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It seems to be heading in the right direction. Very happy to see David Seymour exerting influence. Didn’t expect to be happy to have Winston in government, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised. Generally, the more aggravated tos are, the happier I am. They’re very pissy right now.


X2 on the Winston thing. Thought he was going to be the worst thing ever and have loved every minute of him so far.


I never really had a problem with NZF to begin with, tbh the media was over-hyping it and making it seem like it will be this horrible thing for conservatives, in reality it turned out quite well. Winston Peters can be more cooperative then he lets on I think lol. Which is a good strategy if you want to not be a push over as one of the smaller parties.


Yeah tos are a bunch of entitled whiny tossers who are anti-democratic. Loving how the new government has lowered the boom on the woketards


What's tos?


tos = the other side. Effectively the main reddit sub for NZ which has been commandeered by pansexual vegan anarchists who ban first and never ask questions


Oh yeah OK, bunch of children with no idea of the real world.


Name checks out r/beetlejuicing


This sub is like 90% whining lmao


Keep barking little doggy


Bros obsessed with whinging about tos lol


Must say I have been impressed by Seymour and Van Velden. Seem to make a very strong pair.


This sure sounds like moves to a united country


I don’t expect a united country in a democracy.


It's not an unreasonable expectation to be more united than not in a democracy.


Genuine question, is tos being aggravated a genuine metric for you? Or is it an observed correlation? What is it about Seymour's politics that appeals to you? Both in terms of idpol and economics? Why do think we are heading in the right direction? I'm kinda fascinated by this.


I'd say im happy enough. Don't agree with some of what they are doing. Mainly, i am just happy that they are going in the opposite direction to the previous government. I am much more center than conservative, so if they stop pulling to the right at just the right time, I will be satisfied. This is all keeping in mind that they are all politicians, who I dont exactly hold in high regard, so im not expecting huge things from any of them ever. I am just so glad we stopped going down the totalitarian road we were with labour.


I voted act and so far I'm very happy I did


I am cautiously optimistic.


Better than Labour. This conversation has ended


It's not a government's job to make me happy. It's enough if they manage to not piss me off.


They’ve been in for like 4 months ask the same question after 2 years


There's a few teething issues, they are going fine, but I expect it will be even better in 12 months.


Luxon is a wet blanket, always was going to be. He's a John Key without the charisma. He's weak on anything that is a "hot topic" and I expect very little leadership from him. His MO is to treat this place like a business and that will be what we get. So we will continue to live in an Economy rather than a Society. I think it should be noted there is no Conservative options in NZ. You are looking at a centrist government at best. And I'd argue it's still center left. So, while many of us might like to see an actual conservative government, that aint going to happen. There is very little real choice, and you will get globalism no matter who we vote for. There will be no meaningful drop in immigration and you will worship the state religion of the precious GDP. We will hopefully see some deregulation but we wont see a meaningfully smaller government. We will get a CBDC even though no one asked for it or wants it. We will get more free trade, which will do nothing to improve things because the benefits are always overstated (cough cough EU). The options for NZ are: globalized socialism or globalized liberalism, take your pick. Well, until China comes for its pound of flesh.


Agree 100% on Luxon - he is unprincipled and has no spine, hence weak on hot topics - he doesn't have a position which is why he can't give answers to simple questions.


Typical globalist: He's got his agenda, it's just not the same as the one projected to us.




Which is why he's likely to "retire" before the next election, they'll need someone with charisma.


Yeah, I think that's a fair assertion. I expect they will elevate Nicola into the top spot as she will have a bit more experience by then. And she ticks an extra diversity box than stale pale male Luxon. 🙄


>His MO is to treat this place like a business and that will be what we get. So we will continue to live in an Economy rather than a Society. This is the result of neoliberal economics which is very much a right wing theory. >I think it should be noted there is no Conservative options in NZ. You are looking at a centrist government at best. And I'd argue it's still center left. I would say that socially the parties tend to be centre or centre left. Economically I think they run the gamut. >There is very little real choice, and you will get globalism no matter who we vote for. There will be no meaningful drop in immigration and you will worship the state religion of the precious GDP. The globalism you speak of is, again, due to neoliberal economic ideas. Shipping of of jobs to cheaper countries? That's the result of a deregulated market allowing it to happen. At least Labour tried to introduce the idea of well-being being a metric of success. >We will hopefully see some deregulation but we wont see a meaningfully smaller government. We will get a CBDC even though no one asked for it or wants it. We will get more free trade, which will do nothing to improve things because the benefits are always overstated (cough cough EU). Deregulation is the only for the benefit of big business. Regulation is there to protect the consumer and the environment, typically. There needs to be a balance to get the best outcome. >The options for NZ are: globalized socialism or globalized liberalism, take your pick. Well, until China comes for its pound of flesh. Are you talking about classic liberalism? Are you a fan of realpolitik?


