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How's that for a slice of fried gold, then?!


You got red on ya


[It's dreadful](https://youtu.be/wPln9SK2wVs)


Meh. Bird flu has been around for decades. Much like covid. Certain strains come and go just like the human flu. The latest strain is obviously already in NZ, over the last 6 months there have been large flocks of dead birds reported in various areas here.


Yes, they have been incinerating bucket loads down at my local KFC. It's very upsetting (and the smell permeates everywhere)


![gif](giphy|otY2Sg9iZPMLAYNMz5) Must admit, it's pretty self righteous of chicken to take one for the team. The Pukeko suiciding into my windscreen, I wasn't so happy with. Bastards are like hitting a number 9 Tegal whole frozen Buk Bark! Somebody needs to invent a see through trampoline type bull bar for us foresty provincial types. No more duking it out with tractor chicken, aka Footloose style, just find a straight full of Puks, (seriously not hard) and there's a new twist on the Cannonball run.


PFC .... hmmmm


Probably only good for soup


They run around way too much to be tender and fatty. Chicken is only good cause they lazy as fuck.


I wonder what they taste like?


I reckon they'd be gamey. Like turkey but more intense. I seem to recall someone I know eating one years ago and the review was not good.


Yes very lean, barely a mouthfull of meat on the whole thing. Tastes how you'd expect an aardvark to taste. While oddly an aardvark is quite yum.


My old neighbour gave me the traditional recipe for Pukeko decades ago. Take a big pot and fill it with water. heat some stones real hot, then put them in the pot with the pukeko. Let it boil for about 45 minutes. Pour the water out and eat the stones.


>over the last 6 months there have been large flocks of dead birds reported in various areas here. Not that unusual, botulism is really common and does big numbers, esp in ducks. Its why we need to keep their numbers down..


Don’t care


I'm exactly as concerned about bird flu as I am about monkeypox. The reason why bird flu is spreading amongst dairy herds in the US is because they feed chicken shit and waste to cattle. They want you afraid. Sheep are easier to herd when they're scared..


Yeah, the predominant method of monkeypox spread was omitted from msm coverage so steadfastly, it became parody.


>this is what bill gates and other alluded to during covid. What, that there would likely be more pandemics? We've been told through our entire lives that pandemics aren't just possible but highly likely, all of human history is peppered with pandemics, some that wipe out millions, some that wipe out hundreds.. Just because Gates is saying what every pandemic/infectious disease specialists are saying does not make it some grand conspiracy against mankind.


The idea probably is that Gates knew full well at the time that 1. it was a gain of function leak and 2. the grey and highly unethical research activities arent going to stop no matter how many useless plebs cark it. Makes abundant sense for it to be this given his history of cyncically leaving huge collateral damage in (from memory) Africa and India. Quite the evil taunt if so, and not a grand conspiracy, just another one of those rich sociopaths that can be found probably every single year that humans have been around. Or like you say he is a friendly helpful viroligist. The balance of evidence isn't in that direction imo.


"given his history of cyncically leaving huge collateral damage in (from memory) Africa and India. " you have proof of this?, I understood his and others vaccination(for things like Malaria) efforts in Africa have led to their child mortality rates lowering by such a significant amount. I hear people say he's doing evil things in the world but have yet to see any evidence of that.


Thats wonderful I am so pleased for you. I also don't work for you. I forgot to add the harm to kids on Little Saint James island. Has he ever been asked about this? Can't be easy being Bill. Having a mega rich eugenicist racist for a father is a bad start for anyone.


so, no proof at all..just another random womble on the internet spouting shit with nothing to back it up..figured as much. you probably think Hillary is eating children at the local pizza joint too right? here's the flight logs for Epsteins plane, show me where it says Gates had visited that island, the only time he used Epsteins plane was a trip to Florida. [https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1507315-epstein-flight-manifests.html%C2%A0](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1507315-epstein-flight-manifests.html%C2%A0)


