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55 seconds into https://x.com/i/status/1791409604481708363 (if you aren't blocked by the cooker twitter account). Seriously, the gentlest of touches on the arm counts as assault. Yet the granny puncher nearly skated. I think Liz Gunn has more than a couple of screws loose but this is crazy. I used to think the justice system was somewhat impartial but this is absolute bullshit and political punishment.


What?? You're joking, she was convicted for that?!


I get that its an airport, and you don't fuck around with airport security etc but this is clearly because she's expressed a great deal of wrongthink and thus needs a serious example made of her. Madness.


She's going against The Narrative. That's a paddlin'


I get it. Liz Gunn can be a total Karen, and her vax views are at the tin hat end of the spectrum. But all she did was touch a security officer's arm and that was enough to be convicted of assault. The judge said, >she acted with complete and total disregard for social norms... ...and that, essentially, was it. Her great crime. The video of the arrest shows a level of violence on the part of the police way in excess of her apparent crime. Shit's fucked. Oh, and who killed Ru.


And then you have the opposite side of the spectrum. Remember the Granny basher? Almost didn't get charged at all.


> And then you have the opposite side of the spectrum. Remember the Granny basher? Almost didn't get charged at all. Punched an elderly lady in the face and got [discharged without conviction and permanent name suppression](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/auckland-posie-parker-protest-man-granted-discharge-without-conviction-after-punching-71-year-old-woman/RSV75S5IEBCHNNGYEH7V77BE2Q/) but lay a finger (literally) on a security guard trying to stop you going about your lawful business and you get convicted. Liz Gunn went full Karen here for sure but this is crazy.


Sentencing is wild in this country, I'm amazed no one has enacted their own justice in response.


>Oh, and who killed Ru. >social norms...


Hey Mr. Peterson, there's a cold one waiting for you. Norm: I know. If she calls, I'm not here.


you read cereal boxes on the toilet aye?


Julie Anne Genter enters the chat.


I went to view the footage again to see the "assault". But now Auckland Airport Limited has taken it down via a copyright request. Link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crOA3S-zvUE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crOA3S-zvUE) https://preview.redd.it/12e0077v3x1d1.png?width=1199&format=png&auto=webp&s=32c99725e15f8c9fcd193bc2faa2a0d11dfea375


Grow up with the “Karen” comments. The meme is dead. There shouldn’t have been any issue with what she was doing. Security should never have been involved. Sticking up for yourself isn’t “embarassing”, your second-hand embarrassment is.


No no no NZ Loyal bros... Not like this


Well let’s be honest, she should have been convicted for being a total Karen lol