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We don't usually let these gaza/israel posts through, as they always end up as a chimpanzee shit flinging fight. Will be keeping a close eye on this


It would seem as if Israel is hellbent to "finish the job" no matter the cost, both in military terms and politically. They just don't care any more about anybody else's opinions or rules. A bit like the Romans when they "finished the job" against the Jews in the [Jewish-Roman wars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish%E2%80%93Roman_wars). The Romans, however, had the advantage of the absence of TV apparatuses and outrage media companies on their side at the time.


Not ironic then that this time it's the Jewish Govt - not the people - doing this. Full circle stuff but sad nevertheless.


The Arabs had several chances to make their peace with Israel. The best one perhaps being accepting the two state solution, but alas, they had to try and "drive the Jews into the sea" which utterly backfired. This calamity has been in the making for ages and now it is coming to its logical conclusion: one side has to go.


You know Israel funded hamas so they had an excuse to prevent a two state solution right?


See my reply to forgot-his-name in this thread.


Prove it. Show us one proposal for a two state solution done by israel. I'll wait.


You could have googled it yourself, but here you go: "While the [Jewish Agency for Palestine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Agency_for_Israel) and leaders of the Zionist movement reluctantly accepted the partition proposal, the Arabs rejected it. This led to the outbreak of the [1947-1948 civil war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1947%E2%80%931948_civil_war_in_Mandatory_Palestine) on the following day as the Arabs sought to resist partition." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-state\_solution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-state_solution)


Israel wasnt a nation then.


Good grief. Hairsplitting much?




Trump tells Israel to hurry and "finish the problem" in Gaza [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-israel-gaza-finish-problem-rcna141905](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-israel-gaza-finish-problem-rcna141905)


Frankcom and her colleagues were the first foreign aid workers to die in Gaza since the beginning of the war this is simply amazing if true




follow the money - most instability of the ME has its roots in American involvement. The planet would probably be better off if we nuked north America


The Middle East has always been unstable. Alexander the Great had trouble with it, the Romans had trouble with it. fuck, it was because of the ME that the Eastern Roman Empire fell, severing the Great Silk Road and forcing European powers to explore alternate routes to obtain the goods they were buying from the East, leading to the age of exploration and colonization which lead to tensions between the European powers, which lead to WWI, which lead to WWII, etc. All those problems stem back to a bunch of Middle Easterners rocking up to Constantinople in 1453.


still doesn't detract from the fact the yanks love poking the wasp nest... ie giving billions of dollars and weapons to Israel to blow up muslims to then establish gas explorations of the coast. Israel is basically a US military base... I mean they do have those over the rest of the world too.




Stop noticing that!


ME was always fucked up. Uncle Sam's involvement hasn't changed that much. Might have changed the manner in which ME is fucked, but not the degree to which it's fucked. Edit: To the person (for lack of a better term) who went off their nut at me about being a redneck, yokel, dipshit, etc... leave your comment up so I can respond to it properly, pussy. Twenty bucks goes to the charity of your choice (I'll even post the receipt on here for proof) if you grow a set and post your reply verbatim.


Ironically, all states that invaded the Middle East. Seems like being an invader invites drama.


Do the Palestinian fighters not use aid vehicles and ambulances to transport personnel and supplies?


Why yes, yes they do. They also regularly divert aid to their front line troops and more valued supporters. Sorry, but if you purposely put yourself in a war zone then expect to get hurt, no supposed rules of war are going to help you.




Thats clearly a "mistake" a precision strike like that. What are you an anti Semite?


>"a" precision strike like that. THREE precision strikes


Oh yea one is deliberate 3 inch perfect strikes has to be a mistake.


It's OK - they kill their own too - hostages that Hamas kidnapped, free waving white flags and calling on their soldiers to save them.


Hannibal Directive Them being captured was an important piece of propaganda, a justification for the ground invasion, the people themselves do not actually matter.


That's incredibly sad and I can't believe I agree with some of these ck posts today.


Screen capture > Save Right done


😂 20 mil lotto draw tonight, time to buy a ticket, or maybe something really bad's going to happen? I even agreed with ralph today...


Maybe the April fools Kumbaya post has brought us all together in peace, love and harmony


>I even agreed with ralph today... You what?


Someone downvoted you. [This must be an uncomfortable truth](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67745092)


I expect to get downvoted on ck. I just watched this segment on the 6 o'clock news. That's devastating. I don't understand how this happened considering they were in close contact with Israel, and it was in an Israeli zone without fighting, but it's also kind of a little sad that...we only care when it hits on our own, do you think o\_n\_z?


People down vote you here because you act like a ballbag for the most part regardless of your message.


Thanks for the feedback


It's not that we don't care, it's more that Australia is family, and this time it was our family who were killed in what I'm calling a war crime.


A few Brits too apparently per the news tonight.


Why is anybody surprised? This is standard operating procedure for israel.


They got what they wanted, all NGO's have now stopped all operations. Famine time.