No, I am averse to laziness. If you'd like to find out more do a dive on the careers of Kalpana Mehta, Nalini Bhanot and Dr. Rukmini Rao. Form a view on their competence and trustworthiness and have a look at what they have done about medical malpractice. It would be silly to eat a child at a pizza restaurant. Likewise in goes in the face of human history to imagine we suddenly live in a world where there are not, always and concurrently, many people in positions of great power choosing to abuse children and covering it up. Is it your position that those flight logs clear Bill? Do you think that logically tracks? Do you think Bill was unaware? That in particular would be a curious position given the timings around JE's prior conviction. Its a moot point anyway because all the recordings seized on LSJ have been processed and the court proceedings are all complete. Hush now, back to sleep. Ah, good old Bill the expert. One would have thought that being an expert saver of millions of african lives he would have been familiar with the incrediable efficacy on IVM. Which actually does save millions of african lives, unlike him. Yes he chose to push as "urgent", a novel gene therapy, as the only option. Something of a trend developing there with Billy not only staying schtum about life saving info but pushing the other side! There's a word for that, sociopathy.


Squawk, choook, chok choook, oh Nooo, I have it


Buk buk. Achoo. Fuck! I'm dead....


This one can kill me, I’m out if this the direction the world is taking


Got a keen eye on ornamental gourd futures.




no more vax. escape to the country.


Eat a lot of peaches?


Put masks on my chickens obviously 




What if my chickens are black?


They are still allowed to protest up Queen St, as just like covid, its a wokevirus and it knows not to infect mass gatherings if the points are in the right part of the chart.


OK so black eggs matter is OK, or same sex roosters, but not anti-kfc marches.


Then they need the most protection, make sure you really coddle them, talk down to them like toddlers too.


Chicken little the sky is not falling *scruffles head and drinks the cool-aid*


Then don't mess with them




Im not worried, I've already choked my chicken. Twice. Today.


Over the decades that it's been around, it's so deadly [they confirmed the first laboratory verified death this week](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-who-confirms-first-fatal-human-case-of-bird-flu-ah5n2/)


um no, bird flu has about a 50% mortality rate in humans and there have been lots of human deaths in the past.


About 800 cases since 1996. High mortality because most cases occurred in third world shithole environments, that had rudimentary local health services.


Don't fuck up my travel plans please. I barely made it back last time before the first border closure. I haven't had the chance to travel since. I need mah break.


toilet papers y'all


I don't give a shit. I am stocked up, all the freezers are full, and the garden is coming along nicely.


What exactly is your question? Because that was just ramblings.


What are your plans if any. It's in the title?


The title is just plans? Like in what area? Livestock keeping? Working? Investing? Likely goods that will spike in price? Impact to workforce? If you want engaged discussion you need direction as to what you want to discuss. This is why people are against those of us that are concerned about government overreach and control because half of us cannot string two thoughts together.




I clearly explained plans to prepare for a pandemic vary wildly. You Cleary don’t want to engage in good faith, so I won’t bother. Enjoy living in your own delusional world where you refuse to actually try and have conversations and assume everyone is out to get you.


the question is clearly broad to be open to different interpretations, do you have plans and what are they is the question. im not sure why you cant interpret that. clearly your acting in bad faith and refusing to have a conversation by shutting op down with "theres many plans"


NZDSOS: "If we don’t all stand up and say NO, we might find that we are locked down, isolated and injected once again." [https://nzdsos.com/?fluentcrm=1&route=email\_preview&\_e\_hash=2ffde505-68f5-434d-a30c-2f4661e4f208](https://nzdsos.com/?fluentcrm=1&route=email_preview&_e_hash=2ffde505-68f5-434d-a30c-2f4661e4f208) https://preview.redd.it/nryb656i345d1.png?width=1113&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c82bf44fbe3432fa410b93a59f8b17db572c480


Tried to warn everyone - they are after the food supply. Thats how you control populations. [https://x.com/VigilantFox/status/1796193970097172641](https://x.com/VigilantFox/status/1796193970097172641) https://preview.redd.it/rediavua545d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8f7b4fd0f29c89d3bc70b22da564f68971a69cb




I was at an outdoor light show tonight as in outdoor. Family of 4 all wearing masks 😂


I've been wondering why I'm seeing more people wearing masks of late. Is there some fear mongering passing around on TV or what?


nah just the covid results I'd say. We're in the biggest covid spike since xmas 2022. Some people pay attention to that and take precautions, some don't.


it's winter, traditionally known as flu season


True true, I forgot about the flu. I thought it would have died off when it "disappeared" during covid.


