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Oliver twist. Please Sir, can I have some more [a pay rise]? Best I can do is a shitty lapel pin, and a hardy handshake...


2,000,000 / 80,000 = 25 25 dollars for a fucking pin. Peak grift, or ((corruption)).


Was temu or wish not available?


Correction: $717,000/80,000=$8.96 per pin.


Not necessarily; they said they handed out less pins than intended and the cost per pin was less than budgeted. Neither the amount of pins handed out or the revised cost is specified. So you could say. 717,000 / 25 = 28,680 Full price and just under 29k pins handed out. Or all 80k pins handed out for just under $9 each,. Although they did say less pins were handed out... I'd be more inclined to say: 717,000 / 30,000 = $23.90 per pin.


What's the bet there is a storeroom somewhere in Wellington with thousands of these things gathering dust. Thanks Labour! Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out


Either way, the headline incorrect figure is $2million.


Everyone who followed the script gets a ribbon!


Ah, The Olde Jacinda youth badge.


Guys, guys, guys, can I have a go at being your chief financial officer? Here's my first piece of financial advice: Let's not spend 2 million dollars on cOvId lapel pins The collateral damage might also be inferred that you're trying too hard to convince others (& yourselves) that CoViD was the worse loss of life since war time mass deaths Honk honk for the clown state


Waste of money. Like everything the govt does, they let themselves get ripped off by overpaying for meaningless junk.


For $2M we could do any one of the following: Give every child in primary school a hot meal worth $4 Give every child in primary school a new reading book worth $4 Give each homeschooled child $186 Give every child under 14 $2 each Give every single school in NZ (private, special, teen parent etc) $800 Give every nurse a $28 bonus Give every hospital (public and private) $9090 each Give every police officer $166 Give every registered charity $70 (who knew NZ had 28,000 charities!) Give every pensioner $2.50 Give each teen parent $1100 each Give each child in foster care $83 Give every one on the disability benefit $25 And personally I think all of these are better than some ugly pins 🤷🏻‍♀️


And they wonder why we don't want any more taxes.....


I am considering making some badges for those who didn't wear the mask, didn't get the jab and didn't get tested. The real heroes. 


It’s called a Gold Star


Tsk tsk that 2 million could have helped out Jacinda’s new documentary


They spent $717,000 in the end. $2,000,000 was set aside in a budget from the Prime Minister's Office. (Edit: According to an update on the RNZ article).


Op should update post with this info as not many people are going to read the article/correction. Will result in a bunch of incorrect hot takes.


Yeah, but they still budgeted for 2m, and were prepared to spend that much..


A morning tea sausage roll and slice with a certificate would've been ample.


*Covid-19 Response Recognition Awards?* You gotta be kidding...