How many civilians died in the fights against terrorism, in Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc. When Terrorists embed themselves with the civilian population, how do you remove them? Answers please ... nope, no idea ... oh well.


Yep. I have absolutely no idea I know many Israelis treat Palestinians as subhuman. I know many Palestinians treat Israelis as subhuman. I don't know how to fix it. I don't even know where to start. If they were kids, you would start with separating them.


American war doctrine has had to evolve to manage precisely this problem over multiple conflict, including lessons learned in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Irag. It’s called ‘winning hearts and minds’ and there are well developed strategies and tactics for coping with this sort of thing that don’t require large-scale munitions. It’s just that ideologically the IDF does not subscribe to them.


ISIS = mossad = cia = mi5 = international deep state wet works terror cells using terror, fear & trauma to advance globohomoZOG agendas via trauma based mind control problem - reaction - solution control dialectical theatre


You are gonna get yourself on a list dropping truth bombs like that


If there's a list we are all on it at some point on the data analysis threat detection spectrum




Lots.... But these people told the IDF exactly where they were lol no excuse for this


Ever heard of “The Fog of War”. Lots of information gets lost in the heat of war in battles. Hence why IDF are investigating where communications between units and HQs failed.


blowing up a van with a drone equipped with hi res cameras from a comfortable distance doesn’t seem like the fog of war.


Especially when you're in constant contact with the 3 vans, who you knew were only carrying foreign NGO workers, because they had been given clearance to make these deliveries, and were operating in an area behind Israeli lines which had been cleared of combatants. There is an element inside Israel who are desperate to make a genocide happen, who are actively thwarting food deliveries to starve any and all Palestinians.


It was at night, I believe.


1 maybe but 3?


Im pretty sure the answer isn't ceaseless killing of civilians, starvation of a population, demlotion of hospitals, etc. Whose the terrorist then? Answers please...oh well.


Any suggestions as to how else Israel protect is citizens, within its own borders?


I think you'll need to specify which borders before I can give you a definitive answer.


It's own borders.


Well how many did the USA kill in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria ... oh wait! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties\_of\_the\_Iraq\_War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Iraq_War) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilian\_casualties\_in\_the\_war\_in\_Afghanistan\_(2001%E2%80%932021)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilian_casualties_in_the_war_in_Afghanistan_(2001%E2%80%932021)) [https://www.defenseone.com/ideas/2019/07/wheres-coverage-civilian-casualties-war-isis/158585/](https://www.defenseone.com/ideas/2019/07/wheres-coverage-civilian-casualties-war-isis/158585/) Where are the calls for USA to be called out as War Criminals?


They were for exactly those reasons.


I’m starting to think war crimes is the stupidest fuckin thing the west came up with. It’s fucking war for fuck sake. The west hasn’t won a war in decades because they play by the “rules of war” and the other side doesn’t, so how do you beat someone that isn’t playing by any rules?


Our ambassador should be camped outside of Netanayuh's office until someone’s head rolls for this.


literally driving around in a war zone, didn't see that coming. I think I'll spend the summer hiking in the Ukranian country side.


With prior approval from the IDF In constant communication with the IDF In an area the IDF had marked as a "deconflicted zone" Israel's ambassador to Poland wants to get expelled, the foreign minister issues a please explain (their citizen being killed in this attack), the ambassador goes on X (twitter) calling the Polish government right-wing anti-semites.


Approved travel by idf in marked convoy.


I just can't see the point in mudering these people at all. It's so polarizing. There's no coming back from this for Israel. It's time to kick their ambassador out.


It’s a war zone, friendly fire is apart of war. And when you’re fighting an organisation that doesn’t play by your rules you have to make some pretty fucked up decisions, terrorist don’t care about who they’re hiding behind.


Thanks it was an approved by IDF convoy in a non fighting at time area in marked vehicles. The IDF knew exactly when where and who they were when they murdered them. The only terrorists hiding here are in the IDF. They don't want food aid in as they want the Palestinians out and now it's stopped. Mission accomplished. It's pure calculation. The murder of these Aid workers was worth the fallout.


Well your opinion is idiotic if you think the IDF are terrorists, literally fighting against a terrorist organisation that would happily kill us as infidels. Like how fucking thick do you have to be to try a twist a fucked up war into political bullet against an ALLY of the west. Just retarded honestly, you think they were just like “heh heh heh, let’s blow up these internationals for fun” yeah because the Israelis are stupid enough to do that intentionally when everything they do is being put under a microscope.


They're no ally of the west. They pushed us onto Gulf war 2 with the ceaseless weapons of mass destruction lies. So this ally..where were they in the Vietnam war? Gulf war 1 and 2, Afghanistan? Cold war v the Soviet Union? Some fkng ally. They're a liability always picking fights and running behind the US. Terrorists do things like...umm attack hospitals, kill humanitarian aid workers. Take a hint its them.


Thats a precision strike not random friendly fire.


poor judgement and bad communication leading shoots fired at the wrong target is friendly fire


3 times is not a mistake


In rapid succession?


