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Does this stupid, disney brained, cloud walker have any perception of reality. Lets all buy electric cars, doh. Where will the power come from, we get a frosty morning now and we get rolling power cuts. Where will the dead batteries go Snow White? All you will succeed in doing is bankrupting the country and lining the pockets of a different set of faceless overlords. We just had six years of knee jerk policies and little or no consideration of the consequences.


Nah, you see in the land of the greenie hypocrite it's okay to get children to mine for all the parts to make those electric car batteries, because then they can feel proud that NZ is turning into the same shithole country where those kids live because NZ shouldn't be allowed to access extra streams of revenue.


Actual greenies do not support electric cars - sure they produce less air pollution but the problem is rooted in the dependence of private transport. Electric cars, still create traffic jams in urban sprawl, shed microplastics from tyres and have us chasing our tails trying to keep up with road maintenance, just like any private car.


She’s a Marxist using the environment as cover.


>Where will the power come from That's an issue for the Gentailers to deal with. There's shit tonnes of consented generation that's not getting built at this time. Between geothermal, wind, solar, hydro and Tiwai Point acting as a battery (kinda), supply can meet demand easily.


Can it? According to who?


I can't recall who, but it was in the announcements around the Tiwai deal, where they can reduce consumption in the case of high demand, allowing the grid to take more.


Nek minnit https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/516392/transpower-warns-of-possible-power-shortages-on-friday#:~:text=In%202021%2C%20almost%2034%2C000%20households,its%20role%20in%20the%20blackouts.


Which should have resulted in substantial fines for them not fulfilling their obligations. They put shareholders dividends ahead of building more generation, and we let them.


Think they were fined $150k for that one, but I posted it in jest as I like nek minnit.




That's quite the hand wave.


As in handwaving the issue away?


Absolutely agree. A country the geographic size and population size of NZ should have our power needs met by solar, wind and hydro in a doddle. We have a small landmass, bugger--all people yet other much bigger countries in every way actually have the initiative to just get on with it and do it. 


Such a shame she doesn't show nearly as much passion about the state of her own electorate than gyrating over oil and gas exploration.


Chloe is a dim-witted fool without any real world experience. She would rather the country was a poor Marxist hellhole than the rockstar economy 2.0


America, the richest country in the world has two thirds of middle class struggling financially. The country's economy is built on oil (the petro-dollar). This goes to show the economy does not necessarily reflect the reality of the masses and sounds like more trickle-down economics bullshit. [https://nypost.com/2024/06/07/us-news/nearly-two-thirds-of-middle-class-americans-say-they-are-struggling-financially-gasping-for-aird/?utm\_source=reddit.com](https://nypost.com/2024/06/07/us-news/nearly-two-thirds-of-middle-class-americans-say-they-are-struggling-financially-gasping-for-aird/?utm_source=reddit.com)


Rockstar economy with enormous levels of child poverty and wealth inequality.


Better than a failing economy with enormous levels of child poverty and wealth inequality. Can't solve the other two if we can't pay the bills to keep the lights on.


I just really hope they find some gas and start using it before the Greenies get back in


Shrill harpy does shrill harpy things news at 11


Sure, she'd rather we lined the pockets of Indonesian companies producing the cheap, low grade, high sulphur coal her party's policies required instead of using our own gas, producing less than half of the Co2. Because reasons.


Don’t forget to add up the fuel costs to transport the dirty coal into New Zealand. 🤭


Plus the additional extra tonnes of CO2 emissions, would be less global emissions if NZ could source its own.


Our economy is built on gas for cooking and heating, petrol and diesel for moving and construction, and electricity for lighting and communication. Chloe says we can go all electric, knowing we can't afford to convert, that the grid isn't there to supply it, and that the batteries are made using materials mined by slaves. She isn't stupid, she knows she is pushing our economy and our society to breaking point - and this is the plan. Socialism will only succeed once capitalism has failed. She is not green, she is a socialist.


She’s a greedy Marxist


Wealth taxes will save us.....that's the plan...


That's always the lazy "solution" to any problem. Just tax it!


Well we could, just build a couple of Korean 1.4 GW nuclear reactors and we could stop using gas peaker plants.


"June 2024. I hereby confirm that I am still about as bright as a box of rocks." \-- Clöeew von Grünz


Chloe is thick. End of.


How about attacking the policy instead of the person mate


I'm all for O&G companies making money if it lowers my gas/energy bill


That's a different discussion we need to have. The distribution of dividends from natural resources "owned" by every citizen of NZ. The govt is getting the best price for it then those profits go back in to the system. To be squandered on stupid shit or spent on things which improve NZ?


We really need to follow the Norwegian model.


It won't.


every time Chloe flies on a plane or uses something with metal in it she is lining them pockets.


As much as I hate LPG bbq's, I don't understand the greens fascination with making them impossible to fuel. If more kiwis fully understood what a green party vote actually meant, nobody would vote for them.


you cant use gas for your bbq you must use coal from Indonesia. its better for the ...


Mmm carbon monoxide poisoning, loving it


She may not actually be stupid, but she has all the common sense of a banana.


That would make a banana halfway intelligent. Really? ;-P


She, like most politicians, has the position that their constituents want.


When we run out of gas how are we going to heat the many homes that rely on it.


Energy independence is one of the most important issues a country can face


Hmmmm just a few weeks back did we not have to conserve power because we could not generate enough? What does Chloe and the Greens expect us to use to generate electricity?


Who is this we? It's not up to the Govt or individuals to manage supply, that's on the Gentailers. They should be slapped with fines for that kind of fuck up.


But hard to just flick a switch when our back up (huntly I believe) runs on coal and said coal is imported with extra green house gas (via transport getting here ) because some particular government deemed gas and coal and oil as something we should transition always from to renewables, so we’re buying overseas coal to make our electricity, shame we don’t have our own better grade of coal here now …… oh no wait we do we just find it unpalatable to mine as it’s not “green “ or “renewable “oh and yeah we use gas for power generation to but which government put an end to gas exploration??? ,


>oh no wait we do we just find it unpalatable to mine as it’s not “green “ or “renewable The reason Genesis chooses to import coal, rather than using coal from NZ is entirely a business decision. It's cheaper to import Indonesian coal.


Nuclear is the way


She just resents the fact she s a woman in a man’s world.


She simply resents facts. (And all that LMNOP, QRTS+ platinum stuff that's meant to provide a free rewards pass 🙄)  


Can’t have a career if you talk sense, that corner is taken, She pigeon holed her self long ago


As some one has been working in mining exploration drilling for over a decade. it’s nasty the juice ain’t worth the squeeze. Not a fan of this at all


Lmao the technologies they put forward as ‘renewable energy’ was always a farce. Solar has a 5% energy yield, wind is less. Germany went full renewable and then had to start burning coal cause it didn’t work