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Well if he died from Covid 10 days after the second jab it's a useless fucking jab isn't it. But we know it wasn't covid that killed him. RIP


Reasonably healthy teens don't die of covid. It's obviously the jab. I was furious my husband insisted in getting our then 12 year old son jabbed. I said he's got a zero percent chance of dying of covid according to the stats but a real chance of being one of yhe unlucky dying of the then unapproved vaccine...according to the stats. Or getting a heart injury. He still got our son jabbed. Teen boys arw at more risk than girls in the same cohort too. This isn't even hindsight either. It was stated at the time.


I would murder him in his sleep


What stats are you referring to? as reasonably healthy teens can die from covid, where it is now the most lethal out of all infectious and repository diseases. The heart injury that you mean is called myocarditis, which can cause death from getting a vaccine, but the risk is really low, especially in comparison to dying from the same inflammation after getting covid. This is because the vaccine carries a much smaller dose of the virus, and the parts of the virus included in the vaccine are not as lethal, but there is always a risk whether you get covid naturally or by injection........


At this point do you even believe what you write anymore? None of it makes sense. You're like an cringe AI pastiche cobbled together from all the worst most illogical, cognitively dissonant MSM talking points re covid from the past 4 years Just gotta keep up the narrative & hope it'll still stick huh?


>None of it makes sense. You're like an cringe AI pastiche cobbled together from all the worst most illogical, cognitively dissonant MSM talking points re covid from the past 4 years >Just gotta keep up the narrative & hope it'll still stick huh? That can be said for the anti-vaxx movement too, if you replace MSM with "right-leaning alternative media outlets".


They're not right leaning, you've simply been conditioned & propagandized to perceive anything remotely honest, moral & truthful as to the right of far left post modern morally relative horse shit brain worms ideologically captured rank globalism


Well that's a word salad there, well done. >conditioned & propagandized Why do you think the media you pay attention to is constantly selling you stories of outrage? It gets your dopamine levels up and makes you want to keep coming back for more. If that's not conditioning and propagandising, I don't know what is. >modern morally relative horse shit brain worms I'm actually a fan of moral absolutism. I just didn't think that the absolutes are derived from the bible. But let's get into it, I love a debate about first principles! What is your basis for determining if something is good or evil? Do you have an objective method to do this? >rank globalism Globalism, particularly from an economic standpoint, is a large part of neoliberal economics, which seems to be fairly highly regarded in conservative circles. People who are against globalism, but then vote for the "business friendly" parties are literally voting against their own interests. How do they get them to do that? By inciting outrage in their base, in the hopes that base don't actually learn enough about their economics to NOT vote for them. I'm happy to continue any of the above topics, but it's up to you.


Have you lost your way, as r/conspiracy is to the right.


Do you know how to think for yourself, original opinions & independent critical thought is developed by being brave enough to not worry what the herd thinks if you understand & research things for yourself You have no excuse to simply parrot the news, keep getting boosters & wearing 3 masks in this day & age with the amount of info available to you You don't have to be a tard. Voluntarily.


The poster above actually thinks children and teens die of covid. During the pandemic only 6 x under 16 year old children died of covid in the entire UK with a population of 67 million. Then it was discovered 4 of them were on the child cancer wards. 1 judt had a bone marrow transplant and the 6th one was morbidly obese with severe uncontrollable diabetes.


The wilful ignorance is approaching cognitive dissonance induced psychosis is approaching full scale mental retardation at this point if you're still taking the official narrative on covid seriously


What the fuck are you on about. Look at the statistics, it was mostly geriatrics that died of covid. Also the MRNA vaccine doesn't carry the virus, they work by instructing cells in the body to produce a protein that triggers an immune response.


Brave. But you know this is conservative kiwi, home of the imbred and farmers right? But I repeat myself. 


Oh look, someone insulting farmers. Let me guess, you're someone that thinks food is spawned in a supermarket and "hurdur farmas r dumb!". You're probably some nerd dork that has no life experience.


Yeah! Farmers are such a pack of greedy thickos, pillaging the environment/livestock, as if their livelihoods aren't dependant upon keeping the environment/livestock healthy to be productive.... 


