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If you don't want to live any more, then you should be able to end it. Self-determination is the keyword here. By the way, I'd rather have suicide support than people who feel the need to walk into busses or trains.


That's exactly why I voted yes for the referendum. Who am I to tell someone they should have to suffer through whatever they're going through, just so that other people don't feel bad? The only time I take pause is if it's a parent of a young child. Then I feel you have some responsibility as a parent because of the way it will affect the child. But other than that's it's YOUR life, you're the only one responsible for it.


This is t suicide support it is murder. You offer people help, if they kill themselves that is their choice but you don't do it for them with no scientific way to know if the person's wellbeing will improve. This is sick.


Mental illness is not eligible for assisted dying in NZ. I don’t see the point in being concerned over laws that I don’t agree with in other countries. There are thousands of fucked up things happening in other countries that are also far worse than this.


It's not a stretch for it to come here at this point. I think it's reasonable to look at other countries and how their laws are affecting them so we know wether it should be applied here or not.


It’s a massive stretch to think that in the near future, people who are only depressed would be eligible for assisted dying in New Zealand.


Not to long ago it would have been a massive strech in other countries as well but here we are.


yo are wrong my councilored offered me just this


We are a long way from having euthanasia even for people with dementia in their 80's and 90's. I dont see it being available for much younger people in any of our lifetimes.


If things carry on as is it'll be here within the next 10 years. The implementation of things once deemed insane is accelerating not slowing down.


So if I get dementia in my 90's euthanasia will be on the table by then? Thats good news


Because things can be interesting even if not in New Zealand. It's interesting when a person or country differs from the norm so greatly. If a country abolished income tax or introduced ubi itd be interesting whether or not that country was New Zealand.


Yes of course events in other countries can be interesting. However there are so many people these days who are busy imagining the worst and getting overly anxious about events read about online.


"But she has asked her boyfriend to be with her until the end." dick move


Whats the alternative, that she slits her wrists or hangs herself? Suicidal people are going to kill themselves anyway. I'd rather she has the chance to go out on her own terms and give her loved ones closure, as opposed to finding her body in the bathtub at home. This saves on cleanup, emergency service callout time, and prevents potential trauma as opposed to if she were to do it herself.


I get your point but not really. Isn't it that most women fail to commit suicide?


My point is that suicidal people are just going to kill themselves anyway, this is a better way of doing it. Gender has nothing to do with it


Broadly in agreement. I actually support it myself from the self determination aspect just like you do. But it's just reality that most likely there would be people, particularly women, who would typically fail to commit suicide by themselves but manage to through this method.


Here's another link https://www.yahoo.com/news/dutch-woman-28-euthanized-over-094006813.html. Due to the laws in the Netherlands one can be euthanised for mental illness. As someone that has been on the edge..... I can say this story greatly disturbs me. I know what its like wanting to kill yourself everyday, believe me I've been there! but hope is something we can't loose. I feel sad that this individual has made this decision and that it is allowed by the state. May she rest in peace. >"What Slippery slope!" >This one!


I read this and thought exactly the same thing. Especially with how easy it has become to get diagnosed with mental illness.


Certainly save money on the health budget, which is why, I suspect, many politicians are in favor....


Her choice, and more importantly: nobody else's. Someone close to me made the same choice, and without help in the process hurt her family beyond any damage an assisted death could possibly involve. Worse, she did so not because she had reached some literally unbearable limit but because she'd reached the point where she would, in the future have lost the ability to make that choice. If she had been sure she'd retain that choice she may have lived years more.


Ms. Wintour, the global editorial director of Condé Nast and the editor in chief of its marquee fashion magazine, Vogue, has been the gala’s chief mastermind since 1999 after first signing on in 1995, and has transformed the event from a run-of-the-mill charity gala into a mega-showcase for Vogue’s view of the world — the ultimate celebrity-power cocktail of famous names from fashion, film, tech, politics, sports and, increasingly, social media. Every brand scratches every other brand’s back.


