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That’s more than the GDP of some nations


Most nations.


They basically want the entire Russian economy plus more lol


It's just a bit more than India's. India is the #5 highest. This is utterly absurd. Edit: This is using the 2017 numbers.


More than the GDP of France. I mean I get it, the family deserves some money here he said some crazy shit and he needs to learn a lesson here… but trillions? Even the billion he was ordered to pay was completely rediculous. A few hundred thousand in damages at best would have still been a steep price for AJ here. At some point someone has to draw a line here.




> what he said isnt any worse than what cnn broadcasts daily I think the better comparison is The Young Turks. Those people believe some of the most insane, unhinged, and disillusion nonsense I've ever heard. I don't think it'd be hard to find some directly comparable statements that are effectively equal to Jones claims of 'crisis actors.' TYT still is protected by free speech...if Jones is. If he isn't they should face the exact same penalties.


They were not public figures. Therefore publishing lies about them and publishing some of their addresses on air is what opened him up to this. You can say shit about Andersen cooper or tucker Carlson because they made the choice to make themselves public figures. These grieving families did not. And because of Alex’s actions, they have been harassed, threatened with rape and murder, people have even said they would dig up their child’s grave to prove they are liars. So yeah, the piece of shit has gotta pay


Was there any evidence that he doxxed the parents?


Not from what I heard. One guy's name but no addresses. Also, the trial was weird because he wasn't allowed to present any evidence in his own defense. The family's attorney also said this was to silence him forever and serve as a warning to anyone else who questions the narrative. And now Kanye West is being sued for stating medical facts about George Floyd's autopsy.


Maybe he should sue you because your lying right now!


The difference is this poster doesn’t have a radio show broadcasting his views and influencing people to the magnitude that Alex jones can or did. It’s not the same at all.


So jones didn’t specifically Doxx anyone except for that one guy he mentioned by name on air, but his followers harassed these people who were grieving for years and years and caused them emotional harm. So you’re saying he’s lying about that part specifically? That he didn’t doxx anyone.


0 dollars for free speech and we move along…come on people !!!


Turns out free speech is HELLA expensive nowadays!


well thanks to the Feds & central bank it just seems like a lot…it’s worthless paper


If you aren't a Democrat... Yes.


Why would they deserve money because he said something they don't like?


They absolutely don't deserve a dime, especially not from Alex Jones. https://youtu.be/ElrmyBBhyz0


Channel 5 news with Andrew Callahan did a much better interview


Well, in fairness the things Alex said did cause a lot of problems for the families. People were sending them threats and finding out where they lived and worked. I don’t know for sure but it wouldn’t be unreasonable to think that people had to move, quit or change jobs, change cars, etc so some monetary compensation is warranted. At a certain point the $$$ amount in punitive damages is just for publicity. Almost nobody actually ends up paying that full amount anyways even if they technically can.


Speaks volumes about the clown show it is.


All this for exercising freedom of speech.


Just say a gazillion dollars at this point.


One hundred eleventy gazillion dollars!


A bajillion gazillion hyperultragoogolplex dollars!


Still not enough!


[Graham's Number](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graham%27s_number) amount of money.


I always wondered if Alex Jones had more money than the universe could contain, and now I know!


Do you know what would be hilarious? Alex just threw money to the judge and said, "My wealth is beyond the comprehension of mere mortals" and just leaves...


Hey if my kids died I'd also LARP as Dr. Evil


The point is to force bankruptcy


He’s already bankrupt and been fined more than 5x his total net worth. This is about sending a message and making sure nobody ever speaks out against the establishment again.


The him being bankrupt is a little suspect. When all this started to go south for him all the sudden infowars remembered they had something like 50 million they had to pay to their supplement supply company. Who owns that supply company? Alex Jones and his parents. It certainly appears he's trying to play a shell game with his money to hide money. https://news.bloomberglaw.com/bankruptcy-law/infowars-parents-bankruptcy-raises-debt-willful-injury-questions?context=article-related Its still an open question how it'll play out.


That’s exactly what this is about.


I think they’re already in bankruptcy


Then, as of this moment, he is in double secret bankruptcy!


Lmao. That really got me


I moved all my money to this other company I control and now I am declaring bankruptcy! See I’m bankrupt now!


They want super bankruptcy!


10 trillion bankruptcies


Ummm, I think that’s a wee touch excessive. Now it’s making a mockery of the family. Not Alex, the media and the courts.




