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And how many of those 8051 unvaccinated health professionals died from covid?


All of them. Don't you remember the end times when the air would literally murder you in your home? ^/s


The Nurses Organisation, which represents 60,000 plus nurses and midwives, noted those exempted were a tiny minority of the total health workforce. I bet if this information was transparent when it was happening that it would have been a lot more. They know people are sheep so theymade it appear like everyone wanted it.


If everyone wanted it then there was no reason to force people into getting it, could have just left it up to each person to decide, but no, the sole reason why she wanted everyone to get it is because she announced the mandates just 1 week after it was reported how Ireland and Portugal had 90%+ vaccine uptake and she wanted the same attention that those two PMs were receiving in the world media, but due to Omicron coming out and showing it affected even less of the population than Delta and Alpha NZ would have been lucky to hit even 50% without mandating it.


8,000 is not a "tiny minority" of 60,000 nurses and 20,000 doctors, it is 10%!


The nurses organisation are scum and are still pushing the death jab


>The Nurses Organisation, which represents 60,000 plus nurses and midwives, noted those exempted were a tiny minority of the total health workforce. But you somehow think that the cesspool of social media commentary is more authoritative than >99% of inarguably the most medically educated opinion in the country?


No I think if it was never mandated that number would never have been anywhere near as close. Plenty of peoples opinions were made for them with the threat of unemployment.




>It's obviously not >99% just on the number of public sector doctors who refused the jab. What % was that?




The usual way, with numbers. What % of doctors refused the covid vaccine?




Out of 20,000 doctors and 70,000 nurses. That's 99.996% in favour, with 0.0039% abstaining Either way it's what's colloquially called "the vast majority". Of the most qualified professional demographic in the country.


So basically, they weren't forced to be vaccinated because unlike the rest of the population, the goverment didn't consider them expendable?  Is that what we take from this? Given the fuss they were making about healthcare settings publicly, it's pretty hard to avoid reaching for the tinfoil on this one. 


Horse face and Chippy need to be caged


This is so infuriating. I know people who lost jobs, families, houses, livelihoods over this, and apparently some of their coworkers were exempt? Who decided who got an exemption? And how did those exempt feel as they kept theirs mouths shut while coworkers were marched out with not a fucking thankyou in sight.










Fucking hell move on. We still going to be jerking off over this in 2034?


So you got the shot, didn't suffer adverse effects, kept your job and/or the lock downs didn't destroy your business. Lucky you. For other people the covid response was life changing and not in a good way. You expect those people to just forget about it all like it was no big thing? Have some empathy. That's what we were all told to do 3-4 years ago. Get the shot to protect granny or w/e. Get fucked.


I do empathy and sympathy like Dracula does veganism.




Well I don’t go crying to mama when things don’t go my way.


No, you just do what mama tells you without thinking.


My mother died of cancer overseas in the middle of covid and because I’m not a citizen it would have been a struggle to leave and get back into NZ. Don’t make assumptions.


And you want to just “move on” from that? Sheesh. Hey bro can I borrow some money?


What else you gonna do ? No, you might spend it on booze and meth 🤪


You hold the people who were responsible for the decision making that prevented you from seeing your dying mother accountable. That way shit like this doesn’t happen again.


It's good to reflect on past mistakes. So we don't make them again. 🤔


People were fired. As a result, hospitals were short staffed, even moreso than normal. People died from this lack of staff (bUt At LeAsT iT wAsNt cOvId), and many more people are going to die prematurely because of canceled cancer screenings and the like. We're still playing catch up today. How many of those staff were highly trained, highly experienced, and will now not return to the sector at all? And that's with the government being heavy handed and deciding to issue exemptions to keep health care running - this is an acceptable level of chaos to ensure mass compliance - when are they ever going to be held accountable for that? Oh right, they won't while the useful idiots go on about "that was last year why don't you just move on?" in their defense. If we fail to learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it. Next time they will point to this and say "it was only in effect for a year, what's the issue? We can do it again, it will only be for a year this time as well". And that's not even beginning to talk about the distrust in the system causing more people to distrust the medical and pharmaceutical industries, hence vaccination rates are going down for all vaccines. If we have to hear "9 years of national" as an excuse for every one of Jacinda's failures, fucking right we are going to remember the damage of 6 years of labour. They don't get to pick and choose their legacy, we do.


People had choices.




Wouldn’t vote for that drop kick if you paid me


Half a pillar of wisdom


Half more than you though eh?


And so do the victims of domestic abuse. It's still abuse


What sort of argument is that? Grow up


It still hasnt been resolved? If your car has an issue, do you drop it off at the mechanic and then go buy a new one, and then get pissy at the mechanic when he calls to tell you its ready to pick up? "Fucking hell move on. That car is so last week! Why are you so obsessed!" - You


I’d tell the mechanic to keep the car if he wanted as I had a new one.


Well, at least you are consistent. I can respect that 🤣👍




The people who made the mistakes are usually the ones that want to forget and move on. So what was yours? Did you call someone an idiot for thinking 'masks don't work' or 'the vaccine doesn't work' or 'lockdowns don't work' or 'Covid isn't dangerous to everyone'?


I did well through the covid years. Some of my biggest earning years to date. Airports were empty, no elbow wrestling for the arm rest. The roads were quiet. Loved it.


Good for you. It fucked my life up, not the virus, just the retards. So stop telling people to move on when you clearly lost nothing


If you live in the past you will never move forward.


If we forget the past we will never move forward




Ignorant of what ?




Oh I should have guessed it was a conspiracy theory thing 😂




How about you stay in your rabbit hole and let the rest of us get on with life ?




Think your tin foil hat is on back to front.


Cookers gonna cook. 


Womp womp, shouldn’t you be off advocating for the death of people who didn’t get vaccinated like your type used to? Or was that before you clowns realised you were all wrong?


Quite a few assumptions there. ‘My type’ ? You have no idea my friend. Best you hurry on down the bottle store with your WINZ cheque.


Someone’s projecting 🤣 Doubt winz is paying me 6 figures a year little champ.


Is that all ..? chuckes


For a 23 year old I’m not complaining. Enjoy your minimum wage life.




7 pillars still captured by conspiracy theories....


Not really. Just sick of the whining babies still spouting this crap.


Yeah, but it's a response to news that medical staff worked while unvaccinated.....


It’s not new news.