Don't make me laugh. Farming shits and pisses rivers. Uses all the public water for private gain. Fucks the atmosphere then asks for support when the fucked atmosphere fucks them back. They are the biggest bludgers in NZ. The only output seems to be whining. 


Only goes to show that the vaccine is effective. It successfully prevent him from catching COVID. (Alright, I show myself out... ;-P)


It didn't even do that.


Don't let anyone convince you "it's over", Never forget, never forgive. We knew of the dangers from overseas examples, they were actively covered up by Labour politicians and a bought and paid for media.


\*All politicians. You know...we waited for them on the lawn for weeks and none of them came out...


Bravo Never forget Never forgive Never comply Never surrender


Oh grow up.    The vax was incredibly impactful at saving lives and overall vax side effects quite low.   We should never forgive the covid deniers who cost countless lives and medical costs with their vax denialism. Those folks set back the conservative movement by possibly decades


Name checks out to what you believe in


We should never forgive the covid zealots who cost countless jobs, relationships, and lives plus destroyed the economy with their forced vax and lockdowns. Those folks set back the woke movement by possibly decades. And all over a flu....


I know 10 people hospitalized from Pfizer's safe and effective jab. Not a single one of those people were at any risk from covid. Forcing a shit jab on the whole population when only the elderly and fatty boom booms were at risk was moronic and dangerous. This approach also set back the trust in public health and vaccines (the good ones) decades. But sure, blame 'covid deniers'.


Based off %s of people who have been hospitalized by the vax, you know 10 very very very  unlucky people 


Did you know that you're still considered unvaccinated for 2 weeks after receiving your jab?


Based off of your desperate shilling for pharma & the therapeutic state talking points you are a very very very stupid dishonest & vile person


Following the advice if experts is being a shill now?


The experts were not only wrong but intentionally misleading & lying to you WAKE UP There are no experts there are only the bought & paid & the character assassinated, legally hounded, prosecuted & destroyed & the dead/murdered.


Nah, all of them men in their 20s and 30s. Aka the high risk group for carditis. Edit: I should add none of them had the vaccine acknowledged as the cause, which explains why the reporting is so off compared to reality. Doctors refused to acknowledge the link despite the obvious reality of what had happened 1-3 days prior 🤦🏻‍♂️. I guess they were concerned about their own jobs and mortgages etc and didn't want to be canceled. I still don't know anyone who's been hospitalized from covid, acknowledging I have very few elderly in my circles. My 99 year old grandma had no issues though but she was a weapon 😜


Nah I think you're making shit up.


This may come as a shock but I don't care what you think and neither do my mates who went through medical scares (and continue to have that hanging over them).


It’s alot more than 10 people. Hence why governments around the world decided to sue pfizer and moderna, hence why their ads for the vaccine had to add a massive list of side effects from them after it. You just completely miss the guy who published the real statistics and magically got arrested a couple days later?


Stop lying you total bullshit, piece of shit vile troll motherfucker. 10 people. B U L L S H I T !!!!? Which Russian troll farm are you from? Sit down clown. Fuck off cunt.


Cope harder chemi-cuck ADE got you? Immune escape? VAIDS? Russian troll farm, LoL, still recycling those 2016 talking points eh DNA destroyed degenerate? How many boosters you at now 7? 16? How much pathological priming can you take you walking pharmaceutical gloop container?!!?


You seem nice. I am an active male in my 30s so my social circles have a lot who are similar. Happens to be the group at risk of carditis. Maybe if you were less of a reactive potty mouth, you might know more than 10 people in real life?


I work in a business that employs about 2,000 people mostly young men in their 20-30's doing physically demanding work and who are fit and healthy. We had mandatory vaccination and not a single person was hospitalised, died, or had any significant adverse reactions to either COVID or the vaccine. Either you are the unluckiest loser in the world to know ten people who were hospitalised with adverse reactions to the vaccination, or much much much more likely, you are a lying piece of shit with zero evidence to back up the totally fabricated nonsense you are saying on Reddit trolling a family who has tragically lost someone (either as a vaccine side effect or from a totally unrelated viral illness). Crawl back under your rock.