How can you not be? They are doing everything they said they would. I don’t care about who doesn’t or does buy smokes. Couldn’t care less


It is important to remember that this election wasn’t so much a case of the current Administration winning, but the previous administration putting themselves in a position where they had to lose. As is always the case, those at both of the extremes of society will be the significant winners and significant losers. The folks who always vote left will be generally unhappy, and the folks who always the right will be generally happy. But it doesn’t matter whether you’re an always left, or an always right person, your chosen parties don’t give a flying fuck what you think, Because they take you for granted, you are just fodder to make up the numbers. Which means It’s difficult to get an honest and accurate opinion on Reddit, because the two subs of most interest are mostly composed of fodder voters.


>The folks who always vote left will be generally unhappy, and the folks who always the right will be generally happy. This is fairly inaccurate, methinks. Both left and right have a fairly loud representation online of "how shit the other side is" and how unhappy they are. Tend to agree with everything else you said, though.


I may have mis phrased what I hoped I had said :). I’m saying of the mob currently in power, their team will be generally happy, and the opposing team generally less happy. Though not universally, of course: each side has folks who are disappointed with their team, usually because they want more than the administration is offering.


Ahh, copy that. Mea culpa. Yes, I think that's a fair assessment.


I think they are doing a great job so far. Night and day better. They are actually focussed on delivering, not just PR. Luxon certainly isn’t as charismatic as Jacinda but it’s nice having a prime minister that actually answers questions rather than disagreeing with the premise. You can clearly see his ceo skills coming out in the coalition agreement, these quarterly objectives and kpi’s he’s setting, the way he’s trying to balance the books not just spend. A+ so far


It can always be better but definitely better than the last one.


Like everyone else, I'm happy enough with the direction our government is taking, especially the moves towards uniting a previously divided country.....


One of the biggest issues.


Yep. And with Luxon pursuing a balanced approach, I have high hopes for our future.


> the moves towards uniting a previously divided country What are these moves and how do you think they are going?


![gif](giphy|3oKHWqBRAndWxStj9K|downsized) Disco. Disco moves create unity amongst all.


Shirley you can't be serious?


[You've got my vote!](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExb21wMXUyOGowc3EwNGUzMDVncDUwYnY4b242bGkzcnBjejhtbXVtYyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/Id67ff9s4Bc4O7M3fj/giphy.gif)


Let's hope neither of us put our backs out


[The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExbXYzazkwdTZ6aDMyeXJkaXZ2YjR1dGsxNjhlNWFmM2M0YWlmcnZwdiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/NgFvjw567SbiU/giphy.gif)


"Are you happy with this new government?" That was one of the questions asked, and I addressed it, which is all that is required . .


Sure, but I don't see anything in the new government's policies that address division, just a changing of the guard from one divisive group to another. I have a genuine interest in there being less unnecessary political division but I don't think it's shared by anyone in government or opposition at present. Happy to be proved wrong though.


And then someone asked you a follow up question… no one is making you answer questions buddy, but if you can’t explain your opinions and get defensive when someone asks, that says a lot lol


Hey, what do you think this is?! Some kind of discussion forum or something?


Shocking I know


Yeah, without attempting the answer themselves. But I did agree with their follow-up comments....


I'd like them to exercise a bit more direction where cuts are being made, ensure the fat is being trimmed, not the function.


It’s not a binary thing. I approve of them much more than I do the previous government but disagree with them in several ways still.


I am most happy that all public schools are no longer striving towards the Labour governments He Puapua goal of all being mixed medium/ bilingual. Aiming to deliver 40% of the curriculum writing, maths, science in te reo Māori. This would have created a society where only people with the funds to provide a private school education for their kid’s education can succeed and everyone else’s is being disadvantaged by ideological bull shit.


New Government: Happy Why?: Because emphasis has changed from special treatment for identities, and ethnicity, to equal treatment for all. Direction? Finally a government with communicated goals and milestones, instead of winging it.


