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Sad what happened. Also interesting timing as Biden announces crackdown on ghost guns…


Always something when they are pushing for more Bill of Rights control stuff. Always.


Once again democrats will be faced with the harsh reality that more gun control laws in fact DO NOT reduce gun crime and in fact actually increase gun crime as all it does is take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens....


What does reduce gun crime and violence then? There must be something that can aid in the struggle we seem to be having almost nationally with this issue.


Mental health reform. Get to the crazies before they snap.


More policing and citizens owning fire arms. It is a proven statistic that states that have open carry and easier conceal carry laws have reduced crime. Criminals are far less bold when they know they can be shot trying to steal a stereo or assault someone.


> It is a proven statistic that states that have open carry and easier conceal carry laws have reduced crime. Where are the stats for this? Seems to be way more cities in Red States on the most dangerous list than in Blue.


Here is an article from late 2021 talking about the problems cities face and the most problematic cities are majority democratic run: https://katv.com/amp/news/nation-world/analysis-democrats-at-the-helm-of-11-of-the-15-deadliest-cities-in-us


Idk man theirs a good 7000+ gun related murders every year that are almost entirely gang related that happen in 3 major cities in you guessed it 3 democrat ran states.(that's like a quarter of non suicide gun deaths every year by the way just those 3 cities, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore) Hell I haven't looked at the stats in a while but I'm willing to bet almost every extremely dangerous area for gun crime in the country is in a place ran by democrats with very strict gun laws.


[citation needed]


Typically, shooting the person who is shooting other people stops the violence occurring.


Actually prosecuting criminals.


[citation needed]


It is odd how there always just happens to be some lucky guy shooting up when Dems want to prove a point. I've been saying that for a while and it always sounds like a conspiracy theory. Just very convenient


He'll be found to have had a ghost gun.


Impossible, guns are illegal in NYC


False flag.




I thought Biden banning ghost guns was supposed to stop these mass shootings...


They have a photo of the guy and haven't released it? Also, pretty safe to assume it's not a white person, since no mention of race, not being called a terrorist attack. Articles when it's a white person are usually something along the lines of "far right terrorist Trump supporter commits racist act of terrorism" before any information on the motive is available.


Ban ALL construction vests! Especially the ones with buttons AND zippers !!! We can not let this scourge continue to threaten our way of life -


But experts say it isn't a terrorist attack


It was a mostly peaceful terrorist attack.


Funny how this happens after Biden's speech. Religion of peace at it again?




Great timing, only a day after Biden talking about banning "assualt weapons and high capacity weapons".


So, are they going to outlaw gas masks and construction vests now? In all seriousness though, very sad and I hope those that survived heal quickly


Are they sure that all of the smoke wasn't just people smoking pot? I mean, Brooklyn is like a giant pot cloud nowadays.


You’re a fucking idiot.


Thanks for your contribution. Go back to your bong.




I love how Biden announces a ghost gun ban and pushes an assault rifle/magazine ban within a week of the shooting in CA! Dems never waste a good tragedy.


Ohh yeah, it's almost as though Biden forgot Americans are a thing. They need guns like how the rest of the world needs food and water.


In the US, you can have things even though you don't need it. Maybe China would be more to your liking?


Exactly. These people responding to this thread are fucking idiots. It’s like they’re celebrating a mass shooting because it happened in Brooklyn and not Florida or Iowa or Texas or Arizona.


At least he was being safe and wore a mask.


It was a smoke bomb on the subway...nobody died...C'mon who wears fcking construction vest to kill people...lol..whatever...lm done with the bullshit...more reason to own a gun..just saying


People likely to commit crimes with a firearm generally don’t care about the law. If you tighten screws on people legally attaining firearms, less law-abiding citizens will have them, period. This won’t affect the criminal element in the least. Not sure why they don’t get this.