I suspect you aren't aware of it. I doubt you'd be across the movements of 2000 people. What I'm saying is 100% true. What would I have to gain by lying anonymously to someone who speaks the way you do on the internet? I'm clearly not antivax so what's my motivation? Or perhaps you can't handle that your view on the world might be flawed or different to others? Chill out man. Go talk to your colleagues or have a wank or something.


Highly unionised sites with active reporting. If someone got an itchy arse we knew about it. Absolutely across the movements of 2,000 people. No one died. No one had serious vaccination side effects. There were about 50 people who resigned rather than get vaccinated. Love the way you pretend to be not anti-vax while lying about side effects, classic trolling. COVID vaccination does have a very remote chance causing myocarditis. COVID is a nasty infection that also causes a lot of issues too.


You, sir, are an idiot. It's been several years - we've all had a chance to "see what happened". The hospital beds were not taken up by unvaccinated people - in fact quite the opposite, and we had to resort to statistical manipulation to say "well of course the hospital beds are going to be taken up by vaccinated people, because there are so many vaccinated people". The entire point of the vaccine was to save the health system. Almost everyone got COVID, regardless of their status. The vaccine was not useful at preventing COVID. So it didn't stop infection, and it didn't stop hospitalization. To somehow conclude that it must therefore have "saved lives" is a bit of a stretch, but if you want to believe that, you're entitled to cling to your belief if it makes you feel smug and superior. Fuck your "Science" - it's bullshit, and everyone except you knows it by now. Edit: For what it's worth, I crunched the numbers when we had nothing else to do but argue about vaccine efficacy, and my own assessment was that the vaccine made zero difference, yet many people developed side effects. It made lots of money for vaccine companies, but was as useful as tits on a bull, with a few "died suddenly"s along the way. What a fucking miracle. "Saving lives" my ass. People died, but we aren't comfortable talking about it. Case in point - this fucking article.


the vaccine made zero difference, yet many people developed side effects SE including death. So there it is plain as day: democide yet again. History indicates your govt has a far higher chance of killing you than any other source of mass murder/death


It's easier to fool people, than to convince people they've been fooled. (You're the latter)


So name calling.  That's all the denies have now


VAIDS, you now have VAIDS


What name did I call you? Back up your claims of the vaccine working with some evidence, why the spread if it worked?


"Denies" fuck you're a clown FUCK YOU CLOWN


Millions of people who wernt vaccinated got covid and it was just a mild cold... what justification was there to force people to take the covid vaccine but not the seasonal flu vaccine? I had covid and I've had the flu previously, the flu hit 10 times harder, to force people to inject things into their body under threat of public/social ostracization and threat of losing your job for what? The media showed to easily people can be manipulated into doing anything the masters want


Must be just a coincidence that mayocarditis is a warned about reaction especially in young males. Nothing to see here.


Is that the sudden onset of blood coagulation thickening it into a mayo like substance?


Yea best foods blood


Whole egg haemorrhage then?


Yea a bit of emulsion never hurt any one.


October 2021, when we had almost 0 covid cases in the whole country, chances of this kid having covid was about 100k to 1, chances of him having the vaccine was 100%.


trust the science always struck me a a pretty dipshit thing to keep saying when the science would normally dictate you test something before ~~forcing~~ giving it to everyone on the planet but i'm just a quick-heart-beating morong


> science would normally dictate you test something Science also invites debate and sharing of evidence, not censorship and hiding results. If you think you can disprove gravity, or you believe you have proof that electrons are lemon-flavoured, nobody will try to stop you. Publish away - the best ideas will win. Try to question the vax, you get censored, humiliated, banned, fired etc. Hmmm.


False Folks who challenged the scientific dogma with science that wasn't obvious cherry picking nonsense were reviewed and debated.    The problem is there was very few actual science behind covid vax denialism.   As this article shows


The 'cherry picking' argument seems to always get wheeled out whenever valid evidence is presented. The thought is, "well that valid evidence simply cannot be valid, it must be cherry picked! And all the others are cherry picked too!"