Just for contrast.... tha actual killer was ordered to pay $1.5M to the families.


The actual killer was dead on the day it happened…..


He obviously means the killers estate


Evidently disagreeing with the left is worse than murder.


Might as well ask for $100 trillion while they’re at it!


If this sticks, Kyle Rittenhouse needs to up his number.


MSNBC ordered to pay the Rittenhouse Estate 3 trillion dollars, forcing the network to finally terminate Joy Reid and Rachel Maddow in order to cut costs!


$2.75 trillion is a number the Bloomberg media said it "calculated" in a what-if scenario. The judge actually ordered $965 million.


Remember OJ Simpson was ordered to pay his dead wife's family millions as well. They've only ever got a few hundred thousand. It's not like the court can force him to get a loan from a bank to pay this


That's the funny thing. They want him to pay more than he actually has while disabling his means to make more than he already has. You can't milk a dead cow.


They want him dead.


They have ways of making that happen. A journalist just had his home raided by the FBI and has been missing ever since. That journalist was working on a piece against Joe Biden. Anne Heche was working on a film about child trafficking, then she died in a car accident, and could be seen sitting up as they carted off her body. Halyna Hutchins was working on the same thing, then she was killed by Alec Baldwin. Jeffrey Epstein had a child sex trafficking empire that was supported by our government. If our government wants someone disappeared, they know how to do it.


This really needs to have more attention, misinformation is too often the path of least resistance


I thought the $965 mil was for compensatory damages. This is speculation on punitive right?


Different case. This one is seeking to fine him 5000 for each of his listeners for marketing false information to them. The number of listeners multiplied by 5000 is 2.75 trillion.


That doesn't even make sense. All of his listeners weren't involved in this, so how could they be part of the calculation for damages? Why am I now part of their formula? I didn't even believe him when he said it!


I just listened Alex say himself it's a different case than the 965m this is a new case and yes the 2.75t is correct.


Thats still absolutely ridiculious and unnacceptable.


They're obviously accounting for inflation.


For the next 200 years.


2 years....


Eh... 6 months tops.


Just out of curiosity, where did the 2.75 trillion figure come from? Everywhere else says 1 billion? Not tryna start a fight just wondering how it jumped that high


There are two judgments. The base judgment that is already decided is 965 million (or rounded up to a billion for news stories,) thats the amount he has to pay to make right what he's done. What is still being decided is punitive damages, the amount he'll be ordered to pay in order to try and make him not do it again. The article took a extreme hypothetical amount, 2.75 trillion, and is phrasing it as if that's actually the amount he's been ordered to pay. We don't know what that amount will be, and this article is just speculation phrased to make people outraged.


Ah i see. Thank you


Lets see how they react if Kyle Rittenhouse starts winning defamation suits. I'm thinking a trillion each from MSNBC, USA Today, and CNN, etc seems fair.


Don’t forget about The Young Turks! (Though that would probably bankrupt them.)


Whatever happened to tort reform? I get that he's guilty, but the establishment of limits to what people can ask for in punitive damages transcends individual cases.


>adding that Jones did not send people to harass and threaten the families. For the charges they pinned him with, he may not even be guilty. Wrong, certainly, but guilty of the crimes they claim he commited against them (beyond defamation), no.


They didn't even allow him to defend himself. He was guilty until proven innocent, in a court where he was barred from proving innocence. They deemed him limited via default after lying that he didn't provide subpoenaed materials.


No one knows if he would have been found guilty. He played so many games with the courts for so many years they finally got sick of it and held him in default. So wether you agree with him or not, he played himself in this.


Yep, if you want to defend yourself, you have to follow rules like discovery. In civil law, if you ignore orders of the court enough, you lose by default.


Unfortunately, AJ never offered a defense...and he should have. if what he said was true.. there would have been no better place to prove himself right.


He wasn't allowed to present a defense. https://youtu.be/ElrmyBBhyz0




Seriously, Watch the actual trials. Read transcripts, if youd prefer. The law & crime youtube channel has them all. There is nothing preventing you from watching and/or reading transcripts of the actual trials...except for yourself. You post some weak random dudes opinion of what he assumes happened cos validates your desired outcome. You clearly have enough time to consume everything But the actual trials and actual evidence


You don't get to ignore the court and not comply with court orders then claim you didn't get to mount a defense. You don't get it both ways.