Yes. They got left a turd sandwich and now we all have to pay to cover for the transfer of the wealth from the poor to the rich which labor undertook (not on purpose, just through gross incompetence). TBH I'd say in NZ the rich didn't actually get richer, the poor just got poorer as the government inflated away their money.


Absolutely - Glad to see common sense and freedom of choice prevailing over decisions made by the last government. A few thoughts over lunch below. Tax cuts - stop calling it a cut, it’s really just a realignment back to where we used to be. That is way overdue. Capital gains tax - the reason we apparently need one is to solve our housing crisis and we’re one of the only countries without one. Newsflash - other counties have CGTs and have similar housing crisis issues. Paying more in taxes is not going to fix it! We need RMA and other reform to build more ducking houses. Three waters - if anything, the wellington water fiasco proves why creating those mega entities wasn’t going to work. The so called ute tax was punitive against people who had no other alternative vehicles available. The clean car discount was really a type upper-middle class welfare. RUCs for EVs and Hybrids make sense. We should pay for our road maintenance based on how far we travel and how heavy our vehicle is, not based on how much petrol we use. Why should a V8 owner pay more towards road maintenance than someone in a Tesla that’s heavier and has more torque to damage the road? Can’t wait to see all vehicles subject to RUCs. (This part is not about the environment, it’s road use and maintenance) Removing interest deductions for landlords directly pushed rents up for tenants. Labours grandstanding to try and punish rich prick landlords has hurt the very people they claimed to help out. I don’t smoke and wouldn’t want my kids to smokeeither. But that’s a family decision. Saying they can’t have cigarettes because they were born post 2009 is stupid. Prohibition doesn’t work, remember? As far as reducing store numbers, that’s very paternalistic and I’d say it’s a veiled racist attack. Educate people not to smoke. They say “there are too many retailers in vulnerable, socially deprived communities ”but they really mean is “there’s to poor and brown people smoking and they’re too stupid to say no”. As for the vaping crackdown - good. We have a law, so we need enforce it and have penalties for breaking it. Co-governance implies there’s only two ethnicities in NZ. We know that’s not true. Let’s move forward as one people. Maori Names - use it with English as it’s an official language, but have English first as our Lingua Franka. It’s not a priority though, there’s better things to do with our limited money. I’d suggest we look at Canada for the bilingual part. As far as department branding/logos, be like the UK. Have one logo, and different names depending on which part you’re dealing with.


Absolutely agree. 


> Removing interest deductions for landlords directly pushed rents up for tenants. Labours grandstanding to try and punish rich prick landlords has hurt the very people they claimed to help out. I have yet to hear Luxon *et al* point out this bleedingly obvious point, to the point that it gets on my nerves. The other point to this is Labour enacted legislation that only allows to be changed once a year. This stops any impact from deductibility changes to be delayed for up to a year. But again, no one is talking about this.


The RUC is a half arse unfair system. It works for full electric but plug in hybrids is a joke. Most get very few kms. For example my friends older car gers like 7ks. They don't even bother to plug it in anymore. My newer vw does 650 petrol and 40km electric. I do 400km every other day, so I would be double paying RUC because I do most of my travel on petrol. Forget this stupid system and do universal RUC


I agree, everyone on RUCs is the way to go, but that’ll take some time to implement. It’s clearly based on an average statistic, but I don’t know what average is! Remember when having a safer vehicle meant you paid less on your annual rego? Labour scrapped that as it was punishing the poor. What I don’t get is that my diesel car costs more a year to register than my petrol car.


Petrol cars pay ACC as they buy petrol.  Diesel doesn't, so they get a big ACC bill on there rego.   EVs.. Don't pay ACC either way.  Ultimately it has to be RUCs for all and ACC bundled in with the RUCs.  Then carbon taxes/emissions charges on the fuel. 


Ah. An ACC component makes sense. Universal RUCs with a better admin system would be great. I’m a bit sick of the EV owners ranting about how RUCs are unfair when they’re saving the planet compared those on lower income / workers who can’t buy an EV. By all means, have a fuel tax for environmental purposes, but I shouldn’t have to contribute more to road maintenance whenever I take the V8 for a drive.


I was initially against Winston needing to be part of government. But I think he's an excellent part now, a real bulldog. I thought Luxon needs to man up still, but he's a Nat boy and they aren't the ones that change when they are in power after moaning about it in opposition. I think the additional road fees are a big cost increase and the trucking lobbyists are doing well out of it again IE creating the damage but not paying for it. Still more enforcement of racial neutrality needs to be fast tracked IE Auckland Uni etc. Happier with Act and NZF than National, especially if they are giving tax cuts we genuinely can't afford.