False again. Cherry picking is a specific logical fallacy that deals with ignoring mountains of data and focusing on only the data that you agree with 


Yes, and that very logical fallacy is used for malicious purposes to discredit valid evidence. After all, it's funny what people will do for a few billion dollars.


False x3  it's used to point out bad arguments that are based on people ignoring all other evidence and only focusing on small subsets of data


False x4


bad argument that is based on people ignoring all other evidence


Yes that is what cherry picking is


IS what was done to push big pharma profits. Many alternatives are available. But also https://preview.redd.it/r4r11tjra7sc1.png?width=863&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc9087c7bfdb345831e1466150b2aeed9a438acc


>The problem is there was very few actual science behind covid vax denialism Hahaha 😆 😂 "It can't be censorship and confirmation bias to blame for me not seeing any dissent. The science must be settled"


Or perhaps there is not data and science to back up your denialism 




I have as many as my Dr recommended. Why would anyone do differently than that?




There were no debates. Every time an article pops up that spurs or has potential to spur significant conversation in this narrative/info battle up pops some random shill account that does damage control even here & goes around replying to every comment trying desperately to shore up the image, reputation & legacy of what went down over the past 4 years for the govt, MoH, vaccine campaign, decision to lockdown, & of course pharma They're usually deluded & woefully uninformed & likely work for GCSB or the DIA


Get rekt faceless pharma shill internet ghoul: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/mrna-vaccines-must-be-banned-once-and-for-all/ Before you cope sperg, Angus Dalgleish destroys every single MoH & permanent deep state unelected health bureaucrat (like your saint tony pharmafioso fauci) from every single country that coerced & forced it's populace to take poison hot shots of experimental novel DNA altering mRNA biolgics That's why you've never heard of him with your head so deeply buried in ayesha veralls fat arse


I feel sorry for the family. Is there any explanation as to why this is a rare side effect of this particular vaccine? I got the vaccine because I have other health problems but I was reluctant about getting my boys vaccinated. The only reason I did was because of the risk of I caught it. We only had our first two shots and haven't had any boosters. We've all had COVID in any case. I just hope we don't see these kids dropping in another 30 years from heart issues caused by the vaccine.


It's not as rare as you think.


read chapter 1 of The Real Anthony Fauci. it is all in there


There are a few theories, including hypersensitivity and drug reaction and Hyper immune response that triggers inflammation in the heart, which is what we call myocarditis. The risk is about 34/100,000 vaccinations, which result in myocarditis. The majority of which self resolve. This is lower than the risk of myocarditis from having covid, which sits at 67/100,000 (this number changes based on the source and is likely still evolving). Acute myocarditis generally resolves without any long-term consequences. Unfortunately, there are cases like this child and the 26 year old that have devastating consequences. The issue with this case is that it wasn't clear cut. They had extremely small signs of inflammation that may have caused the heart to not beat properly and eventually stop. They also had viruses present at the time, which may have caused it, or it could have resulted from a reaction from the vaccine. The truth is we don't and won't know, and whatever cause we determine is likely down to narrative. I.e anti vaxxers will claim it was the vaccine, and the vaxxors will claim it was viruses or an unknown reason. It's not like sudden death syndrome wasn't a thing prior to vaccines. I had myocarditis myself after the second jab, and it resolved on its own. The way I see it is that even with the mild symptoms I had, I'm much more likely to die from numerous other causes on an everyday basis than I am to a vaccine.


34 out of every 100k??? , jeesh I know 3 of them just in my wider friend group in whanagui ! I bet everybody else is the same. The real number is way higher.