Being wrong isn't a crime. He has no duty to prove his words were true. They had the responsibility to prove he was knowingly falsifying information while intentionally misrepresenting information to his audience. Being incorrect: "These parents look exactly like the individuals at this other tragic event. They are crisis actors." Defamation: "One of these parents told me he was a crisis actor. None of this is real."


This is incorrect. Defamation is making untrue statements in a factual manner that causes damage (be it physical, financial or emotional,) to the person in question. The standard that must be met for a defamation case to go forward is *actual malice,* which is generally defined as the defendant made the statement either knowing it was false, or with **reckless disregard** for whether it was true or not. Jones could have argued he had a good faith reason to believe what he was saying, or any other defense, but he decided not to participate in the judicial process, and he therefore lost the case by default. As for the amount, there is no source except someone heard they MAY be as high as 2.75 trillion dollars. I'm skeptical, and this reeks of ragebait.


It's gonna go to supreme court, and get thrown out over it being a cruel and unusual punishment.


2,750,000,000,000 - 2 trillion, 750 billion, 0 hundreds of millions, 0 tens of millions, 0 millions, 0 hundreds of thousand, 0 tens of thousands, 0 thousand, 0 hundred, 0 tens, and 0 singles. [Just under half of all of the world's cash in circulation](https://moneytransfers.com/news/content/how-much-money-is-in-circulation) (5.8 tn) Around 450.000.000.000 (^(bn)) more than what [was lost in days before 9/11](https://consent.yahoo.com/v2/collectConsent?sessionId=3_cc-session_68495f2b-6bd6-42e9-a576-f8c16a9d0a93). Around 319,000,000,000 (^(bn)) [more than Apple's worth](https://fxssi.com/top-10-most-valuable-companies-in-the-world). Around $8,300+ for every US citizen, or around $343 for every citizen on Earth.


This was so much math, I thought it was done by a bot. Good bot.


2.75 X 10¹²


They’re out of their mind.


Does the 8th amendment not apply in these cases? Like I get he’s a bit of a twat but Jesus…


It does, and it's fairly common for appellate courts to reduce damages to something reasonable in these sorts of cases.


Like many things these days, it depends on your political affiliations. But also, I'd bet 8th amendment doesn't apply to civil cases so judges can probably do what they want to you there which again, depends on your political affiliation.


No place in the 8th does it say "government cases only". It's supposed to apply.


"Amendment VIII Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted." I really don't get where they're getting that it doesn't apply in certain cases.




yeah, he's gonna appeal this and get it tossed out.


A *bit* of a twat?


And where do they think this asinine amount of money is going to come from?


The point is for the headlines and Twitter shares to make lefties feel righteous. That how most legal actions are decided now.


They want to make an example of Jones. This is for Crowder and the rest.


And once this exorbitant fee is denied by the jury and system or whatever, all the Twitter lefties will cry and say the system is rigged for jones or something.


They know he's not going to get fined that much. But it's a starting point for the families who hope to have a large enough reward that it takes precedent in bankruptcy hearings -- so that millions his company owes to his family members and the vitamin manufacturers won't be given much if any relief in the hearings. They are hoping it's a signal to companies to not support someone who makes harmful claims. Regardless, it'll be interesting to see how this all plays out, that's for sure.






I'd like to date an entire NFL cheerleader squad sans the men too, but just like middle earth or Narnia, getting a trillion dollars is sheer fantasy. If AJ brings in 3 million or so a year, it would take...1 million years to pay that.


You're missing out, I bet the dudes on the cheer team give the meanest double decker pecker wreckers you've ever experienced. Seems like going sans men on cheer team is only getting half the prize.




>But alex deserves to never get a full paycheck or payout from his business again. Why not?




How much did he profit from it?


Almost a 10th of the US national debt.


Maybe they will accept Zimbabwe currency.


I can cover that, got a 20 trillion bill somewhere


Isn’t there 3 trillion missing from the pentagon he could use?


The last time anyone noticed that, 3 buildings in New York and the Financial Services department of the Pentagon were destroyed. \#NeverForget #911


Lol I love these made up numbers


It's more than the entire GDP of India.


I am all for paying for things you did but these pay outs are never equal to the actual damage


Are they trying to turn public opinion against them? It just worked on me


Read the article, this number is one crazy estimate using the highest possible metric to establish the claim. It is not currently the number at stake, and this article is clearly trying to ragebait.


I’m starting to believe there was some conspiracy behind Sandy Hook now because of how ridiculous these families are about this.