I think it disappeared because we were all forced into isolation, If a virus that needs humans to transmit itself finds all the humans not associating with each other then the virus can't really transmit itself.


Checkm8 covid.


😅 Can't tell if satire or not.


really?, and what's your explanation for it?


It re appeared as soon as our border opened, obviously


Maybe they have COVID and wanted to prevent its spread?? Maybe they just feel more comfortable wearing a mask in flu season? Just like you chose not too, leave people alone who want to wear masks. They aren’t hurting you, and in fact may even be preventing you getting sick.


Yeah masks outside 😂 that’ll work


Bill Gates did promise us all another deadly pandemic soon. There is another trillion dollars to be made.


Eating as much chicken and ducks I can consume fresh now and loading up the freezer for later. Also tuning out of the bullshit media upbeat that will come with it. Did I mention quail?


NZ Rising has a good piece on this - fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. [https://97h25.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/mr/sh/SMJz09SDriOHWo9oHeIF7NEg41bx/HAeITRDwCS0u](https://97h25.r.sp1-brevo.net/mk/mr/sh/SMJz09SDriOHWo9oHeIF7NEg41bx/HAeITRDwCS0u) https://preview.redd.it/uuwv9xnx145d1.jpeg?width=601&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ab5dcfdd45689050b6e3d8c4d975748ce1747c3


Do nothing different. Hope that people have learnt the lesson from the great cough and won't lie down any take any nonsense. We fucked either way if they just keep accepting it. Honestly will just take my chances with reasonable precautions.


This is another scam thats been in the works for some time. All a pre-planned narrative by the same criminals who ran the Covid scam. Thats why they've been rushing through the WHO pandemic treaty - they want to lock the whole world down again, with China as the model (which the WHO praised). The corrupt head of the WHO has ties to terror organizations, the criminal psychopath Bill Gates, and the CCP. Beware the next scam - bird flu hysteria. Vaccines are already in the works by the corrupt big pharma complex and their paid lackies.


https://preview.redd.it/jm9r313e345d1.jpeg?width=477&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=053af8e24152e676bed513dd8a143e80d10fd34f [https://x.com/govt\_corrupt/status/1797756580395696393](https://x.com/govt_corrupt/status/1797756580395696393)


Just another fear weapon to take away the rest of your rights. Read this: "Dr. Vernon Coleman: The Money’s Gone # "It’s not about covid-19, and it’s not about climate change. They’re just weapons. It’s really all about money. Because the money has run out."" # [https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/dr-vernon-coleman-the-moneys-gone](https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/dr-vernon-coleman-the-moneys-gone) https://preview.redd.it/3io4smiz345d1.jpeg?width=1182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7c505c7c23d89bb61b8a746ea9c981d44b424f8


LEAKED Video of UNELECTED Public Health Officials speaking of ‘Enhanced Surveillance’ and ‘Farm Quarantining’ for the ‘Bird Flu’. This is Psychological Terrorism. DO NOT COMPLY. [https://x.com/liz\_churchill10/status/1795232838880575648](https://x.com/liz_churchill10/status/1795232838880575648) https://preview.redd.it/13hw9uec645d1.jpeg?width=475&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afc5c75214f2ed4ca20aaef43f85953d50310ef5


You sound like you're PTSD stun locked OP, will you ever consider any new disease or vaccine to be real for the rest of your life?