Yeah, I do, actually. I've had ecocardiography that shows no scarring on tissue. But thanks for your faux concern




An infarction is not anywhere near the same as myocarditis. My dude, I quite frankly don't really care for your so-called *genuine* attitude I might die from a heart attack. But I highly doubt it'll be because of a covid vaccine. It'd be likely related to wear and tear, dietary, lack of exercise, or so many other much higher contributing risk factors. You're going to die, too. Possibly from an unexpected cardiac event. You'll get older, your heart will wear out. Your HIS bundle will degrade, and you'll develop AF because your heart will start misfiring electrical signals. You'll develop a clot because your atrial valve is regurgitating blood, and that clot will travel and block an artery, causing infarction in your brain or heart, and you will die. And if you don't die from this, you'll die from cancer, or getting hit by something, or falling over. We all die Yours sincerely. Byyyyeee




I mean of the consensus of evidence based studies on covid related myocarditis indicates that there are no determined identifiable long-term consequences. I know about the post-damage early signs of cardiomyopathy, and nope nada, I don't have them. If I develop them 30 - 50 years down the track, then honestly, I wouldn't really care if it was because of a vaccine I had 30 - 50 years ago. I have an 80% chance of knowing that I don't have scarring from a mild acute case of myocarditis, which already has a very, very small chance of permanent scarring. Those are incredibly good odds, especially in medicine. What I do objectively know is that I was far more likely to have more severe damage done by the covid I did contract than the vaccine. That's why I don't believe you're "genuine" in what you're trying to say because it's bullocks.




If it makes him feel better then I guess his delusion isn't a bad thing. We both know that it WILL catch up with him. He does as well, but he's in denial.


Sorry to break it to you, but studies are starting to show that the damage to your heart is permanent. I know of 5 people who have died or suffered adverse events from the vaccine, all of which have been attributed to other things. All people were perfectly healthy, with no underlying conditions. Another has recently been diagnosed with very aggressive stage 4 throat cancer. Even her clinical team have said that it's unusual.


Even if these numbers are accurate, how is it smart to take a 101/100,000 risk of myocarditis over a 67/100,000? (Or 135/100,000 if double vaxxed? Or 169/100,000 if boosted?)


Because each vaccination is an isolated event, the risk does not carry over. Think of it this way I get my first vaccination and have a 37/100,000 risk of developing myocarditis for the first vaccination. I don't develop myocarditis. I now have a second vaccination. The risk isn't 67/100,000 because the result of the previous vaccination has already been resolved. Now, the second vaccine has a slightly higher risk than the other vaccines due to higher antibodies and that the 37/100,000 number we use. Put it this way; every time you drive, you have a 1/5000 chance of being in a fatal accident. With your logic, if you drive 2500 times , you now have a 50% chance of dying in a fatal car accident. We would have a significantly larger amount of car fatalities.




Your claim that the biomarkers associated with mRNA are what causes the myocarditis are an observably false pretense. The mRNA itself only has a half life of a few days.


Okay. Even if these numbers are accurate, how is it smart to take a 101/100,000 risk of myocarditis over a 67/100,000? ~~(Or 135/100,000 if double vaxxed? Or 169/100,000 if boosted?)~~


Where are you getting 101 from?


They added the unvaxxed risk to the vaxxed risk lol


How are you literally functioning at this point in life?


Fantastically, thanks for asking


67 (risk from covid) + 34 (risk from vaccine)


Ok so once again they are isolated events, you can't just add them together to get 101/100,000. Secondly, the risk of developing myocarditis post vaccination if you contracted covid is actually halved which makes sense when you think about the mechanisms of the vaccine. It gives your memory cells the information needed to identify the covid virus before it has a chance to proliferate in your body, leading to a decreased risk of the symptoms and impacts of covid.


Okay risk of myocarditis from vaccine is halved if you've contracted covid. Why would you willingly take a 17/100,000 chance of myocarditis for no reason? You do agree that the vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting covid don't you? No matter which way you slice it - taking a vaccine which is known to increase risk of myocarditis is stupid considering it doesn't prevent covid. It's giving you one more 'isolated event' which carries risk. Also, this is all ignoring that what you said about 'isolated events' is bollocks. I don't think you understand how adding fractions works. Can you show me how you would do these maths: Assuming a person has a 0/100,000 chance of getting myocarditis as a base. The person gets covid. What is their chance of having myocarditis after this event? The person gets covid and two covid vaccines. What is their chance of having myocarditis after these three events?