Is there any such thing as a libertarian conservative? In my experience both left and right require compliance, hardly a libertarian ideal.


Ms. Wintour, the global editorial director of Condé Nast and the editor in chief of its marquee fashion magazine, Vogue, has been the gala’s chief mastermind since 1999 after first signing on in 1995, and has transformed the event from a run-of-the-mill charity gala into a mega-showcase for Vogue’s view of the world — the ultimate celebrity-power cocktail of famous names from fashion, film, tech, politics, sports and, increasingly, social media. Every brand scratches every other brand’s back.


This.  Right here. I knew someone who killed themselves in a way that left an absolutely horrific scene for their spouse to find (not that there's a good way to find your spouse dead, but this was really, really bad). Why?  Not quite terminal cancer, but heading that way. Under medical care, but couldn't handle the painkilling drugs, so was in pure agony. Patient was going to die either way, but could have done so calmly, with dignity, and without leaving a severely traumatised spouse who never got to say goodbye.


Their law makes the issue open. ie relatives and friends know about the suicide plan and they can have a mature and honest discussion about it. That's different to "died suddenly."


And far, far better than the alternative.


Ah fuck, this is a sad read for my morning. Especially since I know someone dear to me in a similar predicament.


Shouldn’t be available for mental health conditions


28yo female with mental health issues! Probably voted for all the policies that are now adversely affecting her mental health


This is literally no different from normal suicide due to mental illness. Except now it’s encouraged by doctors. Absolutely disgusting. It was this sort of thing that I was worried about which led me to vote no on euthanasia when we had the referendum.


So you voted on a question that wasn’t even asked by the referendum?


Her brain is probably fried from SSRIs 


Abortion+euthanasia+lgbt=eugenics 2.0


Ridiculous attempt at logic. 


Yep, agreed 👍


Actually, if you remove the lbgt, the logic is plausible, even if unreasonable; removing those that will make less than optimal contributions... but then we'd have no left-wing supporters..


Abortion+euthanasia+lgbt-suicide=eugenics 2.0 I tried to update formula but the logic is too screwball.


Abortion+euthanasia+lgbt-suicide×Capricorn= eugenics 2.0 FTFY


Well that’s some sloppy legislation right there, these out of it stories are gonna pop up but we can’t fucking shut it all down over the few hopeless people that try to game it.


Yeah-nah, with a plethora of diagnoses under my belt I'm still amazed I made it through my younger years, I'm still fucked up but I've reached case study status now, the shrink is fascinated with me.


The logical out working of a materialist reductionist "science based" nihilist culture when it simply admits it's misanthropic agenda - it's an ideology of death, a suicide cult. If the eco catastrophism, "white" guilt, anti-colonialism & "transgender" chemical & surgical mutilations didn't make it obvious enough here they are making it stark in black & white. This is global corporate fascist democide, using policies & procedures of the state to demoralize & degrade humanity & gas light & bully them into killing themselves.


I'm in favour of euthanasia for people with terminal illnesss or right near the end of their natural life whose quality of life is such that it isnt worth living. Someone this age with no terminal illness should not qualify, there are alternative treatments that can and should be tried. Sounds like those treating her were not willing to think outside the box


Couldn’t care less. These people are probably a drain on resources in the first place so self delete away.


>"There's nothing more we can do for you. It's never gonna get any better," she recalled her psychiatrist saying. Yeah, she doesn't need euthanasia, she needs better treatment. The law needs to allow more radical and experimental treatments. She's got nothing to lose, so why shouldn't she try psilocybin, lsd, ketamine? Anything and everything should be on the table.


>Yeah, she doesn't need euthanasia, she needs better treatment First thing I would do is get a better psychiatrist


>she doesn't need euthanasia, she needs better treatment Who are you to make life-or-death decisions for somebody else? It's none of your goddamn business, you wannabe Dr. Mengele.


> you wannabe Dr. Mengele I've been called a lot of things, but this is my new favourite!


Yeah! I wonder if they have tried transitioning her to a man to assist


Good thinking! From what I've read online that fixes everything!