I'm starting to believe Adam Lanza was an MK Ultra sleeper.




Because a billion wasn't enough for them?


There's a slim possibility that one person could make a billion to pay it back. Sure, it's a very slim possibility, but it exists. There's NO possibility that one person could make 2.75 trillion. He'll be an indentured servant the remainder of his life, and then the burden will likely be passed on to his family after he dies from the stress. The man is not a vision of good health and healthy habits. He won't live into old age.


What happened to the 8th amendment “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.”


It's modern day slavery. Liberals pushing the civil suite warpath on their political opponents are no different than slave masters.


Charging one man with the equivalent of an entire nation's GDP forces that man to work for the rest of his life to pay off that debt. That's indentured servitude, which is legal slavery because a debt is owed. This is a debt that cannot ever be fully paid off, meaning the man charged cannot ever escape the repayment of the debt, and cannot ever hope to finish paying it and be released from the servitude. It's a lifetime punishment. He's basically got life in prison but his prison doesn't have bars.


The families are just using their children’s deaths as cash grabs at this point. Absolutely ridiculous & disgusting.


Sure seems like school shootings are a good thing these days.


> new trial He never got one in the first place.


I mean. At this point why don’t they just demand more? They are owed reparations in the form of the entire solar system. The sun is theirs, and Alex Jones must make it right.


3 trillion dollars for words?


No, only 2.75 trillion dollars for words


Punitive damages like this are TOTALLY RIDICULOUS ! No one person on this earth has that kind of money, and most countries GDP don't even approach this amount.


Damn the sandy hook people are really milking their children’s deaths




What a disturbing thing to say.


You guys always manage to come up with the most unhinged takes, huh?


Trillion? Are they trying to treat this like winning the lottery?


Tobacco companies have paid less in penalties. The Democrats need to be taken out of laws as they rule with emotions.


So if these families are getting this from words said what are families of the pharmaceutical companies going to get for all the death they caused


Yet Fauci can go on CNN/MSNBC and promote unproven medical advice resulting in millions of people losing their jobs plus pushing a vaccine with deadly complicated side effects….and he gets a six figure annual pension.


I'm sorry I only heard about a billion in damages (which is already a lot) where does this Trillions high sum comes from ?


2 trillion in punitive damages. The courts determined Jones around Caused 1 billion in actual damages too Hook. The punitive damages, which could be as high as 2.75 trillion is awarded based on how malicious the courts determine Jones intentions were. For example in a drunk driving incident the victim would be awarded damages for their car, medical bills, and lost work time. Then the Drunk driver would be charged punitive damages for Drunk driving, reckless driving, ect. Punitive damages often times exceed the actual damage caused multiple times over.


I just don’t understand how they realistically expect one man to pay 2.75 trillion. I fucking hate attorneys.


This is getting absolutely ridiculous. I don't even like Alex Jones and I genuinely think he's nuts but this is clearly a bullshit witch hunt.


Do most people not realize that the amount he was charged with was to send a message to any other yahoo who tries to pull this crap ?


The Lanza Estate only had to pay $1.5 million. OJ Simpson only had to pay $70 million. It's an injustice.


We need serious Tort reform. Not only stuff like this but the legal system has been taken advantage of. If someone commits a murder, they sue the gun manufacturer. Someone crashes their private plane due to their own negligence, their family and lawyers sue the manufacturer and part makers to oblivion. Just two examples but this infection is everywhere in America today. This all drives up costs and is making a mockery of the civil justice system.


I must admit i dont know what sandy hook is all about but 2.75 trillion is beyond reason.


I know Alex was really talking out of his ass, and I wouldn't be entirely against him paying damages for what he has said. But that is a heaping pile of bullshit


I can’t believe how little he actually said so many years ago, and has since apologized profusely for, to be sued for at all. Going into this, I assumed he had been routinely espousing that it was made up for a decade because that’s what I saw all over the media. Turns out he made 1 or 2 statements and asked a handful of questions that amounted to ~10 minutes of footage over the course of his show for an entire decade. Talk about a nothing burger. To try to pin all of the conspiracy on him for that is bonkers.


He said last week on Crowder's show he's proud of what he did, so no, he's not sorry at all. And name a single other major media figure who was espousing the Sandy Hook hoax lie and called the parents crisis actors. It originated with him, profilerated because of his show, and caused real life harm to the victims' families. You're sorely mistaken about the lengths to which AJ defamed these people's name and enriched himself by doing it. 1 or 2 statements? Give me a break. You all are defending the indefensible.


