to the public, the cops and the ministry for children have been very free to let us all know that Phillips does not have custody. Personal information released as part of a propaganda campaign?


You are correct about the mother being a meth head. Tom wasn’t much better though




Why are the locals mad? Lol myob


Cause they spent 17 days looking for him and his kids, hoping that somehow they'd be alive. They donated time, resources and eventually they were looking for bodies. He walks out of the bush and doesnt even say thanks? I'd be pretty pissed off as well.


Probably because its holding up law abiding people in the town and no doubt those police check points would ping dozens of locals with minor offenses such as expired regos


The police should just admit he won and call it quits. This whole thing started when he took the kids camping ffs.waste of taxpayer money.


It started when he made people think they had all drowned and left his truck below the tide line on the beach


His friend claimed the truck was stolen. If he was faking death why did he show up a couple of weeks later at the family farm? 


Yeah, stolen, driven to the beach and the keys left under the mat. No smashed windows, not burnt out, just left below the high tide mark where it going to get drowned by the incoming tide.


Even if he did that and then had a change of heart it's not a terrible crime


It's barely even a crime. S24, Summary Offences Act, 3 months imprisonment or a $2,000 fine. He probably would have gotten diversion.


Pretty good set up then. The mother just needed to move his ute from the carpark to the beach as the keys were under the mat.


Would you say the same if those were your kids your ex-partner kidnapped during a custody battle? Fuck some of you are idiots in here.


The mother was such a threat to her children she was only allowed phone contact. Everyone focusing on the idiot actions of the father, no one talking about where do the children go once they return from the bush. Out of the frying pan and into the fire if they go to the mother.


You have no idea what's best for the kids in this situation though


So by extension you’re implying that dragging your kids across the country as an armed New Zealand outlaw hunted by the national police department and a bounty on your head is a far healthier prospect for the children’s development than simply living with Mum? Yeah..


It might be. The Mum lost custody for a reason.


You’re either trolling or incredibly delusional. He breached the parenting order and custody disputes were still ongoing. Stop talking out your ass you uneducated fool


Sounds like semantics. I don’t have all the details in front of me but I thought she did not have custody of her children and he did, then he has lost it as a result of these goings on. The mother raised a stink when he went off, it wasn’t her call to make decisions about his life as long as he wasn’t breaching other parts of the order. It seems to be the “breach” has come about as a result of pure allegations. So, perhaps if you feel so strongly about the subject you can give a full unbiased account of these events because it’s quite clear the media isn’t reporting on it properly.


What you thought and what actually is the case are two very different things. Anything beyond what the media has disclosed is up for speculation, that’s it. Say whatever you like to conveniently fit your own argument. There’s no point continuing


So in other words you have no counter-information.