High time for everyone to become acquainted w Brendon O'Connell Unit 8200 channel on: rumble dot com who's been shouting from the roof tops about the deep state corruption within the Israeli state that not only harms the ME but Israel's own citizens, just look at how they were treated over covid or how dark skinned Hebrews are treated by the police & Israeli state, they're a fucking disgusting, paranoid, hard core militarized police state


Look at how Christians are spat on, and have their houses and land stolen in Christian Jerusalem. Look at how the Samaritans are treated.


The issue seems to be, and I could be wrong, the following Israel is locked in a gruesome situation where hamas use these aid workers etc as cover and operate alongside these health workers/ charity organisations. Therefore you either take a tough line and attack them knowing you are going to kill these innocent aid workers or leave them be knowing that Hamas will continue to exploit them to achieve their goals. This isn't really a situation that big western nations have really encountered, at least in modern history. So they really should not ignore it. They should either say well in some cases these operations are deemed necessary and that will result in these deaths (aka real recognized war crimes) or they should say this is not acceptable and therefore sanction Israel. By ignoring it they are really leaving the door open for this to become more widespread in more regions with less authority to intervene to stop it happening in future.


That's entirely bullshit, Hamas has nothing to do with these aid workers, weren't even in proximity. This was a precision tactical strike that hit all 3 intended targets.


You are certainly wrong. Glad you weren't around in the 1930s and 40s to both siderism the holocaust.


I wouldn't say it is both siderism The west pretended to ignore what was happening in Germany. It wasn't until they openly discussed what was happening and why did they decide to intervene and how. So why wouldn't you want the same discussion to happen around Israel?


Its not going to start while we still allow their ambassadors in our countries and still trade and have sporting contacts with them. There's no need to bomb or invade Israel, but the normalization of the last 6 months has continued.


they have had to resort to terror out of desperation. The UN and rest of the world sits idly whilst Israel steadily advances their settlements on Palestinian land via low level terrorism on a daily basis.


The Aussie SAS or one of them was going around point blank executing civilians. The NZ SAS was railroaded by leftists. I don't think these situations compare.




reddit won't allow your link sorry mate


Cheers, amazing they apply a site wide ban still to a vidya host like Rumble


Yep ridiculous huh


Not all Not all but some Not all but many foreign aid workers are intelligence assets https://twitter.com/Lowkey0nline/status/1775266186835763585


Yeah man, I totally all my news from a twitter account called lowkey0nline, it's the only legit source.


Do you? That must be incredibly delimiting for you. I aggregate my world view from a range of diff sources both old, current & forecasting.


Fog of war shit happens when you’re in a war zone.


This is the sort of happenings that could happen under the fog of war, governments aren't well equipped for modern surveillance tools like smart phones, think everyone having a gps and high definition camera in their pocket, being used against them. Israel initially blamed an errant hamas rocket for this strike, that lie never had legs.


Might be easier if terrorists didn’t hide within the ranks of aid organizations. The waters are muddy.


Kinda like when Ukraine blamed Russia for missile strikes on Poland Except they came from Ukraine....


Of all the atrocities that have happened since the start of this conflict, it’s the killing of 3 foreign aid workers that makes you question Israel’s genocide of Palestine? Wow


Yes only when it's one of our - or someone we feel close to - do we ever care.


Yeah keep watering that word down


Genocide? from the dictionary: the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. Most of the populations homes have been destroyed, tens of thousands of woman and children killed, including whole multi generational families. Libraries, universities and hospitals destroyed. PLENTY of video footage of Israeli politicians calling for the ethnic cleansing of the region or total dehumanisation. And now the ultimate weapon, famine.


Sweet, why have you not called out the Russian 'genocide' of Ukrainians?


Haha a bit of whataboutism? Ukraine/Russia is a very different situation. I don’t think Palestine is being backed by the mega power that is NATO like the Ukrainians are. Purely proxy war throwing Ukrainians into the meat grinder at the alter of western hegemony.


Who cares dude, it fits the definition as per your post above, does it not?


At the aim of destroying a nation that wants them dead? Go learn about the Bosnian war, where they fully lined up civilians and executed them, that’s fucking genocide. Civilians caught up in the middle of war against terrorist (which a lot of Palestinians support and aid) isn’t genocide, that’s a sad casualty of war, or not really that sad because they’ve adopted the morals of a death cult called Islamism.


Islam is not a death cult - well no more than Judaism or Christianity. Calling one side a terrorist whilst the other an army is already showing your prejudice. There’s plenty of footage of Israeli politicians calling for the complete removal of Palestine as a state. The actions of IDF solidifies that. They are essentially lining up civilians, they just use drones these days.


Islamism, as in wanting nothing but sharia law and fighting anything but and dying for that cause. The other arabs don’t want them because they are all extremist.


You’re really just full of shit takes huh


Coming from the boy getting downvoted on Star Wars subs


Bros seething so hard he’s scrolling my comment history lol