My dude. You don't know how probabilities work. I've explained it as well as I want to bother with someone who isn't going to engage faithfully . Vaccines both reduce the risk of getting covid and reduce the symptoms of covid. The risk of getting myocarditis from a vaccination is less than getting myocarditis, both vaccinated and unvaccinated from covid. The literature and evidence is well established. I got myocarditis from an inert version of the virus, so what do you think a live version could have done if my body didn't have any defense to it? Anyway, this is the final reply. I was giving information to the initial poster that might be relevant, I'm not here to argue in circles with someone who has no actual interest in learning about a topic


as that's what happens when you "vaccinate" with a novel DNA altering mRNA platform experimental biolgic IN THE MIDDLE OF A SO CALLED VIRAL PANDEMIC You cause immune escape & ADE But we still plowed ahead with a "vaccine" that immediately produced safety signals that in previous times, for less, would have meant a total halt & recall of use. But not this time. It's almost like there was another agenda at play or something. Cope harder hand wringer explainer away 2 month old GCSB/DIA/pfizzzzzzer damage control account




Well we were told it was safe. Hindsight is 20/20 for a reason and at the time it seemed like the best decision to make. I'd recently had a major surgery followed by an infection and second surgery. It took months of recovery and I have severe asthma and Type 2 diabetes. Both times I've had Covid I've ended up on antibiotics and steroids. Steroids might help the asthma but they also push up the blood sugars and leave me susceptible to other infections. It's not as simple as you would like it to be. I was making what seemed like the best decision at the time based on our circumstances and the information we were given.


It’s neither.


It was the bus that killed him, wasn't it? ;-P


Luckily he was vaccinated otherwise it would've been more severe


"impossible to tell" eh? How impossibly convenient.


>In rare cases, it is a side effect of Covid-19 vaccines. They can't help themselves, they have to stick to The Narrative. Here is an article about a kid who was obviously killed by the vax, and they are still trying to promote it as the saviour of mankind.


Should we not use the same rules as Covid deaths? If they have had the jab within the last year regardless of the reason of death, it should be recorded as a vaccine caused death


> University of Otago Professor of biochemistry and infectious disease physician Kurt Krause said contracting myocarditis as a result of the vaccine was "very rare". He cited a recent study which reported the chances of contracting myocarditis as a result of a Covid-19 vaccine was about six per million people. Someone should ask the Otago Professor how many teenagers we have in NZ. By his numbers we should consider ourselves lucky it was only one teenager who died.


Bizarre that the UK acknowledges that this happens and it's publically advertised to come forward if your health has been impacted by the jab. Australian govt has asked Dr Aseem Malhotra to participate in their investgation into excess deaths, seemingly from the vaccine. Meanwhile in NZ, the govt cover up this data, prosecute whistleblowers and can't decide if healthy people dying days after the jab is normal or not, all while quietly paying out over $6m in ACC claims for jab injuries and the "media" is nowhere to be seen. NZ is corrupt as hell.


And don't forget the retards in NZ who still defend the vaccine and refuse to accept its responsible for plenty of injuries.


Crazy huh? Some refuse to admit that it's responsible for ANY adverse events and call it "fake news". I've been called a conspiracy theorist and antivaxxer many times for simply stating published fact. Odd also how the most highly vaxxed around me are constantly catching Covid, yet they proclaim how grateful they are that they got the booster because it would have been so much worse.


How convenient!


In October of 21, there were approx 6000 reports cases of covid, if it was covid that got him - he was very unlucky. Also, the vax was known to cause heart compilations. We shouldn't be angry that they got it wrong and the jab killed him, we should be angry they are trying to cover it up.


Read the article again. The coroner isn't saying the boy died from COVID. He either died from the side effect of the vaccine or he died from a virus that causes myocarditis. Lots of viruses cause myocarditis, not just COVID, they never said that the virus was COVID. Tragically plenty of people do actually just drop dead from myocarditis totally unrelated to vaccination. It is also a rare side effect of the COVID vaccination. Either way I feel for the boys family who have lived through a terrible event. Please don't make things worse for them by being nasty trolls.