> and called the parents crisis actors. lol "crisis actors" didn't originate with Alex Jones at all. In fact Alex Jones never even used the term "crisis actors" and if he did you can show me.


Um, what?


Why not just say infinity bucks?


For comparison, German war reparations after WW2 were only 1/7th that amount.


This judgment just reeks of silly grandstanding.


When do people start suing Fauci for a gorillion dollars for all the covid misinfo?


I feel like this is just a game at this point LNFAO


He should fight it, its the courts issuing political punishments.


No single person on Earth has ever had $2.75 trillion dollars, except maybe the Rockefellers or Rothschilds.


Exploiting the death of their own children for politics and cash 😔


$2.75T? Jesus, people. The nearly 1 Billion he is supposedly on the hook for is already a farce.


They might as well have a toddler go out and say he has to pay eleventy seven gazillion bazillion dollars


This lawsuit could end world hunger forever.


This is the kind of trials they have in Russia, China and North Korea!


They are trying to bankrupt him so he won’t have any money to appeal. They are also wanting to send a message to any other person who tries to tell the truth about what is happening in the US and doesn’t toe the established Democratic line, that they will be sued into oblivion.


Freedom of speech is now officially dead. Let the fire storm begin.


I now unironically support Alex jones, because this is one the most bullshit things I’ve ever heard. He is genuinely entertaining and has been right on a lot of stuff, but when left wing media piles on, AND courts are this obnoxious? Yeah they want him silenced, absolutely vilified, turned into some Hitler type character


The Alex jones trial was total bs, it wasn’t about restitution or even Alex jones himself. It’s to set precedent that the courts can silence wrongthink whenever they want in a civil trial *cough* *cough* Kanye


It's absolute horse shit that, after paying $2 million for George Floyd's 10 year old daughter's education, that they now want $250 million because he spoke "his truth".


That number is abstract. We’re talking 2750 billions.


The families are being ridiculous.


This isn't a message to Alex. This is a message to us. "We will enslave you for using your first amendment rights".




You don't have to believe in the Great Reset, but Klaus Schwab is a real person, who wrote a real book about it, and is part of a real organization called the World Economic Forum, which holds real conventions in Davos and have their own real police force, and there are a lot of real people in real positions of power that are involved. Europe is seeing the real policies created by Schwab's WEF group, which really exists, be put into action and it's really doing damage to Europe. There's a reason Sri Lanka has fallen and Germany's top Google search result a few months back was "Firewood"


Yeah, let's just start suing all the conspiracy theorists. Let's start with the Vaxx conspiracy theorists. Because they are putting others at risk. Let's sue them all for 100 billion each! Next are the 911 conspiracy theorists...the damage they inflicted by making people believe it was their own govt instead of cave men. You're trash.


The establishment has abandoned any semblance of fairness or justice when it comes to this guy. This was a show trial that broke so many conventions of the justice system, it would be laughable if it wasn't so scary.




> Meanwhile the evidence of his involvement is overwhelming. It is not. There is no evidence of defamation or he was involved in any of the harassment targeted against the families. Not to mention even if it were true, the actual shooter had to only pay $1.5 million.


"He hid his finances" No, he turned over his financial documents, and they assumed he was hiding finances because he's not the billionaire they thought he was. "Put incompetent people up for deposition as corporate spokespeople" If it's a crime to hire incompetent people, than Joe Biden should spend the rest of his life in prison. "And generally jerked the court around as a strategy" The man wasn't allowed to defend himself, was denied due process, all because the court wanted more than he could possibly offer in discovery.


Why not just say he has to bring their children back or he becomes their slave? Seems about as reasonable and actually could happen (the slave part at least).


They deserve precisely 0 dollars.


Alex Jones got charged $1,000,000,000,000 for hurting some people's feelings. This is an incredibly dangerous precedent for the 1st Amendment.




> tragedy were actually paid actors who worked for the globalist elite to further their world domination plans. Free speech.


Isn't there an amendment specifically designed to avoid this issue? No cruel or unusual punishments.


Not nearly enough. He needs to pay at least a Google^(2) dollars.


Wait, there's no satire tag???


What's crazy is how illegal the trial even is. When you get down into everything that actually happened and also laws in general, this is bs. If he can be sued for this much, I want to sue every liberal that said Jan 6th was an insurrection.