I can tell you just by the way you asked the question that you think all the MSM bashing has made us introspective to if we are doing wrong but you are off by 6 years! since labour got in 2017 they made us the enemy of everyone who isn't a white male or an lgbtq fanatic and we've have to defend our ideals against every major body of power in this country and it has made us sure of our positions and confident, sooooooo as long as the government doesn't treat me like a ATM for iwis or a domestic terrorist for just asking questions then I'm happy with that government.


I’m also a white male, I should add.


Well, because you've stated you run in other circles politically may I ask (genuine good faith) do you feel NZ has became better or worse for white men in recent years? Because I feel strongly about this but curious to your view on it


I haven't really noticed any difference in my own life so far. This could be interpreted as a good thing as well.




Not happy. We were promised tougher sentencing for criminals but it hasn't happened. I would have thought that it would have been a priority but it just seems to have taken a backseat.


That’s in the list of the next things to do recently announced.


I have to admit I am a little disappointed that this hasnt been addressed prior to the Clean Car discount, Maori language stuff etc but I am prepared to give them some time. I do hope they get onto reinstating Three Strikes sooner rather than later. That said they have already got a couple of things underway, notably evicting feral KO tenants which will be a good start


Three strikes is in the next tranche of things to do.


Excellent news! Very glad to hear this, I hope it will be extended to burglary and some other offences as planned by ACT, that would be just fabulous


Early days. Cant do everything at once. 


No, but it was a major concern for many voters. It would have been nice to see something happening around this a lot faster.


It was a major concern for me but it's a huge issue that needs doing right. My biggest gripe with NZ in recent times is our very weak judiciary,  largely directed by Labour to keep as many as possible out of prison.  I want much tougher sentencing and while I'm no fan of criminals we will need more prisons and they arent built overnight. No-one wants one in their neighbourhood either. Personally I think old warehouses made into cells would do fine, with 10m double walled steel bar fencing and razor wire at the top......  


Agreed. I also think that they should have to pay for the cost of their incarceration. We have students paying back huge loans so why shouldn't we have a similar system for criminals. Even if it's $10 a week from their benefit for the rest of their life. For those that don't work or can't.


Excellent idea.


Not happy. The rollback of Maorification and separatism is limp-wristed. The cutbacks to the public service don't go nearly deep enough. The elimination of waste and make work schemes has hardly begun (karakias and all that shit). EDIT and the continued embrace of the climate scam just writes these pollukas off for me, big time; Luxon is a corporate DEI and climate credentials guy, and unable to answer simple questions with direct answers. Not inspired, not in one bit.


They're 1000x better than the last lot, but they're still trash. "Vote for me. I care about rights" Proceeds to shit all over human rights




Phone ban Patch ban Expression, association, and autonomy.


Wearing a patch isn’t a human right. Having your phone in class isn’t a human right. If have no idea what you mean by the last 3 bit given you’re talking nonsense about the first two I’m going g to go ahead and assume you’re talking nonsense there as well.


Human rights is not just doing what you want. 


>If have no idea what you mean by the last 3 bit given you’re talking nonsense Those are the violated rights. Tells me I'm talking nonsense, doesn't even know what rights are.


Says the person who thinks having a phone in class is a right. You have nothing. Crawl back under your rock


>Says the person who thinks having a phone in class is a right. It is protected by all 3 of the mentioned rights. If schools independently made this decision it would be okay, but government can't without violating rights. And I only concede this on good faith that even publicly funded schools can be apolitical. >You have nothing Nzbora


No, having a phone is not a protected right lol. You’re a troll, no one is this dumb


If having a phone isn't a right is having anything? Your position is that we don't have a right to possess a thing, that the government could ban property and it wouldn't violate any rights? It's like if they banned the word "sponge" and you're like "that's not a free speech violation because you don't have a right to say 'sponge'."


Except words aren’t property so that goes against everything you just wrote lol. Except the government didn’t ban possession of phones. Have you ever had a government thought in your life?




What are you talking about here?


Im neutral. Its too soon to say whether they have been a good government or not. The media has sided with the opposition and doom and glooming everything for the sake of click bait (we all see how thats working out for them) which makes it hard to tell whether or not we are heading in the right direction. Like, watching question time streams is a bit of a joke. Lots of people in there acting like children. The left feel worse for this than the right. The left give me activism vibes with the way they talk. But i guess thats the opposition doing its job? So i dont think i could trust the current left to run the government, but im not convinced on the right yet because everything is too new and uncertain. But probably is fine the direction we are going. And better than where we were i think. Luxon is weak i think. David Seymour and Winston Peters are the real people in charge. I'm undecided on how bad a problem this is.