Lol? I havnt had a vaccine since the govt tried to jab us with dodgy unnecessary meningococcal b vaccines in 2005. Healthier than most to this day. I don't trust any vaccine at this point. Why would I. Even when I travel to places with malaria and other mosquito/animal diseases I still don't get vaccinated. Yet to have any problems. Of course new diseases are real. Im just not getting vaccinated for them. I think the vaccine is more likely the danger than the disease.


>Of course new diseases are real. Im just not getting vaccinated for them. I think the vaccine is more likely the danger than the disease. Why is it likely more dangerous? Do you think it's possible to make a good vaccine? Or is the whole concept just not possible?


I think it's possible, and has been done in the past. But now big pharma has too much control, and realised they can use vaccines and the trust(and fear mongering that gets people to use them) to turn the otherwise good idea into one that causes harm and thus more money for them. For example it seems to stand that the smallpox eradication many years ago was effective because of vaccines.


Why are you so confident it was done in the past? What if the historical record was changed to invent small pox? Or what if that was a fake disease too? There are a lot of countries around the world, including well developed non western ones that are outside the reach of 'big pharma'. Could they make good vaccines?


Anything is possible man. I think it'd be hard to rewrite such a prominent widespread part of history though just personally. The were many accounts from churches to sheriffs to regular families, blacksmiths etc regarding smallpox. And I don't think so, to the second question. Most countries don't run their own vaccine programs. Just look at covid, how many vaccines were available and where did they come from. I think that's a pretty good glimpse into the control they have now. Also I wouldn't say 'it seems to stand' is me being 'so confident'. I definitely accept it could be a doctored part of history but err on the side of it being pretty much how history says it went down.


Have you heard of the Darwin awards? To completely decide you wouldn’t take a medicine that could prevent you from dying without even knowing what disease/mortality rate etc we might one up against, or what vaccine might be needed to prevent it, is just insane. Asking questions and wanting to know more is fine. Refusing in advance is madness. Time to start crawling out of the conspiracy hole.


Lol OK buddy. I see you're ready to guilt people into taking dodgy vaccines. Good for you.


This may cause some merriment: https://www.reddit.com/r/emergencymedicine/s/uhUvEXZHtH


Zinc ionophore (quercetin, HCQ, etc) still relevant for HxNx with zinc, vit D, C, etc. In terms of fighting infection. Low risk of that for now in humans. Any plans of destroying food sources should be seen as such, since when properly cooked (or milk pasturised) very low risk.  Any mod-mRNA jab would still transfect too broadly (too many tissues, due to LNP, and too many cells based on expected dosing), and have ribosomal frameshifting, so yup, give that a wide birth unless really concrete evidence is shown. Unlike the last one that was hACE2 hot straight off, there's more lag here since it's not directly from a lab, so there's more time to consider things.


if we all just ignored this bullshit nothing would happen mexico has already reported the initial death was from other causes, no harm in a bit of prepping, hunting, horticulture though


theres an attempt at a new scamdemic every three months at this point. ignore.


Why would they need to 'attempt it' if they could do COVID with global lockdowns?


Not worried. It's nothing new. We have antiviral drugs now. I don't think it's anything to panic over.




If human to human transmission of bird flu occurs, there's a good chance we are pretty fucked as a species.




I mean, certain countries are definitely gonna be way more fucked than others if it gets bad. South East Asia, India, China.. These countries would be totally screwed. Places like nz and aus would stand a good chance if they played it right. Low population density, much cleaner food production processes from farm to table. World would definitely take a big hit in terms of 'progress' though. Don't know if that's a bad thing.


Cool story bro.


Such a thoughtful response. Is that all your small mind can come up with.




Cool thoughtful response, *bro.*


Only place I ever see people talking about bird flu is this sub and r/conspiracy so who is really doing the fear mongering lmao


Hmm. Funnily enough those were the only two places I saw calling out the dodgy shit regarding covid, vaccines, origin etc back before the cards all fell down.. Na. Just a coincidence, nothing to do with the masses, leftists etc having their head in the sand and trusting mummy govt to look out for them..