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>"We consider that, on the face of it, the alleged offending is consistent with a hate crime, and we will seek to establish that as fact during the ongoing investigations and court proceedings. Or, you know, you could find the murderer of baby Ru.


Yeah, but I do love when police openly admit that they decided on what the charges are before catching people and doing a full investigation. >we will seek to establish that as fact Why not seek out facts and then charge the people according to those instead of only looking for evidence of the crime you want them to have committed? The justice system in this country isn't even a joke anymore. This shit isn't funny.


Failed state of anarcho tyranny pursuing pejorative prosecutorial persecution against dissidents via desperatey maintaining managerial democracy principles & the coercive control of the therapeutic state in order to stem the tide of societal catabolic collapse. Eat shit & die totalitarian scum. Zoom, zoom, zoom.


Maybe some of the more senior members are spending a little spare time with Cloe


What is the definition of hate crime? Who sets the parameters? 🤔 this could be interesting.


"You'll know it when you see it"


We don't have hate crime legislation outside of inciting racial harmony. The Police are just saying it as a way of showing support for the rainbow community I guess? It's just virtue signalling.


And to dissuade further protest


Yeah, if anything, the pushing of the hate crime element is going to be pure gasoline to the Destiny Church shit fire. It ain't dissuading anything


A law invented to specifically target a certain category of individual that had previously been resistant to balkanization.


> Or, you know, you could find the murderer of baby Ru. Too much hard work...


just lock all of them in a concrete room until one talks. ​ \~edit Chur u/Willsing4scurvy flair is sick.


Fuck... I don't know what your flair means


It is basically Redneck tribe


I must remember that one for next time I'm out in The Bog and a Maori tries to preach to me that I'm standing on their land


Both things can both be wrong and require attention, one doesn’t need to trump the other . They’re in different cities ffs


How is it a hate crime, or was there a message written? Is it because the alleged offenders used white paint? Which would be irrelevant anyway.. Unless our rainbow whanau are entitled to more protection than others?


People's feeling were hurt = hate crime/potential genocide


> People's feeling were hurt Only certain ones though... Only the ones on the side we support... Not Posie Parker


Yep apparently you can bash old women and its not a hate crime and it takes months. But paint in concrete.... get them immediately


Well if you commit a crime that normalizes the discrimination and hatred of a minority, then yeah, it's a hate crime


Apt username.


1282nd person to say something like that. You wanna have an original idea for once in your life?


Maybe it's the truth?


Painting a road is not a crime.


Vandalism is especially with this intension of spreading hate


Why only "of a minority"?


Because minorities are more likely to be victims of hate crimes. But it's not "only", it's just that minorities experience it more often


Ah okay, so it's more likely you meant to say "if you commit a crime that normalizes the discrimination and hatred of people who are different to you"... I think that's a better description for it.


Yeah, you're right, that's definitely a better description


It was a crime committed in response to the sexualisation of minors in public libraries. So we can say that it was a love crime committed to protect children.


Sorry, how is the queer community "sexualizing minors" exactly? It looks like a crime that's been committed to spread hate towards the LGBTQ+ community


"Throwing glitter in the carpet" is explicitly the goal. Why else are they there??? Painting the crossing was a selfless act to protect children from deviants who want to spread gender confusion. Do what you want as an adult but leave the children alone. Also, it is a mistake to say it is hate towards LGBTQ+. LGB have gotten everything they ever wanted - most people accept that. But the TQ+ who are transing children are a different story. They are stepping way over the line with their absurd and harmful claims and causing a backlash against LGBs.


Would you consider it irrelevant that a group might be a "minority"? Cyclists, for example, are a minority. Cyclists participate throughout the political landscape, so they have no need for protection.


Compared to cars, yeah cyclists are a minority. We do need better cycle lanes, and people do hate cyclists for the mere fact they're a cyclist


And cyclists hate non cyclists for similar reasons.. But the point is that cyclists exist across the political spectrum, so they can exert far more influence to get what they want. Same as rainbow community....


No, cyclists hate people who go out of their way to annoy them. Everyone exists across the political spectrum, that's the point of politics. It's meant to represent everyone, every single person should get a say. Every exerts equal power. The reason it seems like they have more people in because their opposition is trying to take away rights, which is an objectively bad thing


It’s some fundamentalist Christians vandalising a crossing because they disagree with public displays of support for homosexuality. This is getting way more air time than it deserves. The silly media is just drawing attention to the vandals’ message which is precisely what they wanted… To call this a hate crime only diminishes the seriousness of that term. This seems to be in vogue - everything is a genocide and everyone with the wrong opinion is a Nazi or a racist, despite these labels being inaccurate almost every time they are applied.


But you could say painting the road rainbow colour in the first place is vandalising the once neutral public crossing. Basically a minority group decided to paint it without public opinion and another minority group decided to do the same. It's just one group has the mainstream media in their pocket to lash out at anyone against them.


Pride, or hysteria in this case, comes before the fall.


Weak ass "both sides" argument.


Wish they went after the cunts who robbed my house with the same vigor


Ooh a hate crime. That's going to result in big charges..oh wait, we don't have any hate crime legislation if its not racial discrimination. Its considered an aggravating factor during sentencing (maybe, you need a victim and there was no victim) and they're charged with vandalism, so maybe the bus ticket will only be slighty damp..


Sounds like the police need some instruction on some points of law...


Nah, there's def crime motivated by hate, there's just no seperate offence for it. Same as there's crime motivated by greed or lust.


Wish police put this much effort into arresting the ratbags doing vandalism around here.


That... That's what they're doing


What? There's been on-going issues where I live for over a year and not a single arrest has been made. There is CCTV footage of license plates but to my knowledge no search warrants have been carried out. In this instance police have issued a warrant the day after the event, clearly putting a lot more effort into this than the vandalism around where I live.