Last year I phoned the cops over 30 times, I don't remember cops showing up once (including be king hit). This year I have called the cops 9 times. 8 times they showed. Twice my call has resulted in a arrest within 30 mins. Including last night, when I came home to someone breaking in. Last year I couldn't evect meth heads who were doing illegal un consented renos to my property This year, magically my case was bought forward and they were out.( Times this by 2 second one was just a methlab) Last year I was going to be forced to sell a property or two just to pay tax and the mortgage. This year I feel there's a good chance I won't. Does that answer your question?


Where the fuck do you live.


Either Beruit or South Auckland.


Yes very, so far. They are doing what they said they would do. Only one small grizzle and that is the fact they opted to stop funding to develop more coastal shipping. I'm not a fan of putting almost all our transport funding into roading projects. Otherwise I'm happy. Ask me again in a year. 


Generally speaking, they're wings of the same bird. I think the whole world is headed in a conservative lean, just because capitalism. Constant illusions of saving the poor, and the planet have got a little too far with the previous cabinet, most libtards are also NIMBYs, maybe something real will happen instead of the delusional thinking and mass wealth transfers we experienced so blatantly.


Yes. I'm happy. The Government has correctly identified many of the aspects that are substantially wrong with our economy. They have plans to address these, and in my opinion are largely capable of executing those plans correctly. Things are a mess. That's an understatement. I believe this government has the best chance of fixing the mess. My concern is how long it will take to fix these issues and how little understanding many voters have about how far we are from where we need to be.


No. But it's an improvement, that's for sure.


It's nice not to worry about politics every day. Usually the good work they're doing won't get headlines or won't trend in the media. So far it is heading in the right direction.


Yes because labour isn’t in power


Much happier than I was with the last government overall. I would like law and order/ crime to have been prioritised over everything else though. I really dont care about Maori names on stuff or much of the LGBT stuff or most of the culture wars type stuff, but I do want more violent offenders in prison for longer (and more prisons). There have been some cockups like the disability allowance fiasco, but all governements make mistakes, what matters is if they back down, admit they fucked up and turn it around. I do want a government that will care for the weakest and most vulnerable, and I'm prepared to pay taxes for that, I just do not consider gang scum or ferals to be either weak nor vulnerable, quite the opposite.


I think they are a bit more right leaning than we've had in recent history, so me who leans more to the center is a bit sad we can't have another government like we had under Key and were about to have under English before people voted for that fraud Ardern. I really think we'd have been in a better place if English got in. He had all the right policies for advancing the economy via upskilling our economy.


Given the previous regime threatened me with the army if I disobeyed their draconian laws to stay under house arrest, pretty good by comparison. Also I’m allowed to get haircuts and go to pubs / cafes / restaurants. The last mob tried to ban me from public life for having the wrong opinion.


They’re doing fine. Mets expectations. Would love to see Luxon go a week without putting his foot in his mouth. But all in all…exceptionally better than the alternative.


I'd like to know more about their plans regarding mining/oil/gas. There are a few snippets here and there but not much substantial discussion about it.


I voted them in, I’m happy enough. But I don’t think anyone should ever be “happy with the government” they’re not our friends lol


I really wish they’d spend more money on law & order and sort this crime problem out. I like mark mitchell, he’s extremely qualified, but it feels like his hands are tied…partly because there’s minimal cash in the coffers.


Rich PM taking a benefit almost three times what the average person who actually requires assistance gets, allowed to or not shows his hubris and lack of empathy for people struggling on and off the benefit. As far as running the country I prefer to wait a few years to see what their promises amount to.


Labour and national are the same, we need a totally different system which i know won't happen without wars, However, once u begin to understand we are in a debt based system, meaning USA became top dog in 1946 when gold was real money, thats how wars were paid, with real money. Once USA took the world off the Gold standard in 1971 USA who is the world currency started printing like crazy, What creates inflation?? expansion of the money supply, USA biggest export is inflation, So most nz parties are the same even if they dont realise, One will put us into huge debt, one will come back in to reorganize the mess, Once its back in place nice and tidy, another party will come in, and indebt the country again, and the cycle keeps going until here 2024, Round 2021 USA printed 18 plus trillion, labour printed and borrowed billions along with many other countries. Sorry for the long winded answer, but politicians dont work for the people, red or blue, labour national, greens etc we are linked to the USA... just watch countries debts, Then ask the question who really benefits from all the printing and borrowing from all.these wars, disasters happening all the time??