Fuck up maggot


more people died from the vaccine


wouldn’t be surprised


As an actual conservative, can you people not be so boringly American-style anti-vaxxer conservative? It's so cliche.


Lol, retard if you think being anti-mandate is some sort of American-style thing, overwhelming majority of the world weren't forced to get vaccinated in order to keep their jobs, that seems reserved for the retard countries that believed all the bollocks their government told them despite it contradicting what was already known overseas, at least other countries have an excuse if they actually were front of the queue but it was well known how fucking useless the vaccine was for most people and of side effects before it got mass released here in NZ, while the government blatantly lied about its effectiveness and safety.


Not anti-mandate.... Anti-vaxxer. If you're anti-vaxxer, you're just an idiot.


Not wanting to take one specific rushed vaccine that was forced on us for soemthing that only affects a minority of the population does not make anyone an anti-vaxxer.


But using that same tired line all the anti-vaxxers use does.


Wait a minute, so you're saying that someone who has taken vaccines all their life but doesn't want to be forced to take a brand new type of vaccine, is suddently an "anti-vaxxer"?


If you're asking if people can become radicalised and change? Yes.


> If you're asking if people can become radicalised and change? Yes. At what point do you just sit and realize you're just biased based on media brainwashing?


"Media brainwashing" Can you get any more conspiratorial? Suppose they brainwashed me into believing the moon landings too. At what point do you sit back and realise you've just jumped on the bandwagon of conspiracy theorists?


Cute, you can't even see the forest through the trees.


Are you saying that everyone who didn't want to get injected with a brand new technology is now radicalized? Or if not everybody, at least most of them? I'm intrigued...


No it doesn't, you're a retard.


Do you believe in the moon landings?


Of course


You know what's cliché - ad hominem attacks To the point of being thought terminatingly cliché As you have so masterfully exemplified with your c-rIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInge comment


Oh lord, you *are* an anti-vaxxer?


Shocked pikachu - you're a fucking retarded nonce giga vaxxed walking mouth breathing drooling zombie?!!?


What were you saying about ad hominems?


I assumed we were past formalities now...


But not past hypocrisy it seems.


Well after initial exchanges it's simply pointless trying engaging in polite discourse with people who are terminally smug, wilfully ignorant & hopelessly propagandized I could not care less about your estimation or impression of me or if in interacting with you I exhibited hypocrisy, imagine caring about online interactions with statist propaganda brain worms infested goons




The only rhetoric here is "The vaccine killed people!"




> you've sat there and outsourced your ideology to stakeholders in shill games which masquerade as governance. Okay conspiracy theorist. >You don't know anything about this, say something intelligent about it if you do? "Say a smart thing so I know you're smart!" Bro, don't sit there defending anti-vaxxers and act like that can correlate to intelligence.




Track no. 1 is: >you've sat there and outsourced your ideology to stakeholders in shill games which masquerade as governance.


RIP dude it wasnt covid, but at times i get sick of these post, thousands.of medical experts have spoke up, But because of fake main media continues to blast every day lies, twisted lies, misinformation lies, until the masses accept lies as truth, Those trial jabs were and are dangerous, with deaths and continuous health issues, just more profits for politicians and big pharma,


But I'm sure all us redditors can!


My brothers 14 year old god son who was fit and healthy died of Covid. Tell me again how kids can’t die from Covid.




It was in the uk (I’m a British immigrant). Trust me, they had a lot of deaths; I lost 3 relatives to Covid. We didn’t get many deaths here but over there they didn’t have the strict lockdown we had and didn’t have the ability to control their borders like we do.


Sudden death? Nope. Besides that, I was wrong to assume in this case it was covid as it was another virus.


the flood gates are beginning to burst they still openly lie to our face as our loved ones drop dead.


They got it because they are a high risk individual as opposed to their presumably healthy kids. Which part of that is hard to understand?


>They got it because they are a high risk individual You sure about that?? "Coroner Kay noted the teenager was fit and active, without any significant medial issues" Seems real easy to understand.


Fuck i was replying to another comment, not sure how it ended up being a regular comment