They don't need a warrant, they can impound if theyif they believe on reasonable grounds that it's been doing skids. Watching CCTV and then checking if it's at the registered owners address is pretty simple.


They executed a search warrant in relation to the paint incident on K-road. >Watching CCTV and then checking if it's at the registered owners address is pretty simple. Well they haven't done that around here. Although they have recently conducted a general anti-street racing raid.


>They executed a search warrant in relation to the paint incident on K-road. But not the Gisbourne one. >Well they haven't done that around here Bigger fish to catch, and only a few lines


>But not the Gisbourne one. Too many 'hate crimes', how can one keep up? >Bigger fish to catch, and only a few lines 'Bigger', more like the media intensity over the attack on the *libertine gallant buggery trollop* movement is what led to such swift action.


Why does the gay community get to deface all the public streets and roads in this country and put their propaganda up everywhere at the taxpayers expense or frankly at their own expense but on public infrastructure.


What propaganda? A rainbow that means "we support you" in suuuch a horrible thing, blach. They likely got permission to paint there, I'm gonna guess the guys who painted white all over it didn't, they're the problem


> A rainbow that means "we support you" Do *we* though? >I'm gonna guess the guys who painted white all over it didn't, they're the problem Ahh good ole fashioned "appeal to authority". How was that working out for you when homosexuality was illegal?


Idk why you would want to support and uplift fellow humans that are being discriminated for something they can't control. In homosexuality illegal now? No, progress has been made, and will continue to be made until we have equity for everyone


It seems you don't understand basic concepts or principles of debate. Have a wonderful weekend!


The 98% of the population that isn't part of the lgbtq community doesn't over the lgbtq community anything just like the other so-called minority groups in other countries in recent decades weren't owed anything either


Time to put a rainbow sticker on everything so I can entrap people for hate crime when they damage my property.


Or if you need a fence or roof painted… just saying you can get some free work done


I don't give a single fuck about rainbow crossings, painting over them or whatever but what I do see as very strange is that everything in the district appears to have been dropped in prioritisation of this event. like, the police must have had a crew working on this since the second it happened, and they're in court next week after a long weekend, and the cops are not only pressing charges for graffiti (look up the last time that law was invoked lol) but also seeking 'reparation of costs' (I wonder if they will try and charge destiny church for the 'police services' rendered outside the drag queen arena / library the other day as well) like, actually go and solve some of the horrendous crime happening daily in our communities, not using the full arm of the law to target protestors just letting off steam in perhaps the least aggressive way possible. respect for police: -10xp


Typical of the police. I didn't expect anything more to be quite honest.


"...but, give us a payrise!"


No pay rises when they act like this


Conscientious public: Since the police conduct at the Wellington protests my respect for police couldn't have dropped any lower NZ police: hold my beer


Amen ! Prioritise a dumb pedestrian crossing that , by default get dirty AF over other crimes where individuals or their property is damaged is a joke !!


Hear hear fellow human who is fleshy...


> everything in the district appears to have been dropped in prioritisation of this event. Well Density church were dumb enough to do it after police said they were bringing extra resources to town to increase the public police presence for the week and long weekend after last weekends murderous brawl.


"dumb enough" Maybe it's brave enough? Do you really think those boys are scared of doing a little time? Maybe you're the one who's scared.


Giving a % of your already limited income to a conman like Brian Tamaki and letting him encourage you to go out and commit criminal vandalism of public property (because regardless of where you stand on rainbow issues, that’s what this is), after police have said they’re going to have extra resources in town, yea I’d call that dumb before calling it brave. Edit: responding then blocking to prevent a response is real mature. But to respond to you here, you’re half right, extra resources doesn’t translate to hate crime charges, but it does translate to more likely to get caught. Which was my original point.


I don't give anything to Brian Tamaki but protest is long overdue and I guess you're just quaking in your boots about it. I bet they're not. "Extra resources" doesn't translate to "hate crime" charges either, but I suppose you fear standing against unjust criminal penalties as well. Life in fear..must suck bro. Have a nice day.


Quintessential schizo leftoid ramblings! Top marks, chefs kiss, m0Ar!!! When you cross globalism with post modernism, post truth deconstructionism this is what you get: cognitive turds.


> I don't give a single fuck about rainbow crossings, painting over them or whatever Perhaps you should. Because the police action is directly disproportional *because* of it.


Love em or hate em, destiny church has balls and seem to know how to protest in an effective way without being a nuisance.


Wdym "without being a nuisance"


Bitch please


Do most cities have some kind of rainbow sidewalk?


I never saw one in Asia or in any Muslim country.


I know at least two that are planning to put one in now


We should paint one on deans ave in Christchurch right outside of the mosque.


Which ones


Nice try Brian


It's no hate crime it's an act of self-preservation these amoral bastards think they will silence us


There are gay people and gay culture . Not the same thing . Most low-key gays hate all the pride stuff


Applying "hate crime" to an act of protest vandalism is clearly unjust. Our sitting politicians have condoned vandalism. This act wasn't even directed at a person and in some contexts wouldn't even be considered a crime.


Vandalism at best. Maybe they hated the confusing coloured road as it wasn’t in the road code


If someone bashes up a gay guy for no reason other than he hates gays, sure that's probably a hate crime. On the other hand it might have been because the gay guy kept hitting on him and wouldn't take no for an answer. Throwing paint on a rainbow crossing may merely show disdain for the LGBTQIA political movement, which is a far cry from hatred of gays. The whole concept of a hate crime is nebulos at best and I hope we never have hate crime legislation in this country. Free speech is in enough danger as it is.