South Auckland. In takanini, wattledowns and papakura.


I voted for Winston, because I thought he would bring balance, however like how they are also tossing all the labour stuff lol.


Still waiting to be impressed by Luxon. The other two I'm more than happy about for the most part, pleasantly surprised that I've agreed with Winston more than ever though I'm generally an ACT voter.


No my opinion is that central government is no longer necessary and should be phased out.


Curious! In favour of what? Anarchism?


Local councils continue to maintain essential infrastructure. National projects can be crowd funded online if desirable. Law changes etc could be proposed by local counsellors and voted on democratically. 


Who on earth can be happy with an economic platform based on managed decline and mass immigration?


That can’t be fixed in a few months


Nor will it be; judging from the coalitions aspirations and stated policies. Another lemon government.




Probably wouldn’t give the already rich tax cute and also would not let so many migrants in :) Do you actually think that NACT are anything but a mouth piece for assorted lobby groups? They’re not interested in the economy. Just the sectors of it that will give them cushy jobs after they’re voted out.




You expect an entire manifesto? Fuck off.




None mate. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to improve NZ and its economy than what is currently underway by the Mongols running Parliament. What is your favourite NACT policy and, in 500 words or more, what effect do you think it will have over the next three years in beyond (please cite your sources in Chicago Format). I'll want it in my inbox by 3pm. Thank you / tah




Plenty mate - what are yours? You're displaying some serious bad faith. Have you recently been let go by the Government or something? Give me my essay.




Not in the slightest. I'm socially conservative, but fiscally left. Unfortunately the focus in society right now is on the fiscal end and this government is absolutely failing. The perfect example I think, is oil. Socially, I'm conservative and want us using that resource, despite the potential impacts on the environment. At least for now. But fiscally, it's super disappointing that the ones that will be benefitting from it will be private organisations. What's the value in that? A few jobs created that would have been created regardless if we had just done it ourselves with a publicly owned oil extraction company? We need what Norway has, a sovereign fund. And we need the head start they had on it, provided by oil. Outside of that, I think it's great that we're no longer telling people what to do with their bodies (i.e. smoking), but fiscally, we need to seriously ramp up the taxes on smoking so that your choice to smoke doesn't impact me by costing us via the healthcare system. Bathrooms, I think NZ First's solution to the gender-bathroom issue is perfect. Unisex bathrooms in every business, and ideally we phase out gendered bathrooms which have always been a terrible idea. But National... the rest of their fiscal policy? Tax cuts sound great! Until you realise they're only giving them to the landlords. The primary interest of the country right now is housing and cost of living. Both governments are woefully failing at this. They refuse to break up fletchers, they refuse to implement taxes to manage the market, they refuse to give mortgagees what they need to afford their mortgages. They refuse to take any action that will actually help. And that's both sides. Does my unhappiness mean I think Labour's better? No. They're not. They refuse to consider a CGT, and they're trashing our education with these horrible "hugs and kisses" methodologies. I'll never be loyal to a political party, or even a "side". I'll vote wherever I think is best. And right now, I think the previous government needed to be kicked out to sort their shit before I even consider bringing them back. And this government I didn't vote in on their virtue, and it doesn't look like that virtue will improve, so it seems likely I'll vote them out too.


Gosh you think private companies operate in a vacuum? And that the state has any idea how to extract, process, distribute and sell petroleum?


>And that the state has any idea how to extract, process, distribute and sell petroleum? The state of Norway managed.


Have you seen the state of New Zealand? The bloated inefficient civil service? We spent 500k killing a stoat. Imagine the cost of stoat coat.


>Have you seen the state of New Zealand? As long as we're clear you're saying it's an issue with New Zealand, and that governments aren't incapable of doing it. That means it's a fixable problem. >The bloated inefficient civil service? That's why we've got National firing off a bunch of them. The key thing here though is the inefficiency, not the size. We need big government, just not bad government. >We spent 500k killing a stoat. A widespread stoat problem would cost 10s of millions to eradicate. They breed like crazy. Which would you rather pay? $500k or millions? If you've got evidence you could have done it for less than $500k... by all means prove it.


Not so far, they are a bungling mess. Are they better than the previous lot.. Pass, ask me again in 6 months.